Night Beach

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Night Beach Page 5

by Evans, Trent

  His hand stroked lazily over the curve of her ass, so nicely displayed in the tight slacks. “You’ve gotta be beat, Kathryn. We don’t need to do this tonight, you know.”

  Her gaze turned up to him, her face only partially illuminated by the streetlamps below. “I’m ready. We’re ready.”

  Blaine shrugged, leaning his hip against the railing. He moved his hand up her back and submerged it in the heavy tresses. She moaned, arching her head up as he massaged her scalp.

  “Maybe, maybe not.” he said. “What makes you so sure?”

  “God, that’s fucking amazing, Blaine.”

  “I aim to please,” he murmured. He grasped her nape in a firm grip, her body tensing. “But answer the question.”

  She looked at him again, smiling. “Why do you play games like this? I know how much you want her. It’s plain to see.”

  “You want her every bit as much as I do.” He wondered some days if she might actually prefer the young innocent to her own husband. Perhaps it was simply infatuation — it wasn’t as if he weren’t guilty of his share of obsessing over the fetching girl.

  “Mm hmm,” she murmured. “And your point?”

  Blaine pulled her head up, forcing Kathryn to straighten. “You forget yourself, wife.”

  She caught her breath, her sparkling eyes searching his. “Make me remember, Blaine.”

  He kissed her, spinning her around and slamming her back against the dark wood siding. She dropped the glass to the deck, wetness splashing against his foot. He forced his leg between hers, the heat of her cunt raised up on the hard muscles of his thigh. Her hands reached for his face and he batted them away, clutching them in one fist. He wrenched her head to the side, exposing the whiteness of her delicate throat to him.

  She gasped as his lips found her soft flesh, nipped her skin. “When this is over tonight, you and I.” He caught a soft breast in his hand, squeezing brutally, her whimper drowned in his mouth. “We’re going to help remind you where you stand in this marriage.”

  “Why not now,” she breathed, twisting her hips, grinding her heat into his thigh. “Show me.”

  Blaine’s quelling finger pressed to her lips. “That’s for me to decide, woman.” He extricated his leg, to a disappointed murmur. “First, we need to talk.”

  Kathryn’s gaze dropped to the wet planks. “Now that’s a waste of some good Malbec.”

  Blaine crossed his arms over his chest, his skin breaking out in gooseflesh in the cool night breeze. “You’re sure about this?”

  Kathryn blew out a breath, both hands grasping the rail. The wind caught her hair, twirling it like an ephemeral windsock for a moment. “Yes. Can’t you see?”

  Blaine saw it. He felt it, the restlessness of his strong-willed wife. She submitted to him, in all things, and had from the very beginning. But that strong will needed an outlet, a focus.

  They’d both enjoyed his taming of Kathryn’s willfulness in the beginning (and they still enjoyed it now), and yet with the passage of the years, and the blossoming of his once reticent wife into the fierce, driven corporate shark she was today, a new need had surfaced — one they both knew he was ill-equipped to satisfy.

  Then she’d seen her. It happened quite by accident, really. Blaine’s friend Cam (a woman who was quite aware of his particular tastes) had told him she knew of a woman whom he might enjoy meeting. He hadn’t even thought about it with any deliberateness. Blaine had brought young, naive women into their bed before, of course. Kathryn had always reveled in it, soaking up the wide-eyed innocence exposed to the realities of a world of possibilities, to treatment equal parts tender and cruel.

  That night Kathryn had come to exchange phones with him, having somehow left hers in his coat pocket. He’d barely spoken two words to Erica, but his cock was already hard for her, already imagining what those long legs would look like stretched out before him, her lush bottom quivering over his lap, her nervous breathing as she waited for her spanking to begin.

  He’d watched Kathryn moving through the dazzling light of the courtyard, her gleaming golden plaits washing over the thick collar of her coat. God, she was so beautiful! She’d stopped dead upon seeing the girl he sat with.

  Erica hadn’t seen her yet though, her trembling attention fixated on Blaine’s fingers as they stroked her open palm he held in his hands.

  His wife’s glittering eyes met his, the naked fire in them quickening his heartbeat, his cock throbbing further. He’d walked to her then, hoping his coat hid the obvious bulge he was sure would be visible at his crotch.

  “That’s her. Make her ours, Blaine.”

  Those words had started it all for them, begun the journey — and with luck, they both hoped the new chapter in that journey, would begin tonight.

  Nevertheless, he wondered. They’d never taken it this far before, and they’d planned to take things much further still. There was always a danger in it, introducing a third, subordinate though she’d definitely be — to the both of them. It was for that reason alone that he thought it just might work.

  Having a slave meant responsibility, work, and diligence. Kathryn would be up to the task, and then some. In a way, he actually felt a little sorry for the girl. Though he’d seen her pussy react to Kathryn every bit as strongly as she reacted to him, he knew the young woman had no real concept of what she was truly getting herself into.

  “Then if she passes your little test, you’ll have what you wanted, Kathryn.”

  Her eyes stared off toward the dark expanse of the sea. “A slave.”

  Blaine’s hand closed over hers, squeezing. “Ours.”


  Erica awoke to the movement of the bed. The room was pitch black, and she looked around groggily for light, any light. Then she remembered the blindfold.

  “Sleep well?” Sir’s voice. The bed moved again, and she felt the warmth of his naked body next to her, his side pressing to her naked breasts, the hairs tickling her.

  “Yeah … how long was I?”

  “Awhile. It’s dark now. Time to head to the beach in a bit.”

  Strong hands hooked under her arms, helping her to sit up, the blackness behind the blindfold disorienting her for a moment. “Ahh, this …”

  She twisted within the arm binder, her fingers working in the soft cloth balled in her palms.

  “Stop that,” Sir said, a hand slapping her breast, sending it bouncing. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. It’s just … need to get loose.” Her hands were sweaty, and she wanted them out, to feel the fresh, cool air kiss her clammy skin again.

  “You’re not getting out of that binder until I say so. You can start by doing what you’re told. Now stop fidgeting.”

  Hard hands captured her breasts, kneading the vulnerable flesh, her treacherous nipples tightening against his grip. “As much as I like what your struggling does to these tits of yours, I don’t want you injured.” He bounced a breast in his palm then let it drop, his finger tapping her chin. “Be a good girl now.”

  She nodded with a whimper, curling into herself, trying vainly to find some way to feel less … vulnerable. It felt like her breasts had spotlights on them.

  “Just follow my lead, girl.” His hands pulled on her arms, drawing her toward him, and for the millionth time she cursed the arm binder for preventing her from embracing him. The damned thing ensured that everywhere Erica went, she led with her breasts. She felt her nipples stiffen at the thought, and Blaine chuckled somewhere in front of her.


  “No, Sir,” she lied. She couldn’t tell if the cool wetness between her thighs was her own juices or Sir’s seed. He rarely gave her leave to allow her to clean his semen from her sex, and this time was no different.

  He clasped her waist tightly, and she stiffened. “Lift your leg up now. There you go.”

  Oh, please let it be this.

  Something hot and hard touched her inner thighs, and she barely suppressed an exultan
t yell. She loved being on top of her Sir. It was so rarely allowed during her visits that she regarded it as a true gift, allowing her to grind her clit against him as they fucked. He allowed her to ride his cock, but still he controlled her, directed her movements. Her physical proximity to him meant nothing — he was still her Sir in every sense.

  The broad head of his cock slipped between swollen, sensitive labia and she slid down, down. Erica panted as he spread her wide once more, her pussy unexpectedly sore from the earlier encounter. He must have been even harder on her than she’d thought.

  Her pussy spasmed at the thought, making her wince.

  Hands squeezed her waist. “Stay very still Erica. Very still. I want to look at you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, dropping her head even though she was blindfolded. She knew he was watching the rise and fall of her proffered breasts, even as the hot blush spread from her cheeks down her neck. Such was the one drawback of the position — total exposure to him. From the flush of her cheeks to her bouncing breasts (as she had no doubt they would be once he worked her up to speed) down to the bare pussy stretching around his thick, throbbing cock. All of it for him, his to do with as he pleased.

  “Very slowly now, work me with that cunt.” He slapped her breast, his finger catching a hard nipple, making her yelp at the sting. “Slower, more. There you go.”

  Erica knew how he liked it, and her sinuous hips swirled as she thrust up and down on the big penis, her pace entirely dictated by those hard, cruel hands. Her pussy made a wet noise upon him and she felt her cheeks warm anew.

  Fingers played below, finding her aching clit even as, at the urging of those implacable hands, she thrust down upon him faster. “Sir, please.”

  “Please, what?” His voice had lowered, the tension just under the surface. For once, she was affecting him, getting to him. The flash of triumph was very short-lived however, as fingertips claimed her hard nipples, pinching down in twin points of bright pain. “Don’t even think about it.”


  She groaned, shuddering as his fingers twisted her nipples, the pain arrowing straight to her womb, transformed into burning lust. She could feel the copious wetness coating him, spread over her inner thighs, as she obediently worked his shaft repeatedly. God, if he’d just let her. Just once!

  “This isn’t about you right now, girl.” She cried out as he slapped first one breast, then the other, causing the globes to collide with one another. “Your job is to be quiet, and fuck me with that wet cunt. If you come, it’s incidental. Don’t forget it.”

  “Yes … Sir,” she whispered, wanting to hide her face, the shame was so exquisite.

  “Faster now. Come on, girl!”

  Her hips slammed down upon him, his cock going so deep it took her breath away, the big head rubbing against the mouth of her womb in that odd mixture of pain/pleasure she experienced with cervical stimulation. The blindfold didn’t help her block out the vision of her breasts wobbling up and down under his avid gaze, the tips bright red from the cruel ministrations of his fingertips.

  She felt a smaller, softer hand caress her ass. “How’s she doing?”

  Erica froze. The coolness of the voice was unmistakable. Her Mistress.

  “Jury’s still out on that one,” Blaine said, a twist of his hips grinding his hard cock deeper within her. “She’s been a good girl, mostly.”

  Erica couldn’t quite stifle a whine at the sharp pain of the pinch to her ass. “I see you had to punish her. What’s she done?”

  She trembled, her hands twisting helplessly within the leather of the arm binder.

  “Oh nothing too bad, really,” Blaine said, his hands settling on the curves of her hips again. “She just needed a little reminder to do as she’s told.”

  “Pity. I was looking forward to giving her some more if she’d really misbehaved.”

  “Not having a reason’s never stopped you from disciplining her before. Why start now?”

  The silence from her Mistress sent ice water through Erica’s veins. She imagined all manner of horrible implements in Kathryn’s capable hands. Implements intended to reinforce her submission, the proof of it written in lines of fire across her tender flesh.

  “Get that ass moving, Erica.” Blaine squeezed her hips threateningly. “You work my cock until I tell you otherwise.”

  “He shouldn’t have to tell you that,” Kathryn whispered in her ear. “I see we still have a long way to go with you.”

  “I’m sorry, Mistress.”

  “Don’t say sorry to me, slut. It’s his cock you’re sitting on.” Kathryn’s hand landed a tremendous smack to Erica’s already roasted bottom, making her cry out. “Now get back to work.”

  For a few moments, as the handprint throbbed painfully across her ass cheek, Erica wondered if perhaps her Mistress had retired.

  Blaine chuckled. “Listen to your Mistress. Get on with it, girl.”

  “Y—yes, Sir.” A tear slipped from beneath the blindfold, tracking a lonely trail down her cheek.

  “How was the shale negotiation?” His voice was raised somewhat, moving on to other topics while his slave girl lunged up and down his thick shaft. “Did Collins sell?”

  Dear God, they aren’t really going to talk about this now!

  Kathryn gave a rueful laugh. “He tried to play hardball with us. Actually brought in his niece to propose new contract terms. The asshole.”

  “Niece?” He groaned softly as Erica squeezed him, her lower lip caught in her teeth. She suppressed a victorious curve of her lips she feared might be seen as impertinence.

  “Yeah, can you believe that shit? No warning, no nothing. She walks into the conference room and slaps down a codicil an inch thick. Apparently, she’s a contract lawyer — but she looked to me like she was just fresh out of law school. She was an idiot, but she had an ass on her that wouldn’t quit. Couldn’t have been a day older than our little rag doll here.”

  Her Mistress’ hand ruffled Erica’s unruly curls, and she swallowed, dropping her head.

  “I told you he’d try something.” Blaine’s hands stilled her writhing hips, her clit throbbing against him. “That offer was too good to be true. Let me guess, once he got wind of the size of the Bakken shale find, he upped the price, right?”

  “Yep, Watkins and Miss Great Ass hashed it out for over an hour. I left about halfway through disgusted with the whole thing. I wanted to wring Collins’ fat neck for pulling something like that.”

  “What’d she cost us?” Blaine’s hips rolled beneath her and his hand patted her stinging ass. Time to continue.

  Her Mistress sniffed. ”Five percent. She’d opened with fifteen, but Watkins told her to go fuck herself.”

  Blaine chuckled. “Losing your edge, Kathryn? There was a time you’d have given them two percent and made them feel fortunate to get that.”

  “Yeah, well, we all have our off days.”

  Then the mattress dipped on one side.

  Oh God, no!

  She didn’t think it could have gotten worse having her Mistress walk in to see Erica sitting on Sir’s cock. But as usual, she was wrong.

  “Those boobs of hers sure do move well, Blaine. Big girl!” Erica thought she might actually spontaneously combust with embarrassment.

  Sir’s rough fingers claimed one bouncing globe, his thumb circling the taut aching tip. “We picked well didn’t we? I like to see—” his hips snapped violently up into her several times, and Erica grunted at each thrust, keenly aware of her breasts swinging up and down like church bells “— I prefer to see them hanging down as I fuck her though.”

  “Like cow’s udders,” her Mistress offered helpfully, Erica whimpering out the mortification.

  “This is nice change though, just once in a while,” Sir said, his voice thick. “Try it on for size.”

  “Speaking of cow’s udders,” her Mistress said with a pleased tone. “Do you think she’ll get to see one of Kane’s girls? He’s supposed to
be coming to the next Gathering.”

  Blaine laughed, then groaned at a particularly strong twist of Erica’s hips. She was beginning not to care, her consciousness succumbing to the fuzziness of her arousal. Her world revolved around the incredible feel of her Sir’s hard cock impaling her, repeatedly.

  “If he brings — he usually does — at least one,” Sir grunted, lust thick in his voice. “Probably be Bella.”

  The mattress moved once more, and her Mistress’ lips moved against Erica’s ear. “Leave some for later, slut.” She winced in pain as her Mistress nibbled on her earlobe “See you downstairs.”

  Sir’s strong hands slammed her down upon him several times, the mix of pain and pleasure making her groan. She almost lost her balance at a particularly jarring thrust, but he caught her before she could topple over.

  Her clit rasped against his wiry pubic hair, her pussy now complaining loudly at the repeated hard use it had seen this evening. She was so close, but his heavy thrusts and the way he held her tightly to him weren’t quite letting her get there. She whimpered in resignation as he groaned out his climax, his hips crashing upward repeatedly, jostling her so hard it rattled her teeth.

  So close, yet so far.

  But she knew he withheld her orgasms at his will. When she was with him, she knew he considered them his (like the rest of her) to give or withhold, entirely at his whim. It’s the way she secretly wanted it — that lack of choice — but she wasn’t sure if she was completely prepared for what that might mean. Every time she thought she had the two terrifying, beautiful dominants figured out, they subjected her to something new. It was both darkly exciting and terribly confusing.

  Blaine came down slowly, his hands stroking her trembling thighs, fingers occasionally dipping to her stretched sex to feel the combination of their fluids leaking out onto him. She inhaled sharply as a fingertip grazed the hard nodule of her super sensitive clit. Another touch like that and she’d blast into orbit.


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