Hanoi's Road to the Vietnam War, 1954-1965

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Hanoi's Road to the Vietnam War, 1954-1965 Page 52

by Asselin, Pierre

  International Conference on the Settlement of the Laotian Question (1961–62). See Geneva Conference on Laos

  Interzone V, 204; Executive Committee of, 22, 47, 75, 89

  Iran, 11

  Jacobs, Seth, 20

  Japan, 210; occupation of Indochina in World War II, 12

  Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek), 11, 49. See also Republic of China

  Jinmen (Quemoy) Islands, 58, 232n67

  Johnson, Lyndon, 109, 145, 200; presidential administration, 3, 174, 175, 193, 196, 200–201, 206, 207, 208; secret peace offer to Hanoi (1964), 190–92. See also United States

  Kennedy, John F., 37, 113, 114, 116; assassination of, 145; presidential administration, 91, 93, 100–101, 128, 132, 156, 160–61, 175. See also United States

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 36, 81, 107, 153, 154, 164, 180, 183, 184; attack on Albania, 91, 108, 118, 130, 142; and Berlin, 58, 91; and Cuban missile crisis, 149; denunciation of Stalin, 34; and Laos, 121; ouster from power, 174, 202–4; and peaceful coexistence, 34, 35, 42, 44, 63, 72, 79, 171, 185; visit to U.S., 49. See also Communist Party of the Soviet Union; Soviet Union

  Khu Mu (ethnic minority), 46

  Kien Hoa Province, 110

  Kien Phong Province, 69

  Kim Il-sung, 65. See also Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

  Kinmen Islands. See Jinmen Islands

  Kong Le, 119

  Kosygin, Alexei, 202

  Korea, 25, 65, 152

  Korean War, 11, 13, 107, 115, 121, 149, 182, 184

  Lacouture, Jean, 151

  Lai Chau, 99

  Land Reform Committee (DRVN), 39

  Lao Cai, 99

  Laos, 12, 17, 64, 94, 130, 135, 139, 140; civil war in, 100, 119–22, 154–55, 189; neutralization of, 118, 126, 134–35; U.S. interference in, 101, 116. See also Geneva accords on Laos; Geneva Conference on Laos; Pathet Lao; Souvanna Phouma

  Law 10/59 (RVN), 70, 103. See also Ngo Dinh Diem

  Le Cuong, 161

  Le Duan (Le Van Nhuan), 7, 16–17, 21, 40, 57, 87, 93–94, 108, 170, 171, 179, 203; as acting general secretary of the VWP, 47, 77, 95; advocacy of war in South Vietnam, 41–43, 164; appointment as VWP first secretary, 86–87; attack on moderates in the VWP, 164; and battle of Ap Bac, 152; commitment to socialist transformation in DRVN, 195–96, 207; control of VWP decision-making, 145, 173; “Directions of the Southern Revolution” (1956), 41–43, 51, 159; emulation of Stalin, 173, 195; and Fifteenth Plenum of the VWP Central Committee, 51; fourteen-point “action plan,” 41; and Geneva accords on Laos (1962), 125, 143; as head of COSVN, 15–16; as head of Nam Bo Executive Committee, 17, 29; letter to COSVN of July 1962, 134–37, 140; militant views of, 32, 42–43, 50, 142, 146, 173; and NLF, 88; and neutralization of South Vietnam, 128, 134–37, 140; opposition to 1954 Geneva accords and to negotiations, 6, 15–17, 23, 143, 192, 194, 208, 209–10; regime of, 175, 181, 182, 191–92, 194, 199, 200, 203, 207, 211; “Some Questions concerning the International Tasks of Our Party (address at Ninth Plenum of VWP Central Committee, 1963), 163–64; visit to Moscow (1964), 180–81. See also Central Office (Directorate) for Southern Vietnam; Democratic Republic of Vietnam; Nam Bo Executive Committee; Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  Le Duc Tho, 40, 57, 84, 87, 146, 173, 183, 208, 209; and Le Duan, 16, 169; as head of VWP Organization Committee, 40, 169, 170–71; opposition to 1954 Geneva accords, 16, 194; visit to Moscow (1964), 180–81; and VWP strategic debate of 1963, 147–48. See also Organization Committee; Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  Le Liem, 170

  Lenin, Vladimir, 48, 195, 214n4

  Le Quang Dao, 113

  Le Thanh Nghi, 40, 87, 146

  Le Van Luong, 15, 39. See also Organization Committee

  Le Van Nhuan. See Le Duan

  Le Vinh Quoc, 170, 272n161

  L’Humanité (newspaper, France), 143

  Liberation Army of South Vietnam, 95. See also People’s Liberation Armed Forces

  Liberation Radio (NLF), 160, 202

  “Limited war,” 100, 179, 207

  Linebacker II, 211

  Liu Shaoqi: visit to Hanoi (1963), 153–54

  Logevall, Fredrik, 24, 25, 32, 46, 155

  Long An Province, 69

  Lumumba, Patrice, 100. See also Congo (Leopoldville)

  Lüthi, Lorenz, 152

  Luu Doan Huynh, 161

  Mali, 103

  Maneli, Mieczyslaw, 155–56, 267n78. See also International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam; Poland

  Manila Pact, 11. See also Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

  Mao Zedong, 15, 65, 173, 174, 178; and “continuous revolution,” 44, 49, 148, 152–53; opposition to peaceful coexistence/Khrushchev, 44, 72; and Vietnam, 108, 181, 201, 287n15. See also Chinese Communist Party; People’s Republic of China

  Marangé, Céline, 99

  Marr, David, 208

  Marx, Karl, 146

  McCarthy, Joseph, 11

  Mekong Delta, 60, 69, 92, 108

  Mekong River, 123

  Mikoyan, Anastas, 35

  Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG, U.S.), 25, 127

  Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV, U.S.), 127, 129, 152

  Miller, Edward, 129, 157

  Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DRVN), 26, 30, 89, 99, 101, 102, 142, 160, 192, 203

  Ministry of Public Security (DRVN), 85, 170

  Moïse, Edwin, 141, 142, 198

  Mongolia, 104, 121

  Morocco, 103, 247n81

  Mosaddegh, Mohammad, 11

  Moscow, 91

  Moscow Conference: of 1957, 47, 63, 168; of 1960, 80, 81, 168

  Moyar, Mark, 31, 109, 129

  Munich accords (1938), 160, 208

  My Tho Province, 73

  Nam Bo Executive Committee (Xu uy Nam Bo), 17, 29, 56, 70, 72, 75, 76, 89, 95. See also Central Office (Directorate) for Southern Vietnam; Le Duan

  Nam Lua, 28

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 11. See also Egypt; United Arab Republic

  National Assembly (DRVN), 25, 36, 37, 48, 49, 62, 70, 74, 80, 98, 101, 105, 106, 113, 116, 123, 124, 125, 143, 149–50, 154, 183, 192; and diplomatic solution for South Vietnam, 127; and failure of Geneva accords on Laos (1962), 142; on neutralization of South Vietnam, 141–42; Standing Committee of, 74, 146, 197; and Tonkin Gulf incident, 197

  National Commission for Science and Technology (DRVN), 170

  National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF, Viet Cong), 73, 92, 96, 97, 104, 108–110, 111, 116, 117, 124, 133, 137, 141, 143, 144, 148, 150, 153, 166, 168, 176, 187, 242n95; challenges, 129, 162, 199; contacts with RVN government, 194–95; and diplomatic struggle/manipulation of world opinion, 150–51; manifesto/program, 88; and neutralization of South Vietnam, 126–28, 136, 139, 140; origins of, 54–55, 87–90; and VWP, 137–39, 141. See also Nguyen Van Hien; People’s Liberation Armed Forces

  Nationalist China. See Republic of China

  Nationaliste (newspaper, Cambodia), 127

  National Reunification Committee (VWP), 146

  National Security Council (U.S.), 174

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 133. See also India; Nonaligned movement/states

  “New democracy,” 84

  Nghe An Province, 19, 38

  Ngo Dinh Diem, 17, 21, 25, 109, 134, 140, 155, 157, 176; anti-communism of, 21; ascent to SOVN premiership, 14, 21; assassination/overthrow of, 145, 160–62, 176, 189, 269n119; Catholics and, 20; creation of RVN, 31–32; consolidation/expansion of power, 6, 28, 31, 32, 37, 44, 46, 51–52, 72, 109–110, 161–62; domestic challenges to authority, 21, 28; and France, 20–21; refusal to honor 1954 Geneva accords, 12, 14, 30, 31, 37; repression of dissidents/communists by, 12, 30–31, 33, 42, 62–63, 69–70, 103, 116–17; regime of, 11, 20, 74. See also Republic of Vietnam; Rural Community Development (“Agroville”) Program; State of Vietnam; Strategic hamlet program

  Ngo Dinh Nhu, 109, 156, 157, 267n80; assassination of, 145, 160

  Nguyen, Lien-Hang, 5, 41, 47, 85, 168, 171, 199

sp; Nguyen Ai Quoc School (Hanoi), 147, 262n8

  Nguyen Chi Thanh, 21, 57, 87, 97, 146, 173, 209; as head of COSVN, 199, 204; opposition to 1954 Geneva accords, 15–16, 194; promotion to full general, 87; and VWP strategic debate of 1963, 147–48, 169. See also Central Office (Directorate) for Southern Vietnam; People’s Army of Vietnam; Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  Nguyen Duy Trinh, 40, 48–49, 87, 146, 266n62

  Nguyen Dynasty, 12

  Nguyen Khanh, 194. See also Republic of Vietnam

  Nguyen Thi Dinh, 56

  Nguyen Van Hien, 104, 143. See also National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam

  Nguyen Van Hinh, 21, 219n51

  Nguyen Van Linh, 95, 199. See also Central Office (Directorate) for Southern Vietnam

  Nguyen Vu Tung, 64, 97, 125, 126, 127, 141, 194

  Nhan dan (newspaper, DRVN), 24, 28, 67, 77, 146, 149, 151, 160

  Nhan van (periodical, DRVN), 40

  Niger, 103

  Nixon, Richard, 44, 49; as U.S. president, 211. See also United States

  Nonaligned movement/states, 4, 27, 34, 45, 119, 133. See also India; Nehru, Jawaharlal

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 25

  “North-first” policy (DRVN), 6, 14, 35, 38, 48, 51, 73, 85, 92, 112. See also Democratic Republic of Vietnam

  North Korea. See Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

  North Vietnam. See Democratic Republic of Vietnam

  October (Russian) Revolution (1917), 50, 165

  Olsen, Mari, 122

  Organization Committee (VWP), 15, 39, 84, 146, 169, 170. See also Le Duc Tho; Le Van Luong; Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  Paris peace agreement (1973), 209, 211

  Paris peace talks (1968–73), 210–11

  Paris Summit (1960), 75, 76, 237n22

  Park Chung-hee, 101. See also Republic of Korea

  Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963), 145, 159, 202. See also Détente

  Party Committee of South Vietnam (PCSVN), 96. See also People’s Revolutionary Party; Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  Pathet Lao, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 134–35, 142. See also Geneva accords on Laos; Geneva Conference on Laos; Laos; Souphanouvong

  Peaceful coexistence. See Democratic Republic of Vietnam; Détente; Ho Chi Minh; Khrushchev, Nikita; Soviet Union

  Pelley, Patricia, 2

  People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN), 15, 19, 63, 64, 65, 85, 87, 132, 151, 168, 170, 173, 180, 190, 211, 218n29; advisers in United Arab Republic, 105; amalgamation of southern regroupees into, 19; convoys attacked in DRVN, 99; demobilization of personnel, 33, 74, 83, 207; deployment of units to South Vietnam, 7, 95, 151, 166, 174–75, 176, 179, 196, 198, 199–201, 284n181; five-year-plan of modernization, 3, 33, 62, 113; ideological training in, 100; in Laos, 120, 142, 266n73; mutiny in, 99; and PLAF, 87–88, 95, 159, 204; repression of dissidence in DRVN by, 38, 98–100; state of, 33, 225n138, 275n34; tensions within, 19, 99; and Tonkin Gulf incident, 197. See also Central Military Commission; General Staff; Viet Minh; “Volunteer troops”

  People’s Daily (newspaper, PRC), 157

  “People’s diplomacy” (DRVN), 89. See also Democratic Republic of Vietnam

  People’s Liberation Armed Forces (PLAF), 87–88, 95, 108, 109, 124, 144, 151, 168, 177, 180, 195, 198, 199, 201, 211, 250n138, 264n43; attack on U.S. airfield at Bien Hoa (1964), 204; attack on U.S. base at Pleiku (1965), 201, 206, 286n1; and battle of Ap Bac, 151–52; in major combat operations, 174, 175, 204–5; and PAVN, 159, 166, 204; setbacks suffered by, 129. See also Liberation Army of South Vietnam; National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam

  People’s Republic of China, 11, 19, 39, 104, 107; assistance to DRVN, 12, 33–34, 152, 154, 181–82, 183, 184, 201–2, 276n45; commitment to violent revolution/national liberation, 3, 79, 152, 153–54, 181, 190, 207–8, 250n142, 287n15; denunciations of Khrushchev/peaceful coexistence, 44, 79, 157–58, 239n46; deployment of troops to Vietnam, 181, 190; ideological radicalization in, 145, 152–53; and Indochina War, 12; normalization of relations with France, 174; proposal for conference on South Vietnam, 127; recognition of DRVN, 12; relations with DRVN, 79, 107–8, 152, 207–8; relations with India, 34, 49, 102–3, 133; relations with Laos, 121, 122; relations with Soviet Union, 12, 44, 72, 79, 91, 107–8, 118, 131, 174; successful testing of atomic bomb, 174, 201–2; support for 1954 Geneva accords/opposition to violent revolution in Vietnam, 15, 33, 79, 107–8, 115, 130, 131; support for Viet Minh, 12; and UN, 79. See also China; Chinese Communist Party; Mao Zedong; Sino-Indian War; Sino-Soviet dispute; Zhou Enlai

  People’s Revolutionary Party (PRP), 96–97. See also Party Committee of South Vietnam; Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  “People’s war,” 60, 61, 170, 288n17

  Pham Hung, 16, 40, 87, 146, 173, 194, 209

  Pham Van Dong, 27, 29, 30, 32, 78, 86, 87, 98, 104, 105, 131, 132, 134, 143, 149–50, 154, 183, 201, 203, 208, 247n77; letter to Ngo Dinh Diem of 1958, 48; note on China’s territorial sea of 1958, 58, 232n67; secret talks with Blair Seaborn (1964), 191–92; support for 1954 Geneva accords, 15. See also Democratic Republic of Vietnam

  Phan Van Dang, 51

  Phat Diem, 20

  Phnom Penh, 42

  Phong Saly Province, 123

  Phoui Sananikone, 119

  Phoumi Novasan, 119

  Phu Loi massacre, 57

  Pike, Douglas, 63, 157

  Plain of Jars, 119

  Podgorny, Nikolai, 202

  Poland, 104, 121; as ICSC member, 102, 150, 155. See also International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam

  Porter, Gareth, 112, 156, 177

  Portugal, 103

  Post, Ken, 126

  Poulo Condore Island. See Con Dao Island

  Pravda (newspaper, Soviet Union), 185

  Project Beefup (U.S.), 128. See also United States

  Qiang Zhai, 79, 115

  Quang Binh, 197

  Quang Ngai Province, 68

  Quang Tri Province, 16

  Quemoy Islands. See Jinmen Islands

  Quynh Luu uprising (1956), 38

  Rach Gia Province, 73

  Republican Youth Movement (RVN), 109, 116

  Republic of China (Nationalist China), 129, 152. See also Jiang Jieshi

  Republic of Guinea (Guinea), 103

  Republic of Korea (South Korea), 76, 116. See also Park Chung-hee; Rhee, Syngman

  Republic of Vietnam (RVN, South Vietnam), 37, 72, 103, 205; abdication of regime (1975), 211; Buddhist crisis of 1963, 145, 176; coups in, 145, 176, 194, 269n122; creation of, 32; negotiations with NLF/DRVN, 194–95; objection to draft Paris agreement (1972), 210; relations with Republic of China, 129. See also Duong Van Minh; Ngo Dinh Diem; Nguyen Khanh

  Resolution 9 (VWP, 1963), 3, 164–69, 170, 173, 174, 175, 176, 180, 181, 183, 187, 190, 196, 200, 284n181; “On the World Situation and the International Tasks of Our Party” (public communiqué), 164–65; “Strive to Struggle, Rush Forward to Win New Victories in the South” (“secret” section), 164–68. See also Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  Resolution 15 (VWP, 1959), 6, 45, 53–71, 72, 76, 78, 88, 89, 166, 168; guidelines, 59–61, 74; Politburo reservations about, 59–64; as product of southern pressures, 55–56; response of southern revolutionaries to, 67–69. See also Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  Revisionism (in Marxism-Leninism), 147–48, 184–85. See also Khrushchev, Nikita; Soviet Union; Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  Revolutionary Youth League, 16

  Rhee, Syngman, 76. See also Republic of Korea

  Romanian Communist Party, 79

  Ross, Douglas, 103, 132

  Rostow, Walt, 114

  Royal Lao Army, 119

  Rural Community Development (“Agroville”) Program (RVN), 74, 109. See also Ngo Dinh Diem; Republic of Vietnam

  Russian Revolution (1917). See October Revolution

  Saigon, 18, 57, 69, 73, 139, 156, 174, 204

  Sam Neua Province. See Houa Phanh Province

pa, 99

  Seaborn, Blair: secret talks with Pham Van Dong (1964), 191–92. See also International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam; Canada

  Sihanouk, Norodom (Prince), 119, 128, 189, 193; proposal for conference on Lao, 119–20, 122; proposal for conference on South Vietnam, 127. See also Cambodia

  Sino-Indian War (1962), 102–3, 118. See also People’s Republic of China

  Sino-Soviet dispute, 1, 3, 4, 72, 79–82, 86, 118, 181, 185; origins of, 44, 47, 49, 122. See also Communist Party of the Soviet Union; Democratic Republic of Vietnam; Ho Chi Minh; Khrushchev, Nikita; Mao Zedong; People’s Republic of China; Soviet Union; Vietnamese Workers’ Party

  Soc Trang Province, 62

  Son La, 99

  Song Hao, 106

  Souphanouvong (Prince), 119, 252n2. See also Pathet Lao

  Southeast Asia, 27, 115, 124, 139, 140, 143; communism in, 11

  Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 11, 25, 115; Council of, 176. See also Manila Pact

  Southern Committee of the Patriotic Front, 29

  South Korea. See Republic of Korea

  South Vietnam, 135, 139, 140, 200, 204. See also Republic of Vietnam; State of Vietnam

  Souvanna Phouma (Prince), 119, 120, 121, 123, 127, 155, 189; rump state under, 120–21. See also Laos

  Soviet Union, 94, 104, 170; as cochair of 1954 Geneva Conference, 34; fear of war with U.S., 34–35, 78–79, 149; and peaceful coexistence, 3, 34–36, 42, 49, 63, 72, 79, 130, 145; recognition of DRVN, 12; relations with/assistance to DRVN, 78, 106, 108, 116, 122, 131, 149, 154, 159, 180, 186, 202–3, 208, 277n56, 278n87; relations with India, 118; relations with Laos, 121, 122; relations with PRC, 12, 44, 72, 79–80; relations with U.S., 12, 37, 91, 118; support for 1954 Geneva accords/diplomatic solution in Vietnam, 15, 33, 78, 127, 204, 208, 276n42, 288n21. See also Brezhnev, Leonid; Communist Party of the Soviet Union; Democratic Republic of Vietnam; Détente; Khrushchev, Nikita; Sino-Soviet dispute; Stalin, Joseph

  Special Forces (U.S.), 206

  “Special war,” 178–79


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