Cam's Promise

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Cam's Promise Page 8

by Lisa Oliver

  “Hold on, just a minute. You’re mated. To an assassin?”

  “That’s what I said. Come on Levi, let’s get inside. No need to cause public panic unless we have to.” Cam grabbed Levi’s arm and tugged him towards the door. Newton followed but his pursed lips indicated Cam wasn’t going to be able to distract his brother.

  “You’ve done the place up nice, bro.” Cam continued his ramble as he and Levi headed towards the kitchen. “I sent Kyle and Michael the ownership papers for Northern Construction now the bozos who were running it are in jail. If you want anything done, I can highly recommend them. Oh, good. You have the coffee on.”

  “Cam. Stop.” Newton’s words froze him in the act of reaching for a coffee mug. “I’ve heard you talk about Levi before. You know all the assassins and have done for years. Why am I only hearing about your mating now?”

  “There were a few complications.” Cam did not want to lie to Newton, but he wasn’t going to make Levi out like a bad guy either. He’d lived with the ‘protect his mate’ rule for a long time. “All of the assassins are retired now and living in this pack. Isn’t it great? No more traveling.” He grabbed two coffee mugs and filled them before setting them on the kitchen table. “Sit down, Levi. Newton won’t bite.”

  “I might if someone doesn’t tell me what the hell is going on,” Newton snarled as Levi sat down. “Levi. Maybe you can fill me in seeing as my brother’s been infected with verbal diarrhea.”

  “I met your brother eight years ago. I knew we were mates but didn’t claim him. I lost control nine months ago and claimed him then and yes, I left him. But as soon as Ranger called us here, I came and begged my mate to give me a chance of being the man he deserves.”

  Newton crossed his arms and frowned. He shared Cam’s coloring but not his bulk. In a freshly pressed polo shirt and tailored pants, he still looked formidable. “There is a hell of a lot more to that story than you’re saying, assassin. And if you claimed my brother nine months ago, why am I still hearing rumors about Cam fucking half the men in the Western State?”

  Levi growled and Cam quickly intervened. “I promised Levi I would keep our mating a secret. You know damn well I wasn’t able to get a hard on for anyone else but my mate from the moment I scented him. But I had a reputation to uphold. I didn’t want people to think I was weak because my dick didn’t work. It’s amazing how many hookups are willing to spend the night in a warm bed, alone,” he added as Levi growled louder, “and spread rumors about what a great fuck I am because of my association with Ranger. Ranger was never interested so I was the next best thing to boffing an assassin.”

  “You spent years being celibate simply because your mate was too much of an ass to claim you?” Cam was about to answer it wasn’t a hardship, but Newton laid into Levi next. “What about you tall dark, and surly? How did you handle being celibate for eight years?”

  “I wasn’t.” Levi’s jaw twitched. “I’m half vampire. If I needed a fuck, my vampire side overwhelmed my wolf side long enough to get off. It was never….”

  Cam couldn’t listen anymore. In a split second he learned what it really felt like when a heart broke. All those years he consoled himself that Levi was as lonely as he was and now…. “I’ve got something I have to do,” he muttered pushing himself away from the table. “Do not follow me,” he snarled as Levi went to get up too. “Don’t you dare come after me.”

  As soon as he was free of the table, Cam ran, stripping his clothes off as he went. He remembered just in time he needed fingers to open the door but by the time he hit the porch he was in his wolf form running like the hounds of hell were after him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Levi looked up to see a gun pointed at his face, Newton’s furious eyes blazing behind it. “Pull the trigger,” he said quietly. “If Cam doesn’t come back, I’ll be dead in a week. The way I feel right now, you’d be doing me a favor.”

  “I don’t owe you any favors, assassin,” Newton snarled. “How could you sit there and blithely tell me and my brother you slept around when you knew he was your mate?”

  “You brought it up.” Levi leaned back in his chair. “I couldn’t lie. Personally, I didn’t think it was any of your business, but like so many wolves, all you’re concerned about is sexual prowess. Cam’s done a lot of good in his life. He’s been invaluable to Ranger; one of my reasons for not claiming him which is again, none of your business. He’s saved lives, worked hard, kept his promise to me like a loyal mate would, and all you cared about was his reputation; one that wouldn’t have been easy to get or maintain. He did all that for me because that’s the type of man he is and now because of your stupid questions, he’s left me.”

  Levi was hanging onto his control by a thread. Every time he’d touched someone else, his stomach cursed him. He’d pushed through the act because sometimes just five minutes balls deep in another person could stave off the raging loneliness he’d felt from the moment he realized what Cam could mean to him and he walked away anyway. “Pull the damn trigger,” he snarled. “Right between the eyes.” He pointed to the spot on his head. “Put a whole clip in there, just to make sure.”

  “You cheated on your mate. You are using your hybrid status as an excuse, but you cheated on my brother.” Newton’s hand was steady and the gun never wavered.

  “Do you think I don’t know that?”

  “You said you claimed him nine months ago. How many men did you stick your dick in after that? How many?”

  “None. Not one single time. I couldn’t. After Cam….” The only reason Levi kept his head upright was because he wanted Newton’s shot to hit true. Unless Newton hit the right spot, he’d survive and with his heart in shreds, Levi already knew that wasn’t an option without Cam by his side.

  He caught Newton’s eyes and held them easily. “It wasn’t an easy thing to do, even though before claiming him, I could go years without seeing him. I used to dread taking jobs with Ranger because I knew Cam would be there. Every second on the job my wolf would want to claim him; my vampire side fighting him to hold him back. I used to feel as though I was being torn in two. If I’d claimed him he’d have been torn between me and a man who’s back he protected. My brother. I didn’t even know if he’d accept my vampire side and I kept telling myself Cam would turn away if he knew. I should’ve known better. That man is a saint and far too good for the likes of me. I’ve done nothing but hurt him. Pull. That. Trigger.”

  Eyeball to eyeball, Levi refused to flinch even as he saw first confusion and then resolution in Newton’s eyes. Newton’s trigger finger twitched and Levi let out a long breath.

  “Put the gun down now, Newton.” Cam’s voice came from behind Levi but he didn’t take his eyes off Newton.

  “He admitted to cheating on you, he doesn’t deserve your heart.” It seemed Newton could be a hard ass too for all his fancy clothes.

  “He hadn’t claimed me then and he had good reasons for keeping his distance. Put the gun DOWN!”

  “You spent years hurting because of this asshole. If I’d have known about it sooner I would have hunted him down and killed him myself.”

  “Then you might as well have killed me too.” Cam was so close, Levi could feel his warmth against his shoulders. “Levi has been my life for a very long time. I love you brother and always will but I can’t let you hurt my mate.”

  “He hurt you.” Levi watched as Newton’s eyes filled with tears. “He spent years hurting you and you never told me.”

  “Seeing you with a gun now, do you blame me?” Cam chuckled and Levi’s heart, the organ that shut down the moment his mate ran out the door, started beating again. “Newt, we’re mates. Mates protect each other and even though Levi wasn’t with me, he knew I had Ranger to watch out for me. Levi has been my alpha since the moment I caught his scent. My wolf didn’t like us being apart, but he accepted it was his alpha’s will. I spent years worrying about him. I never stopped and that’s why I can’t let you hurt him now.”

; “But he…he….”

  “Yes, he did, but I didn’t know about it until today and, honestly, I’d have rather not known at all. Levi is with me now. I am claimed by both his wolf and his vampire and he carries my scar. I love him, Newt, and if you pull that trigger then you’d better save a bullet for me.”

  Levi’s eyes widened and he turned in his chair, looking up at his gloriously naked mate. “You love me?”

  “Always have.” Cam’s eyes were sad but his hand was warm and firm on Levi’s hair. “As far as I’m concerned what you did before you bit me was your own business. If I thought about you differently, that’s simply because I wasn’t in full possession of the facts. That was on me, not you. I had no right to be hurt by the things you did before you claimed me.”

  “You know I didn’t touch a soul after our night together.”

  “I heard you. I just hope that period of time was as hard for you as it was for me.”

  “It was.” Levi rubbed the side of his face on Cam’s ribbed abs. “Reliving that night, every night. I was such a fool to walk away.”

  “At least we agree on something. Is there any chance you’ll love me too one day?”

  Levi wanted to thump himself for his own stupidity. “I’ve loved you from the moment you pretended to be asleep when I left you after our first claiming. I knew from that moment you’d always put me first. No one has ever done that before.”

  Cam’s fingers tightened in Levi’s hair and seconds later Levi moaned into the harshness of Cam’s kiss. His hands flew up to pull Cam closer but the damn chair was in the way. He struggled to stand, but Cam’s grip held him firm. The sound of a gunshot broke them apart.

  “Nice to know this gun was useful for something,” Newton said, eyeing the fresh hole in his ceiling. “If you could put some clothes on bro, maybe we could get to the point of your visit. I’ve no wish to see you two fucking on my kitchen table. It would put me off my breakfast.”

  Cam chuckled and Levi felt a burst of happiness swamp his insides. Moments later he and Cam were laughing hysterically while Newton looked on with a disapproving frown.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “The good news is that nothing in this territory receives any form of council funding. Aiden’s father was a control freak and funding requires paperwork and the council keeping tabs on your affairs. Aiden’s father never wanted that and besides, he and that bank manager Jenkins were ripping off enough people in town as it was.”

  “And the bad news?” Cam was dressed, sitting on Levi’s lap. The urge to claim his mate all over again was riding him hard, but Newton was right. They did have things to discuss that didn’t involve Levi’s dick. Or the gun, now safely stowed away. Cam nearly lost his dinner when he saw Newton threatening his mate. Their laughing fit eased the tension, but Cam’s wolf eyed Levi’s neck in hungry anticipation.

  “There is a law they might use against you; well, against the assassins and this territory.” Newton tapped the table as he thought. “It was brought out when the four territories were drawn up. The council at the time were worried that one alpha might think his territory wasn’t big enough and try to take over another one. It limits the amount of force any one territory can have.”

  “Like enforcers and guards and things like that?” Cam looked at Levi to see if he’d heard of any such law, but Levi’s face was blank.

  “Yeah. The council guard was set up at the same time. The reason behind it was the only trained force allowed would be under council orders, not protecting a specific territory. The guards are supposed to protect all shifters.”

  “That was the theory behind the assassin program too,” Levi said quietly. He’d barely said a word since his confession earlier but Cam knew he was paying attention.

  “Exactly,” Newton agreed. “There were always meant to be more than just four assassins. The original plan was they would be an elite group of at least twenty; individual men who could take out rogues and criminals without involving an entire division. For some reason, it could never gain recruits.”

  “That might have something to do with the ridiculous facial tattoo Dominic insisted on, not to mention the barbaric training methods.” Cam stroked his fingers over the offending mark under Levi’s right eye. “The death rate for assassin training is ninety-nine percent. You compare that to guard training which is only fifty percent. Not even the promise of sex on tap is enough to overcome those odds. Even lone wolves would prefer to try for the guards than the assassin program. Last I checked there hasn’t been an application for the assassin program in years. Not since the last class got completely wiped out.”

  “That’s not the point. The issue here is whether or not the assassins can still be considered under council control. If they are, then them being here won’t be a problem. However, it would mean they would still have to take jobs. The fact that all four assassins retired to the Northern States is going to be the problem. If the alpha of one of the other states lays a complaint with the council claiming the Northern States has too much ‘lethal force’ under its control, then the council would have to step in.”

  “Is that a possibility?” Levi asked.

  “It would depend on who knows who in the council,” Newton explained. “I would have to research what connections, if any, the current council members have with the other states.”

  “Can we fight that claim if it comes?” Cam asked. “In court, I mean.”

  “The council owns the court judges. It wouldn’t be easy.” Newton’s fingers were dancing on the table again. “Give me tonight to do some research. I might be able to come up with something. I’ll come and speak to you all at the pack house tomorrow. Will that work?”

  “It would be hugely helpful,” Cam sighed as he slipped off Levi’s lap. “Tron is expected back tomorrow with three of the four assassins in tow, including my mate.”

  “And that’s just one more thing in this that doesn’t make sense. Why call them back when they know you are all retired. Did you file an application to retire, Levi?”

  “I didn’t need to.” Levi stood and stretched. “Tron told me when he gave the order to kill Cotton, it was my last job. That order came from the council. It’s not as though they don’t know we’ve all retired. Ranger made it abundantly clear when Dominic went to jail. As far as he’s concerned, the assassin program has been shut down. There’s nothing to retire from.”

  “Then it sounds like some council members are regretting that decision. Leave it with me. I’ll have more for you tomorrow.” Newton had already pulled out a tablet and was tapping it urgently.

  Cam would have preferred more concrete answers now, but he knew if there was anything that could be found, Newton would dig it up. He and Levi were just leaving the kitchen when Newton called out, “Levi?”


  “Welcome to the family.”

  Cam grinned as Levi blushed. It was time to get his mate home. He had some claiming to do.


  “I know you need to reclaim me, I get it. Just let me get my clothes off first.” Levi landed on the bed with an oomph as Cam tackled him. “Lube?” He eyed Cam’s claws. “I’ll do it.” Rolling over to reach for the tube left on the bedside cabinet was a mistake. Levi felt a tug and the sound of ripping denim filled the air. Damn it, but his complaints turned to moans as solid hands pulled his butt cheeks apart and a warm, thick tongue lapped at his hole.

  That’s a new feeling. Shit. Fuck. Too good. Cam growled as Levi tried to pull away and he was sharply tugged back. “Okay, you want to eat my ass. Fine.” It was more than fine, but Levi was losing the ability to think let alone form words. He’d managed to get the lube open and his fingers were coated in the stuff, but with Cam’s face filling his crease, finding the room to move was difficult. Cam’s growls and moans were an audio aphrodisiac and Levi tried wriggling, his cock still caught in the denim.

  “Cam. Calm down.” He snapped as he felt a fang nick his butt cheek. Cam pulled away, Levi looked
over his shoulder. “I know you said you wanted to eat me, but I didn’t think you meant literally. Let me get these rags off.” He kicked off his boots and tore off the remains of his jeans.

  Cam sat back on his heels like a tanned statue. His cock was solid, the head so red it was almost purple. His fangs were down, his wolf flashed in his eyes and there was blood around his claws on his thigh. “I’m lubing up now,” Levi showed Cam the tube although from the harsh panting Cam was close to snapping. He’d have to move fast. Working to get himself open wasn’t the sort of thing he’d ever done, but Cam’s harsh breathing spurred him on. He winced as two fingers went in when he should have started with one, but he made sure there was plenty of lube pushed inside.

  “Now, let me do you.” He reached out slowly, gently touching Cam’s bobbing cock. Unfortunately, he’d barely got his hand around Cam’s shaft and the man leaped. He actually freaking leaped at him; growls punctuating the stabs Levi felt at his behind. Wiping his hands quickly on his shirt, Levi cupped Cam’s wild face. “I’m here, sweet thing,” he said, keeping his voice low. “I’m here. I’m yours. I will be from this moment on. Always. Always yours.”

  Cam let out a sobbing moan and Levi winced as his thrusts hit home. Fuck. He felt as though there were a dozen papercuts where his ass should be and someone rubbed salt on them. Letting out a long breath, he concentrated on Cam’s twisted face. “It’s okay, babe, it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Levi wasn’t sure Cam could hear him. His mate’s wolf was pushing for control and Levi did something he’d never done. He surrendered, letting his body go limp – well, most of it. His cock didn’t seem to care Cam was trying to ream him a new asshole. His vampire side thrilled at the rough claiming and his wolf…his wolf was asleep; totally unfazed with how Cam was treating them. Levi could see Cam was close and it was tempting to just let the man ride out his frustrations to the inevitable climax. But his gentle hearted mate would be devastated once he got control of himself.


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