The Tiger's Ambush (Kit Davenport Book 3)

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The Tiger's Ambush (Kit Davenport Book 3) Page 6

by Tate James

  “Don’t do that, Vali. You’re a known crime lord; you’ve probably got a bounty on your head or something!” I was only marginally exaggerating. I knew first hand about bounties, as I’d acquired a couple myself in my double life as The Fox, international thief extraordinaire.

  “Well then, don’t forget to call me.” He paused. “Sleep well, Vulpe.”

  The dial tone sounded in my ear before I had a chance to respond, so I disconnected the call and quickly Googled the phone number for Lucy’s fancy rehab in New York. To my disappointment, it rang through to an answering service advising that the receptionists were currently on other calls.

  “You ready to head back?” Cole asked, appearing from out of the trees with barely a sound—which was damn impressive given the size of him and the amount of dead twigs and things on the ground.

  “Yeah, no one is answering at Lucy’s rehab, so I’ll try her again later.” I shivered a little, noticing for the first time how freezing cold my butt was where I’d been sitting on the ground.

  Cole reached out a hand and pulled me to my feet. “Let me know, and we can come back out here. She’s bound to ask questions about what you found out in Harrow, and I feel like you’re not ready to share that information with anyone outside our circle?”

  “Pretty much. I don’t know; Jonathan has been acting really weird ever since he picked me up from Vali’s place, don’t you think?” I left my hand in his as we started slowly making our way back to the buildings at the center of the Omega grounds.

  “Very much so. He’s all but interrogating the guys right now, you know.” Cole glanced at me, then tugged me in close to his side, wrapping an arm around me.

  “Seriously? What about?” I was getting such a bad feeling about his behavior. It was like he’d been body snatched or something. “And how come not you?”

  Cole huffed a rather dragon-like laugh. “I went first and said nothing, so he gave up. He knows better than to try and interrogate me, of all people.” He planted a casual kiss on the top of my head as we walked. “But he’s really interested in hearing about your healing abilities. None of us are cracking, obviously, until we know what you want said, but he knows more than he should.”

  My heart sank with the poisonous feeling of betrayal. “Do you think he had anything to do with the car crash? Or the bomb?”

  There was a long pause before he said anything.

  “Vixen,” Cole sighed heavily. “I think he loves you. But I think you should be careful around him until we figure out what’s going on.”

  “I agree.” I nodded, but my stomach was twisting up in knots so hard it felt like I was going to vomit. Surely the man who’d rescued me from Suzette’s and raised me for the past five years couldn’t be a bad guy. I’d have known. Right?

  “Did you speak with Vali?” Cole asked, changing the subject.

  “I did. Oh, actually that reminds me, I was meaning to ask him but forgot.” I paused and looked up at him. “When I was at his place in Vegas, there were a couple of times that he knew I was in trouble before I was. How is that even possible? Is it, like, a dianoch thing? Like, do you know when bad shit is about to happen to me? Or, did you before I healed you?”

  “Vixen, you need to stop acting like we were all fated to be together. You chose, consciously or not. So no... it has nothing to do with Vali being one of your dianoch, and it’s unfortunately not a skill any of the rest of us have.” Cole scowled. “But it would be damn useful.”

  “Huh. Okay so, what is it then? Do you know? I guess I should have just asked him on the phone.” I shivered and cuddled into Cole’s warmth. Now that we weren’t running, my thin sweater wasn’t really enough.

  “Ah, yeah. You still should, next time you speak to him. I assume he made you promise to call him practically every hour?” Cole huffed, tightening his arms around me and surrounding me with his burning ember smell. Like an old campfire.

  “Tomorrow night, not every hour. So you won’t tell me then?” I pulled back from his warm chest to narrow my eyes at him. “What if I asked really nicely?”

  “Vixen.” He grinned. “Is that an offer of bribery?”

  I shrugged and winked at him, causing him to bark a laugh.

  “You know I can never say no to you,” he muttered, bending down to kiss me. His lips caressed mine gently, slowly, in a way that he knew full well was making me want more.

  “I can’t tell you everything,” he said, breaking from our kiss and leaving me a bit dazed and out of breath. Damn man. “You know we have different mothers?”

  “Yes.” I nodded, retrieving my train of thought from where I’d dropped it during Cole’s kiss. “Vali’s mom died after he was born, and your asshole father got re-married to your mom?”

  “Exactly. So I couldn’t say for sure, but I suspect his ability to sense danger is from his birth mom. She was Romani, and our grandmother always used to tell stories about the Romani people’s magical powers—the most common of which is their power of foresight.” Cole tucked me back into his side and started walking again.

  “I see.” I pondered. “And that’s why fortune tellers always seem to be Gypsies?”

  “It is. But some people consider Gypsy to be a derogatory term, so stick with Traveler or Romani.” He sounded like he was rolling his eyes, but I couldn’t see from where I was glued to his side while we walked. “Come on, Vix. Let’s get back and see what the guys have to say about the grilling from Director Pierre.”


  When we got back to the apartment, River and Wesley were both in the kitchen cooking what looked like some sort of stir-fry that smelled incredible.

  “Where’s Caleb?” I asked, looking around and not seeing the playful twin anywhere.

  “He went into town to pick up some supplies,” River replied, handing me a glass of water, which I took gratefully. Cole and I had ended up jogging the rest of the way back to the house, and despite my superspeed, I was still thirsty as all heck.

  “Why?” Cole frowned, leaning on the barstool beside where I had perched. “We can get everything we need from the on-site store.”

  “I know.” River scowled. “He said something vague about needing something specific.”

  Cole grunted, and River’s mouth tightened just a fraction.

  “Leave it, Cole,” Wesley interjected while stirring something in a wok. “We’re all on suspension. Caleb can do whatever he wants until we’re back on active duty.”

  My eyebrows shot up, and I grinned at the irritated look on River’s face. Made me want to poke the wolf a little, so to speak.

  “River... does this mean they don’t have to do what you say?” I teased, and he pinned me with his golden gaze.

  “Technically, no. But it would be advisable, nonetheless. For all of you.” Heat flared in his eyes, and desire pooled in my stomach. There was no mistaking the double meaning there. Especially after learning first hand how much he enjoyed giving orders.

  “Can you two go shower?” Wesley prompted. “Dinner will be ready in ten.”

  The corner of Cole’s mouth pulled up in a wicked smile as he turned to me. “Guess we had better shower fast then, Vixen.”

  “Make that five minutes,” Wesley snapped, narrowing his eyes at Cole, then winking at me so I knew he was teasing.

  “Lucky there are two showers then, hmm?” River smirked, and Cole glared back at him.

  “Good lord, what do you all take me for? Some sort of nympho?” I muttered not-so-quietly as I headed into the room where my clothes had been put. In fairness though, I had automatically thought about showering with Cole. So they weren’t totally off base.

  The whole Ban Dia to dianoch relationship was seriously upping my sex drive. Or at least that was what I was going to blame it on.

  Ugh, maybe a cold shower might be more appropriate.

  I quickly rushed through my shower and was back into the dining area just in time for Wesley to dish up his creation. Cole reappeared moments after me, wearing
nothing but loose black sweatpants that hung low on his hips, like they were deliberately underlining his defined Adonis belt. Water droplets still clung to his cropped black hair, dripping off and running down his brightly inked chest then over his—

  Oh fuck, Kit. Close your damn mouth!

  “So, um…” I cleared my throat, realizing all three guys were watching me and looking very amused. “Did you, ah, what...?” Stop it! Stop babbling!

  “Yes, love?” River prompted, with a sarcastically innocent look on his face. Asshole.

  Taking a slow breath, I tried again. “What did Jonathan want to ask you all about?”

  Yes, excellent! Complete sentence! Kit one. Sexy, half-naked, tattooed god of a man... Okay fine, he still wins this round.

  “You,” River responded succinctly, taking the seat opposite me at the dinner table. “Or more specifically, your abilities. He is really fascinated by what you did for Vali and wanted to know if you’d healed any of the rest of us.” He indicated to his arm, still suspended in a black mesh sling across his body. “This made it pretty obvious you hadn’t healed me, but Cole, Caleb, and Wes coming out of that car wreck seemingly unharmed...” He shrugged.

  “Why haven’t I healed that for you yet?” I frowned, reaching out to take his hand. “I’m getting better at it now. I think.”

  “No need, love.” River leaned back just a fraction of an inch, almost unnoticeably, but enough that my fingers didn’t touch him. “It’s just a fracture. Shouldn’t take long to heal at all, and you need to save your magic for people who need it more.”

  “We sort of get the feeling there might be more disasters going on around you, sweetheart,” Wesley added. “Especially if someone is doing this to deliberately test your healing ability.”

  What Wesley said made sense, but I was fixating on that small motion River had made to dodge contact with me.

  “I would never heal you against your wishes, Alpha.” I frowned, feeling just a little insulted. “I get that I’m new to this whole magic thing, but I’m not going to just run around shoving it down people’s throats uninvited. You don’t have to avoid touching me.”

  “I’m sorry, Kitten,” River apologized. “I didn’t think you would; you’re just so quick to help other people. But I really am fine. It’s not the first time I’ve broken my arm.”

  “You’re worried about what it’ll do to you, aren’t you?” I pressed, wanting to understand why he wanted to be in pain when I was capable of healing him. “You’re worried that if I mend the break in your arm that you’ll be the next one to turn scaly, right?”

  River’s mouth tightened, his only tell that he wasn’t as calm and collected as he was portraying, and I knew I’d hit the nail on the head.

  “Look, I don’t know exactly how this magic works, but I don’t feel like a little healing, like mending your arm, would be enough to turn you into anything else.” I chewed the edge of my lip. “I just mean, with Cole and Vali, I had to spend a really solid amount of time healing them, and we still don’t know if it affected Caleb and Wes before I passed out. Did it?” I looked over to the blond boy sitting beside me at the table.

  “Um.” Wesley swallowed his mouthful and took a sip of water before replying. “I’m not totally sure.”

  “What do you mean?” I paused with food halfway to my mouth. Surely he would know by now?

  “Well, just that. I’m not totally sure. It took Cole like, what, a day or so to start going scaly? So it could still be a while before we know if anything is different.” Wes gave me an apologetic sort of smile, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “But if there is anything, you know, different, well then, that’s okay.”

  “Umm.” I was at a loss for words.

  “I mean, I’m not going to be upset or anything. You seem really concerned that you’ve somehow doomed us, but that’s just not how I see it.” His gaze was steady, without a hint of dishonesty. “If you have chosen us all as your dianoch, not that I’m assuming you have, but if you have, then we will need to be changed sooner or later. Right? Otherwise we’re a liability to you. Also, I think there is way more to the Ban Dia bond with the dianoch that Vic didn’t let on about.”

  “Like what?” River asked.

  “Well, I don’t really know. But having bonded guardians as nothing more than a battery pack to recharge on? I don’t buy it. It’s too... simple. There must be more to it than that. Otherwise, why would the original Ban Dia have sought out the most physically and mentally capable men? Why not men they loved or cared for? Vic was very specific that they chose based on physical attributes, which leads me to think there is more to it than pure energy transfer.” Wesley blushed and ducked his head away from my surprised gaze. “But that’s just a working theory.”

  “It’s a good working theory,” Cole murmured in his quiet, smoky voice.

  “Keep me updated if you come up with more,” River ordered, and Wesley nodded.

  “So... Caleb?” I asked after finishing my own mouthful. One thing was for damn sure, Wesley and River could cook. My plate was empty already, and I was licking my fork.

  “Not sure,” River frowned just the tiniest bit. “But I have no doubt we will find out sooner or later. So long as he doesn’t get himself into any trouble.”

  “Again,” Cole added, and I cocked my head in question. “Story for another day, Vixen. You done?” He reached out and took my empty plate from me, taking them through to the kitchen to stack in the dishwasher.

  Holy hotness. How did I end up with guys who could cook and clean?

  “How are you feeling, anyway?” River turned his attention back to me. “You seriously drained yourself after the accident, but you look like you’re back to normal?”

  My cheeks flushed with heat, and I bit my lip, not shying away from his gaze. “Uh-huh. Wesley and Caleb were very helpful.”

  From beside me, I heard Wesley choke on his water and splutter a little.

  “You okay?” I asked, concerned as hell but also trying not to laugh. Messing with Wesley was going to be fun.

  “Yup.” He nodded frantically, a bit red in the face from coughing. “I need to check some things...” he trailed off and disappeared into one of the bedrooms.

  “Naughty, Kitten. Playing with our Crow like that,” River tsked, giving me a wicked sort of half smile.

  “He’s fun to play with.” I grinned broadly. “In more ways than one.” I winked at River, knowing perfectly well how comfortable he was with sharing me. Out of all of the guys, he was the one I felt most comfortable around when it came to mentioning my liaisons with his other team members. Probably because I knew how turned on he’d be to watch. And participate.

  “You’re going to want to stop with those sexy looks, love. As much as I’d like to give you another lesson in following orders, I had another activity in mind for this evening.” He glanced over my shoulder. “For you too, Drake.”

  “This sounds interesting.” Cole nodded, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his sweatpants and causing them to ride down a fraction lower. Sweet mother of—

  “Tactical?” Cole asked the handsome Brit.

  “Stealth,” River replied, and a decidedly evil smile spread over Cole’s face.

  “So, we get to see our Fox in her element, huh?” Cole rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “This should be fun. Back in a sec.”

  As he padded out of the room as well, I frowned in confusion at River. “We’re stealing something?”

  It could be the only thing they meant, seeing as my alter ego, The Fox, was an internationally renowned thief extraordinaire.

  “You are.” River stood from the table, and I followed suit. “Go change into whatever The Fox would wear on a job, but be quick. This one is time sensitive.” He checked his expensive-looking silver watch, which he’d moved to his right arm, seeing as the left was in plaster.

  “Any more info?” I asked, curious as all hell and buzzing with excitement.

  “Nope,” he smirked. “Wait,
one more thing.” He reached out and tugged me to him with his good hand. “That little show earlier? There will be consequences, you can count on that.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.” I grinned, then rose up on my toes to plant a kiss on his lush lips before heading off to get changed.

  Excitement surged through me like flood waters, and I couldn’t decide if it was because we were going to steal something or for the consequences River was promising for later.


  My belly flipped over and over with nervous excitement as River explained the mission to Cole and me. Was he serious?

  “All right, are you confident with this one?” River asked me, and I nodded, trying not to look too damn excited. I’d been a professional thief for four years; you’d think the appeal might have worn off by now. But what River was proposing—stealing from the heart of the very organization he worked for and that my dad owned—well, that was just too much fun to pass up.

  We were shrouded in shadows, pressed against the exterior of a building some distance from the Omega housing building. Our black clothes helped blend us into the darkness, and I had my red hair tightly braided to try and hide, or at least minimize, its flame-bright color. Normally I wore wigs or hats to disguise my identity, but neither had been within the suitcase of stuff delivered to our apartment.

  “Obviously, I don’t need to impress upon you both the importance of this mission,” River murmured, eyeing us both sternly, and I didn’t bother hiding my grin. Stern River was beyond sexy.

  “Yes, sir,” we both responded, and his gold eyes flared in the moonlight.

  “Get on with it, then. Be quick, quiet, and above all else, do not get caught. I’ll be waiting.” He wound his hand around my braid, pulling me to him for a rough, possessive kiss that left me panting, then disappeared into the night like he was made of smoke.


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