Taming His Wolf [Dark Knights 3] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

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Taming His Wolf [Dark Knights 3] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection) Page 1

by Lynn Hagen

  Dark Knights 3

  Taming His Wolf

  Joelle liked boring, predictable, and safe. Though that kind of life left something lacking. But all that changed when Kivani walked through the door. He was exciting, unpredictable, wild, and scared Joelle, too. Joelle wanted to give his life a little shake, but Kivani is determined to turn Joelle’s life upside down.

  Kivani Davenport uprooted his life and moved to the city to be one of the Dark Knights. He also left his old life behind to get away from his cousin. Ethan has been a thorn in Kivani’s side for nearly three hundred years, but when he shows up in town, Kivani fears for his mate’s safety. Ethan is a Hunter, and he’s set his sights on Joelle.

  Can Kivani save his mate from Ethan’s twisted games, or will Ethan hand Joelle over to the new evil that has invaded the city?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 29,462 words


  Dark Knights 3

  Lynn Hagen


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




  Copyright © 2018 by Lynn Hagen

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-037-0

  First Publication: March 2018

  Cover design by Melody Simmons

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

  You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

  For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit


  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten




  Dark Knights 3


  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  It was an okay housewarming party, though Joelle didn’t feel as if he belonged. Which was why he was wall-flowering it. Henry, the host, had invited Ryan, and Ryan had invited Joelle. Talk about awkward. But delicious eye candy was sitting on the couch—three of them to be exact. Friends of Henry’s boyfriend.

  Devil and Nyx—Ryan and Henry’s fellas—were out on the bedroom balcony, and Henry and Ryan themselves were in the kitchen. There were three guys sitting on the couch, watching the television.

  And there Joelle stood, feeling totally invisible. But that was nothing new. Joelle had felt ignored by hot guys his entire life. Why should today be any different?

  I shouldn’t have come. Who am I kidding? He wasn’t a social person. He never had been. He’d spent his teenage years mostly reading and helping his mom in the kitchen. Now that he was an adult, he spent most of his time reading and going over to his mom’s to help her in the kitchen.

  The collar of his button-down shirt felt like it was choking him. Joelle tugged at it and wished he’d worn something more casual.

  “How’re you hanging in there?” Henry asked when he set a plate of chicken wings on the counter next to the bottles of booze. Joelle was surprised he’d asked. Henry hadn’t hidden his dislike of Joelle very well because he thought Joelle was trying to steal his best friend. But that wasn’t the case. Ryan constantly came over to Joelle’s apartment and dragged him out, claiming Joelle needed to stop being a hermit.

  Joelle was perfectly fine curled up on his couch with his nose in a book when he didn’t have to work. He also suspected Henry didn’t like him because Joelle was a hairstylist—or used to be before he was promoted to district manager of three Pimp Your Hair stores—and Ryan had told him that Henry’s secret wish was to own his own salon.

  Even though Joelle now did the paperwork instead of cutting hair, he still helped out whenever anyone was shorthanded, but he truly missed being a stylist full-time. Managerial work sucked.

  But he couldn’t afford to live in the building if he simply cut hair. The salary wouldn’t pay his rent, let alone his other bills and food.

  He did, however, have a few high-end clients on the side whom he made house calls for. What corporate didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, and the extra cash helped.

  “I’m okay.” Joelle held up his cup as his fake-ass smile stretched across his face. He wasn’t sure if Henry was over his hatred or simply being polite.

  “You should try some wings,” Henry offered. “Ryan made them.”

  “Maybe in a little while.” Joelle’s brownie points with Henry were already in the negative. He didn’t want to tell the guy he was vegan.

  Joelle jumped when someone kicked at the door so hard he thought the police were on the other side trying to break in. The television was a bit loud, and the men watching some basketball game and shouting as if they had money at stake was ear-piercing.

  “I got it!” Henry hollered over the noise. Joelle contemplated slipping away. Would anyone really notice if he left? Probably not.

  When Henry swung the door open, Joelle crushed his plastic red cup in his grip, uncaring that the red liquid spilled over his hand. The newcomer was the hottest guy Joelle had ever encountered. And that was saying something, considering all the guys in Ryan’s apartment were gorgeous. Including Ryan and Henry.

  The newcomer held up two paper bags. “I got two-dozen tacos, you greedy fucking bastards.”

  He had on faded jeans, wheat-colored Timberlands, and a black North Face jacket that hugged his broad upper torso nicely. He was tall and had dirty-blond hair—exactly like Devil’s—and a chiseled face that had to have been lovingly carved by the gods.

  Joelle’s heart did a summersault, and the air froze in his lungs.

  “Why the hell did you buy tacos, Kivani?” Henry slapped his hands on his hips, glaring. “I just slaved over a hot stove making wings.”

  “I slaved,” Ryan shouted from the kitchen. “Don’t you dare take my credit!”

  Joelle set his cup on the counter, looking around for a paper towel. He spotted a roll on the other side of the bottles of booze, but his attention was pulled away when Declan—one of the men on the couch—snatched a bag out of Kivani’s hand. “I hope you brought enough for the other

  “You better share,” Raven warned Declan. Bayne, the third guy on the couch, was into the television, ignoring everyone. Joelle was surprised he recalled their names. Ryan had given a quick introduction when Joelle had arrived, and Joelle was usually terrible with names.

  Kivani turned and headed for the counter. Joelle shrank back, trying to make himself as invisible as possible as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. His hand was now sticky from the drink, but he was too frightened to go wash the concoction off. Kivani oozed power, confidence, and sex appeal. His presence ate up all the oxygen in the room, leaving barely any for Joelle.

  Kivani dropped the other bag on the counter, turned, then stilled. His gaze slid over Joelle, but Joelle couldn’t read his eyes. Why on earth was he staring so hard? Joelle wished he could wall-flower himself right into the sheetrock behind him.

  “And who are you, boo?” The side of Kivani’s mouth curved into the sexiest, most arresting smile Joelle had ever seen.

  “That’s Joelle,” Henry said as he unloaded the wrapped tacos onto a plate. “He’s our neighbor.”

  Not friend. Not buddy. A damn neighbor. Could Henry have made him feel any less important?

  “He’s a friend,” Ryan said, then scowled at Henry. “I told you he’s not trying to steal me from you. Be fucking nice.”

  Joelle was even more embarrassed that Ryan was sticking up for him in front of everyone.

  “I’m sorry,” Henry said. “Ryan’s right. He’s our friend.”

  Kivani hadn’t stopped staring at Joelle. “You need to be my friend, too, cupcake.”

  Henry chuckled. “Stop scaring Joelle before he faints.”

  Henry’s statement made heat scorch Joelle’s face, neck, and ears as his heart galloped even faster. His pulse thrashed in his ears as he licked his dry lips.

  “W-we can be friends,” Joelle said. Oh God. What if Kivani was just teasing him, having a bit of fun? Joelle wished he could take back his words, but it was too late. They were out there, dangling between them.

  Kivani moved closer and Joelle took a step back. Kivani’s smile widened. “Now that’s what I’m talking about. Although I wouldn’t mind making the bed rock with you under me, friend.”

  Joelle squeaked and looked at Ryan and Henry, praying one of them would save him.

  Henry laughed.

  Ryan rolled his eyes. “Leave him alone, Spider Monkey.”

  “What?” Kivani asked. “It’s true.”

  Kivani went rigid. His eyelids became heavy-lidded as he sniffed at Joelle. The guy fucking sniffed him! A low growl rolled through Kivani’s chest, making him seem an even bigger badass than he already appeared to be. Did he really just growl?

  Henry’s smile faded and Ryan’s brows rose. Even the men on the couch turned to look. Kivani tracked closer, getting all up in Joelle’s personal space. “Sunflowers and the sweetest red wine.”

  “Huh?” Were those code words for something?

  Kivani slid his fingers through Joelle’s short hair. Don’t panic. Don’t you dare panic!

  Devil and Nyx came out of the bedroom and stared at the unfolding scene, too.

  “What’s going on?” Nyx moved closer, and Joelle saw the unease in in Nyx’s eyes.

  “You’re not allowed to interfere,” Kivani told Nyx, but never broke eye contact with Joelle. “So back the fuck off.”

  Someone muted the television, and the echoing silence was deafening. Joelle curled his arms around his midsection, wondering why he’d suddenly become everyone’s point of interest.

  “Are you sure, Kivani?” Ryan asked.

  Sure about not interfering or backing off? Joelle wanted someone to peel Kivani away from him, but no one moved. They all simply stared as Joelle’s nerves got the better of him.

  “I-I have to go.” Joelle shot past Kivani, heading straight for the door. He yanked it open, making it bounce off the wall as he escaped.

  Henry hurried toward the door. “I better go calm him down.”

  Kivani looked at Ryan. “You know where he lives, right?”

  “Who, Henry?” His brows dipped. “Yeah, I know where he lives. We’re kinda standing in his apartment.”

  “Not Henry.” Kivani started toward the door. “Fuck it. I’ll find out myself.” He wasn’t playing guessing games when it came to his mate. Kivani wanted to get to know Joelle, like yesterday, and his mate taking off complicated that.

  He spotted Henry talking with Joelle at the end of the hallway. Goddamn, Joelle was hot. He was tall—which Kivani loved—with short, dark, stylishly cut hair. Kivani had never gone for the hipster type before, but his mate made the look seem downright sexy. Joelle wore skinny jeans, a tucked-in plaid shirt buttoned all the way to the collar, and soft-soled canvas shoes. No socks.

  Henry looked Kivani’s way and gave a slight shake of his head, but Kivani ignored him. Joelle’s head snapped around and his crystal green eyes that were surrounded by thick lashes widened as Kivani approached. He was tempted to remove those Clark Kent glasses to see if Superman was hidden under those frames.

  “I got it from here.” Kivani gave Henry a dismissive wave.


  “I said I got it.” What the fuck? Why was everyone acting like he would eat Joelle for dinner? Kivani was a wolf shifter, but he wasn’t a savage, though his wolf was howling for him to claim Joelle right there in the hallway.

  Henry slapped his hands on his hips. “You don’t have to be a prick about it. I’m just trying to make sure Joelle is okay.”

  “Since when?” Joelle blurted, then blushed as he turned and stared at the wall. “I’m sorry, Henry. Thank you for your concern. I’ll be all right.”

  Interesting. When Kivani stepped to Joelle, he estimated Joelle to be around six feet tall, which complimented Kivani’s six-four height perfectly. He didn’t see how Devil and Nyx dealt with such short guys. They had to throw their backs out every time they wanted a kiss.

  Speaking of kisses. Kivani’s gaze lowered from Joelle’s doe-like eyes to his mouth. He had plump lips, perfectly made for sucking cock. “Did I come on too strong back there?” Kivani leaned against the wall as Henry headed back to his apartment. He folded his arms, his gaze wandering the length of Joelle’s body before looking him in the eyes.

  “I’m just not good in social settings.” Joelle joined Kivani at his side, folding his arms, too. “Or hot men flirting with me.”

  Kivani arched a brow. “You think I’m hot?”

  Joelle’s what-planet-do-you-live-on look was amusing. “Are you kidding me?”

  Kivani had been complimented before, but it was usually from people who wanted to sleep with him. It was just part of the sex game. But it meant a lot coming from his mate, a guy who looked like he was still ready to run at any second.

  “I bet you have lovers beating your door down.” Kivani nudged his shoulder against Joelle’s. “Am I right?”

  “I need to get back to my apartment.” Joelle pushed away from the wall. “It was nice meeting you, Kivani.”

  “Whoa, wait.” No way in hell was he letting Joelle walk away. “Tell me I can see you again.”

  Kivani hated that he sounded desperate. He cleared his throat, trying to gain his cool back and play off the neediness in his voice. “I mean, you know, we could grab a drink.”

  “A drink?” One of Joelle’s nicely trimmed brows arched. “Are you sure that’s all you want?”

  A small growl rumbled in Kivani’s chest. “You know what I want, boo.”

  The resistance in Joelle’s eyes faded. He slid his tongue over his bottom lip, and Kivani’s cock followed the trail. He was so close he saw a tiny spattering of freckles over Joelle’s nose and cheeks.

  Kivani wanted to strip him out of his clothes and see where else those freckles spread.

  “We could go to Lenny’s,” Joelle said. “It’s a tavern around the corner.”

  Kivani knew the place. A Hunter had beaten the shit out of Henry i
n the bathroom there. But Kivani would be with his mate and follow him to the bathroom if he had to. He’d ensure Joelle’s safety, even if he had to kill everyone in the tavern to do so.

  “Now that sounds like a plan.” Kivani moved aside and Joelle led the way. That gave him a chance to get a look at his mate’s ass. There wasn’t much there, but Kivani could work with what Joelle had.

  They took the elevator down and stepped outside. Kivani immediately scanned the area, looking for anything out of place, or anyone paying too close attention to them as they walked. “So, what do you do for a living?”

  “I’m a district manager,” Joelle said. “I run three of Pimp Your Hair’s stores.”

  “I take it those are hair salons?”

  Joelle cut his eyes at Kivani. “Do you live under a rock?”

  “Not the last time I checked.” Kivani put his arm around Joelle’s slim shoulders and pulled him close when a guy walked by with a pit bull on a leash. The dog slowed, then stopped, sniffing at Kivani. He hunched down and petted it.

  “Wow,” the owner said. “Rocky doesn’t usually let people near him. He was a rescue dog and doesn’t like strangers.”

  Kivani’s wolf gave a low, soothing growl, so low neither the owner nor Joelle heard it. But Rocky had. He wagged his tail as he tried to jump onto Kivani, licking anywhere he could reach.

  “Who’s a good boy?” Kivani scratched under Rocky’s chin, which gained him a long lick across his jaw. When Kivani stood, Rocky tried to jump on him again. Kivani held his hand up, palm out.

  “No,” he said firmly, and Rocky heeled.

  “You’ve got to teach me that trick,” the owner said as he patted Rocky’s head. “I can’t get him to listen to any commands I give.”

  “You have to be the leader of your small pack,” Kivani said. “He needs to know he can trust you in all respects.”

  In truth, Rocky hadn’t listened to Kivani, but to his wolf.

  The guy nodded before continuing down the street. Rocky looked back at Kivani and whimpered.

  “I see you have a way with dogs,” Joelle said.


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