Moments with Mason (A Red Maple Falls Novel, #3)

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Moments with Mason (A Red Maple Falls Novel, #3) Page 16

by Theresa Paolo

  He stopped and turned back to his brother. “I will do whatever it takes,” he said then walked out before Matt could get in another word.

  Chapter 20

  Cassie was a little tense as they passed the trailhead and made their way onto the path. She couldn’t forget the fear that had scared her so thoroughly the last time she was here.

  “It’s okay. I won’t let anything happen to you,” Mason said as he held his hand out to her.

  She took a deep breath and laced her fingers with his, finding strength in his rough, calloused hands.

  “We’ll have to come back next year a little earlier when there are more leaves on the trees.”

  “Next year?” she asked. “What if you get sick of me by then?”

  He came to a stop, spinning around and pulling her against him. He lifted her face to look at him, the dark green intensity causing her insides to warm. “That’ll never happen.” He kissed her nose and smiled. “If anyone is going to get sick of anyone, it’ll be you getting sick of me.”

  She shook her head. “Impossible.”

  “You haven’t lived with me.”

  Her heart raced at the statement. Live with him? He wasn’t asking, but was he thinking it? God, she would love going to bed in his arms every night and waking up to him every morning, but a part of her was resistant to the idea. She needed to learn to live on her own before she could fully commit to him. It wouldn’t be fair for either of them if she couldn’t stand on her own two feet first.

  “I don’t have to know that you’re impeccably clean, you don’t snore, you’re courteous of people’s space, and you put the toilet seat down.”

  “Three sisters,” he said. “They trained me well.”

  “They did,” she said. “Not just with the toilet seat either. They taught you how to respect women and how to treat them as equals.” She never felt inferior to Mason, not once, and he valued her opinion when it came to his beer and his business. He treated her like someone he held in high esteem, and that in itself was the biggest turn on of all.

  “I grew up surrounded by a lot of strong women. My sisters, my mom, my grandma. There is nothing that I can do that they can’t. Hell, Hadley can muck a chicken coop better than me. Kate can beat me in arm wrestling, and Daisy always could climb a tree higher than me. I don’t look at a person and judge their strength or character based on their sex. I judge people based on their personality and how they treat others. All the other stuff is meaningless.”

  She wished she could put into words how much what he said meant to her. Instead she showed him, lifting up on her toes and pressing her lips to his.

  “I love you,” she said as he rested his forehead against hers. His breath warm against her skin.

  “I love you, too. Now come on. I want you to see this.” He took her hand, and she followed him up the incline. She let her fears go and enjoyed the beauty surrounding them. They walked for some time, her thighs burning as they made their way through the trees and emerged at the top of the mountain, overlooking miles and miles of treetops, lakes, and open skies.

  The sight was so stunning it nearly took her breath away. She never experienced anything like this, and if it wasn’t for Mason rescuing her on the side of the road that day and giving her a job, a house, a love that she could feel to the very depth of her soul, she didn’t think she ever would.

  All the restraints holding her back and keeping her from appreciating the beauty that was all around her snapped. Standing on top of this mountain, looking out to the vast openness, she felt the weights that had been weighing so heavily on her lift, and for the first time in a very long time she felt absolutely free.

  “What do you think?” Mason asked.

  “It’s… beautiful. Amazing. Stunning.”

  “Everything you feel looking out there,” he said, moving toward her and wrapping her in his arms. “Is what I feel when I look at you.”

  She choked on a happy cry. “Now that’s just corny,” she said even though it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to her.

  “Corny, but so unbelievably true.”

  She kissed him, taking total control and dipping her tongue into his mouth. A moan escaped her as she felt his tongue tangling with hers. She wanted him, and she wanted him now, on top of this mountain with this incredible view as her backdrop. She raked her hands through his hair, and she held on to the silky softness as she pulled herself closer to him.

  Mason’s hand pressed into the curve of her back, holding her against him, making her feel cherished and wanted. She relished in his touch, in the strong strength of his arms and his erection pressing into her belly. Her hands slipped under his shirt, and he tensed up at the feel of her cold fingers, but didn’t pull away. He pulled her closer.

  She needed to feel him, and not just the hard muscles of his abs and his lips on hers. She needed to feel him inside her. She fumbled for his zipper, releasing him from the restraints of his jeans. She reached for his cock and began stroking him. His body jerked and Mason placed his hand on hers, stopping her from her ministrations. “Okay that’s enough of that.” Cassie giggled, feeling giddy and empowered as Mason reached into his back pocket, grabbing his wallet and retrieving a condom before tossing it on the ground along with his coat.

  He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around him as he laid her on top of his discarded coat. She grabbed his erection again, gliding her hand up and down his length, desperate to feel all of him.

  He slid the condom into place as she kicked off her pants. Before she could get her panties down, he pulled them aside and plunged inside of her, fully immersing himself in that one stroke. She cried out as he filled her so completely, digging her nails into his back and holding on as he pumped into her with unrelenting strokes, lost in the madness of the moment.

  Her mind cleared—all she could focus on was the sensations running through her body, the tingling in her thighs, the short gasps of breaths coming from her as he pushed her closer and closer to her peak.

  “Come with me, I’m almost there,” he panted as his hand landed on her swollen nub, and his lips captured hers in a soul searing kiss. He moved his finger in fast excruciating circles, his mouth devouring her in raw desperation. She felt her muscles tighten, the stir of heat building inside of her until it exploded into delicious waves that racked her body with an intensity that took her breath away and continued till she felt boneless and completely sated.

  Mason rocked into her one last time, his arms shaking with his release before he collapsed beside her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her temple.

  “Now that was amazing,” he said, and she nodded in agreement, unable to form a coherent thought. He squeezed her tight, and she rested her head on his chest, listening to the fast beat of his heart as it began to calm, feeling the rise and fall with each breath he took, wondering how she got so damn lucky.


  Mason had a few things to get done at the brewery, so he let Cassie sleep in. After their romp on top of the mountain they came back to her place and went for round two and three. At some point near early morning they’d passed out in each other’s arms.

  He kissed her on the head and went to slip out when he heard her moving. He turned to see her, sheet pulled up around her naked body, bare shoulders peeking out, giving him enough of a glimpse and a reminder of what was beneath the sheet. Her hair was sex mused and beautiful, spread out around her in a cascading trail.

  “Where are you going?” she asked her voice gruff with sleep.

  “I have a few things to get done at the brewery. I’ll be back later.”

  She sat up her eyes still glossy with sleep. “I’ll come with you. I just need a minute to get dressed.” Her hair hung in her face, and she pushed it out of the way, but it only fell right back into the same place.

  “No,” he said, resting his hand on her shoulder and leaning in to kiss the freckles on her nose. “Sleep.”

  “But,” she tried to argue, bu
t there was no fight in her tone. He had worn her out, and she deserved a day to sleep in.

  “No buts. I’m giving you the day off. There’s not much that has to get done, and as soon as I finish I’ll come back.”

  She smiled, her eyes slipping shut. “I can’t wait.”

  He kissed the top of her head and pulled the comforter up, tucking it in around her. “Me either,” he said as he took one last look at her and headed out.

  He called Cooper when he got to the brewery to see if he had a date for when he wanted to start work on his tiny house. Cooper was never a man with a plan, choosing to live by the seat of his pants and let things happen at will, but Mason didn’t work like that. He needed a plan and a schedule to make sure things would get done on time.

  With the winter coming they had little time to finish. The minute the first snow fell, they would be shit out of luck…unless their parents had room in one of the barns for them to work. When Cooper said “tiny” he didn’t give dimensions, so Mason wasn’t exactly sure how big this house would be. He needed more information.

  “Mace, what’s going on?” Cooper answered.

  “Where’s all that information I asked you to email me?”

  “I never sent that?”

  “No.” Cooper was also notorious for thinking he did something when he didn’t. Sometimes Mason was amazed that he got anything done. He lucked out as a travel blogger. He was able to work when it suited him, and he didn’t have to abide by a schedule. If he did, Mason didn’t think he’d last a week.

  “Shit. I’ll send it over now. The delivery should arrive next week, and we can get started then. Unless you’ll be too busy with a certain someone.”

  “Bite me.”

  “What?” Cooper said with a laugh. “I saw you two at the bike race. Looks like you’re getting pretty cozy.”

  “What if we are?”

  “You know I don’t believe in being tied down, but you seem happy.”

  “I am.”

  “Can you just hold off on asking the girl to marry you? These weddings and engagement parties are costing me a fortune.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Takes one to know one.”

  “Send me the damn email,” Mason said and hung up the phone with a smile.

  The phone rang as he was about to slip it into his pocket.


  “It’s Matt.”

  “Sorry, was on the other line with Cooper. What’s going on?”

  “One of my friends at the Mass station called to let me know that our buddy was pulled over today in Middlesex county.”

  Mason’s blood turned cold, every worst-case scenario playing out in his mind in vivid graphic detail.

  “How long ago?”

  “Several hours. He only just saw the email I had sent him.”

  Mason grabbed his keys and headed to the door. “I have to go.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid. I sent his license plate to all the local counties. If he’s pulled over for whatever reason they will let me know.”

  “What if he’s not pulled over?” Mason asked. “I have to go. I have to call Cassie and make sure she’s okay.”

  “Mace—” Matt said, but Mason hung up. He didn’t have time to listen to his older brother give him advice. He needed to make sure Cassie was safe and until he did he couldn’t rest. He called her house but she didn’t answer so he called again. Still no answer.

  “Fuck!” he yelled as he jumped into his truck and floored it out of the parking lot.

  He tried to tell himself to calm down. She probably went out for a hike. She did that. But then he thought about the last time he found her after a hike and how scared and panicked she was. How she thought someone was following her.

  He pressed his foot down harder on the accelerator, breaking every traffic law in the county, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was getting to his girl. His mind was telling him to think rationally that she was probably fine, his gut was telling him something entirely different.

  Chapter 21

  Cassie pulled on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and headed into the kitchen. She wanted to make Mason dinner and have it ready by the time he got back. A night in with the man she loved and a good home cooked meal sounded like a little piece of heaven.

  She turned the corner and came to a skidding halt as her eyes landed on Dylan sitting at her kitchen table, lounged back in a chair, one arm on the table like he had been waiting for her. She wanted to run, but her body froze, making it impossible for her to move or talk. All she could do was stand there and stare.

  He played with the ring on his finger and the memory of it slicing her cheek one time long ago caused the spot to ache, her stomach to twist in fear.

  “Miss me?” he asked, and the sound of his voice was like salt on an open wound, burning and causing her to flinch.

  She had no idea what time Mason would be back, and she had no way to get to the phone and call for help. Adrenaline pumped life back into her body, and she went to run when Dylan jumped up and grabbed her arm, his nails digging into her skin. “Not so fast, you little bitch.”

  She was on her own face to face with her living, breathing nightmare, but this time she couldn’t run. Fight or flight wasn’t a decision when one was taken away from you. She had no choice but to fight and hope she survived. “You thought you could take off, and I wouldn’t find you? Thought you could play house with that little prick and I would let you?” His nails dug harder into her arm, and she tried to wriggle away, but it only made him squeeze tighter.

  “Dylan, you’re hurting me.” She didn’t want to admit it, but she thought maybe if he felt in control it would help her, but if anything, it made it worse. Suddenly, Matt’s words echoed in her mind. Bring your elbow into the center line, flatten your hand, come right up, pinky around the wrist joint, and break their hold by snaking around.

  She focused on the words, taking a deep breath as she brought her elbow in. In one quick motion, she pulled off the move, getting free of his hold.

  She propelled herself forward when her shoulder exploded in hot searing pain as he slammed her against the wall, and it took the brunt of his force. “Did you really think you’d get away!” he growled, moving closer to her until she could feel his lips brushing her ear.

  She swallowed down the bile rising in her throat, trying to find the strength inside her not to cry.

  “I want you to know pain, bitch. I want you to regret ever thinking that you didn’t belong to me.”

  She didn’t belong to him and maybe it took her too long to realize that, but she knew that now and she would rather die than ever be his again. She scanned the kitchen looking for a way out, before she made her next move.

  He grabbed her face, whipping her head hard as his nails sunk into her flesh. “There’s no way out,” he said with a laugh that was pure evil.

  “You’re wrong,” she said as she lifted her leg and kneed him in the groin, shoving him back with every ounce of strength she could muster.

  He stumbled, and she slipped out of his reach, running for the door, but he grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. A sharp throbbing pain radiated in her scalp, spreading to her temples.

  His arms wrapped around her, squeezing the life out of her. She refused to submit to him, to make this easy. She kicked back, hoping to land a blow to his groin, but his legs closed and he dodged her move. She squirmed, continuing to move like Matt had told them too, fighting for her life, and trying to be the fighter Mason thought she was.

  Groin, throat, feet, eyes and stomach. She just needed to land one good blow.

  A white blinding smack came across her face as he spun her around and brought his hand to her cheek. She cried out, grabbing for her cheek, but also taking the opportunity to try and run again. He snatched her by the neck, smashing her against the wall. His hand tightened, pressing against her windpipe making it impossible for her to breathe.

  She clawed at his hand,
desperate for air. He didn’t flinch. He stared at her, dark black eyes filled with nothing but malevolence. She took away his control, and now he was taking it back. She didn’t stop fighting.

  She lifted her arms, chopping into his as hard as she could. His grip loosened and she stomped his foot with all the energy she could manage.

  “You whore!” he yelled, ramming his elbow into her throat and knocking her against the wall.

  Pain exploded in her head and her eyes slipped shut. He pressed his body into hers, forcing his knee in between her legs and making it impossible for him to kick him in the groin if she even had the energy to do so.

  “Someone learned how to fight,” he said, his breath hot on her cheek.

  She thought of Mason. If she was going to die right now she didn’t want Dylan’s face to be the last thing she saw. She wanted to see Mason, the man that she had fallen head over heels in love with. The man who loved her despite her many flaws. The man who loved all her pieces.

  The world around her went black, but she focused on Mason’s face that adorable smirk and those beautiful dark green eyes.

  If she was going to die, at least she got to know what true love was. At least she got to experience it.

  No. She wasn’t going to die. Not at the hands of this asshole. She wasn’t that weak girl she once was and he needed to know that. She wasn’t going down so easily. She would fight to her death if that’s what it took.

  Francine, I love you, but I’m not ready to see you.

  “Groin, throat, feet, eyes and stomach,” she said.

  “What the fuck are you mumbling?”

  She forced her eyes to open and stared into the black soulless holes that took so much from her. She lifted her hands and jabbed her fingers into his eyes. A loud angry cry tore from his mouth as he reached for his eye.

  “Eyes,” she said then jammed her foot into his, causing him to stumble back. “Feet.” She pushed her leg into his gut. “Stomach.” Then with every last ounce of strength she could gather she kneed him as hard as she could. “Groin.”


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