Mistakes of My Past

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Mistakes of My Past Page 13

by Emily James

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I got you something else. It’s second-hand, but I think you’ll like it.” Will pulls a small box from his pocket and opens it in the small gap between us. “Cody told me you had to pawn your mother’s necklace until your banking got sorted. I thought you might feel happier if you had it back and a little piece of her with you.”

  The amber golden stone glows proudly from its silver setting, like it knows it’s home, where it belongs. I’m so pleased, tears flood my eyes. “Will, thank you.” I don’t know how to explain, thank you is not enough. It’s the kindest and most thoughtful act I’ve ever experienced.

  Will nibbles on his lower lip nervously. Maybe it’s the Pinot confidence or the weight of his kindness. Perhaps it’s the sheer lust vibrating under my skin or the smooth fabric of his tux as I grip his collar. But when my lips meet his, and my hand finds his smooth jaw, I’m consumed with desire.

  It’s a kiss that’s started by me, but owned by him.

  Will’s arms reach around me and hold me tight. His lips press against mine while his tongue begins a sensual exploration. I forget that I’m standing in my dad’s kitchen and that my life is only half my own. I’m consumed with carnal need as my leg wraps around his hip and my body begs him to give me more.


  We slowly pull away. Will’s tongue dips out to taste where my lips just clung to his.

  “Hadn’t you two better get going?” Cody chimes her face bright with a smile.

  My own smile is so broad I feel giddy and I take a hold of Will’s hand.

  “One thing first,” Will says, spinning me gently around and pulling my hair across my right shoulder. His finger rests on my skin as he clasps the necklace around my neck. “There, now everything’s perfect.”

  * * *

  We arrive at the Country Club in a Lexus that Will says he borrowed for the night. The valet takes the car keys from Will at the front entrance of a stately stone building which is lit with fairy lights.

  Even though the temperature is only a little over freezing my body hums with heat as Will takes my hand and leads me up the stairs to the entrance.

  Inside, it’s set like a beautiful wedding, opulent and tasteful. The hall is dominated by a huge chandelier and the guests are all seated at large candle-lit tables. There's a band playing, with a male lead singer crooning slow songs that I don’t recognise.

  Will’s hand rests on the small of my back, just above where the material of my dress stops to expose a small section of my lower back. His touch helps me stand taller as he leads me to our table.

  Will introduces me to everyone and explains to me, in a hushed voice how he knows them. Mostly they are big construction owners and developers and their other halves. The women are friendly and make small talk with me as Will discusses business.

  The other guests and I listen with rapt interest as he passionately talks about his up and coming ventures. He looks in his element and his confidence is sexier than ever.

  After the starters, the seat beside me sits empty as Will is asked to schmooze with the organiser and to discuss his speech slot. The fellow guests make me welcome by complimenting my dress, raving about my accent and telling me their experiences of London and Europe.

  After a short time, I look for Will. I spot him chatting to Candace, who has chosen a canary yellow dress with a thigh high split. She’s pointing behind him, to the head table. Will looks and shakes his head, apparently annoyed at something she said. I’m secretly pleased that he doesn’t appear entertained by her company and I’m relieved when he heads back to our table with two glasses of champagne.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I ask him and smile, “Because it probably won’t take much. I’m very out of practice.”

  Will distractedly looks back toward the head table. “Huh? I’m doing the speech after the final course,” Will replies, as though answering my question. He takes the napkin from the table and wipes at his head. He must be nervous about his speech I tell myself and take a drink from my glass. The bubbles hit the back of my throat deliciously and I drink a little more, suddenly feeling apprehensive.

  Will seems to relax as the main course arrives and we both swoon over the piquant chicken with lime and capers. He chuckles as I wipe a little of the sauce off his tux with my napkin and he replenishes my wine. He’s a brilliant dinner partner, and throughout the courses, he has the table rapt with jokes from the building site. The guy to Will’s right even has to leave the table when Will explains a story about a carpenter whose wife of forty years thinks he actually lays carpets for a living.

  “I better go and get this speech out of the way, so we can get on and enjoy our evening together,” Will says and stands up, his hand holds mine as he tenderly grazes his lips against it. “When I return, I’d really like to dance with the most beautiful woman in the room, if you would do me the honour?”

  I want to high five him and do a happy dance, but since that would probably kill the mood of his suggestion, I nod and nibble at my lip.

  I take the opportunity to find a bathroom before the speeches get underway and carefully reapply my lipstick. I also ping a text to Roxy to say what a great time I’m having. Even though I try not to gush, when I read it back it’s clear I’m smitten. I don’t remember another time when my face ached from smiling. When I’m finished reapplying my lipstick, I get ready to rejoin the party.

  “Amber, look at you all dressed up, minus the dog smell.” Candace smirks as she stands next to me and adds more lip gloss.

  “Hi. I didn’t know you were here,” I lie with a friendly smile—like you could miss her in her slutty day-glow dress. Since I noticed her the first time, she’s been hovering and trying to catch Will’s eye ever since. It’s starting to annoy me.

  “Will didn’t tell you I’d be here? That’s odd. I think he was rather hoping to escort me, but I’d already lined up another date.” She sighs like she’s devastated by the loss and puts her hand near her mouth as though to whisper. “Still, it’s nice he could fall back on his neighbour. What with his ex being here, I’m sure he wouldn’t want to turn up solo. Especially since it’s rumoured she’s announcing her engagement tonight.”

  I'm floored by her comments and grab hold of the door frame to steady myself.


  “Will didn’t tell you? Ashley’s father hosts the Gala each year. He was business partners with Will’s father. Ashley and Will were going to be married. You didn’t think that…” Her hand now covers a smirk. “Oh, honey, Will needed a date tonight to save face. It’s his first social event since Ashley broke his heart.”

  My face must have fallen because the ache in my cheeks is replaced with numbness. Candace’s face glows from my stolen happiness and I wonder if I smacked her smug face, would a small amount of my joy return. I decide she’s not worth it. Even if Will did use me to save face, I won’t allow myself to ruin his night. It’s a big deal for a lot of reasons besides his father’s memory, apparently.

  I paint on my best fake smile. “Will and I are just friends, Candace. But, it is a shame all that flirting you do with him hasn’t made him notice you more.” As a parting comment I add, “Perhaps you should try a brighter, tighter dress.”

  * * *

  I leave the bathroom, still numb. I believed Will liked me. That I had a real shot at a normal relationship and I wonder if my judgement is so flawed I won’t ever be able to truly trust any man.

  “There you are. You missed my speech, which is probably a good thing because it kind of sucked, but now I get to dance with you, which is definitely a good thing.” Will smiles and his hands gently reach for mine. I pull away and step back.

  “Thank you for tonight, Will, but I’m ready to go home now. You stay and schmooze, I’ll organise a cab.” I head for the exit clutching my purse under my arm. The heels and the wine are slowing me down and all I can see is that stupid yellow dress in my blurry peripheral vision.

  The bitter w
ind whips my hair around my face as I reach the steps down to the gravel driveway of the Country Club.

  The valets stare at me. “I don’t have a car. Please can you order me a taxi?”

  The valet looks at me, dumbfounded. “Ma’am, you won’t get a cab way out here.”

  “She doesn’t need a cab, I’m taking her home.” Will hands the valet his fob and he disappears to collect the car.

  “Will, stay here, I don’t want to inconvenience your night. I’ll walk.” I twist on my heels and start to stomp down the endless driveway.

  Will grabs my hand to stop me. “I’ll drive you, it’s not an inconvenience. You’re my date.”

  “I’m walking. I want to be alone!” I yell at him and pull my hand out of his grip. With not an ounce of grace, I turn on my heels and storm away. Tears prick my eyes as stones jam in my shoes.

  “It’s twenty-five miles home, Amber. What’s wrong?” Will asks, following me up the drive.

  “Twenty-five miles?” I look at the gates marking the entrance to the country club. They’re about a half a mile away. I consider whether I can make it.

  “Yes. But you are not walking. Tell me what’s wrong.” Will runs in front of me, heading me off. His gaze is so invasive that I turn my head. “Tell me?” he asks softly, his hand angling my chin to meet his eyes.

  “Why did you ask me here, Will? Was it some kind of ego boost? Did you work out I’d be an easy yes, so you didn’t have to show up alone? I know, bring the weird neighbour, she won’t have anything better to do.” The wine is working and my voice is a couple of octaves higher than normal.

  “What? No, I didn’t think that. Where are you getting this from? Asking you out was not easy. I asked you because I like you and I thought you might like me too.”

  “Really?” I look him square in the eyes, defiantly. “It’s not because your ex is here. With her new fiancé and you didn’t want to turn up solo? Because you wouldn’t use me that way would you, Will?” I feel ridiculous and childish even saying it. That bitch really blew my confidence.

  “Ashley is here. She is my ex and she is here with an ex-friend of mine. One she cheated on me to be with, but I don’t care. I wouldn’t care if I were here alone, but I didn’t want to come alone, I wanted to bring you because I like you. Who's been filling your head with this nonsense?”

  Will takes hold of both of my hands, “I’m here with you and if you’d said you didn’t want to come with me, I’d have come alone, read the shitty speech, and gone home, I’d have opened a beer and looked out my window at your back door, and wondered if you were okay, because that seems to be happening a lot lately. Tell me, baby, who said this?”

  “You look out your window?” I grin a little, but not because I’m worried he’s seen me staring at his kitchen window from my backdoor.

  “Yep, you look real cute when you stand there in your jammies letting Flo out to pee.” I smack his arm playfully.

  “What a pair of losers,” I joke.

  “Are you going to tell me who's been filling your head with this crap?”

  “Did that bitch really cheat on you with your friend?”

  “Uh-huh. But she was on her way out anyway. Cody hated her.” Will grins as he pulls me to sit on his lap on the wall behind us. He pulls his jacket off and wraps it around me and his arms hold it firmly in place, keeping me warm.

  “I can see how that could never work if Cody didn’t like her. Candace was just being a bitch. I think she expected you to ask her tonight.” I turn my head around to gauge Will’s reaction, he looks a little sheepish. “What?”

  “She tried to kiss me, during our business meal. But I’m not interested in her, our relationship is purely business. I don’t know why she would bother stirring though, everybody knows Ashley and I are through and that I’d never…” Will strokes his finger across my chin to hammer home the point, “ever, get back with her.”

  “She just made me feel, I don’t know…” I trail off, embarrassed.

  “I like you, Amber. I’m not sure how often I have to say it for you to believe me, but it’s true. Which is a scary thing because I think we’ve both been hurt before, and I may or may not have heard my sister and her friend planning our wedding,” Will winks and I laugh a breathy laugh, before he adds, “but I’m in if you are?”

  Will doesn’t wait for my answer, his finger slides from my chin around to the back of my head and he steals a kiss so potent the champagne in my stomach fizzes and my toes curl. The kiss deepens and my hands are finally in that soft, messy hair of his. Until the valet honks, and we both stand, like naughty children caught kissing behind the bike sheds.

  Chapter 17


  “So, did you kiss Amber goodnight?” Cody asks me, swinging her legs on the stool as she scoffs her cereal.

  “Might have,” I reply coyly, there’s no way I’m telling her details.

  “Like this,” Cody demonstrates a pouty peck, “Or, like this?” She giggles and wraps her arms around herself, smooching at the air.

  “I am not discussing this with you, Cody, it's weird.” And it was better than both of those. When we pulled up in the car, we made out for so long the windows fogged up and I was pretty close to losing my mind in her, just from kissing. I didn't do that though. No, I got out the car and jogged around it, opened her door to help her out, and then I kissed her again, against the car. Partly to show that creepy Jed guy spying on us across the street that we were an item and to back off, but mostly ‘cos I really like kissing Amber. She tastes so good. My mouth waters and I'm eager to see her again, preferably without Cody around.

  “So, when are you seeing her again?” Cody demands.

  “Um.” What a rookie mistake. I didn't arrange the follow up. It's Saturday and Patrick isn’t home this weekend and I have no excuse to be over there. I smack my forehead.

  “You didn't arrange to see her? Will, you'd better call her. How's she supposed to know you think she's special if you didn't call yet?”

  She's right. I was just so pumped it seemed to go well I came back and ran seven miles on the treadmill. I didn't even text. I grab my phone and stare at it.

  “I'm no good at this stuff. What should I write?” I check with Cody.

  “Will, I'm seven years old. How the hell am I supposed to know? I'm heading upstairs to get changed. Say something, though. She’ll think you’re weird if you don’t contact her after all that smooching.” Cody slips off the kitchen stool leaving her cereal bowl on the counter. I'm too concerned with what to text to remind her she's meant to be doing the dishes.

  I'm still staring at my phone twenty minutes later when I receive a text from Amber:

  Hi, Cody said you guys wanted to go do Frisbee golf with Flo and me?

  Just to warn you, I have never played before and I pretty much throw like an infant. But, I’d love to go, if you want me to? I can be ready in an hour.

  “Cody, come down here you trouble maker,” I call up the stairs.

  “What?” She asks, huffing down the stairs.

  “Where are you going dressed like that?” I ask. She's wearing a dress and her best pumps. “Is that lip gloss on your face?”

  “Chill, Will. I'm just heading over to Megan's. Harry from 1D is doing an interview on TV and we want to look our best. I’ll meet you over at Amber’s at seven. She’s cooking us dinner. It’s okay, you can thank me later.” Cody giggles and grabs her backpack as she heads for the door.

  I chase after her. “What? Amber said you wanted to go play Frisbee golf? You set us up?”

  “Yeah, I made other plans, so it’ll just be you two kids. Take her to Sharon Park, it's a nice day, it'll look real pretty with the lake and the blue skies. And, Will…”

  “Yes?” My grin widens as I try to hide it from Cody behind my hand, Cody’s set up a date that's better than anything I could have thought of.

  “Don't act too macho. And don't wear your favourite shirt. It's got a pizza stain on it and makes you loo
k like a chav.”

  “What's a chav?” I ask, wondering why she’s speaking in a different language these days.

  “Like a British redneck, I think. Have fun, Will. I'll see you at dinner time, okay? And text Amber back!” Cody yells as she walks out the door.

  I follow her to the front door and watch her cross the street to Mrs Stevens. Next door, Jed gets into his police cruiser and pulls out of his driveway. He stops and cases Amber’s place before pulling away.


  * * *

  “This place is beautiful. Do you come here often?” Amber’s eyes widen and she holds her mouth in her hand. “I'm sorry. I can't believe I just said that.” I laugh with her. I love it when her cheeks turn pink.

  “We used to come here when I was a kid.” I reach down and grab the Frisbee from Flo and I throw it way out into the clearing for her to chase. We had to abandon the Frisbee golf because the other players were getting fed up with Flo stealing their Frisbees.

  “It's lovely, so green. It reminds me of the fields between our village and the neighbouring one, except it’s much colder here.” Amber’s lips puff out a cloud of steam as she talks.

  “Well, since I'm toasty, let me warm you up.” I lean down and put my arm around her waist as we stroll. Flo comes back and trots along next to us.

  “So, Cody said you were cooking tonight?”

  “Yeah, she’s asked me to make something British, so we're having shepherd’s pie and apple crumble just like my mamma used to make. Except not the veggie version, I kind of prefer it with the meat.”

  “Sounds... I will remain open minded.” I shake my head and pull a face, which makes Amber giggle.

  “Well, I'm not much of a cook, so you may have to be on standby to collect pizza,” she winks.

  “Tell me about you, Amber. Tell me something I don't know.”

  She looks thoughtful. “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything, I feel like I only know the post January version of you. What were you like in England?”


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