Fighting Our Forever (Panthera Security Series Book 3)

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Fighting Our Forever (Panthera Security Series Book 3) Page 10

by Elisa Leigh

  Ryan and I sit on either side of her and hold our world in our hands.


  As soon as we got home, Callie gave Rush a bath and puts him in bed with us. I understand how she’s feeling, worried she’ll wake up and he won’t be here. Thank god that with the help of our friends and the police, we were able to get him back before any damage had been done. Ryan and I lay beside them, cocooning them in and keeping them safe.

  “I thought I lost them, Paul. That phone call changed everything. I brought this evil into our world, it’s my fault Brenna was here in the first place. If I never would have-”

  “Stop. Brenna fucking sucks, but without her, we wouldn’t have Rush. So yeah, things happened kind of crazy, but we got here in the end, and that’s all that matters.”

  “You think she’ll forgive me?” Ryan asks staring down at our woman.

  “She needs to forgive herself first. There’s so much guilt rolling around inside her she can’t even see straight.”

  “Callie did nothing wrong.”

  “And neither did you,” I tell him. I’ll let that resonate with him for a few days and then see where his head is at.

  I turn out the lights and snuggle in close to my family, thankful they’re safe and in my arms. Today could have turned out so differently, but it didn’t, and for that, I’ll always be grateful. Our family has a long road ahead of us before we are healed physically and emotionally, but as long as we’ve got each other, I know we’ll get there.

  Epilogue One


  “Mama, eat!” My son says tugging on my super awesome Star Wars leggings, Olivia found for me.

  “You just ate Boogaloo. Dinner is going to be done in a little bit.”

  Rush is relentless and tries again. “Cookie?”

  I laugh and pull the little stinker into my lap where he rubs my growing belly, then kisses it. “Baby?”

  “Yes Rush, momma has a baby in her belly.” Which only makes him smile. He’s super excited to have a baby brother, and we can’t wait either.

  Turns out when I rushed us out of the hospital after Brenna assaulted me, the doctors hadn’t gotten my blood work back yet. They called me a few days later and told me I needed to make a follow up appointment with my gynecologist because I was ten weeks pregnant.

  Color me surprised, the guys didn’t seem all that shocked though. After the news wore off, I realized it wasn’t that surprising considering we never used a condom. We were married a month later in a small ceremony with our family and friends in attendance. Kingston married us, and my father gave me away. The day was more than perfect with Rush by our side.

  I decided it was best if I took a break from teaching for a little while, giving me time to spend with Rush and our new little one. I’m not sure if I’ll ever go back, but my men support my decision, whatever it may be. Although, I think they’re secretly holding out for me to tell them I’m done with work and I’ll stay home for good.

  “Did I hear someone say cookie?” Paul asks, giving Rush a Vanilla Wafer. “Hey Precious, how you are feeling?”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “What?” He asks, his smile fading from his face.

  “I’m seven months pregnant, my ankles are swollen, my back hurts, and you just gave him a freaking c-o-o-k-i-e after I told him no!” I grouch at my husband.

  “Did you want one too?” When I glare at him, he backs off laughing the entire way back to the kitchen.

  “Chocolate chip,” I yell at him before he disappears laughing.



  Paul is in the other room laying Rush down for bed, and Callie is just getting out of the shower. Walking into the bedroom, she sits down in front of me and hands me her brush. I love brushing her hair out for her. She used to think it was weird when I would just start doing it for her when we’d get out of the shower, but now she just hands me the brush and lets me have at it.

  “You doing okay baby?” I ask when I’ve finished her hair.

  “I’m so tired.”

  “Lay back, and I’ll make you feel better.”

  She snorts. “Your way of making me feel better is what got us in this predicament.”

  Laying against the pillows, she watches as I slide down between her thighs. The moment I start kissing up to her sweet center, she moans, moving her pussy closer to me. Paul walks in and lays beside her, kissing her full pouty lips and massaging her ripe tits in his hand.

  “Is this what you needed Precious?” She nods and moans louder when I lick a path from her ass to her clit, circling it, and shoving two fingers in her hot pussy going straight for that one spot that has her coming instantly.

  “That’s it baby girl, come for us, come all over my hand so I can taste your sweet release.”

  “I’m coming.” she groans, fucking my hand. Seven months pregnant and she’s the sexiest I’ve ever seen her.

  When her orgasm fades, and I’ve licked all her nectar from her lips. I look up to find her asleep cuddled into Paul’s chest who’s looking amused.

  “What is that the third time this week?” He asks.

  I hold up four fingers and smile smugly. My baby was hurting and needed the edge taken off. I’ll proudly give her what she needs.

  Epilogue Two


  “Oh my god Liv, you have to see this!” I squeal, pulling her to the window I’m looking out of.

  “What is he doing? Did he just give her flowers?” Olivia asks, staring at Rush and Winnie sitting on the dock, side by side.

  “I heard him ask the guys last night how you know if a girl is interested in you. I didn’t think he was talking about Winnie.”

  Olivia smacks my arm, and I wince, the bitch can still throw a nasty hit. “Of course, he was talking about my Winnie. That boy has been in love with her since they were babies.”

  “Who’s in love with Winnie?” Garret asks, walking into the kitchen with Logan, Ryan, and Paul.

  Olivia’s eyes go wide, and she shakes her head frantically. “No, I’m not telling you. The poor girl already has you two going all crazy dad on her, she doesn’t need you to bother the boy that she likes.”

  “Awww.” She likes him back, he’s going to be so happy. I mean, if her crazy dads don’t ruin it before it starts.

  “She’s too young to be liking boys,” Logan adds, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at Olivia and me.

  “They’re young, just let them be,” I say turning around and staring back at our children. Rush has his arm wrapped around her shoulders, and her head is resting on his. All the men come up to the window and peek out.

  “Jesus Christ, now we have to worry about Rush?” Garret groans. “Oww, shit woman. I just don’t want her getting hurt.”

  “Love isn’t about not getting hurt, it’s about figuring out how to get through life with the person who makes it better.”



  “Do you think Rush and Winnie will end up together?” I ask.

  Callie shrugs. “Who the hell knows. I’m not worried about it. Right now they are just friends. They have their whole lives to live before they need to figure it out.”

  “We knew the moment we first saw you Precious, that you would be ours. We waited less than a year, and it was torture, think about how Rush feels if he knows she’s his one.”

  “Torture.” Ryan and I say at the same time.

  We all laugh and snuggle together in bed rewatching Supernatural for the millionth time since we’ve been married. Life has been good to us since Brenna was sentenced to over twenty years in prison for all the shit she pulled. Callie never went back to teaching and doesn’t regret it to this day. When she gave birth to our son Mace, who is now thirteen, she enjoyed the time she was able to spend with our boys. After Mace, she gave us twin daughters Lorelai and Lilly, who are ten. Then there was Jack a few years later, and finally, our youngest is George who is five.

  Six childre
n were enough for her, and she told us both to get fixed, so we wouldn’t have anymore. Figuring she did the hard part, we did as she asked.

  She’s been rubbing her hand up and down my thigh for the last few minutes, and I’ve got a pretty good idea what’s on her mind. “Did you need something Precious?”

  Sucking her lip into her mouth, she nods, and I know tonight is going to be one of those nights that once isn’t going to be enough. I look up at Ryan who’s already turning the volume on the TV up. “We’re going to love you so good baby.” He tells her before kissing her deeply.

  “You both always have.”

  The End

  Meet the Author


  Author of the Panthera Security series, the Steel Daggers MC series and the All For Love series, Elisa Leigh writes steamy love stories about men who know exactly what they want from their lady love, that being everything and forever.

  Signup for her newsletter here to get updates on new and upcoming releases

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  Facebook Page:

  Forever Alpha Beauties (Elisa’s Reader Group)

  Twitter & Instagram: @eleighauthor

  You can follow her on Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub to stay up to date on upcoming releases.

  Other Books by Elisa Leigh

  Panthera Security

  Finally, Our Forever

  Keeping Our Forever

  Fighting Our Forever

  (Book 4 Cash Owens)

  (Book 5 Adam Kingston)

  Steel Daggers MC

  His Sweet Treat

  Thanking Her Hero

  Their Holly Bell

  Saving His Hero

  Hacking Into Love (Coming Summer 2018)

  Book 5 (Coming Fall 2018)

  All For Love with MK Moore

  All For Erica at Christmas

  All For Gemma (TBD 2018)


  Karlee, my unicorn, you are an amazing friend, PA, beta reader, writer, cover designer, teaser maker, and unicorn. #69unicorns


  Mary, thanks for being a friend and always checking in on me. I can’t wait to write another book with you. Thank you for beta reading Fighting Our Forever. I value your input and look forward to hearing what you think each and every time. #unicornpack

  Shelly, BIG thank you for taking your time to beta ready Fighting Our Forever. I love talking to you and appreciate your insight into my books.

  Jeb, my hubby. I love you.

  ARC readers, thank you for encouraging me to keep writing and posting your reviews early. I read each and everyone and they mean everything to me. I try my best to learn from them and make the next book even better. I love you ladies for being on my team and supporting me through this journey!

  New readers, older readers, second timers, thank you for taking the time to read Fighting Our Forever. It means so much that you chose this book to get lost in.

  His Sweet Treat Excerpt

  Steel Daggers MC #1



  You got this Emersen. Walk in there, find Chelsea, and everything will be okay. I hope. The truth is, things haven’t been okay between Chelsea and me for a while now. In college, we had been complete opposites, but I thought we balanced each other well. Her outgoing personality and my quiet one worked when we roomed together.

  We graduated about six months ago, and we haven’t seen each other much. We stopped talking and hanging out altogether about a month after graduation. Chelsea surprised me when she called me last week and invited me to a costume party on Halloween at a bar she is working at.

  I almost didn't come, but my interest won out. Where has she been? My hand hovers over the handle to the vibrating door. I’m about to walk away when the man at the door interrupts my inner battle.

  “You going in, or what?” The man is well over six feet and built to cause damage. He’s got a black leather vest on with Steel Daggers on one side and Sergeant At Arms on the other. Judging by the look he’s giving me, I doubt the man is wearing a costume.

  I look down at my costume that I had so much fun picking out and smile. I remember when I was a little girl and my momma would take me trick or treating. We used to have so much fun for those few uninterrupted hours. I loved getting to play dress up with momma and spending time with her. Stew didn’t like going trick or treating with us. So, one day a year we could be together not worrying about my stepfather.

  “Look, babe, it’s in or out. If you aren’t coming in, you need to leave.”

  “Do you know Chelsea?”

  He quirks an eyebrow at me but stays silent. There's something there, recognition maybe?

  “Right. Okay, going in then.”

  He opens the door for me, and as soon as I walk in, I immediately know this is a mistake. The people closest to the door stop talking and stare. Yep. I’d stare too if I were them. I look around the entire bar and see that no one is wearing a costume. In fact, most of the men I see are wearing leather vests like the guy outside. Am I in a biker bar? Chels didn’t say anything about it being a biker bar.

  Not seeing Chelsea, I decide I can’t do this and turn around to leave without making a bigger ass of myself. Before I get to the door, I hear someone call my name. I look back and see her waving me over to where a group of women standing and staring. I really don’t want to go over there, but I do, for Chelsea.

  I feel the eyes of everyone I pass and my skin begins to crawl at the awareness of being watched. I know they’re laughing at me. I hear their sarcastic comments about what I look like. Every step I take, I regret my choice to walk in here.

  “Emersen. I can’t believe you came!” Chelsea yells over the music and hugs me quick.

  “Hey, Chels.”

  She releases me and stumbles backward, but rights herself by grabbing onto my arm.

  “Girls, this is my friend Emersen I told you about.”

  They nod. Not ‘Hey, I’m so and so, nice to meet you.’ It’s basically a fuck off, in the form of a chin lift. Yep, my night is rocking. Not! I can’t believe she invited me to this and let me think it was a costume party when it apparently isn’t!

  “Uh, Chels. Why am I the only person in here wearing a costume?”

  She just laughs and shrugs. The girl is wasted. She can’t stand still, and her eyes are glazed over. Great, she’s going to be no help.

  “Come on, let’s go get you some water,” I tell her, grabbing her hand, trying to pull her over to the bar.

  “No, I love this song!” She screams and runs out into the crowd of people dancing.

  “So, no costumes?” I ask the women standing near me. They eye me over but go back to their own conversations.

  “Alrighty then.” Used to being ignored, I let the sting of their rebuff roll off my back. I need a drink if I’m going to stay for this, which I feel obligated to do now that my once best friend is here, out of her mind.

  I push through the groups of people and eventually make it to the bar. The men sitting there staring at me, but quickly go back to their conversations.

  “What can I get you doll?” The man behind the bar asks. He’s tall and is wearing a leather vest like everyone sitting here at the bar. He's younger than some of the guys in here but older than me. He’s in his late twenties maybe. He's got a kind face but looks like he's seen too much to be free from the pain of regret.

  “A shot of whiskey.”

  “You got it.” He says, pouring it quickly and handing it over.

  I grab it and shoot it quickly. Not used to the taste or the burn of it going down my throat, I shiver. I set the shot glass down on the bar, and the bartender laughs and asks if I want another. I hold up a finger, and he pours me one more, sliding it over to me.

  “Thank you.”

  Still smiling, he
nods and watches me take my second shot. This time the cool liquid goes down easier.

  I’m wearing a black tutu with a black corset laced with ribbon down the back. The cherry on the top of my embarrassing sundae is the black wings attached to the corset. I wanted to be a dark fairy, but now I’m left feeling like an idiot.




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