All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series)

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All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series) Page 6

by Jackie McMahon

  “And what are those?” He asked eyeing me.

  “Well for one, I love you.” I reached up and brushed my lips against his.

  “Touché,” he said with a grin. He took my hand and twirled me around; the skirt of my dress flowed around me as I spun around. “You look magnificent,” he breathed. “And I love you too,” he said stroking my cheek. I touched the back of his hand and smiled at how spellbinding this man is.

  Chapter Six

  The following morning the hotel attendants finished up loading our luggage into the car. I checked out of the hotel, thanked the receptionist and then walked out with Angelina at my side. As Dillon drove us back to the airport all I could think about was last night, and how amazing Angelina looked in that gown. She was a breathtaking site to look at even though the rest of the auction was a bore to me. I know she enjoyed it since it was something new to her. Dillon pulled onto the tarmac and parked close to the jet; he got out and helped the copilot loaded up our things into the jet. I helped Angelina out of the car and grabbed her hand as I turned to Dillon.

  “Thank you Dillon, it’s been a real pleasure,” I said shaking hands with him and he smiled.

  “The pleasure was all mine Mr. Evers, have a safe flight and all the best for the future. If you’re ever in Jamaica again sir, please don’t hesitate to call me,” he said as I smiled and nodded.

  “Definitely,” I said and he ducked his head and climbed back into his car. We waved at him as he drove off, then I turned to Angelina.

  “Are you ready to go?” I asked and she nodded as we walked towards the jet. Once inside we both took our seats, just before we take off I pulled out my laptop and undid what I did about a month ago.

  “Are you uncorrupting the system?” She asked eyeing me. I smiled at how she guessed that, in all honesty she would make a good agent because of her perceptiveness. But I still didn’t like the idea of it.

  “Yes, this way the air traffic controllers will be expecting this jet to land at JFK and the CIA will know we’re coming,” I said looking at her. She didn’t say anything so I continued. “It’s going to be okay Angelina; you know I won’t let them hurt you right?” I asked reaching over to caress the side of her face. I would kill them all if I had to, including Colin. She nodded. “I will leave the agency if it is a must. Just to know that you’re safe by my side,” I stated. I love being an agent but I love her much more. I will do just about anything for her.

  “See that’s the thing, I don’t want you to leave the agency. I want to help you, not restrain you,” she groaned. I shook my head no. I was about to protest her when she stopped me with her hand. “I know, and yes this is the only way,” she stated. “Trust me.”

  Not wanting to argue with her I let it go as we sat on the sofa cuddling with each other. It was just a little after noon when we landed back at JFK International airport. I called Jared as we waited on the jet to come pick us up and get our luggage. We got out of the jet when I saw Colin standing on the tarmac with three black-suited men standing behind him and two black SUV’s parked up next to them, I groaned. He wasn’t wasting any time. Angelina looked at me questioningly.

  “We have a welcoming party,” I said sarcastically pointing towards Colin and his men. I heard Angelina gasp beside me and I squeezed her hand reassuringly and leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I won’t let them take you away from me, I promise,” I stated and she nodded. We walked up to them and stopped a few feet away. I quickly surveyed the men in front of us, their demeanors all-threatening. There was silence on both sides as Colin looked between Angelina and me scornfully.

  “So the two lovebirds finally decided to grace us with their presence,” Colin spat.

  “It’s nice to see you too Colin,” I said in the same tone, glaring at him.

  “You know your little stunt has caused a bit of a problem for us Dennis. What do you suggest I do about the problem then?” He asked in an icy voice. I didn’t reply; I just kept staring at him. When I didn’t say anything he turned his attention to Angelina, I immediately tensed up. “Well hello Angelina, long time no see. Did you enjoy your little getaway vacation with Dennis?” He asked in a menacing tone, but Angelina didn’t reply.

  “Careful Colin,” I warned and he raised his eyebrows at me. Colin was very clever; he wanted to test me on how far I was willing to go to protect Angelina. I’ve always treated this man with deep respect, and I didn’t dare to step out of line with him before. But I would do it now for Angelina.

  “Are we going to have to fight this one out, Dennis?” He asked eyeing me.

  “Depends,” I said standing my ground. I wasn’t backing down from this one, if there’s gonna be a fight, I’ll fight to the bitter end for her. Colin laughed deviously and snapped his fingers; the men behind him moved towards us as Angelina went a little behind me. I lifted my hand to stop them. “Come on now Colin, there’s no need to restrain us. We’ll go with you without demonstrating any violence, there’s no need to cause a scene now,” I said. Gesturing towards the people on our far left that has been staring at us since our little encounter.

  “Very well then, but if you try to anything stupid Dennis, there will be fucking hell to pay,” he threatened.

  “We’re not going anywhere, you have my word,” I confirmed and he turned towards the SUV’s.

  I let Angelina walk in front of me, I rubbed her shoulders comfortingly as we both walked behind Colin. We got in the back of one of the SUV’S then drove off towards downtown headquarters. I stared at Angelina the whole way there. She seemed calm and her eyes didn’t show the slightest bit of fear, but I knew her all too well. Her fingers twitched every now and then; something she only did when she was nervous or scared, but I didn’t say anything. The agents that were with us in the front seat watched us closely, not sure of what Angelina or I might do. Since the last time she was in there custody, she left them high and dry while making the slip and coming back to me. Plus the fact that the powers she welds in her ring that resides on her little finger.

  We arrived at the downtown underground headquarters as Colin ordered the other agents away and led us to his office. Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at us when we walked pass other agents in the hallway. I guess word got out about Agent Evers betraying the CIA for a woman that he was supposed to protect, I laughed to myself. We reached his office and he sat down in his leather armchair, gesturing us with his hand to do the same. Once we complied he scrutinized us both for a moment before he spoke.

  “Dennis, you’ve always been like a son to me, when I found you I saw unfathomable potential in you. I took you under my wing and molded you into the lethal weapon that you are today,” he said. “But never have I seen you this happy, so I guess that deserves a congratulations,” he added. “Now, would you like to tell me what the hell were you thinking?” He said as fury was returning back into his eyes “What is the first rule of being a secret agent Dennis?” He shouted.

  “No emotional attachment to clients.”

  “Exactly, but you broke that rule. And you deviated from a plan both you and I agreed to. What do you have to say for yourself?” He asked as he stood up and walked to the front of his desk and leaned on it.

  “This is not something I had any control over, I didn’t anticipate this. You think I didn’t try to stick to the plan? You know me Colin and you know I love this agency and that I’m loyal to it,” I said.

  “Were loyal,” he corrected me. “Now your loyalties lie elsewhere and that’s the problem,” he said. “I can see you love her Dennis, I only hope you understand the risks of that,” he said as he walked back around and sat down again as I nodded gravelly. “The question is what do we do with her,” he said and my eyes flashed towards Angelina’s direction. “I know that if you had to choose, you’d pick her, am I wrong?” He asked and I shook my head yes. He knew me all too well. “And if I forcibly took her away, you would snap all our necks without thinking twice. I don’t want to fight you for her Den
nis, because I know I’ll lose. I’m a smart man; I know what you’re capable of and I know you could take me down,” he said smiling slightly. His confession shocked me. Colin is not the type of man to admit defeat or weakness. That’s why he’s one of the most feared men in this agency. “You’re an exceptional asset to us and the agency is not ready to let you go over this, your girlfriend is a liability and it shows weakness to the CIA, something that we can’t afford,” he said.

  “What if that part was taken care of?” Angelina asked, speaking for the first time since we arrived. Colin and I both looked at her in shock. “I know I have no business asking this but I’m kind of in the middle of all this mess and I have an idea that could benefit all of us,” she told Colin. I groaned as I put my head in my hands; I knew where she was going with this. She was going to sell her crazy idea to Colin, I only hoped that he wouldn’t buy it. Colin eyed me then looked back at Angelina.

  “Really? What did you have in mind?” He asked Angelina, genuinely curious.

  “That I too become a secret agent,” she said and Colin’s eyebrows shot up. She held up her hands so she could finish. I smiled at how she could get anyone to stop and listen to her. “Hear me out first. Instead of being a weakness and a liability, I will become an asset to both the agency and Dennis,” she said so sure of herself. She was good because Colin actually thought about it for a second. “Furthermore, Dennis won’t have to lose me and you wouldn’t have to lose him either. Think about it Colin, this way everybody wins. Dennis can stay and you won’t have to erase my memory because I’ll be one of you. The rules will than become void,” She said. “Plus I have a powerful relic,” she added while raising the hand the ring was on. I was about to object when she shot me a ‘don’t even fucking think about it’ look, Colin rubbed his chin in deep thought and then he nodded to himself.

  “I hate to say this…but your idea could work,” he said smiling. Angelina smiled too in victory. Damn, Colin was a traitor; I was counting on him to turn her down.

  “No,” I said shaking my head. “Let’s be realistic here Colin, she inexperienced and she knows nothing about this type of business. It’s far too dangerous for her,” I said to try and change Colin’s mind.

  “Nah, the inexperienced part can be taken care of. Besides she has you, that’s an advantage no one else has. You’re letting your feelings cloud your judgment my boy,” he said as Angelina nodded in agreement with him. I shook my head rolling my eyes in irritation, Colin stood up eyeing my reactions. “As long as she is willing to do this, I won’t stand in her way. Besides the agency will benefit from this in the long run, I can guarantee that,” he said resolved as I slumped back into my seat, defeated once again as Angelina smiled. “You think you can do this?” Colin turned to ask Angelina and she nodded confidently.

  “I can,” she said and Colin clapped his hands together while laughing.

  “It’s settled then” he said and then looked at me. “Train her; make sure she’s ready for what’s coming. I like her determination, we can work with that. She has to be as lethal as you are if possible, she might one day be your future bride after all and your enemies will try to get at her. So prepare her and we’ll be in touch,” he ordered and I nodded stiffly then Colin turned to Angelina. “The power you wield is a big advantage, but I suggest you refrain from using it unless it’s absolutely necessary. And no one else should know about it, do you understand me?” He asked and she nodded. “Learn and train without its assistance, this will be more beneficial for you,” he added. “You will first have to go through a series of tests, psychiatric, physical, health wise and so on and trust me, it’s not done in stilettos,” he said solemnly.

  “I never thought it would be,” Angelina replied in the same tone and Colin smiled.

  “I like this girl,” Colin said to me. “I can see why you fell for her Dennis my boy, she has fire,” he said and Angelina blushed while I laughed; he really had no idea.

  Colin instructed us that Angelina will be starting her tests sometime next week, the sooner she starts with the training the sooner she can become a secret agent. The thought of spending a whole week without her was making me miserable, I knew it was a lot better than the normal one month training that the CIA usually put their agents through. But I think Colin has something up his sleeve for her to induce a week of intense training instead of normal procedures. Colin finished briefing us and we left his office to head back at the tarmac and pick up our belongings from the jet.

  Chapter Seven

  We arrived back at the estate and it felt so good to be back home after the dramatic day we just had to endure coming back from a month of pure bliss. I was happy that Colin gave me a chance to become a secret agent even though I was scared of the unknown. I had to just seem sure of myself. In all honesty I was terrified and I hated the thought of being away from Dennis. I couldn’t think about it too much or else I’ll end up changing my mind. It was too late to turn back now; I had to see this through if I wanted to be with Dennis.

  “Welcome home!” Amber yelled as we walked in. Carmella was standing behind her; smiling.

  “Thanks, It’s good to be back,” I said hugging Amber then Carmella.

  “How was it?” Carmella asked smiling.

  “It was paradise, absolute heaven,” I said smiling at Dennis.

  I was exhausted from the flight, the confrontation with Colin at the airport and his office. I told everyone about our stay at Isle Angie and the side trip to mainland Jamaica. I left out the whole CIA thing, Dennis could explain it better to them than me. Just the thought of me being a secret agent still gives me chills. Me, secret agent Moore, I laughed to myself as I still couldn’t believe that Colin said yes. After a good half an hour of talking about our trip in the living room, Carmella told us to rest up. I didn’t say no to that, after a day like today rest sounded like a good idea. Dennis and I lay in the bed together in silence; I knew something was bothering him or he had a lot on his mind, probably both and it had to be about me. So I nuzzled my cheek onto his chest.

  “Say something, please?” I asked. I hated it when he is mad at me.

  “Nothing I say will change your mind, so what’s the point?” He said in a tone making me recoil from him. I immediately sat up and looked at him, my eyes were pleading with him.

  “Dennis, I have to do this,” I said as he too sat up while cupping the sides of my face with his hands.

  “Why?” He asked. His voice strained as his gaze bore into mine.

  “You know why,” I whispered touching the back of his hand. He leaned forward and rested his forehead on mine in defeat.

  “Should I get on my knees and beg for you to stay?” He asked quietly.

  “Please don’t do this; it’s already hard enough as it is. You’re the love of my life, you’re my air, my everything. Leaving you is hard for me too. Please don’t make it any worse for me,” I said as he sighed and lay back down on the pillows. He opened up his arms for me and I went back into his embrace as he stroked my hair.

  “I know love, and I’m sorry. I’m just being a little selfish I guess. Plus it’s not too long, only a week,” he said and I smiled.

  “Good, because I’m going to be more than selfish after that week when I come back,” I stated to him. I was going to stick to him like glue. But for now I had to focus on the task at hand. I heard him let out a loud chuckle, because of my little comment of being selfish when I get back.

  “You won’t hear me complaining,” he said then paused. “Do what you have to, I’ll always support you,” he added sincerely.

  “Thank you,” I whispered and he kissed the top of my head.

  “I have to support you in everything you do, even if that thing is crazy, delusional and…” he teased.

  “Okay, okay I get it,” I cut him off with the teasing and we both laughed. “Well if you really want to support me, be a good man and make love to me,” I purred as he gave me a devilish grin and then laid me on my back.

bsp; I needed to take full advantage of this because a whole week without Dennis is going to kill me. He hovered over me, used one hand to cup the side of my face and kissed me. I let his tongue devour me, letting him taste my need for him. I arched my back and pushed my breasts into his hard chest as he grinded himself into me. As he pulled away, I bit down gently on his lower lip and sucked it into my mouth. I felt a groan of pleasure vibrate from his chest for the desire he had for me. His hand moved to the back of my head, grabbed then pulled my hair making my head tilt back so he could have a deeper access to my mouth.

  “What you do to me Angelina, it bewilders me,” he whispered against my lips.

  Already missing his touch, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his mouth back down to mine. I felt the pleasure light through my veins every time he kissed me liked this. Our tongues danced in each other’s mouths tasting one another’s desires. Once again he pulled away; he was just about to say something as I brushed my fingers across his sensual lips. A small carnal smile splayed across his face, he slipped my finger into his mouth and sucked it before gently biting on it. I smiled just before I bit down on my lower lip, he is so lascivious and I love it. He stared down at me with hungry eyes as I had a primal urge to rip his clothes off of his body. But before things started to get interesting a knock came at the door. Damn it!

  “Dennis, your Uncle Charlie is on the phone. He said it was urgent.” Carmella’s voice came through from the other side of the door. He let out an exasperated sigh.

  “Rain check?” He asked as he leaned his forehead against mine.

  “Take care of your business, I’ll be waiting,” I murmured. He gave me a quick kiss and left me hot and bothered. It must be important, he hasn’t been at work in a month, only using his laptop on occasions to get what he needed done and his uncle is probably concerned why he’s been MIA. He has sacrificed so much for me over the last few weeks so I can’t be mad. I laid in the bed reflecting on the wonderful time we had at Isle Angie as my eyelids became heavy and I let sleep take over me.


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