Rae, Beverly - Taming Tamara [Night Runner Werewolves 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

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Rae, Beverly - Taming Tamara [Night Runner Werewolves 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) Page 8

by Beverly Rae

  “Turn her loose, boy.”

  Miss Louise stood a few feet behind them. Her long, gray hair was pulled back and she wore an old dress. Her wrinkles deepened as she scowled at Jackson.

  He growled but didn’t loosen his hold on Tamara. “Stay out of this, Miss Louise.”

  “You’re breaking pack law. Let her go right this instant.” The elderly woman moved closer, her hands fisted as though she planned to hit him.

  “Go back into the house, Miss Louise. I don’t want him to hurt you.” Tamara met the old lady’s gaze, sending her a silent plea to stay safe.

  But the old werewolf had other ideas. She shifted partway, her yellowed fangs erupting. She jumped at Jackson, landing on his back and howling.

  Jackson shouted and tossed her off him with one swift movement. Miss Louise fell back, landed on the hard barn floor, and didn’t move. Tamara cried out at the sound of bones breaking and struggled with new fervor against her attacker.

  “You asshole. You killed her.”

  Jackson stared at the unmoving body lying in the dirt and hay. “It wasn’t my fault. I told her to leave it alone.” For a moment, fear washed the anger from his face.

  “You killed her.” As much as she hated it, she couldn’t keep the tears from coming. Miss Louise was the only parent she’d known. She closed her eyes, the pain of losing the elderly lady more excruciating than any physical pain ever could be.

  A growl had her opening her eyes a second before Nick struck Jackson, knocking him to the side and freeing her. Nick, his red fur standing up, his ears laid back and his tail lowered, rolled on top of the shifting Jackson.

  She ran over to Miss Louise and fell to her side. “Miss Louise? Please, please don’t die. Miss Louise?” She pulled her into her lap and cradled the diminutive woman against her. Sobbing, she listened for the woman’s heartbeat but heard nothing.

  The sounds of two werewolves in battle raged around her. Wiping the dirt from Miss Louise’s face, she laid her gently to the ground. Nick and Jackson wrestled a few yards away.

  Blood soaked the ground and fur flew as they fought. Struggling to her feet, she hurried to the tools hanging on the wall, took the shovel, and turned back to the fighting werewolves. Holding it above her head, she waited for an opening then swung the shovel.

  Jackson rolled onto his back, placing Nick on top. The shovel hit him in the head, knocking him off Jackson. He laid still, his eyes closed.


  Jackson came at her, yanking the shovel away before she could take another swing. He tossed the shovel aside then knocked her to the ground. Shifting back to his human form, he lifted his head, his fangs still out and dripping, ready to drive them into her neck and claim her as his mate. She stared into his eyes, saw the lust and hate, then closed her eyes and prayed for a miracle.

  Jackson grunted then let go of her and fell to her side. She turned her head and stared into Jackson’s dead eyes.

  Nick, his human body covered with blood, dropped the shovel and rubbed the back of his head. “Damn it, Tamara. Your aim sucks.”

  “I’ll work on it.”

  “Please do.” He held out his hand for her and she took it, her tears falling for a different reason. He pulled her into his embrace and wrapped his strong arms around her.

  Chapter Seven

  Nick ran his hand over Tamara’s shoulder, along her arm, then around her waist. She pivoted to face him, took his hand, and led him to the large bed. She trembled, her excitement tingling through her.

  “If you need more time, we can wait. Everyone will understand what with Miss Louise’s funeral only last week.”

  He’d already told her the same thing several times. He’d give her whatever time she needed. After losing Miss Louise and her pack leaving the area, she’d had a lot to cope with in a short time. But the welcome she’d gotten from the Night Runners, the way they’d taken her into their home, had helped her through the difficult time.

  Cally, Mandy and Sara had spent time with her, comforting her and offering to make her favorite foods, listening to her stories about Miss Louise, and simply holding her when she needed to cry. In the short time they’d spent together, the women had shared their experiences with the Night Runner Werewolves, telling Tamara of their own initiations.

  Sara, being the alpha-female of the pack, had gone out of her way to make her feel accepted and loved. Sara had offered bits of wisdom, letting her know the bad and good of being part of their pack. Tamara had listened intently as Sara promised her that her position in the pack would be whatever she wanted it to be instead of having the alphas decide her life. She could still live her life as she saw fit as long as the pack, and especially Nick, were included as any family would be. Unlike the control Jackson had held over his pack, Sara had told her the rest of the pack members, both male and female, would encourage her to pursue any dreams she might have.

  Tamara couldn’t wait to join the pack.

  “I’m ready, Nick. I want to be part of your pack. I want to be your mate.”

  He took her close, his hard body calling to her. His shaft was already erect and ready to please her. Yet still he needed reassurance.

  “And you’re okay with how this is done? I know it’s different from other packs. But it’s how we’ve always brought a new female into our group. Once you’re through the initiation, once every member has shared in your love and created a bond with you, then it’ll just be you and me.”

  “I know. I understand.” She traced her finger along the ridge between his pecs.

  “You don’t have to, you know. No one’s forcing you. Whatever you say goes.”

  “Nick, I told you. I want to be a Night Runner. Just like Cally, Mandy, and Sara.” She gave him a coquettish smile. “Besides, the men are hot as hell.”

  “Hey, what’s going on here? I thought I was your man.”

  His tone was light, but she still recognized a note of concern in his voice. She placed her palm against his cheek, the prickly stubble teasing her skin. “They’re part of you. I love every part of you, including your pack. Besides, Sara explained everything and filled in the gaps. Sharing with them brings the entire pack together. It makes a connection between each member. A connection that can never be broken. It’s not about sex. It’s about the bonds we form with each other.”

  She’d been shocked when she’d first learned of the Night Runners and the way a new female member was brought into the pack. But that was before meeting them, before sending the dream to all of them to let them know she was ready to accept their ways. She understood the bond that the act formed and she couldn’t wait to get closer to them.

  “So are you finally ready to admit you sent the dreams?”

  She laughed. “Yeah. I didn’t want to earlier. After all, a girl has to retain a little mystery.”

  She crawled on top of the bed then pulled the sheet over her. Amber flecked his eyes, signaling the animal rising to the surface. “Call them, Nick.”

  Opening the door, he nodded to the male members of his pack. “She’s ready.”

  The men entered the room then took a place around the bed. Tamara’s heart beat faster as she studied the naked men coming toward her. She fisted the sheet in her hands, her nerves stiffening her spine.

  Suddenly, the dreams rushed back to her, filling her with their words, their touches, the way they’d treated her with respect and kindness. They were the opposite of Jackson Walker. Tears sprang to her eyes. If only Lauren had taken Nick’s offer to stay, then maybe she could’ve known how it felt to be loved and cared for.

  “And you’re sure about this?” Michael asked. “There’s no rush.”

  She couldn’t stop the giggle from bursting from her. Maybe she’d had her doubts before, but one look at the admiration on their faces swept the doubts away. She was where she truly belonged. “I want this, Michael.”

  She inhaled and the overwhelming scent of testosterone filled her nostrils. They were six examples of the perfect
man. Not only their bodies, but their minds. The animal inside her roared to life, calling to the animals inside each of them.

  Lust ripped through her abdomen, tightening her pussy. Her heart filled her chest. She was Nick’s, and the Night Runners were hers. Just this once, she would have them. All of them.

  Nick sat next to her and lifted his hand to place a kiss against her palm. She smiled as Michael took a place next to her.

  “At least you don’t have to go through the Change.” Ranlon scooted toward her feet and rubbed her leg. “When did it happen for you? Who changed you?”

  She cast her eyes down, feeling the shame of that long ago time. “I don’t know his name. He attacked me when I was eighteen. He took me.” She lifted her gaze to Nick’s face and saw his anger. “In every way. When I came to, I knew I’d changed.”

  Jimmy kneeled next to the bed. “Was that when Miss Louise found you?”

  She smiled, remembering her friend she would never see again. “Yes. Like I told you the other night. I was lucky Miss Louise came across me. I was lost and alone on the streets of Dallas. She’s the one who took care of me and brought me into the pack.”

  “Too bad we didn’t find you first.” William leaned on the edge of the bed. “But it wasn’t the right time for you and Nick.”

  “I know you’ve had a rough time of it. Especially after Jackson joined the pack and took over.”

  “Michael, don’t mention that jerk’s name again.” Nick squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.

  “I think Michael’s point is that we can’t change what happened, but maybe we can make things better.”

  “You already have.” She wasn’t sure how and when, but she’d already grown to love them.

  “Then let’s give you even more.”

  They moved closer, their hands skimming over her body as she lay back. She let the sensation of their caresses wash away her thoughts. Her old life, her old pack, was gone, and her future held nothing but joy. She reached out, taking a cock in each hand, and gasped as they spread her legs. Their eyes changed, the amber flecks growing larger.

  Michael cupped her breast in the same moment Nick bent his head to take the other nipple into his mouth. Ranlon, Jimmy, and William continued to stroke her, murmuring tender words of affection. Max bent over her, teasing her folds with flicks of his tongue. She moaned, the sound changing into a growl when Max pushed her pussy lips apart and sucked on her clit.

  A fire flared to life inside her, driving her inner beast wild with desire. She wanted them, needed them to take her in every way. They had her heart and now they would have her body.

  Six pairs of hands touched her in intimate places, stroking her, pleasuring her. An orgasm rushed through her, and she cried out. One by one, they said her name, speaking in reverent tones, making her feel like a queen.

  But she wasn’t a queen. She was woman who wanted more than words of tenderness.

  She lifted her head and drew in Nick’s shaft. He tunneled his fingers through her hair and cupped her neck, holding her. She whipped her tongue around him, teasing his mushroomed tip only to deep-throat him in the next second. He growled, and she raked her teeth gently over the vein-lined cock.

  Michael licked and fondled both breasts, teasing her nipples until they ached. She took his cock in her other hand and stroked him. Max flattened his tongue against her and sucked harder, then nibbled at her tender nub. The whirlwind inside her spun out of control, driving her over the edge of another climax.

  “Change places with me, Max. I have to be the first.”

  She released Nick so he could take Max’s place and grinned before turning to take Michael’s shaft inside her mouth. Nick wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed the tip of his cock to her pussy. He shoved in and she gasped at the size of him.

  Ranlon pushed apart her pussy lips and rubbed her throbbing nub. “Take her, Nick. Make her yours.”

  William slid his tongue along her leg, tickling her as much as he excited her. Tamara groaned, her hand tightening around Max’s shaft. She arched, pushing back against each of Nick’s thrusts. Michael’s sweet pre-cum filled her mouth. Her pussy clenched, holding onto Nick’s shaft. Her pulse thundered in her ears and her breathing turned to panting.

  Nearing his climax, Nick pulled out and fell away. “Not yet. I’m going to be the first and the last.” He leaned against the bed post, his eyes almost solid amber, his chest heaving in the effort to maintain control.

  “I’m finished with watching.” Jimmy climbed on the bed to take Nick’s place.

  “Fine, but let’s share.” Ranlon pushed her over then bent to her ass. He licked her, preparing her for his entry as Jimmy slid next to her and wrapped her leg over his thigh. Michael groaned and pulled away.

  Together the men thrust into her and she threw her head back, her mouth parted. William slid his tongue along her back, leaving a chilly path until he reached her breasts and offered his dick to her. She took it just as Nick and Ranlon pushed into her. William nibbled on her neck.

  The four men pleasured her, using their mouths, their tongues and their cocks. She closed her eyes, her body tensing for another climax. The wave coursed through her in shudders as Jimmy and Ranlon held on, telling her how wonderful she was.

  Groaning almost at the same time, Jimmy and Ranlon pulled out, leaving her feeling empty. She moaned a complaint then gasped as Max lifted her with ease and settled her on his thighs. He drove into her, hard, hitting her sweet spot and sending another climax rushing through her.

  “Take it easy, man.”

  She couldn’t speak, could only nod her head to tell them she was all right. William pushed his hard chest against her back and cupped her breasts with his large hands. His thick cock pressed between her butt cheeks, and she could feel his movement as he stroked himself. She gripped Max’s shoulders, digging her nails in.

  She rode him, circling her hips to drive him deeper. Arching, she gave him her breasts. Max treasured each breast, moving from one to the other as though giving them both equal attention.

  When Max tensed, William pulled her away from him and helped her to her knees, bending her over. Holding his arm around her waist he pushed inside her.

  Her hair fell forward, the cool air from the air conditioner chilling the sweat of her body. William rammed against her time and again until he, too, pulled away from her. She dropped to the bed, flat on her stomach.

  “Leave us alone.”

  The men offered her their thanks and their loyalty as they obeyed Nick’s command and left the room. She peered through the shock of hair over her face and smiled as Nick lay down beside her.

  “Are you okay?”

  She shifted to her side. “I’m more than okay.” Every inch of her body hummed. Every ounce of her being lifted in delight. She was part of their pack, more than she’d ever been with her other pack. More, she was home.

  She stretched then pulled Nick to her. “Don’t you have something you need to finish?”

  “Damn straight I do.” He tugged her onto her back then slid his hands along her firm stomach, over the swell of one breast to take her face. His intense stare took her breath away. “You’re mine, Tamara, now and forever.”

  “And you’re mine.” She was committed to him, no matter what they future had in store.

  Yearning filled his face as he leaned over her, kissed a breast, and then pushed inside her. She locked her legs around him, wishing she’d never have to turn him loose.

  They took their time, languishing in the sweet flow of their movements. Caresses gave way to kisses. Kisses turned into nips. Soft words flowed into pledges of their love and devotion.

  He showed her how much he loved her by his touch, his lick, his need. She answered, giving him back what he gave her. They gripped each other like two people holding on for their lives and rode their releases together.

  Suddenly he tensed, his fangs growing, his amber eyes clouded.

  “Bite me, Nick. Make me yours.”

  Nick howled then sank his fangs into her. The bite, different from any other, shot the changing lifeblood through her. She was already a werewolf, but now she was his and he was hers.

  Her body shook along with his until at last, he fell to her. She laid her head against his shoulder, her body exhausted but her spirit renewed.



  He looked at her, studying her, then lunged out of bed.

  She sat up, surprised that he would leave so soon. “Hey, where are you going?”

  “Come on, woman. You’d better get your sweet ass moving. You’re running with the pack tonight.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows then dashed toward the bathroom. “Beat you to the shower.”

  “Like hell you will.” Scrambling out of bed, she rushed after him. She squealed as he jumped out from behind the bathroom door and caught her then pulled her into a hug.

  He nuzzled her neck, sending a renewed flash of desire between her legs.


  She’d never tire of hearing him say her name. “Yeah?”

  “I wasn’t sure I would ever catch you.”

  She turned, needing to see his face but staying in his embrace. “Why not?”

  He swept a strand of hair from her face. “You were so wild, so untamed. The first time I saw you, when you were on your bike, you took my breath away.”

  She bit her lower lip to keep the tears from falling. “But you didn’t even see my face. I had my helmet on.”

  “It didn’t matter. I sensed who you were and couldn’t believe you were the one for me. But I was afraid I couldn’t tame you.”

  “Tame me? Like a wild animal?”

  “Well, aren’t you? Aren’t we all inside?”

  She laughed then pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Never mind. But you shouldn’t have worried.”

  “No?” He grinned and held her tighter. “Why not?”

  “Because you tamed me with one look.”



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