The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance)

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The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance) Page 10

by Mae Martini

  “Sure, if you have no plans.”


  “Think I’ll have time to go home, shower, and change?”

  “Yeah, we’ll make time. Come on. I want to shower and change too. Too bad we don’t have time to do that together,” he said smirking. She laughed while rolling her eyes at him.

  As they rode back to the stables, Melanie told him that Michael keeps calling her sister asking her whereabouts and that sometimes she would get texts and voice mails from him.

  She liked Logan and she needed to be up front with him on this whole Michael matter. She hoped it would blow over soon.

  Chapter 16

  Opting to sit at the bar, the two girls sat together and Dalton and Logan sat on the other side of their girl.

  Melanie wore a black tank and tan shorts with sandals.

  Logan liked the way she looked. She was always neat and conservative, yet there was always a sexy air to her, he noticed.

  “Rum and coke?” Logan asked her, when the bartender asked what they wanted to drink.

  “Kamikaze,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Ooohh, that sounds good, I’ll have one too,” Geli said.

  Two Kamikaze’s later and Melanie was feeling the buzz as they ate with chopsticks and talked about anything and everything.

  She was having a hard time trying to eat a dumpling and Logan watched as she signaled the bartender. She rose up to lean over the bar and whispered in his ear. The bartender took off in a panic and came back with a fork for her, in fact, he brought enough for each of them if they wanted.

  Melanie smiled and said thank you. She turned to Logan and gave him a little laugh.

  He smiled at her then moved in to whisper in her ear. “What’d you tell him?”

  “I said if he didn’t find me a fork fast I was going to pick up the plate and lick it.”

  Logan not only laughed, but he felt his cock stir. “I probably wouldn’t have gotten the fork so fast. I would have liked to see that tongue in action again.”

  Melanie swiped her tongue along her lips provocatively and laughed when Logan let out a growl as his eyes went wide and his dimples came out.

  “How’s your Kooch feel?” Geli asked her. Apparently she was feeling buzzed from the Kamikazes too.

  “What?” Melanie asked as she giggled.

  Logan stopped eating to laugh and Dalton’s beer almost came out of his nose.

  “Mine was killing me yesterday.” Geli said.

  “Yeah, no, mine’s good now, thanks for asking.” Melanie snickered. “Did you hear that girl in there screaming every curse word in the book?” she asked Geli.

  “No, I was too busy screaming every curse word in the book.” Geli replied.

  “Oh, that was you?”

  “Guilty. But it looks so pretty now,” she said and she made a silly grin and they all roared with laughter.

  Melanie laughed so hard she leaned on Logan for support. He was hysterical at seeing her so playful.

  She wasn’t sure if Logan knew what they were talking about so she told him they went for a Brazilian wax on Sunday.

  “Ugh! I don’t want to hear about my sister’s whatchmacallit.”

  Dalton looked over to see an almost painful look on Logan’s face and nudged Geli to look. They cracked up as Geli pointed to her brother.

  The bartender, who had been leaning against the back of the bar, by the liquor bottles, heard the whole exchange and was hysterical with laughter too. He had already bought them a buy back drink, but he bought them their next round also.

  For the remainder of their dinner, Logan kept an arm on the back of Melanie’s chair, his fingers playing with her hair.

  After dinner, Dalton suggested they go over to the Salty Dog. They walked in and for it being a Tuesday night, it was pretty crowded. No live music so no cover charge for men. The music on the Juke was ‘Lovin’ You Is Fun’ by Easton Corbin.

  “What are you drinking?” Logan asked Melanie at the bar.

  “A Bottle of water.”

  He did a double take. “Yeah?” He couldn’t remember ever taking a girl out for a drink and all she ordered was water. He ordered a beer for him, Dalton and Geli and one water, and they walked to the back where the pool table was. Richie was playing a round of pool with some guy Melanie didn’t know.

  When Richie caught sight of her, he paused and licked his lips, then made the shot he had lined up.

  Did she just imagine that? She looked up to Logan, who had his eyes on the dance floor and she followed his line of sight. He was watching Linda dirty dancing with some guy. Melanie looked back to Logan and noticed his tight lips.

  “Hey, man,” Richie said, coming up to Logan after missing the shot.

  “What’s up?” Logan said.

  “Hi, Sugar,” Richie said to Melanie.

  She gave him a small smile. There was something about him she wasn’t too crazy about.

  Richie acknowledged Dalton and gave Geli a kiss on her cheek as Logan walked Melanie to a small and tall table.

  Dalton and Geli hit the dance floor.

  “Excuse me a minute,” Logan said to Melanie and he left to confront Linda.

  Melanie watched as Logan’s face went from tight lipped to downright angry. She saw the frustration in his face, especially when Linda was laughing, and wanted to go to him and console him. Of course, she did no such thing. She just watched.

  “She’s some piece of work, that one.”

  Melanie turned to see Richie standing next to her with a bottle of beer in his hand. She just looked at him, then back to Logan. She noticed Linda looking her way and scowling. She couldn’t read lips, but she knew Linda was talking about her.

  Out of frustration, Logan made the mistake of grabbing Linda’s arm to drag her off the dance floor, but the guy she was dancing with saw it and took a swing at Logan. Logan dropped her arm, and punched the guy in the face. The guy fell backwards, and an all out brawl broke out.

  Logan yelled to Richie, “Get Melanie out of here!”

  Richie grabbed a non-willing Melanie by the arm and left. Once in the parking lot, Melanie turned on him.

  “Let go of me!” she screamed. She wanted to go back to Logan. To do what, she didn’t know.

  By his car, Richie eased up on her arm, but wouldn’t let her go. She saw Dalton and Geli run out.

  “Logan will be right out. We’re heading out. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Geli told her. They got in Dalton’s pickup and left.

  True to her word, Logan came right out, with blood on his face, and a wild look in his eyes, but he was dragging Linda, and she wasn’t going to approach him.

  “Bring her home,” he told Richie, without looking at her. He just put Linda in his pickup and peeled out.

  The guy that was with Linda, was carried out by a couple of guys and his face was swollen and bloody.

  She watched as they put him in a car, not far from her, and drove off.

  Melanie didn’t want to get into Richie’s car, but she had no choice. He opened the car door for her, ogled her legs as she got in, which creeped her out, and closed the door, and went around to the driver’s side.

  She kept to herself. She didn’t talk to him, nor look at him.

  He kept shooting sideway glances at her.

  “Logan ask you yet?” Richie asked her, after a while.

  “Ask me what?” She sighed, looking out the window on her side.

  “If you’re into multiple partners,” he said.

  She whipped her head around. “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, never mind.”

  And they sat in silence the rest of the ride. Thank God it wasn’t a long ride.

  When he pulled up, she jumped out of the car so fast, and didn’t even say goodnight, or thank you.

  She ran up the steps and opened and closed her front door so fast, she was breathing heavy. She walked to the coffee table and threw down the key to the door, then plopped down on the sofa. She sat there, alone i
n the dark, for a good half hour before she picked herself up and went into the bedroom. She changed and went to bed with the thought of Richie asking, if Logan asked her if she was into multiple partners.


  When Linda told Logan that Heath was home alone, he went wild. Linda was becoming more and more irresponsible. He needed to get things under control. He needed to rethink not suing for sole custody. Did he really want to put the kid through that? No, but it was becoming more apparent that is what he’d have to do.

  “What happened to us Linda?” He asked her while driving her home.

  “You stopped loving me,” she said.

  Logan sighed. He did stop loving her. He wanted to and would have been content with settling down and growing a family with her once Heath came along. Yep, having a baby grows you up quick. Linda didn’t want to grow up.

  They lived together after Heath was born. Logan wanted to help and be a hands on dad with his son. He found himself not only working all day, but coming home at night and making dinner, feeding his son, bathing him, and putting him to bed, and Linda was nowhere to be found. First it was one night a week, then another and another. She always had some excuse to go out.

  Toward the end of their relationship, she was coming home drunk most of the time. Eventually, he heard things about her from people he knew.

  His friend, Richie had to break it to him that he saw her coming out of a motel room on highway 35 with some guy.

  At first, she denied it and he began to doubt Richie, but then she confessed in an all out shouting match that Heath, not yet one year old, began to cry. That did it for him. He didn’t want his kid to grow up with shouting and hatred in the house, so he packed his bags and left.

  He worked out what he thought was a great deal for her, and it worked for a while, but she was becoming more and more uncontrollable and negligent where his son was concerned. He didn’t want to admit it, but he had to come to terms with the fact that she needed help. She was a drunk and he was afraid she would hurt herself, or worse, his son.

  He walked her to her room, and she plopped down on the bed.

  “Come and join me. I miss you,” she said huskily, then hiccupped.

  He just shook his head and walked out. He went into his son’s room and found him sleeping. It broke his heart that his son had no one to tuck him in that night, and wondered how many nights he tucked himself in. He picked him up and brought him out to his truck and drove home.

  After putting Heath in his bed—Logan made sure Heath had his own room, so he felt like this was his home too—he went to the game room and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. He poured himself a drink and as he was ready to down the shot, he turned to face the pool table. The memory of him and Melanie on top of the table filtered through his mind. He turned back around and threw the shot glass against the wall. He stood there a moment longer, then cleaned up the mess and went to bed.


  Michael found he liked Benny the Moocher. He had more power with him around, and Benny actually had some good leads.

  Vito wanted more money, Michael gave him more money, but the shit load that he was bringing in was way more than Vito’s cut.

  Still the old man needed to die.

  “Over a month now. Where the fuck is she?” He asked no one in particular as he, Benny, and his driver, Vinnie, hung outside their club on the avenue and watched the girls in short shorts and little tops walk by.

  He was going mad with anger. And in his next breath, he said. “Oh yeah, bounce those tits this way, bitch,” as a pretty young girl walked by.

  He and his buddies laughed as he gyrated his hips toward her. She gave him a disgusted look and walked faster.

  “What’d her sister say?” Vinnie asked.

  “The same shit she always says. She doesn’t know where Melanie is. The lying bitch. Send Frankie Fose down to Naples. Maybe she’s at her parent’s place. Tell him to stake out a few days, but not to approach them.” He knew Melanie would freak out on him. She was fiercely protective of her parents. He, also, didn’t want her to run if she found out she was being watched.

  “I’ll get right on it, boss,” Vinnie said as he whipped his cell phone out and walked into the club.

  Chapter 17

  It was about 9:30 am; Melanie had just finished a shower. She was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank without a bra. She had no plans for that day, so she thought she’d head into the backyard with a manuscript and catch some rays while she read.

  She tried to put the last part of what started out as a perfect night behind her, but kept thinking about Logan.

  She didn’t know him long, a little over a month at that point, and she liked him, she really liked him, but between her problem with Michael and his problem with Linda, she didn’t know if they even had a chance at any type of relationship.

  She had just walked into the kitchen to make some coffee when the doorbell rang. She paused. Michael was never far from her mind. She quietly walked to the front door and peeked out the peep hole. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Logan. She opened the door and gave him a small smile.

  He didn’t smile back. He looked, she noticed, tired.

  He reached for her hand and she gave it and pulled him inside.

  She closed the door and he turned her around and backed her up into the door without saying a word.

  He bent down and kissed her while holding her tight. He began to move his hands hurriedly over her body, then took a step back and looked her in the eyes. He didn’t say a word.

  And after that kiss, she was too breathless.

  Melanie not only saw arousal in his eyes, but something more, a raw emotion, a need.

  “It was either you or Jack, and I want you,” he said as he placed his hands at the hem of her tank top.

  She brought her hands up over her head as he lifted the tank and flung it.

  His eyes dropped to her breasts and he lifted his hands to gently squeeze them while his thumbs brushed her nipples.

  She let out a gasp as he brought his mouth back down to hers and moved his hands down to her ass. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He walked to her bedroom and placed her down on the bed, then stepped back and removed his shirt. His hard, chiseled chest was her undoing as he came down on top of her.

  Again, he paused and looked to her for an indication she didn’t want this. He didn’t want to force himself on her, but he needed to be inside her. Needed to feel that connection he felt the last time he was there. He couldn’t stop thinking about the calmness he felt there before and he needed to feel that again.

  He, deftly, unzipped and removed her shorts, taking her panties down at the same time, and pawed her pussy. He was rough but didn’t hurt her. He was hard, but when he felt her silky wetness he grew thicker and bigger.

  He quickly removed his jeans and took out a condom from the front pocket. He ripped it open and covered his dick and climbed back on her. Logan felt her softness again, then shoved himself inside her. He started to move slowly but before long, he was pumping in and out as he took her lips with his, then he moved his mouth down to the hollow of her throat and sucked.

  Her hands roamed all over his body. She couldn’t get enough of the feel of his hard muscles, the dips and planes of him. It was like she was trying to memorize each and every inch of him.

  He moved his mouth further down to a breast and licked her nipple, then sucked in a breath when he felt her hand between them, feeling their connection.

  She let out a husky moan, not only from the feel of them joined, but by the sound of his intake of air.

  She arched her upper body off the bed and he took that nipple in his mouth and sucked it.

  Logan raised his upper body and looked at her while moving in and out of her. His hazel eyes were smoldering.

  He placed his arms under her thighs and lifted her lower body up closer to his and got in deeper as he went back to sucking hard on one of her nipples.

>   Melanie felt a sensation from her nipple to her clit and she gasped. He let go of the nipple and moved his mouth to her other nipple and licked then sucked it hard as she threw her arms up over her head and arched while thrusting up.

  As Melanie was losing control, he moved back on his knees, and brought her up with his hands at her back, then brought her down on top of him.

  She brought her hands up to his shoulders to hold on as he ground her body up and down on him and she helped him, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  He placed two fingers on her clit and rubbed and tweaked it, feeling it grow and stiffen.

  She lost all control and she started to close her eyes.

  He knew she was going to come. “Keep them open,” he growled.

  Her eyes shot to his at his demand as she moaned and gasped while working her body up and down him. She was so far gone, he saw her eyes as she came. They were deep blue and glassy, and he knew she allowed him to witness a most personal moment in one’s life. She was staring into his eyes, but he knew she didn’t see him. She was somewhere above him.

  It was hard, but he held off his release and waited for her to refocus on his eyes so she could see his deepest, personal moment, and then on a grunt and a growl, he held still, inside of her, feeling her pussy muscles tighten around him as he spilled his seed into the condom.

  Melanie watched his eyes and knew the moment he was coming. She was overwhelmed by the bliss she saw in them, in fact, his whole facial features softened. When he refocused his eyes, she brought her mouth down to his and softly planted a kiss, but he opened his mouth and demanded more. They kissed long and deep as he stayed buried deep inside her.

  When they broke the kiss apart, he gently picked her up and placed her down on the bed. He got up and went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He came back out, and with a warm smile she gestured for him to come back into bed.


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