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All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series)

Page 7

by Jackie McMahon


  Dennis and I trained hard for the rest of the week. He was strong and agile, intelligent and experienced. I could see why he was regarded as one of the best agents around, he showed me how to disarm an individual at close range, and man did I have a lot to learn. He also showed me how to disarm an individual when I was held as a hostage. Whenever I could I’d cast him a scornful look for pushing me too hard, he would just laugh and tell me that he’s preparing me for what was coming. I knew worse was coming so I pushed on trying to not let my ring power me forward in succeeding. I had to do this all on my own.

  He also taught me the basics of using certain gadgets; that part was fucking awesome! He revealed his secret spy room to me, where he stashed dozens of weapons and gadgets. I was beyond shocked when he pulled out a book from his study’s bookshelves; it slid to the side and revealed a huge metal door. It was something that you would see in a James Bond movie. The inside looked like Batman’s freaking batcave; it was a candy store for a secret agent. I got all giddy and shit from all this stuff he had, I asked him if I would get my own secret little spy room and he shook his head no, telling me that he would give me anything I wanted, anything but that. I put on a pout face and he laughed. I really don’t care, just the thought of it sounded cool at the time.

  In between Dennis’s training I found a little time of my own to work on trying to control the powers from my ring; it was difficult not knowing how or where to start and what I was actually doing. Among my preparations of training with Dennis and figuring out what powers I had from my ring, I was able to take those tests Colin set up for me, I had to go to headquarters to do them. I didn’t miss the stares and whispers from the other women that were there gave me. I only hoped there wouldn’t be any animosity towards me when just a few selective women would go for the intensive one week training just because of rumored favoritism. When I was there I was not Angelina, I was Agent Evers’s girlfriend; it wouldn’t have bothered me if they didn’t have say it with such a steel edge to their voices. I didn’t say anything to Dennis about it but he knew me all too well and I was not fooling him. He knew something but he didn’t pry on it.

  The only person that seemed to treat me differently; well not really because we haven’t talked yet; but she would wave or smile at me then go back to doing her thing. She had short brown hair and striking dark green eyes, she had this edgy look to her, which surprised me because she seemed nice. She looked about my age too, which was cool. I told Dennis about her and he identified her as Isabella Rolands. He also told me that Colin chose her specifically, just like me. At least I knew who was safe to talk to.

  When it was almost time for me to leave, I had to fight with Becca and Pam for them to cut my hair, I threatened them that I would go a salon or do it myself if they didn’t do it. I couldn’t keep it as long as it was, I wouldn’t have time to maintain it properly plus it would interfere with my training. Of course Dennis didn’t like the idea either; they were all being ridiculous, I could always grow it back. It’s not that serious. After finishing a long week of preparations with Dennis, it was time to say my goodbyes. I tried not to linger too long around Dennis; I knew if I did I wouldn’t have left. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and turned to head for the bus. I gave one last glance over my shoulder at him, blew him a kiss and mouthed ‘I love you,’ just before I got onto the bus. I took a seat toward the back of the bus and looked out the window as Dennis was leaning up against the BMW. This was going to be the last time I see him for a whole week. I took in his sexy looks and leaned back into the seat, I closed my eyes and sighed to myself as I thought, it’s only one week.


  Going through this week of intense training, a lot has changed since I arrived here. I knew a lot would be expected of me because of Dennis’s status in the agency. My new nickname here is now Barbie. I can’t complain. I came into all this all primped and pampered. I’ve noticed some slight changes to my body while being here. With the high protein diet and rigorous physical training it was more toned and defined. Everything from my arms to my thighs, I had a flat stomach but now it looked almost like six-pack. I laughed to myself; at least now I can be compared to Dennis physically. My hair is still short but it grew pretty quick for only being here for a week. I can’t say much about that because it always grew back fast whenever I cut it, that’s one of the reasons why I never really cut it, but instead of letting it hang down I kept it tied up now; only to keep it out of my way when I was training.

  Everything that I learned over this week is being put to the test today. Some instructors paired us into groups and set up test missions for our group, it was exciting to finally do this for real. When the group missions were done it was time for the solo missions. The individual missions were in the large simulator; it was pretty cool in a way, it felt like I was in a giant video game. You had to kill or be killed in order to survive, but most of all I liked the realistic nature of it. As I shot my last holographic enemy soldier the simulator shut down.

  “Good job Moore.” I heard one of the instructors say through the speakers and then doors opened.

  I walked out; glad I didn’t screw up. Over the last few days of being here I’ve sneaked off on the low to practice controlling the powers from my ring. I still couldn’t be sure if I made any real progress on that. It was hard trying to control something that I didn’t quite understand, but I found that when I focused on my center rather than my head, that’s when I get better responses. I found out that I could move objects, though I haven’t tried to move large ones because I had to be discreet about the whole thing, I didn’t want to get caught. I don’t know any other powers yet because they’re still unknown but I will work on that another time. It was hard to keep my gift a secret, Colin told me not to say anything but I really wanted to say something to someone. It was a little after dusk on a Saturday, when Isabella and I waited together for the instructors to brief us on our next training mission.

  “Barbie! Rolands!” We both walked over to the officer. “Go see Jameson, you’re going home tomorrow.”

  We both turned to one another smiled and went to Jameson’s office. Jameson was a ranking officer around here. She was the one who said if you’re in or you’re out. So I guess we’re both in. As we both entered her office we saluted her then took our seats.

  “You’re training as secret agents does not end here ladies, you must constantly grow and expand your knowledge and capabilities through hard work. But for now you can pat yourselves on the back as you’ve survived our rigorous one week training,” Jameson said with a slight smile playing on the corners of her lips. “This facility is proud of you both, go out there and don’t let us down. This is where we part ways but we are never far away, we’ll be watching you both,” Jameson added sparing me a sideways glance; I know, because of Dennis. “We will meet back at the New York Headquarters for your graduation ceremony, until then enjoy the night off because you’re shipping out early in the morning,” she said nodding as we got up and again saluted.

  Chapter Eight

  I went to work today only because I needed to wrap up this multi-million dollar deal with David Maltiz and his reps. When Angelina and I were in Jamaica, he offered me to buy out his company. I don’t like to make any decisions without discussing them with my Uncle. So I told David to wait till I got back home. During the past week, my Uncle Charlie and I decided that we would buy out the company and sell the shares to other investors for a quick buck. As I entered Evers and Evers, I gave a quick hello at the reception desk and went straight to my office. Once I was seated I was immediately surrounded by my entourage of employees giving me things to sign and approve for the Maltiz deal, at least multi tasking was one of my strongest traits from working here.

  Once I had a moment of peace, I sat down in my leather chair as Stephanie entered, smiling and extending her hellos. She started giving me a rundown of my schedule for the rest of the day as I checked my calendar. Holy fuck! Today is Satu
rday, that means my lovely Angelina comes home today.

  “I’m sorry Stephanie but set up a meeting with the finance department in the next ten minutes and clear my schedule for the rest of the day,” I told her and she agreed.

  I leaned back in my seat scrutinizing her. I’ve really overworked the poor girl over these last few weeks of me not being around. Plus this past week alone, due to me distracting myself from missing Angelina by burying myself in my work to keep me from thinking about her every second I had free. But the whole company buy out shit with Maltiz has been hectic as fuck and very time consuming.

  “Anything else Mr. Evers?”

  “Yes, take the rest of the day off,” I said and she looked at me like I had ten heads. “I’ve been working you too much over the last few weeks,” I added.

  “It’s no problem sir, besides I love this job,” she said smiling genuinely. Stephanie hid behind the capable PA act but I knew she still had feelings for me, as did other women. Only one woman mattered to me in this world and that was my beautiful, Angelina.

  “I insist,” I said but she shook it off. So I decided to leave her be. She wants to work by all means, that’s fine with me.

  I wrapped up the meeting with the finance department in twenty minutes as I got a call from Colin. He told me to stop by his office; he needed to tell me something. I drove to the CIA underground headquarters and went straight to Colin’s office as he has requested to see me before the bus arrives for Angelina. I don’t know if it’s good or bad news. I haven’t seen or spoke to Colin since Angelina told him that she too wanted to join the agency.

  “Take a seat Dennis my boy, it’s good to see you again,” he said sitting down and I too sat down.

  “As always you too,” I said. I was just glad that our brief indifference between Angelina and I was finally over. The one thing I liked about him was that he never held grudges; he dealt with matters accordingly and professionally.

  “You must be excited about Angelina’s return,” he stated and I smiled.

  “What did you want to see me about?” I asked as he picked up a file from his desk.

  “Her actually,” he said and my eyes narrowed not quite understanding. “This is an overall evaluation of Angelina’s performance by Executive Officer Jameson,” he said as he opened it and started reading me some of their conclusions on her. My eyes grew wide as Colin read on, it seems Angelina did what she does best. Colin handed me her file and then he slumped back into his seat quiet satisfied. “She seemed to have raised a couple of eyebrows at the training facility, Officer Jameson does not give compliments lightly,” he said grinning.

  I nodded reverently going through her file. Officer Jameson is one of the most respected female undercover agents, and one of the fiercest women in this agency. By her saying such good things about Angelina was utterly astonishing and wonderful. Colin and I talked more about Angelina and I and our future we held in the agency, he seemed happy to be keeping both of us and more happy that we all were on the same team. He told me that he needed to speak with the both of us once she arrived, so I agreed to come back with her. I said my goodbyes with him and left to drive to the recruitment facility drop-off.

  I saw a couple of other people waiting for the bus to arrive. The wait wasn’t long at all, ten minutes after arriving I saw the bus enter the facilities parking lot. It stopped and as a bunch of women began exiting the bus, some seemed to be in good spirits as others held their heads low. I knew that Angelina would be one of the few in good spirits. I saw Angelina come off the bus with Isabella, me not seeing her for the past week slightly forgot just how unbelievably breathtaking she truly was. She didn’t seem to notice me staring at first as she was saying her farewells to the other women that were next to her.

  I had the pleasure of watching her take her luscious hair down and run her fingers through it absently. I was glad to stand back and watch the woman that I fell in love with from afar, god I missed her so much over this past week. Her eyes shifted around and her gaze met mine, a wide smile spread across her face; I couldn’t help but smile back at her. She walked towards me, and that’s when I really looked at her. One thing that didn’t change was her sweet and approachable demeanor, although now it had a little edge to it but the biggest change I noticed was her body, damn just when I thought it couldn’t get any more perfect. I swallowed hard; I couldn’t wait to see what it looked like with her clothes off. The thought alone was making my cock twitch in my pants.

  “Dennis!” She said excitedly while wrapping her arms around me, my arms went around her waist lifting her off the ground.

  “Mmmm, I missed you my love,” I said kissing her, and she smiled when I placed her down on two feet. I hugged her tight as I breathed in her alluring scent; she always had her own distinctive smell that was so delicious to me. The perfume she always wore only through it off, but since she didn’t have any on her scent was driving me wild. She played with collar of my shirt as I stroked her hair. She then lifted her head from my chest.

  “Did I ever tell you how sexy you are to me?” She asked. Her remark threw me for a bit then I laughed at her confession, she didn’t always comment on my looks as I did to her. I’ve had people tell me I’m good looking my whole life but when it came from Angelina it just made my day even better.

  “You do wonders for a man’s ego,” I teased and she rolled her eyes. “But don’t let me stop you.”

  Chapter Nine

  I was so excited to be heading home today, I barely slept last night. Just the thought that I will see Dennis again made it ten times harder to relax. On the bus ride home Isabella and me sat together, talking about everything that we learned over the week. I even slipped up a little and told her about my ring. I don’t think she really believed me but it felt good to finally tell someone. Isabella and I exchanged numbers; we became good friends over the past week. I told her to call me next weekend and we’d do lunch or something. As we got off the bus a few of the other women said there last goodbyes to Isabella and me. I didn’t notice that Dennis was here till I turned and our eyes met. I smiled as he too smiled back at me. He was standing there the same way the last time I seen him. Leaning up against the car, still looking like his hot sexy self. When I was walking toward Dennis, all I could think about was how much I missed him.

  “Dennis!” I said excitedly while wrapping my arms around his neck and his arms went around my waist lifting me off the ground. Oh god, how I missed being in his arms like this.

  “Mmmm, I missed you my love,” he said leaning down to kiss me, and I smiled when he placed me back down on my two feet. I played with his collar to his shirt as he stroked my hair. I then lifted my head off of his chest.

  “Did I ever tell you how sexy you are to me? I asked. He didn’t answer at first, probably thrown off my sudden confession to him. A whole week without seeing, hearing, or touching him has done a number on me, physically and emotionally.

  “You do wonders for a man’s ego,” he teased as I rolled my eyes at him. “But don’t let me stop you,” he added.

  “Well for starters, you have the most intense blue eyes I’ve ever seen and I love the way you look at me with them. Your mouth drives me crazy, what you say and what you do to me with it,” I murmured while biting my lip and touching his lips with my fingers. “And that rock hard body of yours is so worthy of worshipping, and I’d like to do that very soon” I added with a smile. He smiled too at how daring I have become, especially now in public without blushing. He leaned down to brush his lips against mine and I parted them for him, my body always reacted to his touch, it was like an electric current that flowed thru my veins but now being away from each other for a whole week only intensified it more.

  “And?” He breathed against my lips and I moaned.

  “There should be a special rehab facility for Dennis addicts such as myself,” I whispered. He laughed taking my mouth again, kissing it passionately. I felt that familiar spark of desire rise within me, as I welcomed i
t with open arms. Letting it completely consume me and my body.

  “I’m for sure not going to Angelina rehab, because I’m going to overdose on you for as long as you let me,” he murmured and I laughed as he lifted me in his arms again.

  “Barbie!” I turned in Dennis’s arms to see the other girls waving at me and shouting. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Did I miss something? Why are they calling you Barbie?” He asked confused as I laughed.

  “Don’t worry, it’s just a nickname. Something to do with my first impression I guess,” I said as I reached up on my tippy toes and gave him another kiss.

  After our little reunion, he told me that we had to go see Colin. I didn’t say anything as I jumped into the car. We drove to the underground headquarters and parked. We strolled inside hand in hand and headed straight for Colin’s office. While walking to his office, I considered the possibilities of what Colin wanted from the both of us. One being, that he wanted to congratulate me on my intensive training course completion and two being that he wanted Dennis to go on a mission. We walked into his office and he stood up and greeted us as we took our seats.

  “I heard tomorrow is your ceremony, congratulations!” He said to me as he sat back down.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “I got a mission for you,” he said looking at Dennis. I know it; I guess a woman intuition is never wrong. “Our good friend Hector Alverse has a classified memory chip containing some top secret information on it, he stole from us and we need to retrieve it back immediately before the information on the chip is leaked out. We cannot have him access top secret information that is on that chip.” Colin added.

  “I’m in,” Dennis said with a grin. “I haven’t seen him in a while,” he added. Wait, if I was right and this was a mission for Dennis, what the hell was I doing here? Colin could have congratulated me tomorrow if that was the case.


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