Champlain's Dream

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by David Hackett Fischer

  Sagard, Gabriel. Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons (Paris, 1632); new edition (Paris, Tross, 1865). An English translation appeared as The Long Journey to the Country of the Hurons, tr. H. H. Langton, ed. George M. Wrong (Toronto, Champlain Society, 1939); available online in digital editions that are keyword searchable. A modern French edition appeared as Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons, with an introduction by Marcel Trudel. Cahiers du Québec, “Documents d’histoire” series (Montreal, 1976). It has appeared also in a scholarly edition with a French text established by Réal Ouellet, introduction and notes by Réal Ouellet and Jack Warwick (Quebec, 1990).

  —. Histoire du Canada et voyages que les fréres mineurs recollects y ont faicts pour la conversion des infidèles: depuis l’an 1615 (first edition, Paris, 1636); reprinted in four duodecimo volumes, still the edition of choice. It has not been translated into English or reprinted in a modern scholarly edition.


  “Chroniques de l’Ordre des Ursulines.” In Dionne, Champlain: fondateur de Québec 2:395–403, appendix I.

  “Extraits des Chroniques de l’Ordre des Ursulines,” Journal de Québec, 10 March, 1855.



  Vincent, Sylvie, ed. “Traditions et récits sur l’arrivée des Européens en Amérique.” Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 22, 2–3 (autumn, 1992); a collection of twenty essays and interviews.


  Jackson, Donald, ed. Black Hawk: An Autobiography (Urbana, Ill., 1995, 1964, 1990) (Sac and Fox).

  Brasser, T. J. C. “Group Identification along a Moving Frontier.” Verhandlungen des XXXVIII Internationalen Amerikanistenkongresses (Munich, 1871) 2:261–65.


  Le Jeune, Paul. “Relation, 1636,” Jesuit Relations 9:218–83; Le Jeune, “Relation, 1637,” Jesuit Relations 12:86–87, 13:147.


  Pratt, Peter P. Archaeology of the Oneida Iroquois (George’s Mills, N.H., 1976).

  —. “A Perspective on Oneida Archaeology.” In Robert E. Funk and Charles F. Hayes III, eds. Current Perspectives on Northeastern Archaeology: Essays in Honor of William A. Ritchie. New York State Archaeological Association 17 (1977) 1:51–69.

  —. Archaeology of the Oneida Indians, Occasional Publications in Northeastern Anthropology 1 (Rindge, N.H., 1976), viii—ix.


  Porter, Mike. Guides to the North Woods (Halifax, 1990).

  Rand, Silas Tertius. Legends of the Micmacs (New York, 1894).


  Vincent, Sylvie. “L’arrivée des chercheurs de terres: récits et dires des Montagnais de la Moyenne et de la Basse Côte-Nord,” Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 22:2–3 (1992) 19–29.


  Lurie, Nancy O. “Winnebago Protohistory.” In Sigmund Diamond, ed. Culture in History: Essays in Honor of Paul Radin (New York, 1960), 790–808.


  Clarke, Peter Dooyentate. Origin and Traditional History of the Wyandots (Toronto, 1870).



  Moreau, Jean Français. “Objets amérindiens et européens au Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. La portée des transferts culturels en fôret boréale.” In Michel Fortin, ed., L’archéologie et la rencontre de deux mondes (Quebec, 1992) 103–31.

  —. “Indices archéologiques de transferts culturels par la voie du Québec central.” In Laurier Turgeon, Denys Delâge, and Réal Ouellet, eds. Transferts culturels et métissages: Amérique/ Europe XVIe-XXe siècles (Quebec and Paris, 1996), 209–42.

  Clermont, Norman, and Pierre Corbeil, Pointe-du-Buisson: une expérience archéologique (Melocheville, 1995).


  McIlwraith, T. F. “On the Location of Cahiagué,” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, ser. 3, 41 (1947) ii: 99–102.11.

  —. “Archaeological Work in Huronia, 1946: Excavations near Warminster,” Canadian Historical Review 27 (1946) 394–401.

  Fitzgerald, William. “Chronology to Cultural Process: Lower Great Lakes Archaeology, 1500–1650,” Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, McGill University, Montreal (1990).


  Tuck, James A. and Robert Grenier. Red Bay, Labrador: World Whaling Capital, 1550–1600 (St. John’s, Nfld., 1989, 1990).

  Fitzgerald, William, et al. “Late Sixteenth-Century Basque Banded Copper Kettles,” Historical Archaeoogy 27 (1993) 1.


  Lapointe, Camille. Le Site de Chicoutimi: un établissement commercial sur la route des fourrures du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (Quebec, 1985).


  Yves Cormier. Les aboiteaux en Acadie, hier et aujourd’hui (Moncton, 1990).


  Faulkner, Alaric, and Gretchen Fearon Faulkner. The French at Pentagoet, 1635–1674: An Archaeological Portrait of the Acadian Frontier (Saint John, N.B., and Augusta, Me., 1987, 1988).


  Guimont, Jacques. La Petite-ferme du Cap Tourmente (Quebec, 1996); Léo-Guy de Repentigny, La Ferme d’en bas du Cap Tourmente: de la ferme de Champlain aux grandes volées d’oies (Quebec, Environnement Canada, Conservation et protection, 1989).


  Niellon, François, and Marcel Moussette. L’habitation de Champlain (Quebec, 1981).

  Lapointe, Camille, Béatrice Chassé, and Héléne de Carufel. Aux origines de la vie québecoise (Quebec, 1983, 1987, 1995).

  Clermont, Norman, Claude Chapdelaine, and Jacques Guimont. L’occupation historique et préhistorique de Place Royal (Quebec, 1992).


  “Portrait of Samuel de Champlain,” anonymous sanguine of unknown provenance and date, Archives nationales du Québec. Reproduced in Alain Beaulieu et Réal Ouellet, eds. Samuel de Champlain: Des Sauvages (Montreal, 1993).

  “Samuel de Champlain, governor general of Canada,” lithograph, 1854. Attributed to Louis-César-Joseph Ducornet (1806–56); Litalien and Vaugeois, Champlain: The Birth of French America, 356. For a short biography of Ducornet by Emmanuel Bénézit, see Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs (Paris, 1999).

  “Samuel de Champlain,” steel-plate engraving by J. A. O’Neil, ca. 1866. Reproduced in Litalien and Vaugeois, Champlain: The Birth of French America, 357.

  “Messire Michael Particelli Chevallie [sic],” by Balthasar Moncornet, engraving, 1654, Bibliothèque nationale de France, C56240; Samuel de Champlain, lithograph attributed to Louis-César-Joseph Ducornet, 1854, Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec; “Samuel de Champlain,” steel engraving by J. A. O’Neil, after a painting by Théophile Hamel, frontispiece to J. G. Shea, ed. History and General Description of New France by Pierre-François-Xavier de Charlevoix, 1864, CA C14305; “Samuel de Champlain,” frontispiece in C.-H. Laverdière, Oeuvres de Champlain, 1870, CA 13204; C14305.

  Paltsits, Victor-Hugo. “A Critical Examination of Champlain’s Portrait,” Acadiensis 4 (1904) 3:611; rpt. in Bulletin des Recherches Historiques 38 (1932), 755–59; Biggar, Henry Percival. “The Portrait of Champlain,” Canadian Historical Review 1 (1920), 379–80; Bishop, Morris. Champlain: The Life of Fortitude, 6n; Armstrong, Joe C. W. Champlain, 20–21; Liebel, Jean. “Les faux portraits de Champlain,” Vie des arts 28 (1983), 112; Martin, Denis. “Discovering the Face of Samuel de Champlain,” in Litalien and Vaugeois eds. Champlain, 354–62.

  “Champlain,” engraving by Eugène Ronjat, ca. 1870. Illustration in Sulte, Histoire des Canadiens Français (1882), Litalien and Vaugeois, eds. Champlain, 261.

  Gagnon, François-Marc. Premiers peintres de la Nouvelle-France, 2 vols.(Quebec, 1976) 2:25–26; Martin, Denis. “Samuel de Champlain à visage découvert,” in Litalien and Vaugeois, eds. Champlain, 360–62.


  Moreau, François. “Les Amérindiens dans les ballets de cour à l’époque de Champ
lain,” in Litalien and Vaugeois, Champlain: The Birth of French America, 83–92; citing Paul Lacroix, Ballets et mascarades de cour sous Henri IV et Louis XIII, 6 vols. (Geneva, 1868–1870) 2:158.


  Medina, Pedro de. Arte de Navegar (Seville, 1545). It was translated by John Frampton as The Arte of Navigation … made by Master Peter de Medina (London, 1581).

  Wagenaer, Lucas Janszoon. T’eerste Deel Vande Spieghel der Zeevaerdt vandde navigatie der Westersche Zee: The First Part of Mirror of the Navigation for Sailing the Western Sea. Translated into English as The Mariner’s Mirror.

  Nautonier, Guillaume de. The Mecographie of Ye Loadstone (Toulouse, 1603).

  John Davis, The Seaman’s Secrets (London, 1607). In Albert Hastings Markham, ed., The Voyages and Works of John Davis, the Navigator. Publications of the Hakluyt Society, ser. 1, vol. 54 (London, 1880).

  Mainwaring, Sir Henry. “The Seaman’s Dictionary.” In G. E. Mainwaring and W. G. Perrin, eds. The Life and Works of Sir Henry Mainwaring (vols. 54 and 56 in the publications of the Navy Records Society, London, 1920, 1922).

  John Smith, An Accidence, or The Path-way to Experience. Necessary for all Young Sea-men (London, 1626) and its sequel, A Sea Grammar, with the Plaine Exposition of Smith’s Accidence for Young Seamen, Enlarged (London, 1627), reprinted in Philip L. Barbour, ed., The Complete Works of Captain John Smith (1580–1631), 3 vols. (Chapel Hill, 1986) 3:3–121.


  Anon., Lexique du patois Charentais,

  Académie francaise, Dictionnaire de l’Académie française (Paris, 1635).

  Aubin, Dictionnaire de Marine contenant les termes de la navigation et de l’architecture navale (Amsterdam, 1702).

  Cotgrave, Randle. Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues (London, 1611).

  Guillet, sieur de. Dictionaire du gentilhomme (Hague, 1686). Huguet, E. Dictionnaire de la langue française du seizième siècle (Paris, 1961).

  Mainwaring, Henry. The Seaman’s Dictionary, or Nomenclator Navalis (ca. 1620).


  Léard, Jean-Marcel. Grammaire québécoise d’aujourdhui: comprendre les québécismes (Montreal, 1995).

  Massignon, Geneviève. Les parlers français d’Acadie, 2 vols. (Paris, n.d. [1962?]).

  Mathews, Mitford. Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical Principles (Chicago, 1956).

  Morissoneau, Christian. Le langage géographique de Cartier et de Champlain (Quebec, 1978).

  Musset, Georges, Marcel Pellisson, and Charles Vigon. Glossaire des patois et des parlers de l’Aunis et de la Saintonge, 2 vols. (La Rochelle, 1922).

  “Michif Language,”

  Rey, Alain, et al., eds. Le Grand Robert de la langue française, 6 vols. (Paris, 2001).

  Rey, Alain. Dictionnaire historique de la langue française, 3 vols. rev. edition (Paris, 2006).

  Xaintonge, editors, “Le grand lexique du patois charentais,” in six livrets, Xaintonge, journal hors serie 1–6 (May 2003-December 2006).


  The Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire Biographique du Canada was founded in 1959 with the object of providing critical biographies of all major figures in Canadian history. The project expanded in 1961 to a joint Anglo-French enterprise directed jointly by George W. Brown at the University of Toronto Press and Marcel Trudel at Université Laval. The first volume was published in 1966. The first series, through 1900, was completed in 1990. A second series, for Canadians who lived in the twentieth century, is complete through 1920. A web edition includes additions and corrections.

  D’Alembert, Jean le Rond, and Denis Diderot. Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts, et des Métiers (Paris, 1751), s.v., “Québec.”

  Tanguay, Cyprien, Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours, 7 vols. (Montreal, 1871–90).


  Audisio, Gabriel, and Isabelle Rambaud, Lire le français d’hier: manuel de paléographie moderne XVe—XVIIIe siècle, 3rd edition (Paris, 2005); an excellent guide to handwriting in Champlain’s era.

  Hector, L. C. The Handwriting of English Documents (London, 1958, 1966).


  Abler, Thomas S. “Iroquoian Cannibalism: Fact or Fiction.” Ethnohistory 27 (1980), 309–16.

  Adney, Edwin Tappan and Howard I. Chapelle. Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America (Washington, 1964).

  Anderson, Fred, and Andrew Cayton. The Dominion of War: Empire and Liberty in North America, 1500–2000. Chapter 1, “Champlain’s Legacy: The Transformation of Seventeenth-Century North America” (New York, 2005).

  Andrews, Kenneth. Drake’s Voyages: A Reassessment of Their Place in Elizabethan Maritime Expansion (London, 1964).

  Anonymous. Chronologie septenaire de l’histoire de la paix entre les Roys de France et d’Espagne […] (Paris, 1612).

  —. “Lutte originale de Champlain contre le scorbut: ‘l’Ordre de Bon Temps,’” Vie médicale au Canada français 1 (1972); not seen.

  Anquez, Leonce. Historie des assemblées politiques des Réformés de France (Paris, 1959).

  Arima, E. Y. Inuit Kayaks in Canada: A Review of Historical Record and Construction. Canadian Ethnology service paper no. 110 (Ottawa, National Museums of Canada, 1987).

  Armstrong, Joe C. W. Champlain (Toronto, 1987); includes “The Testament of Guillermo Elena,” appendix II, 274–78.

  —. From Sea unto Sea: Art and Discovery Maps of Canada (Scarborough, Ont., 1982).

  Arsenault, Pauline. “Acadia in Champlain’s New France: From Arcadia to China.” In Raymonde Litalien and Denis Vaugeois, eds., Champlain: The Birth of French America (Montreal, 2004).

  Asseline, David. Antiquités et chroniques de la ville de Dieppe (Dieppe, 1874).

  Audiat, Louis. Samuel de Champlain de Brouage, fondateur de Quebec, 1567–1635 (Saintes and La Rochelle, 1893); includes material from local histories.

  Augeron, Mickaël, and Dominique Guillemet, eds. Champlain, ou les portes du Nouveau Monde: cinq siècles d’échanges entre le Centre—Ouest français et l’Amérique du Nord, XVIe—XXe siècles (Geste, 2004).

  Aumale, duc d’. Histoire des princes de Condé pendant les XVIe et XVIIe siècles, 8 vols. (Paris, 1855–96).

  —. Histoire des princes de Condé (Paris, 1863–64).

  Axtell, James. The Invasion Within: The Conquest of Cultures in Colonial North America (New York, 1985).

  Babelon, Jean-Pierre. Demeures parisiens sous Henri IV et Louis XIII (Paris, 1965).

  —. Henri IV (Paris, 1982).

  Bachman, Van Cleaf. Peltries or Plantations: The Economic Policies of the Dutch West India Company in New Netherland, 1623–1639 (Baltimore, 1909).

  Bailey, Alfred G. The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Culture, 1594–1700 (Toronto, 1937, 1969, 1976).

  Baker, Emerson et al. American Beginnings: Exploration, Culture, and Cartography in the Land of Norumbega (Lincoln, Neb., 1994).

  Baker, William A. Colonial Vessels: Some Seventeenth-Century Ship Designs (Barre, Mass., 1962).

  —. The Mayflower and Other Colonial Vessels (London, 1983).

  Bakker, Peter. “A Basque Etymology for the Word ‘Iroquois.’” Man in the Northeast 40 (1990), 89–93.

  —. Language of Our Own: The Genesis of Michif, the Mixed Cree-French Language of the Canadian Métis (New York, 1997).

  —. “The Language of the Coast Tribes in Half Basque,” Anthropological Linguistics 3–4 (1989), 117–47.

  Barbeau, Marius. Huron and Wyandot Mythology (Ottawa, 1915).

  Barbeau, Philippe. Le choc des patois en Nouvelle-France: essai sur l’histoire de la francisation au Canada (Montreal, 1984).

iche, Bernard. “Henri IV and the World Overseas: A Decisive Time in the History of New France.” In Raymonde Litalien et Denis Vaugeois, eds., Champlain: The Birth of French America (Montreal, 2004).

  Barkham, Selma Huxley. “The Basques: Filling a Gap in Our History between Jacques Cartier and Champlain.” Canadian Geographical Journal 96 (1978), 8–19.

  —. The Basque Coast of Newfoundland (n.p., 1989).

  —. “The Documentary Evidence for Basque Whaling Ships in the Strait of Belle Isle.” In G. M. Story, ed. Early European Settlement and Exploitation in Atlantic Canada: Selected Papers (St. John’s, Nfld., 1982).

  —. “The Basque Whaling Establishment in Labrador, 1536–1632: A Summary.” Arctic 37 (1984), 515–19.

  —. “A Note on the Strait of Belle Isle during the Period of Basque Contact with Indians and Inuit.” Études/Inuit/Studies 4 (1980), 51–58.

  Batiffol, Louis. Le Louvre sous Henri IV et Louis XIII: la vie de la cour de France au XVIIe siècle (Paris, 1930).

  Baudry, René. “Charles d’Aulnay et la Compagnie de la Nouvelle-France.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 11 (1957), 218–41.

  —. “Madame de Champlain,” Les Cahiers de Dix 33 (1968), 12–53.

  —. “Nicolas Le Creux du Breuil.” Ibid.

  Baumgartner, Frederic. Henri II, King of France, 1547–1559 (Durham, N.C., 1996).


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