Taming His Wolf [Dark Knights 3] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

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Taming His Wolf [Dark Knights 3] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection) Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  “Wait!” Ryan got up from the couch and pulled Joelle away from the door. “I’ll tell you what Kivani does for a living.”

  Chapter Four

  “I’m gonna shove my fist down your throat.” Kivani grabbed the guy’s head, but the stranger spun, rolling out of Kivani’s grasp. He kicked his foot against the house, flipped, and landed at Kivani’s side.

  What was the guy, a ninja?

  Behind him, Kivani heard Declan fighting the other two Hunters. The three had tried to ambush Declan while he’d slept. The lion shifter had sent Kivani a short text, and Kivani had hurried home to find him in a heated fight.

  Thank fuck Declan lived only ten minutes from Joelle’s. Technically Kivani lived here, too, but only until he found a place of his own.

  Kivani snarled as he barreled forward and grabbed the Hunter around his waist. He lifted the guy, then dropped him and dug his claws into the Hunter’s stomach.

  “You son of a bitch!” the Hunter howled.

  “It seems I’m gonna gut you instead.” Kivani pulled his claws free and embedded them again and again.

  After killing the guy, he shoved to his feet and turned. One of the humans Declan had been fighting was on the ground, half torn apart, and Declan was still battling the other one. These weren’t the usual kind of Hunters they dealt with. The three had been hard as fuck to take down. Had Kovachi sent his best?

  No sooner had Kivani thought the situation was under control than he heard tires screeching. “Declan!” Kivani jerked his chin toward the street when Declan looked his way.

  Declan’s eyes glowed with rage as snapped the Hunter’s neck.

  “Kovachi isn’t fucking around. He sent reinforcements.” Kivani thought of his cousin, but dismissed the idea that Ethan had given anyone Kivani’s address. Ethan didn’t know where Kivani lived, and he would have come up with something more diabolical than having a gang of Hunters attack them.

  Then Kivani thought of Joelle. Would Kovachi have sent men after mates? He rushed toward his Lexus and jumped into the driver’s seat.

  “Come on!” Kivani shouted through the open window. Declan dived into the passenger seat and Kivani reversed down the driveway, and the ass-end of his car smashed into the Land Rover that had been trying to block him in. He snarled when he heard metal tearing away from metal as he shifted into Drive and shoved his foot against the gas pedal.

  Fuck it. It was just a car. It could be replaced. Joelle couldn’t.

  Instead of driving directly to Joelle’s apartment building, Kivani drove in the opposite direction, leading the Land Rover farther away from where Kivani needed to go.

  On his phone, Kivani shared his location with Raven through the iPhone app. The cougar shifter could track him and intercept the Hunters, lending a hand to Kivani and Declan. Modern technology was a beautiful thing. The Dark Knights had set up the GPS app that would let them track each other’s locations weeks ago. It had been a smart move, and Kivani had to remember to thank Devil for the idea.

  Raven texted that he and Bayne were heading their way, and Kivani tossed his phone at Declan. “Text him back and let him know it’s a black Land Rover after us.”

  Declan did as Kivani asked, then snarled as he looked up. “The cops.”

  Kivani slowed to the speed limit as the cruiser headed toward them. When they passed the police car, Kivani looked at the driver, and the driver looked at him. Lights swirled as the cop car made a U-turn and raced up behind them.

  Shit. He and Declan were covered in blood. Kivani shouldn’t have looked. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t hunched down to hide his bloody shirt, but he wasn’t sticking around to get arrested.

  He smashed the pedal into the floor, and the Lexus shot down the street. They hit ninety in no time, and Kivani prayed like hell that no innocents got in the way.

  The cop car caught up to them, sirens blaring, lights swirling. Then Bayne’s green souped-up GTO screeched through the intersection, ass-end swerving, damn near colliding with the cop car. Kivani glanced in his rearview and saw the GTO slow, then cut off the Land Rover that had still been following them. He was surprised at the balls of the driver for following them even with law enforcement on the scene.

  “One problem solved,” Kivani said.

  “Yeah, but if you don’t stop hitting every fucking pothole, you’re gonna fuck your car up and we’ll be sitting ducks,” Declan complained.

  “The streets are shit,” Kivani snapped. “What would you have me do, hit my secret red button so we can fly over everything?”

  Declan glared at him. “Just don’t wreck us.”

  “Stop side-seat driving.”

  Kivani saw his chance up ahead. It was too good to be true, and something straight out of a movie. A tanker was blocking most of the street as the driver attempted to back it into a gas station. Kivani headed for the opening between the back of the truck and the driveway.

  His heart lodged in his throat.

  “You better get this!” Declan braced his hands on the dashboard, for whatever good that would do if Kivani timed this wrong.

  Kivani sped through the opening, then heard a crash. He slowed and looked behind him. The gap had closed and the cruiser wasn’t getting through. In fact, it would need a tow truck to separate itself from the ass-end of the fuel truck. He couldn’t tell how badly damaged the car was since his only view of it was from under the tanker, but he prayed the cops weren’t hurt.

  “Just get us out of here,” Declan said. “He might’ve called for backup.”

  Kivani drove away and cut down multiple side streets as he headed to Joelle’s.

  After they pulled into the underground parking garage, Kivani got out and waited until Declan joined him by the back of the car.

  “What’re we gonna do about this?”

  “About what?” Declan asked.

  “Those bastards coming to your house and attacking you.” Kivani was struggling to contain his wolf. He wanted to go after the Land Rover. He wanted to spill more blood.

  Declan folded his arms and leaned against the trunk. “Like we haven’t gone to their houses and eliminated them.”

  “But we’re discreet, Declan. They were sloppy, with disregard for any innocent that could’ve been hurt. We don’t need our private war turning into the Wild West.”

  “You got a point.”

  “And what if they come after my mate like they did Henry?” Kivani asked. “I can’t guard Joelle twenty-four hours a day and do my job, and I’m not trusting a male to babysit him like Nyx did with his mate.”

  Kivani felt batshit crazy at the thought of any guy being near Joelle—especially while Joelle was unclaimed.

  “You go make sure he’s okay,” Declan said. “I’ll get Raven and Bayne and you can give us your list.”

  “No.” Kivani paced behind his car. “I don’t need anyone taking my list. I appreciate you trying to help me out, but I left my life behind, made everything take a backseat to my contract with the Ultionem. It’s my responsibility. Besides, this is my second list of names and I’m already halfway through it.”

  “You’re giving me mixed signals, bro. You gotta tell me what you want to do. Are you going to guard your mate twenty-four-seven, or doing your job? You can’t do both. Not unless you have a clone I’m not aware of.”

  Declan was right. Kivani couldn’t do both. He had taken a blood oath to rid the world of Hunters, but he was also bound by fate itself to protect and cherish Joelle.

  “I’ll figure out a way.”

  “You need me to come upstairs?” Declan asked. “See if any stray Hunters need guidance?”

  “No, I got this.” If any Hunters were checking Joelle’s place out, they wouldn’t make it out of the building alive.

  “Thanks for having my back.” Declan gave him a quick man-hug. “If you need me, call me.”

  Kivani nodded before heading to the elevator. He knew the job wouldn’t be easy when accepting it, but Kivani had never thought he’d
have to factor in a mate. He pressed his palms into the elevator walls and leaned against them as he tried to think of a way to keep Joelle safe while doing the job he’d uprooted his life for.

  When Kivani entered Joelle’s apartment, the war inside his head died. One look at his mate gave him his answer.

  Joelle was lying on the couch reading a book as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. When Kivani walked in, Joelle looked up at him, and Kivani’s chest constricted. He sat on the end of the couch and propped Joelle’s bare feet on his lap.

  The connection Kivani felt when he touched his mate made his worries fade.

  Joelle pulled his feet from Kivani’s lap and sat up, placing his book on the coffee table. Kivani mourned the loss of the connection.

  “We need to talk.”

  Those were four words that never boded well.

  They did need to have a serious conversation about what Ryan and Henry had told Joelle. Kivani was basically a bounty hunter. Only he didn’t bring people in. He killed radicals who called themselves Hunters.

  Joelle had been freaked out and ready to tell Kivani that things would never work between them, but as he sat next to Joelle, looking so good that Joelle wanted to eat him for dinner, he lost his train of thought. Those damn sexy, piercing eyes bored right into Joelle. He had a hard time breathing while looking into them, let alone trying to string two thoughts together.

  “About what?” Tension entered Kivani’s eyes, as though he thought Joelle would give him bad news.

  Joelle’s gaze drifted to Kivani’s impressive rock-hard chest. His fingers tingled to touch and to grope it, and his lips ached to suck his nipples. His gaze went lower, and Joelle sat there staring at Kivani’s groin, wondering if his dick matched his impressive musculature.

  Joelle sucked in his bottom lip as dirty thoughts played in his mind. He wanted to crawl onto those well-toned thighs and ride the Kivani Express.


  “Hmm?” Joelle slowly lifted his head, blinking rapidly. “Huh?”

  Kivani’s smile spread and Joelle’s heart galloped. God, he was so damn handsome. “You said we needed to talk.”

  Talk. Right. About what? Joelle couldn’t remember and he wasn’t about to sit there and rack his brain. He was still getting used to the idea that he belonged to Kivani. No, that wasn’t what he was thinking about. Sex. That was more accurate.

  Dirty, wild, and messy sex.

  He slid his hand around Joelle’s wrist, giving it a small tug. Kivani looked at him like he knew what was going on in Joelle’s head. At least Joelle sure as fuck hoped so, because he wasn’t the type to initiate sex and he hated how shy he was.

  “Did you want to talk about me being inside you?” Kivani curled his arm around Joelle’s waist, hauling him onto those spectacular thighs. Joelle felt the rigid muscles against his ass as he pressed his palms into Kivani’s chest and squeezed, biting his lip again at the feel of the muscles against his hands.

  “Too shy to tell me what you want?” Kivani’s voice was husky, deep, and slid over Joelle like an erotic caress.

  Joelle shoved Kivani’s shirt up until the fabric was bunched at his pits, then lapped at his nipple, sucking the pebbled flesh between his lips.

  “Fuck,” Kivani moaned. “That’s okay, boo. You can show me instead.”

  That was exactly what Joelle planned on doing. When things got hot and heavy, Joelle would loosen up, become less rigid and nervous. That was how this always went.

  Kivani palmed Joelle’s ass, and Joelle groaned as he wiggled against his strong hands. “I usually don’t do this so soon after meeting a guy.” Joelle had no clue why he wanted Kivani to know that. Maybe because he felt like a slut throwing himself at the man.

  “It’ll be our secret.” Kivani gripped Joelle’s nape and smashed their lips together as he tried to devour Joelle’s tongue. Joelle grabbed fistfuls of Kivani’s hair, pulling, caressing, then pulling again.

  Kivani growled into Joelle’s mouth. “Harder.”

  “I’m not trying to rip your hair out.” Not the long, beautiful mess Kivani had. Joelle didn’t want him having two bald spots.

  Kivani chuckled against Joelle’s neck. “I don’t think you will.”

  “And I’m not taking that chance.”

  “Fine.” Kivani stood and Joelle instinctively threw his arms around his neck.

  “Where’re we going?”

  “You got a bed, right?”

  Crap. Joelle hadn’t cleaned his room in days. His dirty clothes were strewn about, and dirty dishes littered his nightstand. There were two baskets of laundry by his closet that he still hadn’t put away. He hadn’t even made his bed.

  “Don’t go in my room,” he said in a panic. “I’ve got a killer dog in there that’ll eat you alive.”

  Kivani arched a brow. “Have you forgotten I’m a wolf? I think I can handle a dog, no matter how mean it is.”

  “Okay, fine,” Joelle let out a huff. “My room is a wreck, and I don’t want you to see it.”

  “As long as your bed is clear, I don’t really care what the rest of your room looks like.” Kivani opened the door and stepped in, glancing around. “I take it back. You seriously need a maid.”

  “You seriously need to fuck me and stop giving me cleaning advice.” Joelle pulled at Kivani’s shirt, trying to get it over his head. He wanted them naked, like five seconds ago. Kivani’s strong arms wrapped around him had Joelle’s cock aching to be played with.

  When Kivani shoved the blanket to the floor, Joelle winced. “I’m not usually this messy.”

  Why in the fuck do I feel a need to keep explaining away my messy-ass room? His nerves. That had to be it.

  Kivani gave him a sexy wink before tossing Joelle on the bed. Joelle bounced, laughing as he stared up at Kivani. “So it’s like that?”

  “Get those fucking skinny jeans off,” Kivani growled, reminding Joelle he wasn’t dealing with a human. He’d started to obey when someone knocked on his front door.

  Joelle ignored it as he unbuttoned his pants, but the person kept knocking. He was gonna kill whoever it was. They had the worst timing ever.

  Before Joelle could get up, Kivani was gone, slamming the bedroom door behind him. Had he seriously just closed Joelle in his own bedroom so he could answer Joelle’s door?

  Pissed, he got up, righted his glasses, and left his bedroom to see who was there. When Joelle stepped into his living room, his jaw dropped. Why was the hottie who Kivani had flirted with at Lenny’s standing in his doorway?

  Chapter Five

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” Joelle shouted at Kivani as Kivani gripped Ethan’s throat, trying his best not to rip it out. “Get out of my apartment, now!”

  As Joelle went apeshit behind him, Kivani shoved Ethan into the hallway and closed the door behind him.

  “Tell me why I shouldn’t snap your fucking head off.”

  “I came over to tell you something important about the Hunters,” Ethan snarled as he tried to wrest Kivani’s hand from around his throat.

  No, that wasn’t why Ethan had shown up. He wanted to let Kivani know that he knew where Joelle lived. It was a sick little game to him, one Kivani planned on ending. For nearly three hundred years, his cousin had been playing them, and Kivani was so fucking over it that he contemplated killing Ethan right there in the hallway.

  Kivani no longer cared that Ethan was family, not when it came to Joelle.

  He shoved Ethan against the opposite wall, tightening his grip. “If you ever show up here again, I’ll rip your black heart out.”

  The door opened behind him. Joelle stepped out, walked past them, and hit the button on the elevator without looking Kivani’s way. When the doors shushed open, Kivani asked, “Where in the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  Joelle stepped into the elevator, ignoring his question. Kivani snarled in Ethan’s face and dragged him by his throat into the car.

  Joelle still wouldn’t l
ook at him.

  “Answer my question.”

  Joelle finally looked at Kivani, then down at Ethan. Doubt clouded his pretty green eyes. “I was giving you time with your boyfriend.”

  Ethan choked and gaped up at Joelle. “Boyfriend?”

  “Shut up,” Kivani snarled, using his free hand to punch Ethan in the head. “Stay the hell out of our conversation.”

  “Why are you dragging him by his throat?” Joelle asked.

  “I’m not telling you anything until you tell me where you’re going.”

  “To meet Ryan at Henry’s apartment.” Joelle crossed his arms, seeming unfazed that Kivani was gripping Ethan’s throat. “You weren’t invited.”

  Kivani furrowed his brows. “You’re not freaking out about this?” He waved his hand at his cousin, who was turning dark red.

  Joelle spun and glared at Kivani. “I was freaking out about your lover showing up at my door. And yes, I’m having a meltdown inside my brain at what you’re doing, but I’m too pissed at you to say anything right now.”

  “Ethan’s not my lover,” Kivani snapped. “He’s—”

  Kivani smashed his lips together. He’d started to tell Joelle that Ethan was his cousin, but he didn’t want anyone to know.

  He released Ethan, who crumpled to the floor, sucking in deep breaths of air as he smirked at Kivani.

  “You don’t have to explain anything to me,” Joelle said. The elevator doors opened and he stepped out, but placed a hand on one of the doors to stop them from closing. “In fact, it would be best if we didn’t see each other again.”

  Those words were like a punch to Kivani’s gut. He bared his canines but Joelle simply walked away.

  “Glad to see you have that situation under control.” Ethan got to his feet.

  “Shut the fuck up.” Kivani slugged him again as the doors slid closed.

  Joelle stood outside Henry’s door, shaking so badly he felt like he had to vomit. He still didn’t know what was going on with Kivani and that guy, but he now knew they weren’t lovers. That should have been a relief, but seeing Kivani act so violently frightened the hell out of him.


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