The Assassin's Revenge (The Hybrid Chronicles Book 2)

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The Assassin's Revenge (The Hybrid Chronicles Book 2) Page 22

by Shana Vernon

  “Cade stop the initiates from interfering. Now!” Killian barked at his nephew.

  Cade hesitated a moment, looking between us and his uncle, before making the worst decision of his life. He threw up a wall of fire between us and the two Masters.

  Master Wilson hardened his skin and began fighting the members, throwing punches and kicks in every direction. They managed to take out at least ten of the members between the two of them before they were brought to their knees. After being handcuffed, they were escorted back inside. Half of the members remained behind.

  My stomach dropped. They were my last line of defense if I couldn't take out Killian.

  “Now that drama is over, let’s move on shall we?” Master Abbott smirked. He gestured to the remaining Guild members and their guns pointed to all of us, save Evelyn, Killian, and Cade.

  “Here’s how this is going to work.” He turned to Evelyn. “Please take my nephew to the infirmary and make sure his injuries are completely healed.”

  Cade looked like he was going to protest, but Evelyn pushed him out the door.

  I hoped I never saw him again, because if I did, I wasn’t sure if I could hold myself back from killing him.

  “You and I are going to fight, and if your friends get any ridiculous idea to help you, they will be shot,” he continued, moving toward the training mats.

  “And if I win?” I asked, joining him on the mat.

  “Lenna! Don’t even think about it,” Ryder said, grabbing my wrist.

  A member pulled the trigger on his gun and a shot rang out, the bullet embedding itself into Ryder’s shoulder. “Next one will be aimed for your head, initiate,” the member growled. Ryder cried out and dropped to one knee, his hand clutching his wound.

  “Ryder!” I screamed, covering his injury with my hand, urging the skin to push out the slug.

  “I don’t have all day, Ms. Bishop. Or should I say, Ms. Turgenov.”

  “I’m good,” Ryder said, touching his forehead to mine. “Go kill that son of a bitch.”

  I turned and stepped onto the mat, my resolved strengthened. “You’re going to die for that,” I called out to the member who’d fired.

  He paled, slightly.

  “You won’t be killing anyone else once I’m finished with you,” Killian said, trying to throw me off my game.

  “Are you sure you want to be second best to another Turgenov?” I taunted.

  It did the trick, Killian yelled and ran forward, disappearing as he took a step toward me. I kept my light armor in place, hoping the information Evelyn had given me was accurate. I narrowed my eyes in quick concentration, pulling the energy to the tips of my fingers and throwing out a force field of light.

  I felt something slam into it and smiled when I saw Killian stumble back, his face a mask of shock.

  My energy levels dropped considerably from using the shield, and I knew it was a one-shot deal. I wouldn’t be able to do that again, but I hoped Killian didn’t realize that. I secretly wiped the sweat that lined my brow and charged forward, snapping my whip for his chest.

  He blinked out of sight, reappearing a few feet backward and shook his finger at me. “Tsk tsk, little Turgenov. You’re going to need to be better than that to reach me.”

  I took the opportunity while he spoke to lob a ball of light for his face, which made contact.

  Killian dropped to one knee, his nose shattered, blood pouring down his face. He shouted and got back to his feet, sprinting forward. He swung his sword in a downward arc, which I dodged, switching out my whip for my katana. I twirled around and aimed for his stomach. Killian parried my blade with a flick of his wrist and stepped to the side, pulling out a small dagger from a side sheath and throwing it.

  I rolled on the floor, dropping my blade, and came up swinging, my first connecting with his chin. He shook it off and advanced, aiming a jab to my side.

  We traded blows, his foot slamming into my thigh, and I faltered. He didn’t hesitate, and pressed in, smashing his fist into my ribcage before kneeing me in the stomach. I fell to the floor, my stomach heaving and my ribs singing in pain. I sent currents of healing power to my injuries but was stopped when his boot came crashing down toward my chest.

  He was too fast. I wouldn’t be able to stop him in time. I was about to try and roll away when his foot met resistance. A blue-shimmering force field erected itself in between Killian and myself. A very familiar force field. My eyes flashed to Axel, who had his hands raised, keeping the shield in place.

  I smiled gratefully before Killian shouted to a member, who lifted his gun and shot Axel between the eyes. He was dead before he hit the floor.

  “Axel!” I shouted, my light exploding out of my body as I jumped to my feet. I spun to face Killian. “Why?”

  He shrugged. “He cheated. Now the rest of you know what’s at stake.” He turned to the remaining gunman. “Next time don’t hesitate. If you see them interfere in any way, kill them.”

  My eyes narrowed as I glowered at him. Before he had a chance to turn back to me, I threw out my whip, watching as it curled around his throat.

  He bellowed and tried to pull it off with his hands, the smell of charred skin making me nauseous. His body shimmered as he attempted to teleport, and I smiled when it didn’t work.

  Cheers of approval from my friends on the sidelines, boosting my confidence, and I tightened the whip as I yanked him forward.

  “As much as you deserve to be strapped to a chair and cut apart, I’m going to make this quick,” I said, my voice deadly calm. “You didn’t give my father the proper respect he deserved, not even in death. He had no funeral; he had no ceremony. You tarnished his name!” I shouted.

  I closed my eyes, my hand tight around the whip, and let my rage boil inside, rising higher as my energy levels increased. I sent out my consciousness to all of Boston city, calling to feathered compatriots and urging them to accept my plea.

  The yard was silent, save for Killian’s shouts as his neck melted from the heat of my whip. A few moments later, a humming sound reached my ears and grew steadily louder as I opened my eyes.

  Everyone in the courtyard looked around, trying to locate the noise. Then, a kettle of hawks circled the air, waiting for my instructions. I looked down at Killian who had fallen to his knees, a look of absolute terror splashed across his face. “My invisibility wasn’t the only thing I inherited from Papa. I too have a connection with hawks, and not just to shift. I can communicate and command them to do my bidding.” I took a step closer, yanking on the whip.

  Killian bowed lower to the ground.

  “Do you know what happens when a hawk catches their prey? They aren’t like other birds, Killian. They don’t simply kill and eat their targets. They ravage them, ripping them apart with their talons before feasting on the meat. Any last words before you die?”

  “You wouldn’t really kill me. You wouldn’t do this to Cade,” he said, struggling to get out the words.

  “Were you not here when I tried to kill him and threatened his life? Your nephew means nothing to me anymore, Killian,” I said, meaning every word that exited my lips.

  Evelyn crashed through the doors and ran forward, “Lenna, please. You don’t need to resort to violence.”

  How ironic coming from you.

  “Oh, but I really do,” I said and sent out the command to my army.

  They swooped down without hesitation, talons ripping and shredding Killian’s body. I kept the whip fastened to his neck while he grappled with the birds, not letting go until his movements ceased. I let the hawks continue their mission for a few more moments before sending them away, Joe landing on my shoulder.

  I scratched him under his blood-stained beak, and turned around to face Evelyn, leaving the mangled corpse behind. “If it isn’t already abundantly clear, you and I are through.”

  Before she had a chance to respond, my phone buzzed, and I answered it.

  “Hey, Zander.”

  “Sister, I have an u
pdate about the gladiator.”

  “Do tell,” I said as I walked toward the other Guild members, pulling out a gun and returning the favor to the member who’d killed Axel. The rest of them scattered, running back to the inside of the compound. Cowards.

  “There was a panther spotting on the news today. Just a few hours away,” Zander’s voice said through the phone.

  “Do you want to track her down together?” I asked, making my way to stand next to Quinn and Ryder.

  “Sounds like an adventure to me.”

  “Perfect,” I gave him the address to the penthouse. “Meet me there in an hour.”

  I disconnected the line and turned to Hailey and Brielle, who were staring open-mouthed. “I guess these guys explained everything to you while I was… preoccupied,” I said, my eyes misting when they landed on Axel’s body. Another person who I couldn't save.

  We would need to have a proper burial service for him, and someone would need to speak with his family. My chest tightened thinking about his doting mother, and how heartbroken she would be when she found out.

  “That fight club makes a lot more sense now,” Brielle said with a small grin. She looked over at Killian’s ruined corpse. “I’m glad he’s dead. He was the worst.”

  “I think it’s about time the Guild saw some new management,” I said, matching her expression. “Why don’t you two release Master’s Wilson and Doku and help them reestablish the Guild the right way?”

  Brielle blinked. “You aren’t going to torch this place?”

  I looked around at the mess of the courtyard. “With the right leadership, it has a lot of potential. I really think you would be able to help with that.”

  Hailey stared into my eyes. “I know it was you who killed my father.”

  I tensed, but then she continued, “I understand why you did it, my father had plenty of demons, but I don’t think I can forgive it.”

  I bobbed my head. “That’s understandable.”

  “It will be good to have a more open communication between the Guild, the hybrids, and the vampires,” she said, putting her arm around Brielle. “We’ll work on getting this place sorted out, and you get in touch with us once you meet with the hybrids.”

  I held out a hand, an offering.

  My tense shoulders relaxed as she accepted my hand and shook.

  Chapter 30

  “So, what’s the plan?” Ryder said as we packed our things from the initiates’ quarters. He pulled off his bloody shirt and I eyed his injury, relieved I’d managed to heal it completely before fighting Killian.

  “Zander has a lead on the gladiator hybrid, so we’re going to meet him at the safe-house and head out together. He says she’s just a few hours away,” I replied, sitting on my cot while I waited for him to finish. Quinn was going to join us at the entrance.

  He finished and we made our way to Quinn, noting that Brielle was standing beside him, speaking in low voices.

  “Here you go,” I said, handing Brielle an extra burner phone. “Our numbers are already programmed. Let us know if you every need help.” They hadn't mentioned what they planned on doing with Cade, but I hoped they wouldn't allow him to continue working at the Guild. He was too biased and would likely make the same mistakes as before.

  “Thanks, Lenna. I’m glad we got a chance to get know each other.”

  I smiled, “Me too.”

  “Before we leave, I need to borrow Sofia for a minute. Would you mind taking down the luggage to car?” I asked Luka when we arrived at the safe house.

  He nodded and disappeared from the guest room she’d been sleeping in.

  “Hey, Sof. I need you to get up and do something with me,” I said, pulling out pens and paper from my bag. Her eyes were downcast and empty. I knew it would be a long time before she would recover.

  She sat up reluctantly and peered at the supplies in my hand. “What’s that for?”

  “We are going to say goodbye to Papa and Ekon the right way. And later on once we are all together, we’ll have a ceremony for Axel.”

  The Guild might have been shit at choosing its members, but they got one thing right. Their tradition for sending off the dead had been quite therapeutic for me. I handed her a pen and paper and began my own letter.

  Hi Papa,

  I know it’s been a while since we’ve spoken, and I wish I had thought to write to you sooner. I know you worried that my life wasn’t everything it should have been because I was stuck inside for most of it, but you’re wrong. I consider myself to be among the luckiest because I got to have a father like you. You taught me everything I know and made me who I am.

  I thank the stars every day that I got to be raised by the most honorable, kind, considerate, ethical, and thoughtful person. I wish I could see you one more time, just to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am to call you Papa.

  I think about you daily and will strive to be the person you taught me to be. I love you forever.

  Please save me a spot wherever you are,

  Your Little Hawk.

  I folded my letter and waited for Sofia to finish writing hers before we walked over to the fireplace and threw them in. I pulled her to my side as we watched the paper turn to ash. Some of the heaviness from their losses lifted and drifted away. Though I knew I’d always carry the pain with me, it felt like I could breathe a little easier.

  Luka must have called Nikita and Trey because they were waiting outside when we went down. It felt wrong, somehow, that we were leaving without Ekon. I could tell by Sofia’s expression that she felt the same. Even though he hadn’t started off as a part of BBBB, he certainly made up for it during these last few weeks.

  “Maximus sends his apologies, he can’t take the time away from work to travel with us,” Luka said, enveloping me in a hug, his woody scent welcoming.

  I should have realized that some of us might not be available to get in a car and go at the drop of a hat. They had lives outside our work together.

  Zander showed up with his people and it was decided that we would take two cars. Me, Sofia, Luka, Nikita, and Ryder in one car. Trey, Quinn, Zander, Adrian, Summer, and the red head who was named Daniel, in the other car.

  The drive to Virginia, which was where the panther was spotted, was excruciatingly long. I sat in the back with Sofia, her head resting on my shoulder as the hours passed by. Zander kept us updated from the other car while Daniel scanning the CCTV throughout the state.

  He narrowed it down to a small town called Abingdon, and we drove through the streets until Daniel’s voice came over the speakerphone. “I got it!” he yelled triumphantly. “She’s in Creeper Trail!”

  “Virginia Creeper Trail is a thirty-four-mile hike that runs from Abingdon, through Damascus, all the way until the state border,” Nikita said, reading off her phone.

  Luka plugged the address into the navigational system, and we were off. A few minutes later we arrived at the park and exited the cars, Zander’s car already there. They stood at the entrance to a trail, lined with evergreen trees.

  “Hey, sister! Ready to go find out what’s so special about this hybrid?” Zander said, striding up to stand by my side with a grin on his face.

  “Let’s do it,” I said, pulling Sofia with me as I made my way down the trail, keeping an eye on the ground for paw prints.

  “Fun fact about this trail,” Nikita started while we walked. “There used to be a prison not too far from here and the trail was built by the prisoners in the late eighteen hundreds. Many of them died during the construction because the conditions were so poor. They were buried in unmarked graves.”

  “That’s sad,” Ryder replied.

  “Very,” she agreed.

  Luka sniffed the air. “She’s definitely here, I can smell the cats. They’re close.”

  I heard the zing of the arrow and ducked a second before it whooshed over my head, embedding itself into a tree behind me.

  I leapt up in time to see a beautiful female hybrid walk out in
to the path, her long, braided hair whipping back and forth as she walked toward us with confident strides. Her flawless skin the shade of umber, her cheekbones high and prominent on her angular face.

  Ryder halted in his steps, his blade falling to his side as he gaped at her.

  Her slanted eyes narrowed as she nocked another arrow, two panthers sidling up on either side of her. Their midnight coats gleamed in the sunlight as they lifted their lips, their fangs on display. “Who are you fuck waffles, and what do you want?”

  Books by Shana Vernon

  The Hybrid Chronicles

  The Assassin’s Daughter

  Sofia’s Prequel Novella

  The Assassin’s Revenge




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