The Penny Dreadfuls MEGAPACK™

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The Penny Dreadfuls MEGAPACK™ Page 70

by Oscar Wilde

  And yet while the night lasted, and he was more indebted to the rays of the candle, which he had placed upon a shelf, for the power to distinguish objects than to the light of the morning, a thousand uneasy and strange sensations had found a home in his agitated bosom.

  He looked so many times at the portrait which was in the panel that at length he felt an undefined sensation of terror creep over him whenever he took his eyes off it.

  He tried to keep himself from looking at it, but he found it vain, so he adopted what, perhaps, was certainly the wisest, best plan, namely, to look at it continually.

  He shifted his chair so that he could gaze upon it without any effort, and he placed the candle so that a faint light was thrown upon it, and there he sat, a prey to many conflicting and uncomfortable feelings, until the daylight began to make the candle flame look dull and sickly.

  Solution for the events of the night he could find none. He racked his imagination in vain to find some means, however vague, of endeavouring to account for what occurred, and still he was at fault. All was to him wrapped in the gloom of the most profound mystery.

  And how strangely, too, the eyes of that portrait appeared to look upon him—as if instinct with life, and as if the head to which they belonged was busy in endeavouring to find out the secret communings of his soul. It was wonderfully well executed that portrait; so life-like, that the very features seemed to move as you gazed upon them.

  “It shall be removed,” said Henry. “I would remove it now, but that it seems absolutely painted on the panel, and I should awake Flora in any attempt to do so.”

  He arose and ascertained that such was the case, and that it would require a workman, with proper tools adapted to the job, to remove the portrait.

  “True,” he said, “I might now destroy it, but it is a pity to obscure a work of such rare art as this is; I should blame myself if I were. It shall be removed to some other room of the house, however.”

  Then, all of a sudden, it struck Henry how foolish it would be to remove the portrait from the wall of a room which, in all likelihood, after that night, would be uninhabited; for it was not probable that Flora would choose again to inhabit a chamber in which she had gone through so much terror.

  “It can be left where it is,” he said, “and we can fasten up, if we please, even the very door of this room, so that no one need trouble themselves any further about it.”

  The morning was now coming fast, and just as Henry thought he would partially draw a blind across the window, in order to shield from the direct rays of the sun the eyes of Flora, she awoke.

  “Help—help!” she cried, and Henry was by her side in a moment.

  “You are safe, Flora—you are safe,” he said.

  “Where is it now?” she said.

  “What—what, dear Flora?”

  “The dreadful apparition. Oh, what have I done to be made thus perpetually miserable?”

  “Think no more of it, Flora.”

  “I must think. My brain is on fire! A million of strange eyes seem gazing on me.”

  “Great Heaven! she raves,” said Henry.

  “Hark—hark—hark! He comes on the wings of the storm. Oh, it is most horrible—horrible!”

  Henry rang the bell, but not sufficiently loudly to create any alarm. The sound reached the waking ear of the mother, who in a few moments was in the room.

  “She has awakened,” said Henry, “and has spoken, but she seems to me to wander in her discourse. For God’s sake, soothe her, and try to bring her mind round to its usual state.”

  “I will, Henry—I will.”

  “And I think, mother, if you were to get her out of this room, and into some other chamber as far removed from this one as possible, it would tend to withdraw her mind from what has occurred.”

  “Yes; it shall be done. Oh, Henry, what was it—what do you think it was?”

  “I am lost in a sea of wild conjecture. I can form no conclusion; where is Mr. Marchdale?”

  “I believe in his chamber.”

  “Then I will go and consult with him.”

  Henry proceeded at once to the chamber, which was, as he knew, occupied by Mr. Marchdale; and as he crossed the corridor, he could not but pause a moment to glance from a window at the face of nature.

  As is often the case, the terrific storm of the preceding evening had cleared the air, and rendered it deliciously invigorating and lifelike. The weather had been dull, and there had been for some days a certain heaviness in the atmosphere, which was now entirely removed.

  The morning sun was shining with uncommon brilliancy, birds were singing in every tree and on every bush; so pleasant, so spirit-stirring, health-giving a morning, seldom had he seen. And the effect upon his spirits was great, although not altogether what it might have been, had all gone on as it usually was in the habit of doing at that house. The ordinary little casualties of evil fortune had certainly from time to time, in the shape of illness, and one thing or another, attacked the family of the Bannerworths in common with every other family, but here suddenly had arisen a something at once terrible and inexplicable.

  He found Mr. Marchdale up and dressed, and apparently in deep and anxious thought. The moment he saw Henry, he said—

  “Flora is awake, I presume.”

  “Yes, but her mind appears to be much disturbed.”

  “From bodily weakness, I dare say.”

  “But why should she be bodily weak? she was strong and well, ay, as well as she could ever be in all her life. The glow of youth and health was on her cheeks. Is it possible that, in the course of one night, she should become bodily weak to such an extent?”

  “Henry,” said Mr. Marchdale, sadly, “sit down. I am not, as you know, a superstitious man.”

  “You certainly are not.”

  “And yet, I never in all my life was so absolutely staggered as I have been by the occurrences of tonight.”

  “Say on.”

  “There is a frightful, a hideous solution of them; one which every consideration will tend to add strength to, one which I tremble to name now, although, yesterday, at this hour, I should have laughed it to scorn.”


  “Yes, it is so. Tell no one that which I am about to say to you. Let the dreadful suggestion remain with ourselves alone, Henry Bannerworth.”

  “I—I am lost in wonder.”

  “You promise me?”


  “That you will not repeat my opinion to any one.”

  “I do.”

  “On your honour.”

  “On my honour, I promise.”

  Mr. Marchdale rose, and proceeding to the door, he looked out to see that there were no listeners near. Having ascertained then that they were quite alone, he returned, and drawing a chair close to that on which Henry sat, he said—

  “Henry, have you never heard of a strange and dreadful superstition which, in some countries, is extremely rife, by which it is supposed that there are beings who never die.”

  “Never die!”

  “Never. In a word, Henry, have you never heard of—of—I dread to pronounce the word.”

  “Speak it. God of Heaven! let me hear it.”

  “A vampire!”

  Henry sprung to his feet. His whole frame quivered with emotion; the drops of perspiration stood upon his brow, as, in, a strange, hoarse voice, he repeated the words—

  “A vampire!”

  “Even so; one who has to renew a dreadful existence by human blood—one who lives on for ever, and must keep up such a fearful existence upon human gore—one who eats not and drinks not as other men—a vampire.”

  Henry dropped into his scat, and uttered a deep groan of the most exquisite anguish.

  “I could echo that groan,” said Marchdale, “but that I am so thoroug
hly bewildered I know not what to think.”

  “Good God—good God!”

  “Do not too readily yield belief in so dreadful a supposition, I pray you.”

  “Yield belief!” exclaimed Henry, as he rose, and lifted up one of his hands above his head. “No; by Heaven, and the great God of all, who there rules, I will not easily believe aught so awful and so monstrous.”

  “I applaud your sentiment, Henry; not willingly would I deliver up myself to so frightful a belief—it is too horrible. I merely have told you of that which you saw was on my mind. You have surely before heard of such things.”

  “I have—I have.”

  “I much marvel, then, that the supposition did not occur to you, Henry.”

  “It did not—it did not, Marchdale. It—it was too dreadful, I suppose, to find a home in my heart. Oh! Flora, Flora, if this horrible idea should once occur to you, reason cannot, I am quite sure, uphold you against it.”

  “Let no one presume to insinuate it to her, Henry. I would not have it mentioned to her for worlds.”

  “Nor I—nor I. Good God! I shudder at the very thought—the mere possibility; but there is no possibility, there can be none. I will not believe it.”

  “Nor I.”

  “No; by Heaven’s justice, goodness, grace, and mercy, I will not believe it.”

  “Tis well sworn, Henry; and now, discarding the supposition that Flora has been visited by a vampire, let us seriously set about endeavouring, if we can, to account for what has happened in this house.”

  “I—I cannot now.”

  “Nay, let us examine the matter; if we can find any natural explanation, let us cling to it, Henry, as the sheet-anchor of our very souls.”

  “Do you think. You are fertile in expedients. Do you think, Marchdale; and, for Heaven’s sake, and for the sake of our own peace, find out some other way of accounting for what has happened, than the hideous one you have suggested.”

  “And yet my pistol bullets hurt him not; he has left the tokens of his presence on the neck of Flora.”

  “Peace, oh! peace. Do not, I pray you, accumulate reasons why I should receive such a dismal, awful superstition. Oh, do not, Marchdale, as you love me!”

  “You know that my attachment to you,” said Marchdale, “is sincere; and yet, Heaven help us!”

  His voice was broken by grief as he spoke, and he turned aside his head to hide the bursting tears that would, despite all his efforts, show themselves in his eyes.

  “Marchdale,” added Henry, after a pause of some moments’ duration, “I will sit up tonight with my sister.”


  “Think you there is a chance it may come again?”

  “I cannot—I dare not speculate upon the coming of so dreadful a visitor, Henry; but I will hold watch with you most willingly.”

  “You will, Marchdale?”

  “My hand upon it. Come what dangers may, I will share them with you, Henry.”

  “A thousand thanks. Say nothing, then, to George of what we have been talking about. He is of a highly susceptible nature, and the very idea of such a thing would kill him.”

  “I will; be mute. Remove your sister to some other chamber, let me beg of you, Henry; the one she now inhabits will always be suggestive of horrible thoughts.”

  “I will; and that dreadful-looking portrait, with its perfect likeness to him who came last night.”

  “Perfect indeed. Do you intend to remove it?”

  “I do not. I thought of doing so; but it is actually on the panel in the wall, and I would not willingly destroy it, and it may as well remain where it is in that chamber, which I can readily now believe will become henceforward a deserted one in this house.”

  “It may well become such.”

  “Who comes here? I hear a step.”

  There was a tip at the door at this moment, and George made his appearance in answer to the summons to come in. He looked pale and ill; his face betrayed how much he had mentally suffered during that night, and almost directly he got into the bed-chamber he said—

  I shall, I am sure, be censured by you both for what I am going to say; but I cannot help saying it, nevertheless, for to keep it to myself would destroy me.”

  “Good God, George! what is it?” said Mr. Marchdale.

  “Speak it out!” said Henry.

  “I have been thinking of what has occurred here, and the result of that thought has been one of the wildest suppositions that ever I thought I should have to entertain. Have you never heard of a vampire?”

  Henry sighed deeply, and Marchdale was silent.

  “I say a vampire,” added George, with much excitement in his manner. “It is a fearful, a horrible supposition; but our poor, dear Flora has been visited by a vampire, and I shall go completely mad!”

  He sat down, and covering his face with his hands, he wept bitterly and abundantly.

  “George,” said Henry, when he saw that the frantic grief had in some measure abated—“be calm, George, and endeavour to listen to me.”

  “I hear, Henry.”

  “Well, then, do not suppose that you are the only one in this house to whom so dreadful a superstition has occurred.”

  “Not the only one?”

  “No; it has occurred to Mr. Marchdale also.”

  “Gracious Heaven!”

  “He mentioned it to me; but we have both agreed to repudiate it with horror.”


  “Yes, George.”

  “And yet—and yet—”

  “Hush, hush! I know what you would say. You would tell us that our repudiation of it cannot affect the fact. Of that we are aware; but yet will we disbelieve that which a belief in would be enough to drive us mad.”

  “What do you intend to do?”

  “To keep this supposition to ourselves, in the first place; to guard it most zealously from the ears of Flora.”

  “Do you think she has ever heard of vampires?”

  “I never heard her mention that in all her reading she had gathered even a hint of such a fearful superstition. If she has, we must be guided by circumstances, and do the best we can.”

  “Pray Heaven she may not!”

  “Amen to that prayer, George,” said Henry. “Mr. Marchdale and I intend to keep watch over Flora tonight.”

  “May not I join you?”

  “Your health, dear George, will not permit you to engage in such matters. Do you seek your natural repose, and leave it to us to do the best we can in this most fearful and terrible emergency.”

  “As you please, brother, and as you please, Mr. Marchdale. I know I am a frail reed, and my belief is that this affair will kill me quite. The truth is, I am horrified—utterly and frightfully horrified. Like my poor, dear sister, I do not believe I shall ever sleep again.”

  “Do not fancy that, George,” said Marchdale. “You very much add to the uneasiness which must be your poor mother’s portion, by allowing this circumstance to so much affect you. You well know her affection for you all, and let me therefore, as a very old friend of hers, entreat you to wear as cheerful an aspect as you can in her presence.”

  “For once in my life,” said George, sadly, “I will; to my dear mother, endeavour to play the hypocrite.”

  “Do so,” said Henry. “The motive will sanction any such deceit as that, George, be assured.”

  The day wore on, and Poor Flora remained in a very precarious situation. It was not until mid-day that Henry made up his mind he would call in a medical gentleman to her, and then he rode to the neighbouring market-town, where he knew an extremely intelligent practitioner resided. This gentleman Henry resolved upon, under a promise of secrecy, makings confidant of; but, long before he reached him, he found he might well dispense with the promise of secrecy.

He had never thought, so engaged had he been with other matters, that the servants were cognizant of the whole affair, and that from them he had no expectation of being able to keep the whole story in all its details. Of course such an opportunity for tale-bearing and gossiping was not likely to be lost; and while Henry was thinking over how he had better act in the matter, the news that Flora Bannerworth had been visited in the night by a vampire—for the servants named the visitation such at once—was spreading all over the county.

  As he rode along, Henry met a gentleman on horseback who belonged to the county, and who, reining in his steed, said to him,

  “Good morning, Mr. Bannerworth.”

  “Good morning,” responded Henry, and he would have ridden on, but the gentleman added—

  “Excuse me for interrupting you, sir; but what is the strange story that is in everybody’s mouth about a vampire?”

  Henry nearly fell off his horse, he was so much astonished, and, wheeling the animal around, he said—

  “In everybody’s mouth!”

  “Yes; I have heard it from at least a dozen persons.”

  “You surprise me.”

  “It is untrue? Of course I am not so absurd as really to believe about the vampire; but is there no foundation at all for it? We generally find that at the bottom of these common reports there is a something around which, as a nucleus, the whole has formed.”

  “My sister is unwell.”

  “Ah, and that’s all. It really is too bad, now.”

  “We had a visitor last night.”

  “A thief, I suppose?”

  “Yes, yes—I believe a thief. I do believe it was a thief, and she was terrified.”

  “Of course, and upon such a thing is grafted a story of a vampire, and the marks of his teeth being in her neck, and all the circumstantial particulars.”

  “Yes, yes.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Bannerworth.”

  Henry bade the gentleman good morning, and much vexed at the publicity which the affair had already obtained, he set spurs to his horse, determined that he would speak to no one else upon so uncomfortable a theme. Several attempts were made to stop him, but he only waved his hand and trotted on, nor did he pause in his speed till he reached the door of Mr. Chillingworth, the medical man whom he intended to consult.


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