Winter’s Light

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Winter’s Light Page 12

by M. J. Hearle

  ‘I’ll live,’ she said, quickly composing herself. ‘I think I need to sit down though.’ Her legs still felt less like muscle and bone and more like ice-cream, liable to melt away at any moment. Jasmine helped her to a seat at the table.

  ‘Are you sure you’re okay? I wanted to stay with you but he,’ she nodded derisively at Yuri standing in the doorway, ‘wouldn’t let me.’

  Winter tried for a more reassuring smile this time. ‘Don’t worry, I’m fine. You know me, Jas – I don’t break easily. How are you?’ She’d just noticed the ugly purple bruise below Jasmine’s right eye.

  Jasmine shrugged. ‘My back’s killing me from where I fell down, but it’s nothing a hot bath and a couple of painkillers won’t cure.’

  ‘Your eye . . .’

  ‘Yeah, the prick got me a good one. But it looks much worse than it feels. Lucky we had our grad photos taken yesterday, huh?’

  ‘Can I get you a drink, Winter? Hot chocolate perhaps? I have marshmallows,’ Yuri asked, eyebrows raised hopefully.

  ‘We have to go back for Sam,’ she said, ignoring his question. ‘He’s hurt somewhere in the cemetery. Benedict —’

  ‘Sam’s being taken care of, ’ Yuri answered calmly as he moved to the fridge. ‘You really should drink something. Perhaps some fruit juice instead of hot chocolate? You could do with the vitamin boost.’

  ‘What do you mean he’s being taken care of?’ Winter demanded.

  ‘Just that. His wounds are being tended to. There is no cause for concern.’

  Frowning, she watched him take a bottle of tomato juice from the fridge and pour her a glass. ‘By who? Who’s taking care of him?’

  ‘My wife,’ Yuri replied, this statement rendering Winter momentarily speechless. Yuri was married?

  He placed the juice in front of her and looked at her expectantly.

  ‘Tomato juice is full of vitamin B.’

  ‘Look, I must be suffering some kind of concussion because nothing you’re saying is making sense to me right now.’ Winter spoke slowly and carefully so there was no mistaking her. ‘Please, Dominic – Yuri – whatever your name is, just tell me what’s going on.’

  ‘I’ve been asking the same thing for the last hour but he won’t say anything!’ Jasmine said, picking her moment to chime in. ‘He wouldn’t let me call your sister. Or my mum. All he’s done is freak me out. Keeps offering to make me drinks. And food.’

  Yuri sighed wearily, his gaze flicking between the two girls. ‘Drink your drink first and then I’ll answer your questions.’ Now the glass was in front of her, Winter realised she was desperately thirsty, her throat dry as a dusty well. She picked up the glass and gulped the contents down quickly.

  ‘Good girl. I’ll pour you another. The Demori’s kiss can leave one . . . depleted,’ Yuri said, taking the empty glass from her to refill it. ‘I’m sorry to have scared you both. You can call whoever you like. I just wanted us to have a talk first. To explain why I’m here in Hagan’s Bluff .’

  Yuri returned with a freshly filled glass, passed it to Winter and sat down.

  ‘You’re obviously not a drug rep,’ she said, frowning over her drink at him.

  ‘No, I’m not,’ he replied, with a shake of his head. ‘I came here for one reason,’ he said, his dark eyes holding hers. ‘To watch you, Winter.’

  Chapter 23

  Unsettled by his confession, Winter sipped her drink in silence, wary of revealing too much of her reaction. An instinct was telling her to play her cards close to her chest. At least until she figured out just who the hell Yuri was.

  ‘Okay,’ she said, nodding slowly. ‘You came here to watch me. Why?’

  Studying her closely, gauging how his words affected her, Yuri continued, ‘Three months ago we received a phone call from Caleb Bennet. The same night he . . . the night he passed.’

  Involuntarily, Winter’s mouth dropped open in surprise. ‘You’re with the Bane?’

  An amused smile tugged at the corners of Yuri’s mouth. ‘It never fails to make me feel like a character in a comic book when I hear that name spoken aloud, but yes I belong to the initiative you call the Bane, though we rarely refer to ourselves as such. To each other we are called Bonnaires, in honour of our matriarch and her family line.’

  Matriarch . . . Winter remembered her conversation with Sam in Morningside. ‘You work for Sam’s aunt?’

  Yuri seemed surprised she knew this information. ‘Yes. Her name is Magdalene Bonnaire. A great lady – she’s been the head of our operation in Europe for the past thirty years. Ever since Matthias, her father, passed away.’ There was a plate of cookies sitting in the centre of the table. Freshly baked by the look of them. Yuri reached over and grabbed one, allowing Winter to mentally catch up.

  She stared at the beads of condensation rolling slowly down the side of her glass of juice, thinking about Yuri’s use of the word ‘operation’.

  An operation suggested many individuals working towards a common goal. All this time she’d thought the Bane’s vendetta had been a deeply personal one – Caleb trying to fulfil his great-great-grandfather’s oath to destroy the son of Ariman, but her assumption had been wrong. Just as she’d been wrong about Blake and Claudette being the only Demori. Winter was beginning to understand that the drama she’d unwittingly become a part of was much more complex than she’d realised.

  Yuri bit into the cookie. ‘Chocolate chip. Delicious.’ His eyes sought Winter’s once more, shining with a shrewdness she didn’t care much for. ‘Magdalene was the one who sent Caleb to this country after Blake Duchamp.’

  Hearing Yuri say Blake’s name, Winter paled. He nodded, smiling knowingly.

  ‘I thought that name might get your attention. Blake Duchamp, son of Ariman. Son of the First.’ His left eyebrow shot up quizzically. ‘You were in the church too, weren’t you? When it all happened . . .’

  ‘Hey, pal! Ease off!’ Jasmine said, glaring across the table at Yuri.

  ‘I didn’t mean offence,’ Yuri said, holding up his hands in a gesture of innocence.

  ‘It’s fine, Jas.’ Winter nodded. ‘I was there.’

  ‘As I was saying,’ Yuri continued, tactfully deciding not to dwell on the subject of Blake. ‘We received a phone call from Caleb Bennet. A crazy, barely comprehensible phone call. I found her, he kept saying over and over again. I found her.’ He paused for emphasis. ‘The Key. We were understandably sceptical. It had not been the first time he’d made such a claim and been wrong. Caleb was always considered a little . . . erratic.’

  Winter thought Yuri was being incredibly diplomatic. Insane is the word she would’ve chosen. She remembered the mad glint in Caleb’s eyes as he’d advanced towards her in the church, axe raised over his head, ready to cleave her in two.

  ‘After his death, it was decided by Magdalene that we should investigate what he’d told us. Just in case he was right. My wife and I were sent here to Hagan’s Bluff to track down the name Caleb had given us and acquire as much information as possible. That name was Winter Adams.’

  ‘Is that why you pretended to be my sister’s boyfriend?’

  Even though she was still reeling from everything she’d learnt so far, she could feel the anger at this deception beginning to boil in the back of her mind. Her sister had been so happy these past few weeks – the happiest she’d been since before their parents’ death. Thinking of the crushing disappointment Lucy had in store for her made Winter mad. And for what? Just so this guy could spy on her?

  ‘Yes. It was the only way I thought I could get close enough to observe you without arousing your suspicions.’ At least he had the good sense to look guilty. If he hadn’t, Winter’s anger might have boiled over.

  ‘I assure you I took no pleasure in using your sister in such a way. She’s a fine woman.’

  ‘You total bastard,’ Jasmine hissed, regarding Yuri coldly. Winter glanced across at her friend, and not for the first time, felt blessed to have Jasmine in her life.

; Yuri cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with the critical appraisals Winter and Jasmine were giving him. ‘I don’t blame you for thinking badly of me. I did what I had to do,’ he hurried on, eager to leave the subject of Lucy behind. ‘Originally my investigation was to take place over a number of months. During that time I was to infiltrate your family and gain your trust. Something happened last night though. Something I only learnt when I returned home this morning. We received word from Paris that there had been a breach —’

  The door to the kitchen swung open, distracting Yuri mid-sentence, and a goddess entered the room.

  Chapter 24

  Winter had never seen such a beautiful woman outside the pages of a fashion magazine. She was tall, almost the same height as Dominic, and had the kind of figure Winter had always dreamt about. And her face! Framed by short platinum blonde hair, the woman’s features were remarkable: golden skin, a shade darker than Jasmine’s; wide cheekbones perfectly defined; a small and narrow nose with a slightly regal tilt; dark pink cupid’s bow lips.

  But it was her eyes that struck Winter – an almost iridescent aquamarine. The colour of swimming pools, sapphires, and early morning summer skies. Below her left eye there was a small, intricate tattoo that curled down over the top of her cheekbone. The tattoo did not mar her beauty, but instead made her look even more exotic. Curiously she wore gloves – grey velvet, almost up to her elbows, despite the weather not really calling for it.

  Winter realised she was staring at the woman but couldn’t look away. What was interesting was that the woman was staring just as fixedly at Winter.

  ‘How is he?’ Yuri inquired, calling the woman’s attention away from her.

  ‘He’ll live. A broken arm and some bruised ribs. I’ve given him some painkillers and told him to rest, but he asked to see the girl.’ Her accent was even more pronounced than Yuri’s. Definitely Russian. The woman’s eyes flicked back to Winter.

  ‘This is my wife, Elena,’ Yuri said, noticing Winter’s intrigued expression.

  Winter nodded. ‘Hello.’

  ‘Nice to meet you,’ Elena replied. She said something in Russian to Yuri, who answered in kind. There was no mystery as to what their exchange was about. All the time Elena’s eyes never left Winter. Ignoring this intense gaze, Winter turned to Yuri. ‘Can I see Sam now?’

  Yuri lent back in his chair and folded his arms. ‘Not just yet. First, there is something we must discuss.’ Behind him, Elena lent against the kitchen counter, continuing her quiet study of Winter.

  ‘If she wants to see Sam, let her see him,’ Jasmine said, her strong voice betraying the growing anxiety that Winter was also experiencing.

  Yuri ignored Jasmine, his attention focused entirely on Winter. ‘Yesterday we received word from our Paris operation that they had intercepted a communication. A special kind of message transmitted not digitally or through analogue means, but through preternatural technology. Through a lodestone.’

  Winter gasped. ‘How could you possibly —?’

  Yuri waved her question away before she could finish it. ‘I have no interest in discussing our methodology with you. We know what happened, Winter. Approximately seven pm last night he contacted you through the lodestone. You interacted with him for nearly two minutes. The only information I need from you now is, what did you talk about?’

  Shocked, Winter found it difficult to answer him straightaway.

  ‘Winter,’ Yuri prompted, some of the hardness leaving his expression. ‘It’s very important you tell us what you know.’

  ‘It happened so fast. My necklace started glowing. I touched it and was . . . transported. I was seeing through his eyes. It was a dark place, there were candles, stone walls – Blake was awfully thin. He looked like he’d been tortured. Then there was this other figure, in a red robe and hood. It hit Blake and then I was back on the beach again.’

  Elena began to say something in Russian but Yuri silenced her, staring at Winter intently. ‘Most interesting. What did he say to you? Blake. Before this other figure appeared.’

  Winter felt her heart clench as she recalled the moment. The lack of recognition in Blake’s eyes. ‘Nothing. He didn’t say anything. There was no time.’

  Elena spoke again and this time Yuri answered her, their exchange maddeningly obtuse. ‘You were in thrall to this Demori. This Blake.’ It was a statement, not a question.

  Winter stiffened. ‘No, I was not in thrall to him. Now, if you don’t mind I’d like to check on my friend.’

  Yuri nodded thoughtfully. ‘Of course. Elena will show you the way. Can I make you some food, perhaps? For when you return.’ There was no sign of the interrogator now; his expression was disarmingly open and friendly. The speed with which he’d shrugged off this role gave Winter even less reason to trust him. The man was clearly a master manipulator. Winter thought about Lucy last night, blushing as Yuri whispered into her ear, and felt another flash of anger.

  ‘No thank you,’ she said brusquely and stood up, turning to Jasmine. ‘Are you coming?’

  Jasmine was already on her feet. ‘I’m not staying with these weirdos,’ she replied, not bothering to hide her mistrust.

  Elena opened the door for them, smiling a disquieting kind of half-smile that Winter didn’t like. ‘This way,’ she said, pointing down the hall back towards the living room. They took a turn to the left before reaching that room, and moved into another section of the house. The walls they passed were unadorned with photographs or pictures, however Winter did notice another oil burner on a hall table. By the strong scent of elderflower in the air she guessed there were others positioned throughout the house.

  Elena walked ahead of them, stopping when she reached one of doors towards the end of the house. She knocked once before opening the door and ushered Jasmine and Winter through.

  Chapter 25

  Sam looked terrible. His face was puffy and bruised, his lips caked with dried blood. Someone – Elena probably – had put his right arm in a sling and bandaged his torso. There were more purplish bruises on his chest and stomach. Winter heard Jasmine gasp next to her, and only just managed to repress her own shocked reaction.

  At their entry his swollen eyes slowly fluttered open. He smiled at the sight of the two girls, though the action seemed to pain him.

  ‘You survived,’ he rasped hoarsely.

  ‘Don’t look so surprised,’ Winter said as she approached the bed. She tried to return his smile, wanting to lift his spirits, not sink them by looking horrified at the sight of him. Unfortunately, she wasn’t up to the task.

  Sam’s expression faltered. ‘It looks bad doesn’t it?’

  Winter shrugged. ‘I’ve seen worse. I thought you were supposed to be this super-tough soldier boy.’

  ‘Guess I fooled you,’ he coughed, wincing as the spasm racked his body.

  Looking at Sam’s injuries, any lingering conflict she still felt about him faded. Her heart swelled with compassion for this poor boy who’d been hurt trying to protect her.

  Sam nodded at Jasmine. ‘Hey, Jas.’

  Jasmine hung back behind Winter. ‘Sam,’ she replied a little cautiously. Despite his condition, she clearly wasn’t ready yet to forgive the wrongs he’d done to her in the past. The lies . . .

  Sam glanced at Elena, who had remained near the doorway watching the three of them. ‘Do you think you could give us a second, Elena?’

  Elena shook her head, replying in Russian. A flicker of annoyance passed over Sam’s bruised features and he snapped something back. Winter was silently impressed that Sam not only knew French but Russian as well. There was so much more to him than she’d initially suspected.

  Elena retorted with something that sounded like a curse and then reluctantly stepped out into the hallway. After the door was closed Sam sighed deeply.

  ‘What’s her problem?’ Winter asked, lowering her voice in case Elena was eavesdropping.

  Sam shrugged then winced in pain. ‘She’s always been that way.’

  ‘You’ve known her for a while?’

  ‘Of course,’ Sam replied, surprised she hadn’t guessed this already. ‘She’s been with Yuri as long as I can remember.’

  ‘What do we do now, Sam? Benedict got away.’

  His expression darkened. ‘I know. He jumped me the second I left the circle.’

  ‘Do we try again?’

  Sam shook his head. ‘No – it’s too dangerous. He’ll be expecting a trap now.’ He beckoned Winter closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. ‘What have Yuri and Elena told you?’

  ‘Just that they’re with the Bane. They came here to study me or something.’

  A small furrow appeared between Sam’s eyes. ‘Did you tell them about what you saw last night? About Blake?’

  ‘Yes. Why? Was that wrong?’ she asked. Watching Sam’s reaction, Winter already regretted what she’d revealed.

  ‘How did Yuri react when you told him?’ Sam said, still speaking in that urgent, hushed manner.

  Winter struggled to recall his reaction, trying to picture his expression. It hadn’t been sceptical, just intrigued and maybe a little confused. ‘I don’t know. He just listened.’

  Sam nodded thoughtfully. The small furrow between his eyes didn’t disappear. It deepened if anything. Winter studied him as his mind ticked over.

  ‘Am I in trouble, Sam? Can I trust these people?’

  At that Sam’s eyes snapped to hers and she saw there was something of a conflict raging behind them. ‘Trust your instincts, Winter.’

  The door was abruptly opened behind them and Yuri strode in.

  ‘I see the patient is recovering.’ While he smiled amicably enough, Yuri’s gaze remained coldly clinical, jumping between Winter and Sam as if he could tell what they had been talking about just by reading their expressions. Elena lent against the doorframe, smiling that troubling half-smile of hers again. Like she knew something Winter didn’t. A dreadful secret.

  ‘How are you, cousin?’


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