Love Again

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Love Again Page 14

by Kelly Elliott

  Running my fingers along the man’s face, I saw Jonathon. He had short, dark hair, and even though the photo was old, you could see his blue-grey eyes.

  “You look like him.” Our eyes met. His sadness made my chest ache.

  “I miss him. There isn’t a day that doesn’t go by where I don’t think about him. Rip has been a great stepdad. He’s never once pushed us, left it up to us on when and if we wanted to call him dad, as well as taking on his name. He’s been so good to my mother, but he also knows that my dad was the love of her life.”

  “She told him that?”

  He nodded. “Yes. When he asked her to marry him, she told him he’d have to share her heart.”

  “Wow,” I whispered. A chill swept over my body.

  “I truly believe a love like my folks had is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I feel like Rip has that with my mother and she does love him, but not like how she loved my father. Does that make sense?”

  I smiled slightly. “Yes.”

  Glancing at the photo, I pressed my lips together. I wanted desperately to tell Jonathon how deep my feelings were for him, but we’d have that conversation at a later date. Today was not the time. Handing back the photo, I watched as he carefully folded it and put it into his wallet.

  With a deep breath, I took his hands in mine. “Now, are you ready to go see my crazy family?”

  “Always! I can’t wait to see what type of new questions Chloe has from her list today.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Stop the truck!”

  I slammed on the brakes and pulled onto the shoulder. Waylynn jumped out of the truck and started running down the road.

  “What in the fuck?”

  I followed her, stopping when I saw her lean down and pick up a giant turtle.

  “I’ve got you, buddy. You shouldn’t be crossing the road. It’s dangerous! I’ll get you over there.”

  My chest fluttered at the sight of Waylynn rescuing a turtle. She walked it all the way across the street and put it on the other side of the fence.

  “Go on! And stay away from the road!”

  When she turned back, she saw me staring.

  “He would have died if we didn’t help him. Didn’t you see him?”

  “I saw him, but I would’ve drove over him.”

  Her mouth fell. “Jonathon Turner, you could have run him over.”

  “No, I straddled him.”

  “Okay, but what about the next car or the next? The poor thing was terrified.”

  I laughed. “How do you know he was terrified?”

  “Wouldn’t you be if a giant truck straddled you?”

  Trying not to laugh, I said, “I guess I would be.”

  We headed back to the truck and I walked over to the passenger side. After opening the door and helping her up, I leaned in. “Do you always pull over and save them?”

  She looked at me like I had asked her the stupidest question ever. “Um…yeah. Don’t you?”

  I do now.

  “I love your kind heart.”

  She grinned. “You avoided the question.”

  “Well,” I said, reaching for her seat belt and pulling it across her. “I certainly do now. Especially knowing how important it is to you.”

  “Thank you. It goes for all animals, you know. If you see them loose or in trouble, you have to stop.”

  “I do?”

  “Yep. I once chased about six donkeys down the street until we got them back through their owner’s ranch gate. Then there were the goats I made my father round up. The best one was the longhorn who kept trying to attack Tripp.” She laughed as the memory came back. “Yeah, that one was funny as hell.”

  I shook my head and chuckled as I shut the door.

  Talking to myself as I rounded the truck, I mumbled, “Life with this woman is going to be interesting.”

  I pulled onto the road and found myself frantically watching for damn turtles.

  For the love of Pete! What does this woman do to me?

  “Do you like Christmas?” Waylynn asked out of the blue.

  “I love Christmas. Do you?”

  She smiled. “It’s always been one of my favorite holidays. Your sister wasn’t kidding about your mom liking to decorate. How many trees does she have total?”

  “Hmm, let me think. I know of at least five.”


  Laughing, I added, “Maybe six if she puts the one up outside.”

  “Holy shit. Why so many trees?”

  I shrugged. “Beats me. Hope has one in her room and each year the theme changes. Last year, I think it was fish.”


  “It was a phase she went through.”

  Waylynn giggled. “Well, I want to do a themed tree.”

  “Oh yeah? What would it be?”

  “I’m thinking red and white. That would be fun. Or red and silver. Or silver and blue. Oh! A moose-themed tree!”

  Glancing her way, I asked, “A moose-themed tree?”

  “I like moose.”

  “I’d say, if you want to do a whole damn tree of them.”

  “No themed tree for you?”

  I thought about it for a few seconds as I turned down ranch road 47 that led to the Frio River Ranch.

  “Let me think, if I did a themed Christmas tree, what would it be? Probably hunting.”

  “No. Pick something else.”

  I glanced at her before looking back at the road. “What’s wrong with a hunting theme?”

  She shook her head. “Maybe in the garage.”

  “The garage? You’d put a Christmas tree in the garage.”

  Facing me, she winked. “If it was a hunting-themed one, yes. Pick something else.”

  I chuckled. “Okay. Tools.”

  This time she laughed harder. “Oh my gosh, how cute would that be?”

  “What if we did tools on one side and dancing stuff on the other?”

  Feeling her stare, I looked at her. “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes softened and seemed to shine a little more. “Nothing.”

  “You don’t like my idea?”

  Her fingers laced in mine. “I love that idea.”

  We pulled up to the gate of the ranch and I punched in the code.

  “Remind me to give you a remote to open the gate.”

  “You planning on me visiting a lot?”

  She grinned. “I know you live closer to town, so I’m guessing I’ll be staying with you more than you’ll be staying here.”

  “Makes sense. I hope you like classic rock. I fall asleep to music playing each night.”

  “Really? You haven’t so far.”

  “That’s because you exhaust me with all the sex, and I pass the hell out.”

  “I can back off if you want.”

  “Fuck, no! I don’t want that. Especially now that I get to have you bareback.”

  She squeezed my hand. “I thought that might be your answer.”

  We drove down the long driveway and planned out which days I would stay with her and which she would stay with me. We settled on her coming and staying with me for the next few days since so much would be happening at the dance studio, in order to get things ready for the open house.

  “Looks like everyone is here, except for Tripp. I don’t see his truck.”

  I pulled in next to Mitchell’s truck. “Maybe he’s working late.”

  “Pssssh. No, he always comes late because he hates doing this. He used to love it when he was dating Harley. She was always big into decorating.”

  “Whatever happened with her dating that guy she met in college?”

  “Don’t know. Tripp never did find out. I guess he doesn’t bring it up to her folks whenever he sees them, and they don’t either. They loved Tripp like a son, and I think they were caught just as off guard as Tripp was.”

  “That’s a damn shame. They were good together.”

  We walked up the porch steps hand-in-hand. �
��Did you know she’s moving back to town to be the new vet?”

  “I heard. That can’t be easy for Tripp.”

  “He’s acting like it’s not bothering him, but I know it is.”

  Waylynn walked into the house with me following. She busted out laughing when she saw the tall skinny tree in the foyer. It was a flocked tree with white lights.

  “Tree number one. Let’s see if my mom goes as crazy as yours.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Let’s think for a second. Foyer, formal living, family room, my folks’ bedroom, and a small one in the guest bathroom. You mom will have to beat that.”

  “Holy crap. Don't tell my mother. She’ll want more.”

  I motioned like I was sealing my lips and tossing the key.

  “Waylynn! Sexy Jonathon! Come in and join the party!”

  With a moan, Waylynn turned to me. “Looks like Aunt Vi’s got herself some booze!”

  I laughed and smacked Waylynn on the ass when she turned around, causing her to let out a small scream. Vi motioned to us as she held up her glass and called out, “Awww! Here’s to love!”

  As Waylynn walked up to her aunt, she replied, “Amen to that!”

  The two women set off toward the family room where everyone was gathering while I paused for a moment.

  Here’s to love.

  Waylynn didn’t take pause at all to that comment. It was as if it had been the most natural thing in the world. For me, it had been. I knew I was falling in love with her. She said she was falling, as well. In my mind I thought it was way to soon…but my heart wasn’t going to hear any of that. I wanted to tell her out loud that I loved her. Soon.

  “Is everything okay?”

  I glanced up to see Waylynn. “Yeah. Sorry, I got lost in thought for a moment.”

  She grinned. “Does it involve you naked and me on top?”

  “It certainly does now.”

  Following her through the house, we made it to the family room. A giant tree stood in the corner. It had to be at least ten feet tall. John stood on a giant ladder, stringing lights.

  Chloe was sitting on the floor organizing decorations with Paxton and Amelia.

  “Hey, how’s it going?”

  I turned and smiled at Cord, his hand out for a handshake.

  “It’s going. How about you?”

  He grinned. “Doing great. So, is this how things are going to be? I only get to see my best friend at family events with my sister?”

  I chuckled. “No, not at all. I was going to call and see if you wanted to head to Llano next week for a quick hunting trip after the open house.”

  Appearing to think about that for a few seconds, Cord asked, “What days?”

  “Tuesday, Wednesday, and coming back Thursday. The lease is quieter during the week. Roy said he saw a huge twelve point.”

  His eyes lit up. “Really? Damn, let me see how Tammy feels about holding down the fort for a couple of days.”

  “Tammy? Who’s that?”

  Wiggling his brows, Cord leaned close. “My fucking hot new manager who has a body to die for.”

  “Tell me you haven’t.”

  He laughed. “No, I’m not that much of a douche, but she’s pretty and knows how to flirt.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder. “Just be careful, dude. That’s an area you don’t want to mess around in when you’re the boss.”

  “Believe me, I know. If she wasn’t so good at her job, I’d fire her just so I could screw her.”

  “You’ll never change, Cord Parker.”

  He winked. “I hope not. I’m having too much fun.”

  A slap on my back had me turning to see Mitchell. “How’s it going there, Jon?”

  We shook hands, and I replied, “Never better.”

  “My sister is good for you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you looking so…happy.”

  With a huge smile, I agreed. “I haven’t ever been this happy. Feels like I’m living in a dream, to be honest.”

  Mitchell nodded while Cord let out a groan.

  “For fuck’s sake. Now you’ve got the damn Smurf smile.”

  Drawing my head back, I asked, “What?”

  “Ignore him. He’s just jealous he hasn’t found anyone to bring out his inner Smurf.”

  “Fuck you, Mitchell.”

  “Cord Parker!” Melanie shouted from across the room.

  “It’s bad enough little ears are around, but to curse when we’re putting up the Christmas tree?”

  John laughed as he made his way down the ladder. “It’s not like the tree will get its feelings hurt, Melanie.”

  “You hush up, John Parker, or no banana bread for you!”

  John walked over to us, extending his hand out to mine and whispered, “You’d think by now she’d know I can’t stand her banana bread.”

  Each of us let out a chuckle.

  “How’s it going, Jonathon?”

  “Very well, sir. Yourself?”

  “Good and even better if someone hides the banana bread. Waylynn tells me the place is nearly done. Just a few touch-ups here and there, and you’re ready for the open house on Monday.”

  “We are, indeed. The interior decorator had some problems getting all the chairs ready, but that won’t affect the open house.”

  “I’ve been meaning to head down there and take a look. Are the floors still going in?”

  “They should be completely finished by tomorrow.”

  He nodded. “Good. Waylynn seems to be over the moon about it all.”

  Glancing her way, she was holding Gage as she helped Chloe put decorations on the tree. I couldn’t help imagining having a baby together someday.

  “I believe she is pretty excited about it.”

  John hit the side of my arm. “I don’t think the dance studio is the only thing making her happy, son.”

  “I reckon not, sir. She makes me just as happy.”

  John flashed me the same smile all of his sons had. “Just remember, she looks all sweet on the outside, but that girl is just like her momma. There is a reason I don’t tell my wife I don’t like her banana nut bread. You’d do good to remember that.”

  I chuckled. “Yes, sir. I will.”

  Trevor walked into the room dressed in a cooking apron that read, “Real men aren’t afraid to bake.”

  “I’ve got butter pecan cookies!”

  Amelia and Steed nearly knocked each other over trying to get them.

  “Holy crap, are they that good?” I asked as Cord made a beeline toward Trevor.

  John laughed. “Trevor is the baker in the family, and he only makes these cookies on December 9, decoration day.”

  “Huh, I’ll have to try one.”

  “Jonathon, hold Gage!”

  Waylynn placed the four-month-old baby in my arms and took off with the rest of the Parker siblings. The only one not heading for the tray was Mitchell.

  “Man, Turner. You’re a natural at this whole baby thing.”

  I stared at the baby in my arms. Gage’s eyes were everywhere, taking in all the colors and lights.

  “I like kids. Seems like yesterday Rip Jr. was this age.” Glancing up, I smiled at Mitchell. “Are you excited about becoming a father?”

  His face lit up brighter than the Christmas tree, and I couldn’t help but notice how he looked lovingly at Corina.

  “I am excited. Seven months to go. She’s got the tiniest little belly bump. I can’t wait to watch the baby grow.”

  “Are y’all going to find out if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  “I think we will find out.”

  Waylynn walked back over and reached for Gage. I turned away and her mouth dropped open. “Don’t be a baby hog, Jonathon!”

  “Me? You’ve had him since we first walked in.”

  She reached for the baby again, and I pulled away.

  “Jonathon Turner, give me my nephew.”

  Gage laughed, and I looked down at him. “That’s it, buddy. We guys need to stick together.”r />
  Steed laughed as he walked up and kissed his son on the forehead. “Waylynn, you get to see Gage all the time. Let Jonathon hold him.”

  When her hands went to her hips, I knew I had two options. One? Give her the baby and enjoy my evening. Two? Keep the baby and incur the wrath of Waylynn Parker.

  Option one it was.

  “Fine, you can take him back.”

  I handed Gage back to Waylynn. She flashed me that gorgeous smile and leaned in to kiss me. “Thank you, babe.”

  Heading back to the tree, she ate her cookie and held onto the baby like her life depended on it.

  “How do you feel about kids, Jonathon?”

  Not taking my eyes off of Waylynn, I answered Steed. “I love them.”

  “Probably has something to do with having younger siblings, I would think,” Steed added.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  He bumped my shoulder, causing me to look at him.

  “There isn’t anything more amazing than becoming a father. I know Waylynn’s ready to settle down. What about you?”

  “Yes, I’d like to get settled and have a family.”

  “Take it slow, get to know each other. I know y’all have known each other for a few months, but I know the path my sister wants to take and I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  Placing my hand on his shoulder, I gave it a squeeze. “I hope I’m half as good of a brother to my sisters as y’all are to Waylynn and Amelia. It’s clear how much y’all love your sisters.”

  He nodded, as did Mitchell. “Take care of her, Jonathon. That’s all we ask for.”

  Facing the two brothers, I nodded. “I promise you I will. I have no intentions of ever hurting her or leaving her.”

  A strong slap on my back caused me to stumble forward. I turned to see it was find Tripp.

  “Good answer, Turner. Good answer.”

  Cord walked up and handed me a beer. We sat on the sofa and watched the girls decorate the tree. Waylynn and Chloe were stringing popcorn, only they were eating more of it than they were stringing.

  A strange feeling moved over me that caused goosebumps. Something about this moment felt too perfect. Too right. I pushed it aside, but something deep down inside had my stomach in knots.

  * * *

  “It’s a surprise for your father,” my mother said with a wide grin.


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