The Forever Peace (The Forever Series Book 6)

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The Forever Peace (The Forever Series Book 6) Page 22

by Craig Robertson

  “Waking? You mean this me’d just be in sleep mode?”

  “A poor choice of words. No, you will be as off as off can be. But I might still extract data, if the need arises.”

  I walked to a lab stool and sat. “Do I have to decide now?”

  “No, of course not. This body will remain viable for several weeks, perhaps a couple of months.”

  I thought a moment. “If I decide to re-transfer to an android, can you do that?”

  He didn’t reply quickly. “Can I do that? Yes. Would I do it? No. Never. If you go back, returning to an android is not an option.”

  “Why? What’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is because I say so.”


  “My game, my rules.” He walked to a stool. “It’s just that simple. Look, Jon, I love you. You know that.”

  “I am so glad no one alive heard you say that.” I nodded toward the stiff.

  Toño rolled his eyes. “I mean to say I only want what’s best for you. But this transfer, it’s serious business. I want you to decide and do what you truly desire. But it’s a one-time deal. If you transfer, you’re human until you die. If you don’t,” he gestured to the corpse, “this poor SOB dies for real and is gone. Lest you ask, if you got down on your knees and begged me on your mother’s sainted memory, I will never rebuild another human for you.”

  “Sometimes you say things that make me happy to be alive, just to have heard them. 'Jon, I will never build you another toy human, so don’t ask.’ I love it.”

  “I live to serve.”


  “So,” he said with a sigh, “talk it over with Kayla, your family, your bookie, whomever you need to.”

  I pointed at him. “My bookie. Toño, I swear, in three centuries you might have developed a sense of humor. It’s lousy and lame, but dude, you made it.”

  “I’ll wear that compliment as I would the Medal of Honor.”

  I wagged my finger at him. “Funny guy.”

  “I believe I see a but in your eyes, Jon.”

  “A butt in my eyes? That’s potty humor, but hey, I don’t want to stop you while you’re on a roll.”

  “I believe I see a however in your facial expression.”

  “Well, it would be kind of weird, I mean for Kayla. One day I leave for work, and that night a perfect stranger climbs into bed with her.” I held up a hand. “And don’t you go saying she’d probably like it.”

  “The thought never crossed my mind.”


  He guffawed. “No. It’s too obvious not to. But I’ve made provisions.”

  “What provisions?”

  “Take a good look at his face Jon. His body.”

  I scanned him carefully.

  “What am I supposed to notice?”

  “How he looks almost exactly like you, both in facial characteristics and body habitus.”

  He did. “Wow, he really does.” I looked up to Toño. “Wait, what are the chances a guy who looks just like me is killed in just the right manner that you can repair him, just now?”

  “Pretty remote.” He waited a second, then giggled like a teenage girl. “Jon, I’ve had his face reconstructed by the best plastic surgeons there are. We caught a break with the body configuration, but most of the resemblance is surgical, not luck.”

  I walked back to the body and Toño followed. I looked at the guy a few seconds. Then I lifted the covers to check out his male attributes.

  Toño slapped my hand. “Stop that.”

  “Hey, buyer beware. I need to know all the facts to make an informed decision.” I wiggled my eyebrows at Toño. “Unless you did plastic surgery there too?” I really wiggled my eyebrows.

  “Sometimes I wonder why I bother.”

  It only took me a couple days to decide. I made the leap, literally. The shell of a man known as Glenn Denver became Jon Ryan. He was thirty-seven when he died. I was thirty-eight when I transferred to an android three hundred years earlier. I was stoked. I got a year back. I kept my job as advisor to president for the remainder of his term and for a few administrations after that. I grew old most gracefully, if such a concept was valid in the first place. With my loving wife by my side and generations of children behind me, I sauntered though this life, trying to be as unremarkable as possible. It was sublime.

  But the thing that got me the most, the part I will treasure the longest and most dearly was what I did that first day after I became a boring human forever. Do you know what I did that glorious day? I went fishing with my son JJ. Yeah. I insisted Toño not install command prerogatives in the new me either. In fact, I made Yibitriander come take that damn Wrath back for good.

  So, my boy came, picked me up, took me to Azsuram, and we fished all day and well into the night. We didn’t catch a damn thing either. It was great. It was late when he brought me home. You know what I did then? It was the best. It was surely more than I ever deserved. I climbed into bed with the woman I loved, and we held each other until dawn.

  Sound corny? Hey, have your own dreams come true.

  Mine did.

  List of Main Characters and Places:

  Ablo (2): Led Uhoor to attack Azsuram after Tho died. Female.

  Almonerca (2): Daughter of Fashallana, twin of Noresmel. Name means sees tomorrow.

  Alpha Centauri (1): Fourth planetary target on Jon's long solo voyage on Ark 1. Three stars in the system: AC-A, AC-B, and AC-C (aka Proxima Centauri). AC-B has eight planets, three in habitable zone. AC-B 5 was initially named Jon by Jon Ryan until he met the falzorn. AC-B 3 is Kaljax. Proxima Centauri (PC) has one planet in habitable zone.

  Alvin (1): The ship's AI on Ark 1. aka Al.

  Amanda Walker (2): Vice president then president, a distant relative of Jane Geraty. Wife of Faith Clinton.

  Anganctus (4): King of the Faxel, ruler of Berrill. Mean cat.

  Azsuram (2): See also Hodor, Groombridge-1618, and Klonsar.

  Balmorulam (4): Planet where Jon was shanghaied by Karnean Beckzel.

  Barnard's Star (1): First planetary target of Ark 1. BS 2 and 3 are in habitable zone. BS 3 was Ffffuttoe's home, as well as ancient, extinct race called the Emitonians. See BS 2.

  Beast Without Eyes (2): The enemy of Gumnolar. The devil for inhabitants of Listhelon.

  Bin Li (2): New UN Secretary General after Mary Kahl was killed.

  Bob Patrick (2): US senator when Earth was destroyed. One of The Four Horsemen, coconspirator with Stuart Marshall.

  Braldone (1): Believed to be the foreseen savior on Kaljax.

  Brathos (1): The Kaljaxian version of hell.

  Brood-mate (1): On Kaljax, the male partner in a marriage.

  Brood's-mate (1): On Kaljax, the female partner in a marriage.

  Burlinhar (4): Dolirca's brood-mate.

  BS 2 (1): The planet Oowaoa, home of the highly advanced Deavoriath race.

  Cabbray (5): Member of the Churell race allying to fight the Last Nightmare.

  Callophrys (5): Name taken by Eas-el to fool Dolirca.

  Calrf (2): A Kaljaxian stew that Jon particularly dislikes.

  Carl Roger (1): Chief of staff to President John Marshall before Earth was destroyed.

  Carl Simpson (1): Pilot of Ark 3. Discovered Listhelon orbiting Lacaille 9352.

  Carlos De La Frontera (2): Brilliant assistant to Toño, became an android to infiltrate Marshall's

  Challaria (3): JJ's brood's-mate.

  Chankak (5): God figure to the faithful on Revstok.

  Charles Clinton (1): US President during part of Jon's voyage on Ark 1.

  Chuck Thomas (2): Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, one of The Four Horsemen, and the first military person downloaded to an android by Stuart Marshall. evil team.

  Churell (5): Humanoid species enlisted to help defend against the Last Nightmare. Similar to centaurs.

  Clang-fow Peditit (5): Ruler of the a large tribe of Maxwal-Asute.

  Claudus (6): Son of Erratarus.
A vicious cat.

  Colin Winchester (5): General, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. In command of worldship defenses after Katashi Matsumoto's removal.

  Command prerogatives (2): The Deavoriathian tools installed to allow operation of a vortex. Also used to probe substances. Given to the android Jon Ryan.

  Council of Elders (2): Governing body on Azsuram. Anyone may speak and any adult may join.

  Cube (2): See vortex.

  Cycle (2): Length of year on Listhelon. Five cycles roughly equal one Earth year. Days are measured in cyclets.

  Cynthia York (1): Lt.. General and head of Project Ark when Jon returns from epic voyage.

  Davdiad (1): God-figure on Kaljax.

  Deavoriath (1): Mighty and ancient race on Oowaoa. Technically the most advanced civilization in the galaxy. Used to rule many galaxies, then withdrew to improve their minds and characters. Three arms and legs, four digits on each. Currently live forever.

  Deerkon (4): Planet where Karnean took Jon to deliver a shipment. Home of Varrank Simzle.

  Devon Flannigan (2): Former baker who assassinated Faith Clinton.

  Delta-Class vehicles (1): The wondrous new spaceships used in Project Ark. Really fast!

  Divisinar Tao (2): General in charge of the defense of Azsuram.

  Dolirca (2): Daughter in Fashallana's second set of twins. Took charge of Ffffuttoe's asexual buds. Name means love all.

  Draldon (2): Son of Sapale. Twin with Vhalisma. Name means meets the day. Legal advisor to the Council of Elders.

  Des-al (5): The most powerful of the Last Nightmares remaining. His title is tiere.

  Eas-el (5): Rebellious member of the Last Nightmare. He would lead them into our universe.

  Last Nightmare (5): The horrific dragons who wish to rule the universe again. Enterprise (2): US command worldship.

  Epsilon Eridani (1): Fourth target for Ark 1. One habitable planet, EE 5. Locally named Cholarazy, the planet is home to several advanced civilizations. The Drell and Foressál are the main rivals. Leaders Boabbor and Gothor are bitter rivals. Humanoids with three digits.

  Erratarus (6): King of the Faxel after Anganctus. His flagship is Smell of Death. Exeter (2): UN command worldship.

  Faith Clinton (2): Descendent of the currently presidential Clintons. First a senator, later the first president elected in space. Assassinated soon after taking office.

  Faiza Hijab (6): Major General and commander of TCY, the UN lead defense force, after Colin Winchester.

  Farthdoran (4): A spiritual leader among the Deavoriath. His disappointment in the moral indifference of his people led his to wish to die. He is the only one to die in millions of year.

  Falzorn (1): Nasty predatory snakes of Alpha Centauri-B 5. Their name is a curse word among the inhabitants of neighboring Kaljax.

  Farmship (2): Cored out asteroids devoted not to human habitation but to crop and animal production. There are only five, but they allow for sufficient calories and a few luxuries for all worldships.

  Fashallana: First daughter of Sapale. Twin to JJ. Name means blessed one.

  Faxel (3): Name of the fierce giant cat species of Berrill.

  Fenptodinians (5): Species of jellyfish like multipeds with an advanced civilization recruited by the Deavoriath to fight the Last Nightmare. They are hemaphrodites.

  Ffffuttoe (1): Gentle natured flat bear like creature of BS 3. Possesses low-level sentience.

  Fontelpo (4): Bridge officer aboard Desolation. A native of Kaljax. He was demoted after discussing ship's business with the then newly arrived Jon.

  Form (2): Title of someone able to be the operator of vortex using their command prerogatives.

  Fractor (5): Close associate of Anganctus, third in power. Holds title of Second-Equal.

  Gallenda Ryan (4): Jon's daughter with Kayla Beckzel.

  General Saunders (1): Hardscrabble original head of Project Ark.

  Gollar (5): Home world of the Fenptodinians.

  Gortantor (6): Leader of the Jinicgus at the time of Molly Hatcher and Jon's mission.

  Groombridge-1618 3 (1): Original human name for the planet GB 3, aka Azsuram.

  Gumnolar (1): Deity of the Listhelons. Very demanding.

  Habitable zone (1): Zone surrounding a star in which orbiting planets can have liquid water on their surface.

  Haldrob (4): Faxel version of hell.

  Havibibo (3): Commander of the Berrillian fleet that attacked Azsuram.

  Heath Ryan (2): Descendant of original Jon Ryan, entered politics reluctantly.

  Indigo (1): Second and final wife of the original Jon Ryan, not the android. They have five children, including their version of Jon Ryan II.

  Infinity charges (2): Membrane-based bombs that expand, ripping whatever they're in to shreds.

  Jane Geraty (1): TV newswoman who had an affair with newly minted android Jon. Gave birth to Jon Ryan II, her only child.

  Jason Kaserian (5): Chief assistant to UN Secretary General Bin Li.

  Jinicgus (1): Tiny sausage-shaped natives of Luhman 16a 2.

  Jodfderal (2): Son in Fashallana's second set of twins. Name means strength of ten.

  Jon Junior, JJ (2): Son of Sapale. One of her first set of twins. The apple of Jon Ryan's eye.

  Jon Ryan (1): Both the human template and the android who sailed into legend.

  Jon III and his wife, Abree (2): Jon's grandson, via the human Jon Ryan.

  Julregar (6): Captain of Berrillian ship Color of Blood after Anganctus.

  Katashi Matsumoto (2): Fleet Admiral in command of the UN forces when the Listhelons attacked and later the worldfleet defenses.

  Karnean Beckzel (4): Pirate captain of Desolation. Shanghaied Jon.

  Kashiril (2): From Sapale's second set of twins. Name means answers the wind.

  Kayla Beckzel (4): Sister to Karnean and first officer of Desolation. A real looker.

  Kendra Hatcher (5): Jon's teammate on his mission to Revstok.

  Kelldrek (3): Second, and hence mate of, Havibibo. Captured by Jon.

  Kendell Jackson (2): Major general who became head of Project Ark after De Jesus left. Forced to become an android by Stuart Marshall.

  Klonsar (2): The Uhoor name for Azsuram, which they claim as their hunting grounds.

  Lilith, Lily (2): Second AI on Shearwater. Al no likey!

  LIP (1): Abbreviation for Local Indigenous Population.

  Listhelon (1): Enemy species from third planet orbiting Lacaille 9352. Aquatic, they have huge, overlapping fang-like teeth, small bumpy head, big, bulging eyes articulated somewhat like a lizard's. Their eyes bobbed around in a nauseating manner. His skin is sleek, with thin scales. They sport gill a split in their thick neck on either side. Maniacally devoted to Gumnolar.

  Lornot (3): Female Deavoriath who used to be a political leader.

  Luhman 16a (1): The second target of Ark 1. Called by the natives Reglic. Eight planets, only one in habit zone, LH 2. Two sentient species are the Sarcorit that are the size and shape of glazed donuts and Jinicgus,looking like hot dogs. Both are unfriendly be nature.

  Luminarians (5): Species recently transformed into a non-corporeal being. They are basically sentient balls of electrical energy.

  Manly (2): Jon's pet name for the conscious of an unclear nature in the vortex. He refers to himself the vortex manipulator.

  Mary Kahl (2): UN Secretary General at the time of the human exodus from Earth.

  Matt Duncan (2): Chief of staff for the evil President Stuart Marshall. Became an android that was destroyed. Marshall resurrected him in the body of Marilyn Monroe. Matt no likey that!

  Maxwal-Asute (5): Advanced species brought in to help fight the Last Nightmare. Fire hydrants with toilet plunger heads. Real tough cookies. Home world is named Ventural.

  Molly Hatcher (6): Captain and Form. Daughter of Amanda Hatcher and Kendra Hatcher. Form of Expectation.

  Monoz (4): Port city on Deerkon and home base for Varrank Simzle.

  Nmemton (3): JJ's first bo
rn, a son.

  Noresmel (2): Fashallana's daughter, twin of Almonerca. Name means kiss of love.

  Nufe (3): A magical liquor made by the Deavoriath.

  Offlin (2): Son of Otollar. Piloted ship that tried to attack Earth and was captured by Jon.

  One That Is All (2): The mentally linked Deavoriath community.

  Otollar (2): Leader, or Warrior One, of Listhelon. Died when he failed to defeat humans.

  Owant (2): Second Warrior to Otollar.

  Oowaoa (1): Home world of the Deavoriath.

  Oxisanna (5): Wife of Yibitriander

  Pallolo (4): First destination for Desolation after shanghaiing Jon.


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