A Daring Affair

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A Daring Affair Page 9

by Tremay, Joy

  “Then let me ease your ache, Eric,” she whispered, wiggling her hips provocatively.

  He growled and spread her legs wider. “I intend to,” he said and plunged in.

  Eric held her buttocks in his hands as he thrust into her wet warmth. He dipped his head and kissed her voraciously, his tongue plundering her mouth while he thrust repeatedly into her warm and willing body.

  Mia arched and wrapped her legs around his back, welcoming the feel of his hard member pounding into her. She heard him groan as he went in and out, not holding back. It felt so good, and she wanted it to never end. He pumped into her vigorously with a speed and force that had her clutching his sweaty back while she panted her need. Suddenly, she cried out her pleasure as her whole body exploded in rapture. Eric threw back his head and let out a hoarse shout as his body shook and shuddered. He held her buttocks tighter and thrust into her forcefully one last time.

  After a few seconds, Mia relaxed her legs around his back and lay limply underneath him. Their heavy breathing was the only sound she heard in the boardroom. She was astounded at how carried away they had become. She sat up and watched him pull on his jeans. He swept his dark hair back from his damp forehead and looked at her in concern.

  “Are you all right?” Eric asked.

  Mia glanced up at him, very aware of his muscled strength and perfect body. He was so magnificently male and irresistible.

  “I’m fine,” she answered shyly, squirming off the table. She put on her thong, skirt, bra and tank top while smiling at him reassuringly.

  “This table must not have been very comfortable,” he said, placing his hands on her waist.

  Mia liked the feel of his large, strong hands on her and shrugged nonchalantly. “It was fine,” she said, adding impishly, “I prefer a soft bed, though.”

  “Next time,” he said, grinning.

  “Will next time be three days from now?” Mia asked. It seemed as though Eric had a high threshold when it came to making love to her, but she didn’t think she could last as long as him.

  Eric suddenly dipped his head down to hers, capturing her lips in an arousing kiss that made her body ripe and eager to have a go at it again.

  “No, Mia - more like three hours,” he answered, causing her eyes to widen in surprise. He released her and took her hand as they left the boardroom together.

  “Where are we going?” she asked curiously.

  “To my condo,” he answered, smiling down at her with a promise in his eyes.

  Mia grinned. It was going to be a heavenly night.


  Mia hoped that nobody noticed how thoroughly infatuated she was with Eric during a meeting the next day. Eric was back in the tough boss mode as he laid down the law with several engineers from the pool construction company.

  “We apologize for the delay, sir,” said one of the engineers, “but we’re hoping to have things complete by this Friday.”

  “That gives you five days, counting today. The pool inspectors have agreed to come next Monday, and the first guests are expected to arrive next Friday. The pool had better pass inspection, gentlemen,” Eric said sternly.

  Mia hardly recognized the formidable man sitting grimly beside her as he spoke to the engineers across from him. She dreamily stared at the screen of her laptop and tried to concentrate on her job, but it was difficult to focus. Too many images of their lovemaking swam in her mind.

  The engineers stood and waited for Eric to follow them.

  “I’ll be with you in a moment,” Eric said, and watched the men leave the boardroom before he turned to Mia.

  “I have to go with them now. Why don’t you take a break, and I’ll meet you later?” Eric asked, looking down at her with a smile.

  “All right,” Mia nodded. She stood and gathered her laptop and paperwork. She turned to leave, but he stopped her by cupping her cheeks and giving her a searching kiss. Her internal temperature skyrocketed and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Mmm, your lips are so soft,” Eric mumbled against her lips. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Ditto,” Mia said, closing her eyes as he sucked her lower lip.

  “We better stop,” Eric said, releasing her reluctantly. “I’ll see you in an hour.”

  Mia sighed heavily and followed him to the door. He gave her bottom a playful spank before they left the boardroom together. She composed her face as she entered the hallway, and nodded at the engineers who were waiting for Eric. She hoped that she didn’t look as heated as she felt.

  * * *

  “Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly,” sang Kimo while he played his ukulele in the garden area of the hotel.

  Mia walked toward him, and he nodded at her. She pulled up a bamboo chair and sat across from him, enjoying his deep baritone voice.

  “That was wonderful, Kimo,” she said, clapping her hands when he finished his song.

  He took a playful bow and pointed to his ukulele. “Wanna try?”

  “No, thank you, I’m not good with string instruments,” she answered. “My mom made me play the violin for five years, and no matter how much I practiced, I sounded like nails on a chalkboard.”

  “Thanks for the warning,” Kimo said with a chuckle as he put his feet up on a lounge chair. “I hope that pool problem gets fixed soon, Mia. I’ve got guests checking in next week.”

  “I know. Eric is talking to the engineers now,” Mia said, looking up at the swaying palm branches above her.

  “If you ask me, it’s all those artificial waterfalls causing the malfunctions. I don’t know why they needed to put them in the pool when there are plenty of natural waterfalls nearby,” grumbled Kimo, crossing his arms behind his head.

  Mia shrugged. “Bliss Corp. wanted their fancy pool. I just hope it passes inspection. Otherwise, Eric will blow a gasket.”

  “You can be pretty sure that he’ll whip someone’s butt if it doesn’t,” Kimo said, nodding. “He can be a hard core kahuna when other people don’t meet his expectations.”

  Mia wondered if she was meeting Eric’s expectations.

  “I hope you’ll get to do more sightseeing this weekend,” Kimo said, changing the subject. “There’s plenty to see around here. You can take a ferry to Lanai or Molokai, or visit Molokini. It’s a maritime sanctuary; a great place to snorkel.”

  “That would be neat,” Mia said thoughtfully. “I’d also like to check out the other islands while I’m here.”

  “You still have about four weeks left, right?”

  “I wish it was longer.” She was getting attached to the beautiful landscape around her.

  “Have you learned any new Hawaiian words lately?” asked Kimo.

  “I’ve learned wahine is for woman, kane is for man, and keiki is for child,” Mia answered.

  “Very good. You’re even pronouncing the words correctly,” he said approvingly. “Pretty soon, you’ll be speaking pidgin like a local.”

  “Mahalo, Kimo,” she said, pleased.

  He glanced at his watch, then rose from his chair and stretched. “I’d like to sit here longer and chat with you but unfortunately, my break is officially over. I’ll be seeing you around. Aloha.”

  “Aloha,” Mia said, and smiled back at him before he sauntered off, whistling a cheerful tune.

  * * *

  A few hours later, Mia lay on her bed and contemplated the ceiling above her. It had been a grueling day working alongside Eric as he prepped everyone from the chef and waiters in the hotel restaurant, to housekeeping, to Kimo and the front desk personnel. He wanted everything to be ready and perfect before the guests arrived next week, and he had high expectations of everyone.

  Mia was careful to behave professionally at his side, and didn’t give in to the urge to touch him around the staff, but she did catch several heated looks from him when she least expected it. Otherwise, he was extremely focused on trying to get everyone up to speed before the big opening day.

  Eric had given
her the task of creating memos for every department, detailing last minute procedures. He had approved the memos and had instructed her to e-mail them before the end of the day. Her feet ached from walking all over the hotel and grounds, and now all she wanted to do was relax.

  Mia’s cell phone rang. “Hi, Mandy.”

  “Mia, I know you’re busy, but I’ve been on pins and needles since our last conversation. What’s happening between you and your boss? Is he still acting frosty toward you?”

  Mia grinned. “No, as a matter of fact, he’s more than made up for his earlier coldness,” she replied.

  “I gather you’re pleased?” asked her cousin teasingly.

  “Very. I wouldn’t mind repeat performances.”

  “Brazen hussy. I guess you’re having too much fun over there. Wait ‘til your mother finds out.”

  “You wouldn’t dare tell her, Mandy!”

  “Of course not, but I doubt she would disapprove of your hunky boss. She’d probably cheer you on.”

  “How are things at your end?” asked Mia.

  Mia wanted to get out of her confining work clothes and be comfortable. She slithered out of her tight, black pencil skirt and removed her crisp, white blouse, throwing the articles of clothing in her laundry hamper.

  “Busy. Your mom is at the store now while I finish a report on the Mayan civilization for class. My mom said she would send me some fascinating photos she took in Tikal. She’s there now taking photos with an archeology team.”

  “Tikal? Where’s that?” Mia asked as she took out a pair of well-worn blue jean shorts and a white T-shirt from her closet.

  “It’s in northern Guatemala.”

  “Aunt Bethany sure lives an exciting life.”

  Mia put on her shorts and T-shirt, then walked over to her balcony and opened the sliding glass door. The warm ocean breeze reinvigorated her, and she sat on the patio chair, placing her feet up on the small table.

  “You lead an exciting life. What’s your boss’ name again?”

  “Eric,” answered Mia. Just saying his name made her smile.

  “So are you and Eric in a relationship, or is it a friends with benefits situation?”

  Mia frowned. “I’m not sure. I certainly don’t think of him as just a friend.”

  “Just don’t get hurt, cousin. You’ve never been in a real relationship before.”

  “Yes, I have,” said Mia indignantly. “What do you call Rob, Pete, and Roger?”

  “Crushes that lasted shorter than most of the mini-skirts you wear.”

  “They were more than merely crushes and you know it, Mandy.”

  “You just toyed with them. Sort of like what Scar does when he sees a mouse before he puts it out of its misery.”

  Scar was their adopted black feral cat they had taken pity on several years ago. He was a wild feline that considered their backyard his territory.

  “I get the feeling that with Eric, it’s different,” added Mandy. “I wouldn’t want to see you get hurt, so please be careful, cousin.”

  “I know I can be impulsive, but I’m not without some common sense,” Mia replied with a trace of annoyance.

  “Remember, life is tough, but it’s tougher when you make stupid choices.”

  “I promise not to be stupid, Mandy. Eric is a bit of a challenge, but I think I can handle him. Good luck with that report, and send my love to my mom and yours.”

  “I will,” Mandy promised. “Miss you.”

  “Miss you, too,” Mia said.

  As Mia watched a few surfers in the water, she thought about how she surprised herself by being bold and uninhibited with Eric. But there was something about him that caused her to abandon her typical caution.

  Her previous relationships had been with men she had initially found exciting and interesting, but it only took a few months before she lost interest in them. Her heart had never truly been engaged with any of her ex-boyfriends, and she had moved on, never once second guessing her decision to leave them. Somehow though, she knew that if she had to say goodbye to Eric, her heart wouldn’t recover so easily. She suspected she was already half-way in love with him. But what if he didn’t feel the same way about her? Was she just a fling while they were in Maui?

  Mia heard a knock at her door, and she went to answer it. She found Eric standing there, smiling at her.

  “Rough day?” she asked.

  Eric stepped into her room and gathered her into his arms. She melted into them, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “Unfortunately, yes, but now that I’m with you it should get better,” he said in his deep voice, which never failed to arouse her.

  Mia lifted her face for his kiss. “Do you want to head out for dinner?” she asked, a few minutes later.

  “No, I suggest we order room service,” he said, his look heated.

  “Sounds good,” Mia said simply, wrapping her arms around his neck. She squealed when he suddenly picked her up and placed her on the center of the bed.

  “First, let’s have dessert,” Eric suggested wickedly as she grinned in anticipation.

  * * *

  Eric gazed at Mia’s sleeping face beside him. It was too early to rise, so he had time to contemplate the escalating intimacy growing between himself and Mia. He knew that it was generally frowned upon for managers to be romantically entangled with employees.

  Eric didn’t want to take advantage of Mia’s attraction to him while he was her immediate boss. He had known almost from the beginning that she was interested in him. The chemistry between them was so obvious that a stranger could pick up on it.

  He knew that what he felt for Mia was different from the way he had felt about other women. At thirty years old, Eric had plenty of experience with the opposite sex. He worked hard all his life, but he also played hard. However, he had never once mixed business with pleasure. But one teasing look from Mia’s sparkling green eyes had him forgetting all about his own personal rules about dating staff members. He was constantly battling a rampant arousal whenever she was near. She was beautiful, sweet, and an enthusiastic, passionate lover. He craved her sensual kisses, and couldn’t keep his hands off her.

  Being with her made him feel complete, and when she wasn’t around he felt strangely bereft. He had the sneaking suspicion that he was starting to need her, and he wasn’t sure he liked it. Gazing at her lovely face now though, he erased his niggling doubts, and placed his arm around her waist, settling back down on the bed. All he knew was that he had never felt such contentment with another woman before, and for now, that was enough.

  * * *

  “Don’t touch the turtles,” Eric said to the children frolicking in the ocean.

  Mia took off her snorkeling mask and was amazed at how close the sea turtles had come up to shore.

  She and Eric had decided to go down to the Kaanapali Beach resort area to swim at Black Rock after work. The last two days had been full of meetings and last minute complications at the hotel. She was glad to finally escape work for a while and swim in the warm, inviting ocean. Eric had suggested that they take a break and told her that the Hawaiian green turtles often swam around Black Rock, especially in the early evening. Right now, there were three giant turtles swimming around the shallow water, delighting a small group of tourists.

  “They are Green Sea Turtles, or honu in Hawaiian, and they’re an endangered species,” explained Eric patiently to one of the children. “They are a symbol of good luck to Hawaiians.”

  “Do they bite?” asked a concerned parent.

  “No, they’re not aggressive, and they won’t attack; however, they will sometimes directly swim toward you and bump into you but don’t be afraid, they’re gentle creatures,” Eric answered, watching the turtles circle around them. “They eat marine plant life like sea grass, algae and seaweed.”

  “They’re so large,” exclaimed Mia, wishing she had brought her underwater camera.

  “Adults can weigh up to 190 kilograms or over 400 hundred pound
s,” Eric said, “and they can grow up to one point five meters long or five feet long.”

  “That’s huge!” exclaimed one parent.

  “Aww, they’re swimming away,” whined one child.

  “Let’s go follow them,” Eric said to Mia.

  They put their snorkeling masks on and swam out to sea into warm, crystal clear water. They trailed after the sea turtles and were able to get a close-up look at one of them.

  Mia gave Eric a thumb’s up under water as she observed the turtle feeding on algae from nearby rocks. She was careful to keep a respectful distance from the turtle as it fed. A small school of shimmery silver Needlefish swam passed her as Eric took her hand. They swam toward a coral formation and observed several yellow Butterflyfish feeding on algae.

  They lingered in the ocean for a while before heading back to shore. The sun was beginning to set, and the brilliant orange and pink colors of the sunset held Mia spellbound.

  “Maui is so beautiful,” she said, taking off her snorkeling mask and straightening back her wet hair.

  “I think it’s one of the most beautiful places on earth.” He held her hand as they walked along the beach.

  “I’m beginning to think you’re more Hawaiian than Canadian.”

  Eric laughed. “I guess I’m a mutt.”


  They turned to see Charlie walking toward them. He was carrying his surfboard and wearing bright green board shorts. Mia glanced up at Eric and noticed that his features had hardened perceptibly.

  “Hi, Charlie,” Mia said cheerfully. She had not seen him in several days, not since they had gone dancing together.

  “Nice to see you again,” Charlie said, his appreciative look taking in her bright yellow bikini.

  She could almost feel Eric’s displeasure of the other man’s presence.

  “This is Eric,” Mia introduced.

  “Hello,” Eric said brusquely.

  Charlie nodded to him, and Mia watched the men take each other’s measure.

  “What have you been up to, Charlie?” Mia asked, wanting to distract both men from sizing each other up. It was difficult not to compare them. While Charlie possessed the lean build and muscles of a surfer, Eric was taller by several inches and was more muscular.


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