A Halloween LaVeau Box Set Books 1-3: Forever Charmed, Charmed Again and Third Time's A Charm: A Witch Cozy Mystery Box Set - Books 1, 2, 3 (The Halloween LaVeau Series)

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A Halloween LaVeau Box Set Books 1-3: Forever Charmed, Charmed Again and Third Time's A Charm: A Witch Cozy Mystery Box Set - Books 1, 2, 3 (The Halloween LaVeau Series) Page 19

by Rose Pressey

  “Do you see them?” I asked with a tilt of my head.

  Liam looked toward the restaurant’s entrance. “You mean the gang of ghosts over there?”

  “Yeah. They want me to reanimate them.” I blew the hair out of my eyes.

  He shrugged. “So do it.”

  “What? Are you crazy? I don’t want the one I’ve got. Why would I want to add more to my list?” I loudly whispered.

  He finished his last bite. “Did you tell them to go away?”

  “Of course I did,” I said.

  “I’m not sure there’s anything else you can do then,” he said.

  “Can you please get me out of here? And without the ghosts seeing us?”

  “Come on.” He grabbed my hand and I couldn’t deny that this touch felt fantastic. “We’ll go out the back door.”

  “I don’t think we’re supposed to do that,” I warned, glancing over my shoulder.

  “We aren’t supposed to do a lot of things, but sometimes it’s necessary.” He pulled on my hand.

  I hid my smile. Liam was definitely the bad boy type. And that was a bad thing for me. With some dirty looks from the chef, we slipped through the kitchen and out the back door into the alleyway. We made it around the side of the building and Liam peeked around the corner.

  “Are they there?” I whispered.

  “No.” He shook his head. “The coast is clear.”

  Running from ghosts was getting the better of me. Something had to be done.

  “I’m so sorry, but I think I need to get home so I can find a spell that will protect me from the ghosts.”

  “If you say so,” he said. “I still think it wouldn’t do any harm to help them.”

  “I’ll make my own decisions, thank you very much.”

  Before I had a chance to step forward, he grabbed my hand again and swung me into the circle of his chest. His arms held me in a tight embrace. Then he pressed his lips against mine. My heart raced. This was crazy… kisses from both men. Liam’s lips moved across mine with a sense of urgency. I reluctantly pushed at his hard chest and backed away him away.

  “We need to go,” I said softly.

  The warmth of his lips lingered on my mouth. Liam nodded and helped me into the car.

  During the ride home Liam tried to keep the conversation light. I knew he sensed my tension. He asked about the process of running a bed-and-breakfast and about my mother’s business. I was thankful for the easygoing chat.

  Nicolas’ car wasn’t there when we’d returned to the manor. My heart sank a little. I was so torn as to what to do.

  Liam held the door open for me. “Do you want me to help you with the spell?”

  I shook my head. “I think I have to do this on my own.”

  He brushed my cheek with his hand. “Let me know if you need help.”

  I nodded. Liam walked up the stairs. When he turned the corner, I slipped into the kitchen. I’d been through the spell books and hadn’t seen anything to keep the ghosts away. I was sure Aunt Maddy had a protection spell though. It would have to do.

  I pulled the book from the shelf, then collected the ingredients that I needed.

  After performing the spell, I headed upstairs. It had been a long day. Tomorrow I had to begin preparing for the Halloween Ball. There was only a day until the party. I should have told them that there wasn’t enough time, but I had been so thrilled that they’d asked that I couldn’t possibly have said no. How pathetic was I? I’d show them how to really throw a party though. It would be the party of the century.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  I woke in the middle of the night with a strange pull willing me out of the bed. The overwhelming desire to go outside compelled me from bed, down the stairs and out the front door. The wind was cold against my exposed skin. I had no idea what was bringing me out here.

  I stopped in the middle of the front driveway. I looked up at the rolling clouds. They zoomed past at a million miles a minute. Was I dreaming? No, this seemed all too real. A tingling sensation started at my feet and moved slowly up my body, flowing up my legs, through my torso, over to my arms and up to my head.

  I collapsed to my knees. My body was drained and my limbs were lifeless. I fell forward onto the ground and couldn’t move. The smell of grass and dirt assaulted my senses. It felt as if something was draining all the energy from my body. The clouds zoomed past above me. The wind whipped around my body, yet I still couldn’t move. I willed my body to move, but nothing happened.

  My thoughts became foggy and I only remembered bits and pieces. Someone swooped me up and into his strong arms. I couldn’t open my eyes to see who it was. I smelled the familiar spicy scent. It was definitely a male. He carried me across the yard.

  We moved up the stairs of the manor and through the front door. He carried me up the stairs and into my bedroom, laying me gently on my bed. He pulled the cover up over me and tucked it tight against my body. I was warm again and drifted off to sleep easily.

  When I woke in the morning, I wasn’t sure if it had all been a dream. I opened my eyes and looked around. Nothing was out of place. When I pulled the covers back though, I realized it hadn’t been a dream. My gown was stained with dirt and grass. Who had carried me inside? And what had happened?

  Throwing back the covers, I jumped out of bed and threw on a white long-sleeved shirt and jeans. When I stepped into the hallway, everything was quiet. No noise came from Isabeau. Today was the day when I would talk with her. She had to be out of the house by the Halloween Ball. I didn’t want her to ruin it for me.

  In my bare feet, I eased down the stairs, careful not to make a noise. When I stepped into the parlor, I was startled to see Liam and Nicolas talking to each other. Were they challenging each other to a duel? They didn’t notice me at first and I thought about sneaking back out and listening to the conversation from the hallway. Unfortunately, they were talking so quietly I couldn’t make out what was being said.

  My contemplation was over though because both men turned to look at me at the same time. The solemn looks on their faces had me nervous.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  I wanted to ask which one had brought me inside, but it would have to wait.

  They exchanged a glance, then glanced around.

  “What are you all looking for?” I asked.

  “Where is Isabeau?” Nicolas asked.

  “I have no idea. Why? I guess she’s in her room.” I frowned.

  “She must leave right away. Your life depends on it.” Liam didn’t take his eyes off me.

  I felt my chest tighten. “What? What are you talking about?”

  “We’ve discovered information about her.” Nicolas’ face darkened.

  “Such as?” I asked, motioning for them to spill it.

  “Isabeau isn’t just a witch, she is a demon… and demons use their powers to drain energy away from witches,” Nicolas explained.

  “Wait.” I massaged my temples. “Just let me wrap my mind around this. What you’re saying is she is here to hurt me?”

  They both nodded.

  “Why me though?” I asked.

  “Isabeau was sent by Mara to take your power,” Nicolas said.

  I glanced over my shoulder, looking for Isabeau. Was this true? The thought sent a chill down my spine. And to think I’d made her cupcakes. I was furious. But a demon? How did I begin to get rid of a demon?

  “Was that what happened last night?” I looked from Nicolas to Liam. “I was outside. Something pulled me out there. I couldn’t stop it. It felt like all the energy was being drained from my body.”

  Liam nodded. “She is using magic against you. She’ll take all your power. That opens you up to allow Mara to get the book.”

  “So Mara knows where I am? I thought she hadn’t found me yet? I thought you were such a great detective that you found me first.” Panic rose in my voice.

  Liam stared at me. “Well, did I not arrive before Isabeau?” he asked.

/>   I paused, then finally had to say, “Yes, I guess you did.”

  “She figured with me here that she’d have to find another way to get the book. With the magic Isabeau is doing, they hoped you’d be so weak that you’d just give them the book.”

  “Fat chance of that.” I scoffed.

  “They counted on you getting rid of us before now too,” Nicolas said.

  “What do I do now?” I asked.

  “You have to use your powers to banish her from the house. It won’t be easy,” Liam said.

  “I’m here to help you,” Nicolas said.

  Liam glowered at Nicolas. “I am here for you, Hallie.”

  Nicolas glared back at Liam. Nicolas stepped closer to Liam and he puffed out his chest. I held my breath waiting for the first punch to be thrown.

  I threw my hands in the air. “Enough! You all need to stop. I have enough to worry about right now without you two fighting.”

  They backed off, but didn’t apologize. Tension still hung in the air.

  “Is there a spell in the book for this?” I asked.

  “Yes, there should be something for banishing the demons. But I’ll warn you now. It’s not an easy one. It’ll take all the energy you can get. You’re already depleted from last night.” Liam rubbed the back of his neck and let out a deep breath.

  “This is your fault, Liam.” Nicolas clenched his jaw.

  I walked out of the room, leaving the men arguing. They could waste time if they wanted, but I had problems to solve.

  I needed to do this right away before she came down in search of doughnuts. I hadn’t known a demon would eat so much. I hurried upstairs and didn’t wait for Liam or Nicolas. They could argue over what I needed to do next if they wanted, but I had to get rid of Isabeau.

  I’d have to use the darkest spell I could find to force Isabeau off the manor grounds. Isabeau had vowed to return. I knew she’d keep that promise.

  I’d had a confrontation with Isabeau—and I hadn’t even known it. I’d learned the hard way that bad spirits can steal power from witches.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  After retrieving the spell books from the hiding place in my room, I scanned the contents until I found the section on demons. This wasn’t a sweet little spell to make cupcakes. This would require a lot of my energy and top-notch powers. I wasn’t sure if I had what it took, but I had to give it a shot. There were no other options. I had to rid my home of this demon witch. And to think I’d been feeding cupcakes to a demon. How bizarre was that?

  When I reached the library again, Liam and Nicolas were pacing on opposite sides of the room. I ignored their stares and headed straight to the kitchen to gather the items I needed. I grabbed the spices and herbs and moved through the library again. The men still paced back and forth. Heck, they didn’t even seem to notice what I was doing this time.

  The spell required that I perform it outside. If it worked like it was supposed to, then it would lure the nasty demon outside. Isabeau wouldn’t be able to set foot on the manor’s grounds when I was done.

  After setting up my items in the middle of the front lawn, I looked up at the manor and as if on cue, Isabeau glared down at me from her bedroom window. She knew what I was about to try. Somehow she knew. For a moment, her face skewed into that of a dark monster, twisted and gnarled. In the blink of an eye, she morphed back to the beautiful Isabeau, offering me a sweet smile. I wasn’t falling for that act any longer though. She could run back to Mara and tell her that this witch wasn’t playing their games any longer.

  Energy and current flowed through my body like a live wire. Pulling every bit of power from within, I recited the spell over the ingredients that I’d mixed together.

  The wind whipped and whirled and the clouds zoomed past as if I’d pressed the fast-forward button. Rain fell from the heavens in a light mist against my face. Gathering the mixture into my hands, I walked the perimeter of the grounds. I’d call the elemental four corners. After all, Misty said I possessed that power now. What better time than now to see if she was correct?

  Looking down, I was careful of each step. As I walked, I sprinkled the mixture onto the ground and chanted. Facing north, I began to recite the words: “Element of Earth, I call to you. Empower me with your energy to banish the wicked.” As I turned the corner, facing west, I recited the words: “Element of Air, I call to you to push the unnatural force from this place.” Walking more, I turned to the south and recited the words: “Element of Fire, I call to you for warmth and protection. Help me have the knowledge.” To complete the spell, I turned one last time to the east and recited the words: “Element of Water, I call to you for force and tranquility. Give me the force to change the power and banish the evil.”

  Each time the mixture of herbs and spices hit the earth, tiny flames flicked and quickly burnt out. I glanced back at the window where Isabeau stood. She looked down at me with venom in her eyes. No matter her look of hate, I wouldn’t let her get through to me. I concentrated harder and continued my walk around the grounds.

  When I’d completed the full circle, I returned to the front of the yard, praying that what I’d done had been correct. I looked up at Isabeau. Her smile was gone and she hissed at me through the glass. I pushed the wet hair out of my eyes and continued. I repeated the words over and over.

  The front door of the manor swung open with a fury and Isabeau marched toward me. Nicolas and Liam gazed on in shock from the library windows. There was nothing they could do to help me. I had to do this on my own. I sucked in a deep breath as Isabeau continued her advance toward me. If the spell wasn’t working, then I might have a fight on my hands. I’d really pissed Isabeau off this time. No amount of cupcakes would make her happy with me again.

  As she continued walking toward me, I steadied myself for a fight. I repeated the words, not allowing her nasty glare to stop me. She hissed and snarled, twisting her lips into a contorted expression that only a demon could make. Her eyes glowed a deep red as she approached. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified. What if she ripped me limb from limb? How would I fight a demon? I was sure she was stronger than me.

  As Isabeau neared me, she stretched her arms out toward me, but just as she grew close enough to wrap her hands around my neck, she kept walking. I whipped around to watch her. She twisted and jerked, but it was as if she couldn’t control her movement forward. The spell was working.

  Adrenaline rushed through my body and my heart pounded. The spell was actually working. Isabeau walked across the drive and out the gate onto the road. Once outside the manor’s gate, she stopped abruptly and glared again. The red glow in her eyes diminished. She moved forward, attempting to come through the gate again. But she was zapped back and landed on her butt.

  She pointed at me, then yelled, “This isn’t over. I’ll be back. You can’t banish me.”

  “I just did,” I yelled back.

  I’d gotten a little cocky after that spell had worked. I guess I’d shown her. Don’t mess with Halloween LaVeau! I came back down to reality though when I remembered Mara. She wouldn’t be happy when she found out what I’d done. She’d be here for me soon. How many demons would she bring with her? I was able to banish one Isabeau, but how would I handle multiple ones?

  I gathered up my things and headed back to the house. When I reached the door, I turned around. Isabeau had disappeared. I looked around in a panic thinking that the spell had faded, but she was nowhere in sight. The ghosts weren’t around either. Were they demons too? I released a deep breath, then headed inside.

  Liam and Nicolas were waiting for me in the parlor.

  “That was impressive,” Liam said.

  I stood a little straighter. “Thank you.”

  Nicolas smiled. “You were amazing.”

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go collapse now.” I pointed toward the stairs and didn’t turn around as I made my way to my bedroom.

  Now that was one heck of a magic spell.

ter Thirty-Eight

  Now that Isabeau had left the manor, Annabelle agreed to come back. The next morning, I insisted that Liam and Nicolas come down to breakfast. Annabelle was coming over and I thought it would be great to sit down to a lovely breakfast that I whipped up with my new magic skills. Yeah, I just wanted to show off a little. Having Nicolas and Liam at the table to look at wasn’t so bad either. Sure, the tension was high, but they were nice to look at nonetheless.

  I intended on whipping up the magical breakfast and having it all set up on the dining table before my first guest could say ‘pass the maple syrup.’ The house felt different as I made my way downstairs. I suspected it had something to do with the fact that Isabeau was gone. Certainly a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

  I knew the relief would be short-lived though. I was waiting for the moment when Mara would show up. But maybe Liam and Nicolas were wrong. Maybe she would never come to the manor. Yeah, that was probably wishful thinking.

  Cooking without the mess and not burning the food would be something that I’d have to get used to. I smiled as I stepped into the kitchen and pulled the items for my breakfast feast out from the refrigerator and cabinets.

  Gathering the recipe spell book and setting it on the counter in front of me, I recited the words for the spell. The wind whipped and whirled as the ingredients performed their magic. But soon, the wind diminished to nothing more than a whisper. The food hadn’t finished its preparations.

  What was wrong? Why was this happening? My heart rate increased and I began to panic. What would I do now? Had I done something wrong? Sure, that had to be it. I was just tired from the day before. I’d try the spell again and everything would be fine. I recited the words again and everything exploded. Food was everywhere in the kitchen. This was worse than ever. My heart thumped wildly and sweat broke out on my forehead. Don’t panic.


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