Fang Me

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Fang Me Page 5

by Parker Blue

  Luis knew it, too."These are a last resort only," he told them."If a rogue vampire or gang attacks the blood bank tonight, you are to observe only. Use these weapons only to protect humans. Do you understand?"

  Josh and Andrew nodded soberly, but I didn't trust the gleam in their eyes.

  "Use it only if one of them attacks you first," I added. Didn't want them going off half -cocked and shooting one of the good guys."Oh, and one more thing. Micah still wants to keep the Underground secret, so don't even think about using your powers in public or you'll have a whole boatload of pissed -off demons to deal with. Got it?"

  Andrew scowled, but I didn't relax my glare until they both nodded.

  "So what do we do now?" Josh asked."Patrol?"

  Luis shook his head."Too obvious. We don't want to scare them away. We want them to feel safe enough to strike, so we can try to reason with them." But from the way he hefted the stake in his hand, I wasn't sure he thought mere talking would be enough.

  "You expect them here tonight?" I asked.

  Luis nodded."It fits their pattern. We have warned most of our regular customers away, but will need someone to lure them in. Many of them know the Slayer, so . . ." He turned a speculative gaze on Josh and Andrew.

  "You want to use us as bait?" Andrew asked in disbelief.

  "One of you," Luis said."Him." He pointed at Josh.

  It made a lot of sense. If Josh knew they were coming, he could phase out before they grabbed him. And he was slighter, looking less likely to fight back than the stocky redheaded fire demon.

  Josh gulped visibly."But what if one of them grabs me before I can phase? I can't phase when someone is holding onto me." He sounded on the edge of panic.

  "Don't worry," I assured him."We'll be watching you and won't let you get hurt."


  When Josh paled even more, I realized Fang must have shared his thought with the demon. I glared at the hellhound who acted as if he had nothing on his innocent little mind except for scratching his ear. You're not helping. Aloud, I added to Josh,"You know better than anyone that if one tries to bite you, they'll regret it. Remember, vamp drink demon blood, vamp go crazy." That's what had gotten Josh into trouble in the first place.

  "That's settled then," Luis said, though Josh didn't look as though he thought it was settled at all."Their normal method of operation is to have two or three band together to attack someone alone on the street outside, then drain them almost completely and dump them at the door before anyone can raise an alarm." He shook his head."We've been able to get some of the victims to the hospital in time or replenished their blood with our own supply, but it's not enough."

  From the grit in his tone, I figured he wasn't happy that the unaffiliated ones thumbed their noses at the Movement in this way.

  Luis glared at Josh and Andrew."And thanks to you, our supplies are way down."

  Andrew backed off, holding his hands up."Whoa, not me, dude. All I did was try to burn your house down."

  Stupid to remind us. Luis's eyes narrowed, but before he could ream the fire demon a new one, I said,"So what's the plan? Throw Josh out as bait and watch in the shadows to see if we can reel in some bottom feeders?"

  "Indeed," Luis agreed."Though they will suspect something if they sense anyone else on the street. We shall wait in the lobby."

  Josh's brow furrowed."Then how will you know if I'm in trouble?"

  "I shall enthrall you lightly and remain in your mind the whole time," Luis said.

  "Huh? No way, dude." Josh backed off, holding his hands out as if to ward off the vampire.

  "Then what do you suggest?" Luis bit out."Would you rather the succubus enslave you?"

  Whoa—I so didn't want to go there. I stepped in."How about if Fang keeps tabs on you, Josh? He's read you before and can alert me right away if you're in danger. Fang, you can do that, right?"


  Yeah, but I want you to reassure Josh.


  "Okay, okay," Josh said."Fang can watch out for me."

  And Fang did as Josh wandered the streets for a couple of hours without a nibble, careful not to go beyond Fang's range. The rest of us hung out in the lobby, watching customers come and go. Most who did arrived in a group or were escorted by a member of the Movement and wore large silver crosses until they got inside.

  Though the Movement gave the option of donating blood in a sterile location downstairs, the vast majority of these nighttime visitors chose the other—far more personal—method of donating. It made sense. The other kind of donation could be given during the day. Since the up close and personal kind required fang to neck, the sun had to be down. Unfortunately, that meant the bad vamps were out and about as well. But since the"customers" got a thrill along with the donation, a lot of them were willing to risk it. I bet some of them were becoming addicts. Would we soon see Fangees Anonymous forming here in town?

  My musings were cut short as Fang alerted us that Josh had spotted someone tailing him. I didn't get too excited since we'd already had a couple of false alarms. One was a stray dog and the other some blood bank customers. But we moved toward the door just in case. Not too fast—we didn't want to spook the customers—but to be there in case Josh needed us.

  IT'S THEM, Fang confirmed, and we all charged out into the street.

  Lust for the hunt sizzled in my blood. As we burst outside, I saw four vamps chasing Josh toward the blood bank. One reached for him and Andrew yelled,"Phase, now!"

  Josh went transparent for a moment and the vamp's hand went right through him.

  "Here," Andrew shouted again,"I have your weapon."

  Josh continued his rush through a parked car. Two of his pursuers crashed into it. The other two swerved in time and came around it—smack into Luis and me. I was ready with a stake and plunged it into one's heart. He fell like a rock. Luis scuffled with the other one so I looked back to check on Josh and Andrew.

  They had their backs against the brick wall and were scrambling to arm their crossbows. Fang had jumped protectively in front of them, bared his fangs and growled, his eyes flashing purple. He was actually holding the two bloodsuckers at bay. I took a running leap and tackled one of them. He slammed into his buddy, taking them both down. Bowling for vampires, anyone?

  I fumbled for a stake as the two unwashed dead fought to get out from under me. Sheesh, it smelled like they hadn't bathed for a month. Phew!

  Uh oh. All that writhing woke Lola up, and they were inside my energy field, which meant I didn't even have to try to make them want me. The male vamps suddenly seemed far more interested in holding on to me than in fighting me off. Ick. Was one of them seriously trying to hump my leg?

  Forget using Lola to tame them. I didn't want their smelly energy anywhere near me. I jumped off of them, feeling as though I'd been slimed. Now I was able to grab another stake from my back waistband. I slammed it toward the one who'd been humping my leg. He rolled to the side. Missed. I hit his buddy in the thigh instead. He screamed and Fang lunged for his crotch. The stabbed vamp's scream took on a higher pitch and he curled up into a ball. That ought to keep him out of action for a bit.

  His friend scrambled to his feet, looking royally pissed, and flashed his fangs at me. Something slugged me on my left side, making me stagger forward a step. Searing pain followed shortly after, but I couldn't deal with that right now. The standing vamp rushed me and I stepped aside. He missed me, slamming into the parked car. I heard something whoosh past me—a fireball! It hit the vamp right in the chest and he went up in flames, screaming. Luckily, he fell on the sidewalk instead of against the gas tank, and thrashed in agony until he died.

  Barbecued vamp . . . not a nice smell. And a sucky way to die.

  I turned to see a pale and horrified Josh and Andrew staring at the three undead who were definitely dead dea
d now. Not a pretty sight since Luis had twisted the head off of his opponent. He now held the last one standing—the one I'd bowled over—pinned to the wall by his throat. The stake was still in the vamp's thigh and his crotch probably hurt like hell, judging by his whimpering.

  Luis whispered fiercely into his ear."The Movement and the Slayer will no longer tolerate your harassment and killing of humans for sustenance. From now on, we cry war against all of the unaffiliated. Join us or die."

  The vamp, who seemed to be no more than twenty years old, gaped at me in horror. Though my side was hurting like a son of a gun, I tried to come across as all mean and slayerish.

  "I didn't know," the vamp sobbed."I didn't know."

  Luis flung him away in disgust and yanked the stake out of his thigh."Go, tell the others. As for you, if we hear of you attacking anyone again, we will hunt you down, and your ending will make these deaths look like a walk in the park. Got it?"

  The vamp gave a jerky nod."Okay. I-I'll join tomorrow. Right after I tell everyone else."

  "You do that," I said sternly as he hobbled away on his injured leg as fast as he could.

  Fang came to stand beside me, his tongue lolling in amusement. YOU DO THAT? WOW, GREAT LINE.

  Oh, shut up. It was the best I'd been able to come up with, considering the pain in my side. Speaking of pain, I glanced down and saw that a crossbow bolt had pierced the outer edge of the skin above my hip and was sticking out both in the back and the front. Crap.

  I turned to glare at the two demons. The first time I'd been really injured . . . and I'd been shot by my own side?

  "It was an accident, I swear," Josh said, his crossbow on the ground and his hands held out as if to ward me off."I was aiming at the vampire."

  Luis's reply almost sounded like a growl."Didn't we tell you two to use those weapons only as a last resort?"

  "Yes, but there were two of them and Val—"

  "Val had them under control," I said."And see what you did? You shot me!"

  Luis glared at Andrew."And you were told not to use your powers."

  Andrew lifted his chin defiantly."I killed him, didn't I?"

  "You do as you're told!" Luis slapped Andrew, hard, and for some reason, that shocked me more than anything else that had happened this evening.

  But it reminded me that he could have done much worse if he wanted to. And, it apparently did the same thing for the two demons, because their eyes widened and they paled even more.

  Bet they were really sorry they hadn't listened.


  "Stay here," Luis ordered."I will do damage control, to clear the minds of any who witnessed this."

  Sure enough, there were horrified lookie-loos staring out of the blood bank and cruising down the street.

  "I'm so sorry," Josh said."It won't happen again, I swear." He seemed to be genuinely apologetic.

  HE IS, Fang confirmed. YOU'RE HIS NEW HERO.



  Oh, great. Groupies."So, what are we going to do about getting this thing out of me?" I took off my vest and carefully peeled away the shirt around the wound, wincing as the cloth brushed against the short bolt. It had caught only about an inch of my skin so nothing vital was hit, but it hurt like hell, especially now that the adrenaline was wearing off. Luckily, it didn't have any barbs on the pointy end, or it would have done a lot more damage.

  "Sorry," Andrew muttered."Does it hurt?"

  Duh."Oh, no, I'm good," I said, not bothering to hide my sarcasm."I think I'll start a trend with the latest rage in body piercings." When his eyes went wide with surprise, I snapped,"Of course it hurts, you moron." More and more with each moment that passed.

  Luis, his mind-bending apparently complete, returned to our side and bent to inspect the bolt."You need to remove that."

  "Yeah," Josh said."And call Shade."

  "No, not Shade," I protested, struggling to keep the pain from showing on my face.

  "Why not? He can heal you."

  YEAH, Fang echoed. WHY NOT?

  I'll explain later, I told the hellhound. Aloud, I said,"This is trivial. Call Gwen. She's a trauma nurse—she'll know what to do." Besides, she knew what I was and wouldn't make a fuss."She's on duty at the ER tonight." I handed Josh my phone and pulled a Special Crimes Unit locator out of another pocket. I activated the beacon to send our GPS coordinates. Soon, the SCU ambulance would be here to cart away the remains.

  Andrew and Luis stared down at the bolt in my side."It's silver," Luis said,"or I'd remove it."

  "I don't have a problem with silver," Andrew said. And before I realized what he planned, he grabbed the back of it and yanked it out.

  Agony burned through my side, radiating through my entire body, and I barely kept from screaming. But no amount of will could keep me conscious. My brain fuzzed out and I crumpled to the ground.


  I woke to a throbbing ache in my side, with the occasional piercing pain. Where was I? I lay curled on my right side on a comfortable surface that appeared to be made of soft, supple leather. Wherever I was, it was moving. I opened my eyes and stared straight into concerned brown eyes framed by wispy reddish blond hair. Fang.

  He licked my nose. YOU'RE IN THE BACK SEAT OF LUIS'S CAR, Fang said from the floorboard. WE'RE TAKING YOU TO GWEN'S ER.

  Good. There were closer hospitals, but Gwen would be discreet. I shifted to a more comfortable position and pain lanced through my side. I winced. Note to self—don't do that again. Where are Josh and Andrew? If Luis had done something to them—




  I glanced up to see Josh peering around the seat at me."Her eyes are open! Val, are you okay?"

  Okay? How could I be okay? He'd shot me in the side, fergawdsakes."Yeah," I managed to say.

  "You sure you don't want us to take you to Shade?"

  "I'm sure," I croaked."I want Gwen."


  I gave him a reason he'd understand. Remember what happened when Shade healed Josh? Opening the healing conduits to the other world made Shade more vulnerable to the demons waiting there. Since exchanging healing energies took a lot out of him, he was less able to keep the demons at bay. He'd almost lost control then and would have killed himself to keep the demons out of our world if I hadn't stopped him.


  I did it then with Lola's help. Her seduction had proved more powerful than the demon's pull. But seducing him right now . . . no. Neither of us needed that kind of temptation. And while I was all gung-ho to have Shade as a boyfriend, keeping us dependent on each other couldn't be a good idea.

  Besides, I wasn't sure I'd have any oomph left to control him immediately after he healed me. If I remembered right, the others he'd healed had been pretty much exhausted afterward. Plus there was another reason, but I didn't want to go into it right now.

  I could feel Fang's attention sharpen on me. YOU WANT TO FEEL THIS PAIN. MASOCHIST MUCH?

  I should have known he'd sniff it out anyway. I'm not a masochist. It's just that . . . Heck, I didn't know how to say this. As the Slayer, I didn't get injured often. What would happen if Shade and I made love, then I got hurt and couldn't heal as fast? I needed to know what it was like to feel pain as full humans did. I needed to know if I could handle it. I needed to know if it was worth it.

  The hellhound poked me in the stomach with his nose. HOW'S THAT WORKING FOR YOU, VAL?

  I'll let you know. Luis hit a pot
hole and agony seared my side. But I wasn't about to let a little pain stop me. I was determined to not be a wuss. After all, I had to live up to that heroic image in my groupies' eyes.

  Fang snorted then raised his nose, sniffing as the car slowed and turned. WE MUST BE AT THE HOSPITAL.

  Luis stopped the car and took charge."Andrew, go get a wheelchair. Joshua, you get the trauma nurse." The vamp came around to open the door by my head.

  I struggled to sit up."I don't need a wheelchair."

  "Don't be stubborn," Luis snapped."We don't want to attract undue attention."

  "Yeah, right. Like being pierced by a crossbow bolt is an everyday occurrence."


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