Love Again

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Love Again Page 7

by Kelly Elliott

  I chuckled. “You’re right on that one.”

  He pulled over and turned the truck off. “Let’s go for a walk, shall we?”

  I warmed as yesteryears with my father flooded my memory. One of my favorite things to do was walk along the Frio River with him, skipping rocks and just talking about things.

  “I’d love to go for a walk! We haven’t done this in forever!”

  His face lit up. “The last time was right before you married Jack, I believe.”

  “I should have listened to your advice when you said you didn’t think Jack was the right man for me.”

  He stared ahead, his arm draped over my shoulder. “Some things you have to learn on your own, sweet pea.”

  We walked for a few feet in silence. “And what is your advice for me today?”

  “Are you asking for it?” he asked as we stopped and faced each other.

  “I’m assuming you want to give me some if you tracked me down and invited me for a walk.”

  He chuckled. “Nonsense. I don’t need a reason to spend time with my beautiful daughter. But now that you mention it, I will give you my two cents, for what it is worth.”

  I held my breath and waited. My father’s opinion had always mattered and the one time I chose to ignore it was the time I’d needed it most. But now—now I was scared he would tell me that he thought me dating Jonathon was a bad idea. That it would only bring heartache to both of us if we started up a relationship with all the rumors it would inspire. My heart didn’t want to hear that advice. Not one bit.

  “First, I think you need to figure out what is scaring you about a relationship with Jonathon.”

  A lump formed in my throat, and for a brief moment it was hard to talk. How in the world could my father know this? Hadn’t he found out about Jonathon and me only this morning?

  “Are you a mind reader now, Dad? What makes you think something is scaring me?”

  He took my hand, and we walked down the path to the river. It was the same path we had walked hundreds of times, but this time something was different.

  “You know all those years you wore that pretty smile of yours, your mother and I knew you weren’t happy. We knew you weren’t going to give up on your marriage because we raised you to fight for the things you want. And it didn’t take me long to figure out there was something between you and Jonathon. I think I knew when I saw the two of you together for the first time.”

  My mind drifted back. “When did you see us together?”

  “Well, you weren’t together romantically, but it was the way you looked at each other the day your mother and I stopped by the dance studio. I’ve known that young man since he was in diapers, and the way he was looking at my daughter was screaming ‘I’ve got a thing for her’.”

  I hit him lightly on the stomach. “Daddy!”

  “It was confirmed at the boys’ birthday party. You plastered on a smile, but boy howdy, you were throwing darts at the poor girl on Jonathon’s arm.”

  “I was not!” I said, scrunching my nose and stomping my foot. I was acting like a five-year-old, which made my father laugh.

  “Same old Waylynn.”

  “I was not throwing darts at her.”

  He lifted his brow.

  “Fine, so maybe I glanced their way a time or two. I still don’t get how you figure I’m scared.”

  After leading us over to a rock, my father and I sat down.

  “It wasn’t hard to put it together, Waylynn Parker. I have been around the block a time or two. That boy owns his own construction company and has men to do the work but seems to be the only one working on your job. Plus, the little incident with old lady Hopkins.”

  My cheeks burned, and I looked away. “I thought we agreed to never bring that up, Daddy.”

  “I never agreed to it.”

  Sighing, I turned to face him again. “Fine. So you pieced it together long before you officially found out. Only tells me my hiding skills are not up to par like they were when I was younger.”

  “Even way back then, Waylynn, your mother and I knew more than we let on.”

  His revelation had me combing through years of things best left hidden, praying that he didn’t know too much.

  He bumped my shoulder. “Talk to me, sweet pea.”

  I watched as the water rolled over boulders both big and small. “I’m conflicted on a few things.”

  “Want to talk about them?”

  “You’ll think I’m a royal bitch if I tell you.”

  He chuckled. “Try me.”

  Taking in a deep breath, I slowly let it out. “For starters, I’m extremely jealous that Steed and Mitchell are parents and soon-to-be parents. How wrong is that?”

  His blue eyes met mine. “Why is that wrong?”

  “Didn’t you hear me?”

  “I heard you. Do you love your brothers?”

  My eyes widened. “Of course I do, Daddy!”

  “And Chloe and Gage?”

  “Yes! And I’ll love Mitchell and Corina’s baby the same!”

  Squeezing my hand, he bent over to meet me eye to eye. “It’s okay to want a family, Waylynn. It’s okay to be a little jealous when you see your younger siblings getting what you thought you’d already have by now.”

  My heart nearly burst when my father said that. “Yes! That’s exactly it. I thought by now I’d be in a little house with a fence around the yard and a few kids running about. Instead, I’m divorced, living back at home, and about to start dating a younger man! What are people going to think?”

  “And there is your other issue. The age difference.”

  I stared down at the ground. “I want to start a family, and before you tell me I’m still young enough, I need to tell you I’ve already been to a sperm bank in San Antonio. To see if I want to become a parent all on my own.”

  The look on my father’s face was one I would never forget.


  Pure shock.

  Chapter Ten


  “What?” My father sat on the rock, his face devoid of all color.

  “I only went to ask some questions, to see if it might be the best option for me.”

  “Waylynn, bringing a child into this world is hard when there are two parents. I can’t imagine going at it alone, but your mother and I would help you if this is what you want.”

  Sighing, I gazed over the river. “I guess it felt like it was never going to happen otherwise. But now, this thing with Jonathon has me rethinking my entire plan. The last thing I would want to do is make him feel like I only wanted him as a baby maker. He knows I want to start a family. It was one of my excuses when I initially pushed him away.”

  “And how does he feel about kids?”

  I grinned. “He wants to have kids someday.”

  “Well, that’s a step in the right direction, and darling, you are still young. So, is the main concern the age difference?”

  I shrugged. “I guess, and the idea of starting all over again with someone is terrifying. Jack also told me he wanted kids and look where that got me!”

  My father scoffed. “Jack is an asshole. I don’t see Jonathon playing around with your emotions like that.”

  Tears filled my eyes because I knew he was right.

  “Daddy, we’ve only been on one real date, not counting the countless hours of flirting we’ve done. Is it to soon to feel something…different?”

  He gently smiled. “By different, do you mean different from Jack?”

  “Not just that. I’ve never felt this way with any man before. I was honestly head over heels in love with Jack. At least, I thought I was. Maybe he just swept me off my feet with all the trips to Paris and London, and I was blinded by the gifts and attention he showered me with. That makes me feel shallow.”

  “Nonsense. You were young. He promised you the moon and stars and didn’t follow through.”

  I dragged in a deep breath and exhaled. “This feeling I have for Jonathon…it’s

so different that it’s confusing. It’s almost like I don’t remember life before he was in it. How can that be? We only just started dating! Not to mention I should be focused on the dance studio and opening up my own business. Throwing a relationship into the mix with the potential of not achieving my dreams…again…has me scared.”

  “I understand those concerns. They are valid. But does the intensity of your feelings for him spook you?”

  Chewing on my lip, I nodded.

  “Yes, more than it should.”

  “I wouldn’t necessarily say that. You’ve been hurt, Waylynn. To open your heart up to be hurt again is a risk. But I believe it is a risk worth taking.”

  “Even if my brothers don’t see it that way?”

  Tossing his head back to laugh, my father cried out, “Even if! I say go for it, sweet pea. Live your life, Waylynn, and don’t worry about what the people of this town think. I mean, if I worried about what everyone in this town said about Aunt Vi, I’d never show my face.”

  Hitting him on the arm, I scolded him. “Daddy! That is your sister!”

  He stood. “The stories about my sister… I could fill your head with hundreds of them and each one would make you blush. Let’s save those toe curlers for another time.”

  My hand in his, we made our way down to the riverbank.

  “Waylynn, darling, don’t be in such a rush for kids. I know your younger siblings are starting to settle, but it will happen, I promise. Sometimes God has other plans for us and things don’t happen the way we think they should.”

  I picked up a rock and tossed it across the river. “I know I need to be patient and check these jealous feelings, and focus on the happiness of seeing my siblings growing our family.” Facing my father, my eyes teared up again.

  “Daddy, I really am happy for Steed, Mitchell, and Amelia. I hope you don’t think I’m self-centered.”

  He wrapped me in his arms and held me tightly. “Oh, sweet pea, I could never think that about you. Just take a deep breath and let life happen.”

  Closing my eyes, I let my father’s advice settle in.

  Let life happen…

  * * *

  I stood outside Jonathon’s door, still dressed in my running clothes, taking deep breaths. With a shaking hand, I lifted it and went to knock, but the door quickly opened.

  “Waylynn, what are you doing here?”

  “Thought you might want to have that talk, and maybe pick up where we left off last night.”

  His eyes brightened. “Yeah?”

  With a slight grin, I nodded. “I wanted to catch you before you left for work.”

  “If I invite you in, I’m afraid I’ll miss my meeting, and I don’t want to piss off this person. I’ve seen how she gets when she’s angry.”

  Oh, his meeting was with me.

  “Maybe I could give her a call, explain how stupid I’ve been by pushing you away and not admitting that I’m falling for you. I can almost guarantee she’ll understand.”

  My body trembled when he brushed a strand of my hair back from my face. His grey eyes danced with possibilities.

  “I don’t know. She’s kind of a bitch.”

  Laughing, I hit him on the chest. “She is not! She simply knows what she wants.”

  “Does she?” he asked, his brows lifted.

  “Yes,” I replied and my voice shook with excitement.

  Cupping my face, Jonathon stared into my eyes as if he was looking into my soul. I heard cars driving by behind us, but I didn’t care who saw us or what they thought. I was finished worrying about what the people of Oak Springs thought about my choices.

  “And what does she want?” he asked, his voice so low and husky that warmth flooded through my body.

  My gaze flitted across his face before landing on his eyes. Each breath was shallow as I said the words my heart had been begging to release. “You. Us. This.”

  Jonathon leaned over and brushed his lips across mine, whispering, “Finally.”

  Sliding his hand behind my neck, we kissed and the world fell away. My body felt like it was floating above me. The kiss was slow and soft as our breaths mingled. Moving my hands to his body, I drew him in, until we were pressed together, and I could feel his heart beating against my own. Jonathon moved his mouth down to my neck, his hot breath making my skin feel like it was on fire with each softly pressed kiss. In that moment I knew I would forever be addicted to Jonathon’s kisses. To his touch.

  “Waylynn,” he said, prolonging each letter as if he was burning it into his memory.

  I would never forget the intensity of his voice, the desire I heard in it.

  “Make love to me, Jonathon. Please.”

  He moved quickly, swept me up into his arms. “My neighbor, Karen, is watching us.”

  “So?” I replied, running my fingers into his hair.

  “She’s your brother Tripp’s secretary.”

  With a smile, I turned and faced her. She was slowly walking down the steps of her house.

  “Oh, this is going to be fun.”

  Lifting my hand, I waved and shouted, “Hey Karen! Tell my brother I said hi!”

  She smiled and replied, “Will do! Have fun, you two!”

  Jonathon and I laughed and walked into his house. He kicked the door shut with the heel of his boot.

  He pulled me down the hallway and into his bedroom. I wanted to look around since I hadn’t really gotten to last night, but my focus was on him, on this moment, on where we were headed both literally and figuratively.

  Jonathon cupped my face again. “I’m going to make love to you all day, but…”

  “But?” I asked.

  “But first I get to pay you back for leaving me in the state you did last night.”

  My lower lip jutted out. “But I’m so horny.”

  “Is that so?”

  “So. Very. Horny.”

  “Then I better take care of that.”

  I smiled. “I always knew you were handy with your tools.”

  He pulled his shirt over his head. Licking my lips, I let my eyes travel over his perfectly fit body. His chest was massive and toned, and the veins popping out down his arms were a huge turn on.

  Jesus have mercy on me.

  Jonathon took a step closer, his hand moving under my T-shirt to my back. A couple of flicks and my bra was off. I dropped my head back as he moved his fingers over my body. Pushing my bra and shirt over my breasts, he pinched one nipple as he leaned down and brought the other into his mouth.

  “Oh, God. Yes!” I hissed as the energy in his mouth rushed through my body. I could already feel the buildup of my much-needed release. My fingers went into his dark hair, pulling and tugging to spur him on.

  A warm hand made its way up my leg, tickling the skin along my thigh as he slowly worked it into my panties. His boot pushed my feet apart to spread my legs, and the moment he plunged his fingers in, I cried out his name.


  My orgasm rolled through my body as I felt myself clench around his fingers. Closing my eyes, I let myself sink into the euphoria and soon found I was in Jonathon’s arms. He was carrying me to the bed. Quick hands pulled the rest of my clothes off. I watched as Jonathon kicked off his boots and then pulled his jeans off. His thick, long, shaft sprung free, and I couldn’t help but lick my lips. I wanted it in my mouth, but I wanted it inside of me more.

  Jonathon pulled open the drawer at the side of his bed and ripped open a box of condoms. He tossed a few on the bed and crawled over me. His mouth crushed mine as we kissed deeply, passionately, until my lips felt raw from his stubble.

  Framing my head with his hands, his gaze pierced mine. “I want to taste you… I’m going to taste you before this day is over, but first, I need to be inside of you. I am going to die if I don’t feel you wrapped around my cock.”

  I smiled as I ran my foot up and down his leg. “What are you waiting for, Mr. Turner?”

  His hand slipped between my legs, and when he push
ed two fingers in, a low growl came from the back of his throat. “I’d say you’re ready.”

  All I could do was nod. I was more than ready. My body felt like it was going to combust, every molecule on fire.

  Jonathon reached for a condom, ripped it out, and rolled it on. My stomach flipped with excitement. I wasn’t sure why I was nervous. We’d already been together, so it wasn’t our first time. Yet, it felt like it was our first time.

  Ever so slowly he pushed inside of me. Inch by delicious inch. My back arched as my body begged for more of him.

  “Christ Almighty,” he whispered, burying his face into my neck. When he was finally fully seated, he paused. Wrapping my arms around him, I pulled him even closer as I dug my heels into his lower back.

  “You feel so good, Waylynn.”

  Slowly, he moved. In and out. With each movement, my body felt like it was being lifted higher and higher. His hand moved ever so softly over my skin, leaving a trail of fire. Jonathon’s mouth found mine again. His lips felt softer, the kiss so gentle it nearly brought me to tears.

  The next words from his mouth burned deep in my heart.

  “You’re mine, Waylynn. Forever mine.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I always looked forward to Poker night. But not tonight. All I wanted was to be in bed with Waylynn wrapped in my arms. Since she’d showed up at my place the other morning, the last few nights we had done just that. Never mind the fucking hot sex in her office yesterday, and the countless other places we had sex over the course of the last three days. I couldn’t help smiling when I thought about it. Sex with Waylynn was addictive. I’d never in my life wanted a woman so damn much. I’d thought it was the chase that was driving this insane desire, but it wasn’t. Every time I finished making love to her, I wanted her again, which was evident from our nonstop fuck sessions.

  Once in the kitchen at the dance studio, once in my truck on the way to the flooring store in San Antonio. On her desk at the studio…twice. And countless times in my bed at home. Hell, Monday we had spent the entire day getting to know what the other person liked. Waylynn seemed to melt when I placed my mouth against her ear and spoke. Even something as simple as placing my hand on her lower back to lead her into a room had led to her dragging me into the restroom at the restaurant last night and fucking her on the sink. For someone who didn’t want our relationship to go public, she sure didn’t mind us walking out of the ladies’ restroom together, sporting that just-fucked look.


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