The Assassin's Revenge (The Hybrid Chronicles Book 2)

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The Assassin's Revenge (The Hybrid Chronicles Book 2) Page 4

by Shana Vernon

“Hey!” Luka said, gesturing between Nikita and myself. “I’m not sure I like this. The two of you ganging up on me.”

  I had no idea who they were, but their easy, light hearted banter was refreshing. I didn’t come here for refreshing though. I’d come to wallow. I kicked back the shots and glanced around the room, my mouth dropping open when I spied two extraordinarily obvious Guild members.

  “What’s wrong?” Nikita asked.

  I really needed to get better at controlling my expressions while in public.

  “Uh, nothing. Just thought I saw someone I knew.” I reached into my bag for my wallet. “How much do I owe you?”

  She waved away my cash. “On the house.”

  I thanked her and pushed the remaining two shots to Luka. “You can finish these. I gotta go.” I stood up, but before I could move toward the members, Luka grabbed my elbow. “Do you need assistance?”

  I shook my head. “I’m good, thanks.”

  He nodded and released his hold on my arm.

  I glanced back at him as I walked away, a little surprised at how quick a complete stranger was to offer aid. He’d clearly spoken to Max since he found out I was an assassin, and Max wouldn't have given that information to anyone he didn't feel was trustworthy. He winked and grinned. I shook my head and turned around.

  I wasn’t wearing a disguise, which meant I couldn’t afford for them to see my face in public. I snuck behind one of the privacy curtains, letting my invisibility wash over me. I ducked out from behind the curtain and headed over to the members, making sure not to accidentally bump into anyone.

  As I neared, I witnessed one of them pull out an old-fashioned flip phone, point to something on the screen, and slip it back into his jacket pocket. I couldn’t hear what they were saying from my standpoint, but the other member nodded and was smiling. His smile didn't seem innocent to me, and a shiver down my spine only added to my wariness.

  I tiptoed closer and dipped my hand into his pocket, holding my breath as I tried to move as little as possible. I retrieved the phone, making sure it was invisible as well, before continuing on toward the front door, exiting into the brisk winter weather.

  I leaned against the wall and flipped open the phone, tapping my fingers on my leg as I waited for the home screen to pop up.

  I heard a door slam in the distance, and I jumped, my eyes flying down the street as a group of inebriated men stumbled out of a nearby bar.

  Get a grip, Lenna. Jeez.

  The phone beeped its welcome greeting, and I opened the messaging application to see only one name. Benefactor.

  Where have I heard that name before?

  Then it hit me.

  A few months ago, I’d overheard Anders and Master Abbott arguing about someone named the Benefactor, who had clearly been the one pulling the strings. I clicked on the contact and a list of names appeared.

  I wonder if this is where Killian is finding the hybrids.

  I pocketed the device, making note to figure out who those people were, as I undressed and shifted to my hawk form before flying back to the compound.

  I kept my invisibility intact when I changed back to human, yanking on my clothes before walking through the dark, gloomy halls toward the initiates’ quarters. I stopped at the closed door and stared at it, unblinking.

  I felt irrevocably alone. Papa was gone, just like that. I’d barely had the chance to say goodbye. I always knew with his occupation there was a chance he wouldn’t return home, but not like that. Not be his own people.

  Standing there staring at the door, I couldn’t make myself open it and face everyone inside. It was possible they were all asleep, but I couldn’t take that chance. I made up my mind and headed to the residential floor in search of Cade’s apartment.

  I tried the handle and, surprisingly, it was unlocked. I walked through the apartment to his bedroom where he lay sprawled, face down on the mattress. I stripped to my underwear and slipped under the covers.

  Just as I closed my eyes, arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me against a warm chest and I sighed, content.

  Chapter 4

  My eyes fluttered opened and I rubbed the sleep from them, taking in my surroundings. There were articles of clothing and discarded weapons strewn in a line from the door to the bed, as if Cade had returned from a mission and undressed while he walked before falling into the sheets.

  The velvet chaise lounge in the corner of the bedroom brought a sweet memory to the forefront of my mind, causing a smile to tug at my lips. The walls were painted white, decorated by only one photograph. A closer look depicted two adults with their arms around two young children that were nearly identical. They had familiar silvery orbs and onyx hair.

  That must be Cade and Emma.

  I'd never been in his room during daylight, so I hadn’t seen the picture before now. If I hadn’t buried my emotions after seeing Max, my heart would have ached for him. I turned to my right where Cade’s sleeping form was rising and falling as he took steady breaths. He was as alone as I was. That should have comforted me, knowing he was going through the same things as I was, but for some reason it made me more cautious. I wasn’t sure how healthy it could be to have two emotionally dysfunctional people together. Who would comfort the other?

  Not wanting to answer any complicated questions, I stood, surprised at how great I felt. I inspected my body, noting how every little injury I had sustained had healed overnight. There wasn’t a scratch left on me, not even on my palms from when my fingernails bit into them. My energy betrayed me while I slept. I carefully dressed and tiptoed silently to the door, prying it open and sneaking out.

  The compound was louder than was expected for the early hour, and as I walked past the cafeteria, I saw a commotion inside. There was a crowd of people surrounding something or someone and they were talking animatedly.

  I caught a flash of a bald head right before I crossed the entrance, and it left my view. As I approached the initiates quarters, I once again hesitated at the door, not entirely willing to deal with any more questions.

  Just as I steeled myself and took a deep breath, the door swung open to reveal Sofia’s face. Her smooth olive skin was contorted in a frown.

  “Where have you been? We thought something happened to you,” she pulled me into a tight hug.

  “Sorry, I just didn’t want to deal with anything after speaking with Max.”

  “You stayed at the casino?” she asked, releasing me.

  “What? No. I was with Cade.” Then I realized I hadn’t had the chance to tell her what had happened between us before the mission. “We’ve been hanging out.”

  Her mouth dropped open and she slapped my arm. “You sly dog! Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I shrugged. “It happened right before our mission and then… I got a bit distracted.”

  Her face fell. “Sorry, Len. I know there isn’t a right thing to say, so I’ll just remind you that I’m here for you. If you want to get revenge or if you just want to burn this place to the ground, I’ll be right by your side.”

  My cheeks warmed and my chest tightened. “If there was any positive part of coming to this place, it was meeting you.”

  Sofia held up a hand for a high five. “Badass bitches for life.”

  I slapped her hand, my resolve strengthening. “Let’s go get this over with.”

  Sofia opened the door and walked inside, “The focus has been on Hailey, so you should be fine.”

  Axel, Ekon, and Ryder were talking in hushed tones by the book shelves. Hailey and Brielle were on the other side of the room sleeping on her bed, Brielle’s arms wrapped tightly around her. Even though her father the reason mine w42as dead, I was glad she had someone to comfort her. I couldn't hold his actions against her even if I wanted to.

  We approached the boys, and I placed an arm on Ekon, bringing his attention to my face. “Are you religious?”

  He tilted his head quizzically. “No…Why?”

  “Because you’re the answer to
all my prayers,” I responded with a triumphant grin.

  Ekon and Ryder both burst out laughing while Axel had a bewildered expression on his face.

  Sofia shook her head. “Look what you did to her, Ekon. You made her into a cheesy one-liner girl.”

  That only made Ekon laugh harder, pumping his fist in the air. “Yes! I have brought you over to the dark side.”

  “Speaking of the dark side,” Axel began, lowering his voice as he leaned closer. “Did you notice anything a bit strange regarding our graduation missions?”

  Ryder, Sofia, and I shared a look.

  “In what way?” I asked.

  “Well, I was under the impression we were going to be receiving the contracts of people with confirmed guilt, but it seemed as if they were trying to ascertain information from the prisoner, not question him regarding his motives for whatever crime he supposedly committed. They simply repeated the same phrase over and over as they tortured him.”

  I was glad the other initiates were beginning to question the Guild and their methods.

  “What phrase?” Ryder asked.

  “He kept saying ‘Give me the name’.”

  Ekon sat back in his seat, his posture loose. “I remember that. They probably just wanted his accomplices. Doesn’t seem too unusual to me.”

  “Really?” Sofia asked. “Because that sounds ominous as shit to me.”

  “Agreed,” said Axel.

  If there was ever a time to plant a seed of doubt, it was now.

  “Do you think the Guild could be doing something illegal?” I asked quietly.

  “Assassin work has never truly been legal, but if we consider the ethical aspect, the Guild has always been a place that confirms guilt before contracts are placed,” Axel responded.

  That was as far as I was willing to push for now. I didn't want to sound like I knew more than I should. I looked down at the table littered with open books. “What are the three of you researching?”

  Ekon rubbed his eyes. “We’ve been looking up the Guild’s laws regarding missions and what is accepted. Aside from our first day, they haven’t really spoken to us much about it.”

  I picked up a book and plopped into one of the chairs. “I might as well make myself useful.”

  Sofia slammed the cover of her book down. “My eyes are dead and I’m starving. I need a break.” She pulled Ekon to his feet. “Let’s go get some breakfast.”

  “I’m going to stay here and look for more information,” Axel said, his eyes not leaving his book.

  “I think I’ll also stay and check on Hailey,” said Ryder.

  I faced the other side of the room where Hailey was now sitting up, Brielle murmuring to her, too quiet to hear. I squeezed his arm. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  The excitement in the cafeteria from earlier was gone, the crowd having dispersed, leaving an empty line to the food. I grabbed a stack of pancakes, fruit and bacon and went to sit with Sofia and Ekon.

  Just as I stuffed a forkful of the delicious combination into my mouth, an arm snaked around me and a kiss was planted on my temple.

  I stiffened, spinning in my seat to face Cade, relaxing at the sight of his face. “Hey you.”

  “You left without saying goodbye this morning,” Cade said as he helped himself to my food. He didn’t even grimace at the combined flavors.

  Sofia smirked at Ekon’s gaping mouth. I shrugged at his bewildered expression.

  “Sorry, I wanted to be back before everyone noticed I was gone.” I gave his arm around my shoulders a pointed look. “I wasn’t sure if we were being open about this.”

  A flash of hurt swept over his features and he dropped his arm. “Did you want to keep this private?”

  Sofia stood and yanked on Ekon’s arm. “We’ll see you guys later.”

  “But my food!” Ekon exclaimed, staring longingly at his waffles.

  “Take them with you, then!” Sofia hissed.

  He did what she said, and they hurried out of the room.

  I focused back on Cade. “I assumed you were a private person. You don’t really talk to anyone about your personal life.”

  “I spoke to you about it,” he said quietly before continuing with more confidence, “I’m not saying we need to announce it in front of the world, but I definitely don’t want to hold myself back from kissing you when I want, where I want,” he said, his silver gaze drifting down to my lips.

  “I won’t say no to that,” I winked.

  “We don’t need to make any promises to each other, we only met a few months ago and in our line of work anything can happen. All I know is I enjoy spending time with you, and I don’t want to stop.”

  My heart constricted and my mental dam was threatening to fall apart. I couldn’t have that. Not when I was so far away from my goal. If I were to be truthful, there were still so many secrets between us, and I just kept piling them on. My heritage for one, my original purpose for being in the Guild, oh and my plan to kill the only family he had left. He didn’t even know my real name for crying out loud. If that wasn’t considered messed up, I didn't know what was.

  We were doomed to fail.

  I couldn’t give him all of myself when a huge part of me was focused on vengeance.

  Something I knew Cade would be vehemently against.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and smiled up at him. “So for now, we will just enjoy each other’s company and we can reevaluate things later.”

  He tucked a lock of blonde hair behind my hair and leaned close, his fruity breath on my face as he neared, giving me the option to say no.

  I really don’t deserve him.

  I pressed against his warm, soft lips and leaned into his embrace. He broke it off after a few moments and got to his feet, leaving me wanting.

  “I have a mission today, I just wanted to stop by and get a good luck kiss.”

  I stuck out my tongue at him before pulling him back for one more chaste peck and breathed, “Good luck.”

  I finished my breakfast before heading back to my room to get the burner phone. I wanted to write down the names in the phone and then find the owner. I had some questions for him.

  Ryder and Axel were the only two people still in the room when I arrived, both of them with their noses in a book.

  At the sight of me, Ryder dropped the book down on his bed and made his way to my side. “Finally, I hate reading.”

  I laughed. “There are a lot of important things to learn from books, Ryder.”

  He touched the tip of my nose. “And that’s why I’m friends with you, so you can read them and tell me all about it.”

  I shook my head. “You’re missing out, man.”

  I knelt down and removed the phone from my safe before locking it back up. “Do you have a pen and paper? I want to write down some names that might be hybrids.”

  He balked. “What?”

  I explained what happened at the casino and he nodded, grabbing the supplies from the table. “Smart move. Do you have any idea who this belongs to?”

  “Nope, though he might be a new name for my list.”

  “Just be sure first okay, Lenna?”

  I saluted him. “I promise to only kill the baddies.”

  “I mean it. The minute you start killing innocents, you become just as bad as them.”

  I blinked, lost for words.

  I wasn’t anything like them. I would never kill innocent people for being born a certain way. I would, however, kill the people who had hurt Papa, and I wouldn’t lose a minute of sleep over it.

  I wrote down the names, crumbling the paper and stuffing it into my bag.

  “Shouldn’t you be more careful with that?” Ryder asked.

  “That was on purpose. Someone is a lot less likely to pick up a piece of trash, than a neatly pressed piece of paper. They would pass over that knowing it didn’t mean anything to me if I treated it that way.”


  I grabbed the phone and clambered to my f
eet. “I’ll see you later,” I said to Ryder and retraced my earlier footsteps to the residence floor.

  The halls were mostly empty, but I made myself invisible as soon as I was alone and stalked the halls, finding nothing until I neared the residential suites.

  Right as I passed the final door before the staircase, hushed murmurs caught my attention and I halted, pressing my ear against the door.

  “When I went to check the updated list, my phone had disappeared from my pocket. Whoever it was must know what the phone is. Nobody would steal that stupid flip phone for money. Do you think they did it as some sort of test?” The voice asked.

  I couldn’t hear the response from the second person, but it must have been comforting because the first one’s tone softened.

  “You’re probably right. I’ll give it another day and if it’s still missing, I’ll tell -”

  A door slammed behind me and I jumped. It was a woman I didn’t recognize, exiting Master Abbott’s room and passing by me. Her auburn curls swaying down her back as she walked through the hallway.

  I ignored her and pressed my ear back to the door but heard nothing. I couldn’t believe I had missed the first opportunity to learn a new potential name for my list. I needed to see who was in the room. Just as I reached out to turn the knob, it swung open and two people walked out.

  I lifted my face to check out who it was and let out an audible gasp when my eyes landed on the second person exiting the room.

  My hand flew to my mouth and I planted myself against the wall, my heart pounding.

  No. It can’t be.

  Chapter 5


  My eyes must be deceiving me. I couldn’t fathom a world where gentle, sweet Quinn would be involved in the murder of innocents. Was he involved in the capture and possible torture of pregnant women? I couldn't believe it had only been a few weeks since I learned the Guild was going after vampire-human hybrids, even if they were still in the womb. Though, if I was being honest, we didn’t know what they were doing with the pregnant women. Perhaps they would simply assassinate them. Not like that was much better.


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