Fang Me

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Fang Me Page 22

by Parker Blue

  I poured us each some juice and Shade started breakfast on the stove.

  "Go ahead," Shade said."I can cook and listen at the same time."

  Jack nodded."You see, when the folks in Ireland burned my mother as a witch, my father brought me and my sisters to California."

  Shade stopped what he was doing at the stove."They burned her?"

  Jack shrugged."I was just a boy at the time."

  "Go on," I urged him, not wanting to go off on tangents.

  He nodded."I'll make this short. My father had heard about the gold, so he hoped to make his fortune there, though we were too late for the rush. My sisters and I joined the Demon Underground, of course, and the Underground had taken the encyclopedia away years before from a full mage demon . . . at great cost, you might imagine."

  We nodded, and I made hurry-up motions.

  He shrugged."The books chose me as keeper—"

  "How?" I said, then shook my head. I wanted to know, but I wanted to hear the end of this story first."Never mind. Go on."

  "So when the mage demon's son—that would be Garrett Jackson—stole one of the books and caused an earthquake that nearly tore California off the map, it was my duty to hunt him down and stop him."

  Shade placed some toast and jelly in front of us and Jack grabbed a slice. He took a huge bite and closed his eyes in ecstasy, as if he'd just had a taste of heaven from a five-star chef."Do you have any idea how long it's been since I had anything to eat?"

  "Yeah, pretty much," I said impatiently."Eat all you want later, but continue your story. How did you stop Garrett Jackson?"

  After he swallowed another bite, Jack said,"Being keeper grants you the power of the books to draw on, providing your intentions are pure and you know what you're doing. He was too powerful, so I used the magick in the books to create a doorway to another world, then tricked him into going through it." He paused for another bite.

  "And?" Micah prompted.

  He looked rueful."Unfortunately, the only way my ruse would work was to go through it with him and close the door behind me."

  I stared at him in awe. Now here was a real hero.

  He grimaced at my expression."Don't look like that. Time passes faster there, and we didn't age. I kept him from contacting his son, and we got along all right until I learned he'd found a way to whisper to folks on this side."

  The light dawned."Oh, so that's who was talking to Josh and Andrew. Trevor's father—he was the dark magick everyone sensed?"

  "That's right."

  "So the books aren't bad as Trevor said?" Shade asked.

  Jack swallowed, then answered,"Well, they can be dangerous in the wrong hands."

  "Like a mage demon's, I take it?" Micah said.

  "Yes, but the books themselves aren't dangerous. It's the intentions of the person reading the spells that matters."

  "Okay, go on," I urged him.

  "Once I learned what Garrett was doing, I knew his son would sense the awakening. I blocked that link and had Andrew hide the books in the best spot I could think of." He glanced at me."I tried to get you to find me, but Garrett kept fighting me, blocking me."

  Well, that explained the intermittent nature of Jack's communication. And, speaking of that . . . "Can you still speak to me in my mind?" I asked, not sure I liked the idea.

  Jack shook his head."No, I'm no longer the keeper of the books. Once I got back into this world, they chose someone else."

  Uhoh. What kind of person could handle that kind of power?"Who?"

  "Why, you, of course," he said."That's why the books made their way to you when you were a child."

  Micah frowned."What about my father? He had the books before Val."

  "He could have been a keeper if he'd had the training, but when the books became aware of Valentine, they chose her as the next keeper."

  Me? "But . . . but . . ."

  "And that's why I was able to use your magick to send them back. Together, two keepers and a shadow demon were stronger than two mage demons. Once you gave up every last iota of your power to save the world, you became the keeper."

  No, no, I couldn't take this responsibility."I can't do that. I won't be able to protect the books." I glanced guiltily at Micah, wondering if Shade had filled them in on the nolonger-a-virgin newsflash.

  Micah nodded."When you didn't heal as fast as we expected, Shade explained what happened."

  Jack raised an eyebrow."You mean now that you are no longer as pure as the driven snow, you lost your powers?"

  Oh, crap. I forgot he'd been in and out of my mind. I winced."Yeah, that. I'm no longer the Slayer. I won't be able to safeguard the books the way they should be."

  "No problem," Jack said."Didn't you hear me earlier? Being the keeper comes with a great deal of power."

  As I gaped at him, Fang broadcast the question in my mind to everyone at the table. YOU MEAN SHE WON'T BE A WUSS ANYMORE?

  "I don't understand what a wuss is," Jack said,"but I'm certain the new keeper is no such thing. In fact, she'll be very powerful."

  I gulped."But I don't know how to use that kind of power."

  Jack waved that away as if it were nothing. "I'll teach you."

  "You don't mind giving it up?" Shade asked.

  "Nope," Jack said."Being keeper can be quite a burden, too. I'm glad to retire."

  I had just about resigned myself to being normal and now he wanted me to be some kind of super demon? I gulped. How could I possibly handle this?

  AS YOU ALWAYS DO, Fang said, jumping up to put his paws in my lap. WITH PANACHE, A QUIP AND YOUR FAITHFUL HELLHOUND BY YOUR SIDE.

  Somehow, that wasn't very reassuring.

  As I stroked his fuzzy ears, Fang added, REMEMBER MARINA'S PROPHECY?

  I thought for a moment, then murmured,"Seek not, lest you find more than you bargained for. Keep not, lest you are prepared to meet your destiny." Well, I had definitely found more than I bargained for.

  Jack smiled."Are you ready to meet your destiny, Val?"

  It would help if I knew what that was . . . .

  Wondering, I placed a hand on the books. Something seemed to snick into place, as if reestablishing a bond I hadn't known was there, making me whole once more and opening up a vista of possibilities for the future. The books couldn't speak, but they did have an awareness, a sentience, unlike any inanimate object I'd ever seen. They seemed to promise me joy along with an important purpose in life, but not without hard work, sorrow and pain.

  Should I accept this destiny? I took a deep breath, knowing that no matter what decision I made, it would change my life forever.

  "I'm ready."

  * * * * *

  Reader Letter

  Thanks to all of the fabulous fans who took the time to read my books and leave me such wonderful feedback on Facebook—you're awesome! Not to mention incredibly wise and discerning. :)

  Val and Fang (and Shade!) have received such a positive response that BelleBooks and I decided to publish this third book and at least one more. It's such fun to write about their adventures that it's not a hardship at all. So, to whet your appetite for the next one, an excerpt of chapter one follows.

  Enjoy—and let me know what you think on my Facebook page!

  Parker Blue

  Colorado Springs, CO


  Book Four

  The Demon Underground Series

  Coming Spring 2012



  I crouched in the darkness of an ancient live oak, armed with only my wits, listening for any sign of the vampire. Nothing but the rattling of branches and the soughing of the wind through the leaves here on the longest night of the year.


  I wasn't hiding out of fear. I just wanted to get a bead on him before he found me first. Now that I'd lost my strength, speed, and healing ability, and I hadn't learned how to use my supposed new powers as keeper of the Encyclopedia Magicka, I needed any advantage I could get. And the live o
ak, with its leaves and gnarled branches as big around as my waist, shaded me from the revealing gaze of the moonlight.

  "Val Shapiiiiiro," he crooned, the eerie mocking sound seeming one with the breeze."Come out, come out wherever you are . . . . "

  Too close! He'd found me.

  Lust for the hunt sizzled through my blood and I whirled toward the sound."Make me," I growled.

  He rushed me, inhumanly fast. I leapt up to one of the low branches and lashed out with a savate kick, hoping to score a field goal with his head. He ducked.

  Too slow, dammit. I stumbled for a nanosecond on the uneven surface then regained my balance as he appeared on the bough beside me. His infuriating grin flashed in a sliver of moonlight. I struck out with my fist, hoping to smash the fangs off his face. Blocked.

  I couldn't let him take the offensive. And though I might have lost my speed and strength, I still had my martial arts training. I battered him with a series of blows, but he was so fast, none of them connected where I wanted. I tried a low blow—a kick to the 'nads, but he stopped that, too.

  Frustrated, I leapt up to grab the branch above me, planning to swing up and over it and use the momentum to knock him off his perch. Instead, he tackled me. I lost my grip and we both hit the hard-packed earth, knocking the wind out of me.

  Taking advantage of my momentary pause and gasp for air, he straddled my waist and hooked his legs over mine so I couldn't move, then grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head.

  Crap. He was too strong—I couldn't get free, no matter how hard I struggled.

  He grinned, looking way too happy with the situation."Yield, darlin'?"

  Never. I still had one weapon left. I hated to use it, but I hated to lose even more. I called on the succubus inside me and she leapt to the fore, eager for action. The purple eye flash that came with the use of my demonic powers reflected in his eyes as my succubus Lola surged forth and slammed into his chakras, instantly making him my slave.

  His lust for Lola made it impossible to disobey me. I paused for a moment, trying to catch my breath enough to tell him to shove off.

  His smile turned wicked as he released my wrists and his hands started to wander where only one man's hands had gone before.

  This was so wrong."Get off me," I yelled, shoving against his shoulders.

  He took his time rolling off, his lascivious gaze and knowing smile never leaving my face as he hooked his thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans.

  I scrambled to my feet, releasing him from Lola's clutches so fast it made us both stagger."Seriously, Austin?" He looked different without his Stetson . . . edgier, more dangerous.

  Alejandro's cowboy lieutenant ran a hand over his face and chuckled softly."Hey, you were the one who played your ace in the hole . . . darlin'."

  My face heated. Crap. He always made me feel young and foolish. No matter that at eighteen, I'd been slaying vampires for years. No matter that I could make any man alive do whatever I wanted. No matter that brave cops, vampires, and demons feared me as the Slayer. None of it mattered when Austin gave me his knowing look. It was as if he gazed deep into the insecurities of my soul and laid them bare.

  I averted my gaze and pretended I was absorbed in brushing twigs and leaves from my T-shirt and jeans."I had to," I muttered."It was the only way I could win." He'd already beaten me once. I couldn't let him win two out of three.

  "I know," he said softly."Took you long enough."

  I shrugged."I don't like to use my powers unless it's absolutely necessary."

  "And that's why you lost the first time. If I'd really been out to get you . . ." He shrugged.

  "I know, I know." I'd be dead. Thank goodness, this was only practice. I didn't want the word to get out to the general vamp population that the Slayer had lost her powers, or I'd be challenged by every one of them not affiliated with the New Blood Movement . . . and maybe even some in the Movement.

  "Best two out of three?" I asked. This time, I'd be faster on the draw with my secret weapon.

  "I'll pass," he drawled."Now that you've figured out when to play your hole card . . . well, let's just say I don't think either of us would be comfortable doing that again."

  Boy, make me squirm, willya?

  Someone slammed into me from the side, taking me down again. Another vamp—Luis. I shoved Lola into him so fast, he didn't get a chance to try anything."Stop! Don't move." I scrambled to my feet and, just in case Austin tried anything more, I hooked him with one of Lola's energy tendrils as well."You, too."

  I'd learned my lesson and wasn't about to—

  Wham! I was down on the ground again. A third vamp? You're kidding me.

  I shook my head. No problem. I could handle three without even breaking a sweat. I lunged out with Lola to take care of numero tres, and got nothing but a hard slap across the face.

  Crap. It was Rosa. Lola wouldn't work on her."Stop her," I gritted out, sending a surge of power along Lola's energy strands.

  My two marionettes obeyed instantly, grabbing her and pulling her off me. They looked murderous, so I added,"Hold her—don't hurt her." Alejandro wouldn't be pleased if he found out I'd let two of his lieutenants tear the third limb from limb.

  Rosa—smart girl—didn't fight them. She just smirked at me.

  "Lucky hit," I said, raising up on one elbow to feel my jaw. She packed quite a wallop.

  "Not lucky," she spat."You, you call yourself the Slayer? If I used my knife, you'd be dead right now. Muerto."

  I could have pointed out that she'd be one dead undead bloodsucker with a single word from me, but kept my trap shut. After all, they were helping me regain some skill and confidence by sparring with me in private. It was my own damned fault that I'd assumed they'd come at me one at a time. The least I could do was act grateful.

  And I was, I really was. I hadn't known until tonight that the Movement used the clearing in the center of the woods around the mansion as their private training grounds. But I'd ignored their suggestion and avoided the open space. Instead, I'd taken to the trees, hoping it would give me some advantage. Not so much.

  I cast around with my senses but didn't detect any more bloodsuckers."Any others waiting in the wings to take a swing at the Slayer?" I asked before I got up again. I didn't want to meet the ground up close and personal for a fourth time.

  "No," Austin and Luis answered in unison.

  Good. I got slowly to my feet. The adrenaline was gone, so I was starting to experience the pain of tonight's punishment. Dang, it sucked to feel human. It was times like these that I regretted giving up my powers."Why do you care anyway?" I asked Rosa. She'd sounded so pissed.

  Still held captive by the other two vamps, she rolled her eyes."Because you need to protect Alejandro's back."

  "Why? I'm not his bodyguard. Doesn't he have, like, a whole vein of bloodsuckers to do that for him?" I knew Tessa's prophecy made him think of me as his personal talisman, but sheesh, that was taking it too far.

  "For when he goes to Austin," she clarified.

  I glanced at the cowboy vamp, confused."Goes to Austin for what?" And, realizing she'd calmed down and the two guys were both still in Lola's thrall, I let them go, despite Lola's protest.

  Rosa rubbed her arms and sulked."Stupid chica. Not him, the city. Maybe you've heard of it? The capitol of Texas?"


  But . . ."Since when are we going to Austin?" I asked.

  Luis folded his arms."Alejandro hasn't told her yet."

  He and the cowboy vamp exchanged an unreadable glance."Let's take her to him," Austin said.

  I heaved a sigh. Secrets. I hated secrets.

  Luis nodded briefly, and the three of them headed back to the house. They didn't even look back, just assumed I'd follow them like a good little girl. Hell with that. They could keep their secrets.

  Fang trotted up from his place on the sidelines. Part scruffy terrier, part telepathic hellhound, part smart-aleck-bane -of-my-existence, he sat on his haunches and grinned
up at me. POUT MUCH?

  We'd decided to have him sit this one out to see what I could do without him. I thought he'd be upset that he couldn't mix it up with me, but with that snarky comment, I wondered . . ."Did you enjoy watching them beat the crap out of me?" I asked.


  "Maybe," I muttered."But is this meeting necessary? Not so much," I mocked.


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