Shadow Walker: (Urban fantasy romance) (Shadow Walker Trilogy Book 1)

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Shadow Walker: (Urban fantasy romance) (Shadow Walker Trilogy Book 1) Page 6

by Tiffany Shand

  “Charlotte, what you are doing?” Drake demanded.

  Charlie rose, hands outstretched as black shadows shot out like smoke billowing around Helga. The crone choked as the smoke wrapped around her throat in a vice-like grip.

  Drake stood there, dumbfounded. Whatever this was, it wasn’t his witch or even the demon side she refused to acknowledge. “Stop, you’re killing her!”

  The blazing azure eyes narrowed at him but continued the assault.

  Drake knew he had to do something, but what? If he used his powers he risked hurting Charlie, something he’d never be able to live with. “Charlie, listen to me.” He wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling her away from Helga.

  She snarled at him with a flash of fangs. “Stay away.” The harsh voice sounded nothing like his witch.

  “No, you’re inside my woman. Now whatever you are, get out before I force you out.” He tried forcing his mind inside hers through their link but felt an impenetrable shield there.

  The creature laughed. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with.”

  Helga coughed, gasped for breath. “Drake, get away...”

  Charlie sent Drake flying with a blast of blue light. Energy jolted through him, pain wrenching through every nerve ending but the only thing that mattered to him was Charlie.

  Charlie turned her attention back to Helga, speaking in a language he didn’t understand. But Helga seemed to as her eyes widened.

  Drake scrambled up, ignoring the pain. “Charlie, come back.”

  She can’t hear you, Helga told him.

  What’s wrong with her? he asked. How do I stop this?

  We’ve triggered something old and very dangerous – ah, help me! Helga clutched her head, face creasing with pain.

  Fire formed in his hand. Don’t make me do this, little witch. But Charlie ignored him. He threw it, hitting her in the chest. Charlie didn’t even flinch.

  Not that way. Use your other power, Helga snapped.

  No, I can’t do that.

  Do it or we’ll both die.

  Drake raised his hand, dropped his mental shields and let his power roam free. “Stop,” he snarled.

  Charlie’s burning eyes widened. He let his power out, power he hadn’t used in centuries. Charlie grunted, forcing her way through the compulsion.

  “Stop,” he repeated. “Whatever you are, you won’t harm anyone here. Now get the fuck out of my witch.” His eyes bled black as he let his inner demon’s true nature show.

  Charlie laughed. “You have no idea what she is, do you?”

  “I know you’re harming an innocent woman, two innocents. Now go!”

  The creature snorted. “You won’t harm this body. You love her, I can sense it.”

  Drake flinched. No, he wouldn’t give in to that feeling, he wouldn’t admit to it. “Then you know I’ll do whatever I can to save her.” He felt the link with Charlie, the mental link between them, ordered it to break.

  Charlie screamed, and blackness swallowed them both.

  Chapter 8

  Drake groaned as the echoes of soul wrenching pain shook him for the second time that day. He forced himself to stay awake. A glance across the room showed him Charlie’s sprawled unconscious form lying there. His heart ached at the sight of her. He’d done that to her.

  “Blessed spirits,” Helga muttered as she scrambled up, leaning on her walking stick for support. “I’m too old for this.”

  “What was that?” His entire body ached but he forced himself to crawl over to Charlie. Their link hadn’t broken, and it had been enough to force out whatever had possessed her.

  “Something old and very dangerous. I warned you not to tread this path.” She hissed in pain as she pulled herself into her chair.

  “What path?” He brushed Charlie’s hair off her face, felt for the pulse in her neck. He breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m part of this. I have been since the day I dragged her from that warehouse.” Drake pulled Charlie against his chest, carried her over to the chair where he slumped down, cradling her against him.

  “What did you see that day?” Helga asked.

  His mind flashed back to that awful day, seeing Charlie lying among the debris. “My worst nightmare.”

  “Think, Drake, what did you see? It’s important.”

  His dark eyes narrowed on her. “Why?”

  “Because when I touched her, I touched something ancient, powerful.”

  “Why did it possess her? Did you let in?” Charlie’s eyes remained closed but her breathing was steady.

  Helga shook her head, her hand trembling as she poured herself something to drink. “Spirits, no.” She stared at Charlie. “That was no possession, there’s something strange about that girl.”

  “Maybe she has unusual power from her mixed heritage.”

  The crone snorted. “Whatever it is, it didn’t come from her father’s family.”

  “Steve mentioned her mother was half Zexen.”

  This time Helga cackled. “Either he is lying or he didn’t know what she was. That was no Zexen, and it’s linked to whatever caused the explosion.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know all the details but I sense she and the weapon are connected to each other,” Helga replied. “How was she when you found her? Uninjured?”

  Drake frowned, remembering that fateful day. “Unconscious. She had some bruises and scrapes from the fall but yes, otherwise unharmed. Everyone else was dead.”


  “Are you saying she did it?” Drake gasped.

  “No, but maybe – oh, I don’t know.” Helga sighed. “There are things in this world far older than I am.”

  “Do you know what that weapon was?”

  She let out a breath. “The ancients had artefacts and weapons that had their own intelligence. It could be anything but I do sense it’s connected to her.” She pointed to Charlie. “She doesn’t know what breed of demon you are either.”

  “No,” he admitted. “We don’t know each other that well.”

  “No, but she was right when she said you love her. That scares you.”

  Drake looked away. He lost everyone he’d ever loved. That was why he’d never let anyone get too close. He had few friends, only a couple of close ones like Jason, but that had changed. The McCrays had become his friends too. “Does it matter?” Drake muttered. “She won’t have me and I won’t force the bond on her. I couldn’t, no matter how much part of me wants to.”

  “She’ll need you,” Helga said. “Your destinies are intertwined.”

  “How can I love someone I barely know?” he said, muttering a curse. “It’s just the link.”

  “Is it?” she demanded. “You’ve watched over her for years.”

  Drake rose, still clutching Charlie. “What else do you see for us?” Will she ever accept me?

  Helga shook her head. “The future is conflicted. An outside power — strong, old — will stop at nothing to find that weapon.”

  “Are you saying the Tears don’t have it?”

  “Ancient weapons can have a will of their own, you should know that.”

  “I shall leave you now. Will you be alright, wise one?”

  Helga let out a shaky laugh. “Oh, it will take more than that to kill me. Peace to you.”

  “And to you.”

  Drake shimmered home, placed Charlie on his bed and wrapped a blanket over her. He thought of calling a healer but doubted it would do much good. Instead he called the only other person he knew who might be able to help.

  Niara appeared in a swirl of gold orbs. “What happened?” she demanded.

  He explained, not leaving out any detail. “Whatever it was almost killed Helga.”

  Niara’s sapphire blue eyes widened. “I feared something like this would happen.” She touched Charlie’s cheek.

  “What do you mean?”

  She sighed. “My family are all powerful, you know that especially since most are descended f
rom the five elder races and have mixed blood,” she said. “But Charlie is different. Just like her mother.”

  “I thought her mother was half Denai, half Zexen.” His brow creased in confusion, remembering what Jason had told him of Charlie’s history.

  Niara shook her head. “Helena was – strange. I have met many different Magickind over the past ten thousand years but I could never tell what she was. She appeared Denai and Steve believed her story about being part demon, but…” She glanced at Charlie again.

  “You don’t believe it.” He folded his arms, frowning at the Serenity. “How is Charlie connected to all of this?”

  “I wish I knew. Charlie has always been unreadable to me. I can’t sense much about her.” She played with a strand of her hair, something Drake had noticed she always did when she got nervous. Did she know more than she was letting on?

  He sat on the edge of the bed, brushing Charlie’s hair off her face. “Will she be alright? I never would have...” Guilt washed over him so hard it hurt.

  “You did the right thing.” Niara rose and a scroll appeared in her hand. “I looked into weapons. Perhaps this will help with your search.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t let her work this case. If the Tears – or the one orchestrating them – uses her to try and...” He looked at Charlie as her brow furrowed and knew that would be pointless. His witch would never give up a fight.

  She let out harsh laugh. “Do you think you can stop her?”

  Drake’s lips thinned. “No, she’s too headstrong for that.”

  “Let her rest.” Niara kissed Charlie’s cheek. “Will you stay with her?”

  “Of course.”

  Niara turned to leave, hesitated. “It will be safer if you didn’t seal the bond.”

  “I wouldn’t...” he started to protest. Then thought back to their earlier kiss. He’d wanted nothing more than to make her his and would have to if Cate hadn’t interrupted them.

  “I know, but heed my advice. We don’t know what that force was. If you connect with her, it might kill you too.” She turned to leave, her long robe flaring as she span around.

  Drake grabbed her arm. “Wait, you know something, don’t you?” He searched her eyes for answers but found none.

  Niara tugged her arm away. “Perhaps, but I can’t discuss it now. It’s not my story to tell.” She vanished in a flash of gold orbs.

  Drake sighed, wondering why the woman he’d worked for centuries would suddenly keep secrets from him. He watched Charlie sleeping. Still feeling drained after the battle, he lay down beside her and gathered her up in his arms.


  Charlie groaned, head pounding. Every bone in her body ached as memories flash to her mind of Drake being thrown across the room and Helga choking. She bolted up, feeling a wave of nausea. “Drake!” She glanced down and saw him lying beside her, eyes closed. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw his chest rise and fall.

  Seeing the sun streaming in through the arched windows, she wondered how long she’d been out for. Glancing at her watch, she realised it must’ve been at least a couple of hours. Damn it, what the hell happened?

  Her phone buzzed on the table beside her. She grabbed it and saw Scott’s name flashing on the screen. She bit her lip. How could she answer with Drake right there next to her?

  Taking a deep breath, she answered, “Hey.”

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  She frowned, letting the breath out in a whoosh. “Yeah, why?”

  “No reason. I just miss you.”

  She winced, feeling a pang of guilt. Drake had kissed her and she’d not only let him but she’d enjoyed it. “I-I think we should break up.” She checked Drake, prayed he didn’t overhear them.

  “What?” Scott gasped. “Char—”

  “I mean it, Scott. We can’t pretend I don’t have feelings for Drake because we both know I do. I’m sorry it had to end like this but this is how it has to be,” she blurted out and hung up. Guilt twisted in her stomach but when she looked at the demon beside her, relief washed over her. Better to end things with Scott now rather than give him false hope.

  Charlie opened her mouth to wake Drake, but hesitated, trying to decide whether she wanted to talk or just get the hell out of there. The room around her with its plush cream carpet and red walls hadn’t been what she’d imagined his room to look like. Silk covered the enormous four-poster bed with soft linen sheets. Great, of all the ways to end up in his bed.

  Charlie leaned closer, taking in every feature. Beneath his suit was a body of hard muscle. Damn, the man was gorgeous — and irritating as hell. But whatever he’d done had saved her. Maybe she should get to know him better. Deep down, she knew he wasn’t bad. The damned link pulling at her mind, making her want to be close him. Charlie rose and took an unsteady step.

  “Where are you going?” The sound of Drake’s voice made her jump

  She groaned. “Work – or maybe home. Is your room spinning or is that just me?” She touched her head, trying to make the swaying sensation stop.

  Drake moved in a blur, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “You’re still weak. You need to rest.”

  She sighed, enjoying the feel of his warm body. “What did I do? I don’t remember much – did I hurt you?”

  He let out a harsh laugh. “All in a day’s work, little witch.”

  “This isn’t funny, Drake.”

  He pulled her back down onto the bed and made her sit down, then propped some pillows up for her. “I don’t know what it was,” he admitted. “Something overtook you. You weren’t yourself. Helga thinks you and the weapon are somehow linked. That it sensed a threat when she tried to see what happened.”

  She shook he head, then shoved her hair off her face. “That doesn’t make any sense. I’d never hurt my team. Never.” She wrung her hands together. If she had, she knew she wouldn’t be able to live with herself.

  “Whatever it is, it’s dangerous. We need to be extra careful which is why I think you should stay here with me.”

  Charlie shook her head. “I can’t. Scott–”

  Drake scowled, bared his teeth. “He can stay too, if he must.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’d do that for me?”

  “If it’s what you need, yes.”

  She bit her lip. “I can’t stay here but I’ll still go to dinner with you.”

  Chapter 9

  Drake shimmered into his club after leaving Charlie at the station. A scruffy haired man in the long brown trench coat stood by the bar, slugging a pint of beer. “I hope you intend on paying for that, Val.”

  Val coughed, splattering beer all over the bar. “Jeez, Drake, why do you have to sneak up on me like that?” he muttered, wiping his face with the sleeve of his coat. “Yeah, yeah. You know I’ll pay for the beer.”

  Drake arched an eyebrow. That would be a first. He pulled out the scroll Niara had given him from his jacket. On it were a few ancient weapons and rough drawings of them. Drake laid it out on the bar, avoiding the splashes of beer. “Have any of these come up on the market recently?”

  Val peered down at the scroll. “The good market or the underground one?” Val scratched his beard, took a nervous gulp of beer. “They’re all ancient tech. Get a good price for all of them but no; I haven’t seen or heard any of those items.”

  “Are you sure?” he persisted. “It’s important.”

  “Well, that one you’d want to steer clear of.” Val motioned to an orb shaped crystal.

  “Why?” He frowned at the scroll, trying to place the image but didn’t recall anything.

  “That thing has some bad juju, mate.” Val shuddered, gulped down more beer. “It’s called the Srimtar. No idea what it can do, but anyone who tries to use the thing winds up dead.”

  “I need you to find anything you can about it. Anyone who is looking to acquire ancient tech, you contact me.” Drake rolled up the scroll and slipped it back into his jacket.

  “What’s got a bee up yo
ur behind?” Val eyed the beer, scowling when he saw he’d almost drunk it all.

  Drake gripped the bar, feeling the familiar anger rise at how someone dared to hurt his mate. “This weapon hurt someone I care about. I need to know where it is and who wants it.”

  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with that witch who has a price on her head, would it?” Val smirked, eying another beer bottle.

  Drake’s eyes bled to black as his inner demon raged. His hands fisted but he fought to keep his emotions under control. “What do you know about that?”

  Val scratched his chin. “Not much. Just that it’s a pretty big price and a lot of demons–”

  “A lot of demons will die if anyone dares to harm her,” he snarled.

  Val took a step back, raised his hands in surrender. “Whoa, easy, mate. I didn’t mean nothing by it.”

  “Good, see that everyone else knows that. Now go.”

  Val vanished in a puff of smoke.

  Phil, his bouncer came over. “You gonna be around today? Had a lot of folks passing through. Some wanting your attention.”

  Drake sighed. It was part of his job to help demons in need but his only concern right now was keeping Charlie safe. “Deal with it,” he muttered.

  “Boss, you can’t put your life on hold for the witch.”

  Drake growled a warning. “I’ll do what needs to be done.”

  He shimmered out, moving through the different planes of existence. He felt weary of it all. Weary of the club, weary of being guardian of the sanctuaries. Everything. Only Charlie seemed to bring him real joy – and utter frustration. He hovered in the ether as he headed back towards his witch, pausing for a moment to watch her as he stayed incorporeal.

  Charlie sat at her desk, scanning her computer screen. Kaz’s chair slid over to hers. “Hey, what’s up with you and the hunky demon?”

  Charlie’s eyes narrowed. “Hunky demon? That’s not what I’d call him. No deal, he’s a friend of the family.”

  “Really? He seems more than that. So you’re not sleeping together then?”

  “Goddess, no.” Charlie laughed.

  “Good.” Kaz licked her lips. “You won’t mind if I go for him then?”


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