All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series)

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All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series) Page 8

by Jackie McMahon

  “Um, where do I fit in all of this?” I asked dumbfounded while Colin smiled.

  “You’re going to set things into motion; we are going for the element of surprise. He already knows he’s a target for the CIA. The guy probably sleeps with his bodyguards,” Colin added with some slight humor to his voice.

  “You mean Angelina should go after him first?” Dennis asked and Colin nodded.

  “He already knows you, and most likely knows our other good agents as well, but he doesn’t know her. She can really go undercover and be undetected,” he stated and I smiled, I can’t believe it my very first mission. And I get to do it with Dennis too.

  “What do I have to do?” I asked and Colin stood up, switching his computer monitor on.

  “Like I said, the guy probably has his bodyguards in the bathroom with him at all times, so we need to set up a trap for him. Get him alone and unprotected, this will make getting the chip back quicker and easier for all of us,” Colin said. “Once he’s alone, Dennis will come in and finish the job,” he added as Dennis nodded in agreement.

  “And how is she going to get him alone?” Dennis asked while narrowing his eyes.

  “Hector loves to go to the Lace Gentlemen’s Club every Wednesday night. It’s located in the heart of Manhattan, and that’s the best place to catch him off guard,” Colin said. A strip club? Me? A fucking stripper? Oh no. Just then Dennis started laughing hysterically, so I stood up.

  “You want me to go undercover as a stripper?” I asked. This is not my idea of a mission; I’d probably blow my cover. I didn’t know the first thing about stripping except that it’s disgusting and degrading. Then I remembered that to do this agent thing I have to sacrifice who I am for what the situation requires me to be; even a stripper. I sat back down.

  “Exotic dancer,” Colin clarified. “Will that be a problem? Or do we need to find someone else to do this?” Colin asked and I shook my head.

  “No,” I said while Dennis was stifling a laugh when I glared at him. “You’re loving this, aren’t you?” I asked.

  “Tremendously,” Dennis said. “I hate to say this…” he added.

  “Then don’t,” I said trying to not laugh too. “Keep your comments to yourself.” He got me, he warned me about this type of shit but I insisted I could do anything. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of watching me chicken out. Fuck that shit! I turned to Colin. “I’ll do it but I don’t know anything about dancing in a strip club.”

  “Don’t worry about it; you’ll be working with an informant that is also the club’s choreographer for the next two days. You should be ready by Wednesday,” Colin replied. “I’ll give you the building’s floor plans so you know where to set this up,” he added.

  “Alright, anything else?” Dennis asked Colin.

  “That’s everything. You got one chance at this or Hector might skip the country if this goes down wrong,” Colin stated.

  “Got it,” Dennis said and we both stood up. Colin thanked us and we left his office. “Welcome to the world of secret agents my love,” he teased kissing my hand.

  “Shut up,” I said then I thought of something, beating him at his own game. I sighed theatrically. “I wonder what my overprotective boyfriend would think about me parading around perverted men in sexy skimpy costumes while shaking my ass for some money,” I said and he froze as I stifled a smile. He looked down on me and I gave him an innocent look.

  “You play dirty.” He always says that whenever I caught him off guard.

  “I only play dirty when you don’t play fair,” I said as I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.


  The morning couldn’t have come any quicker because today was my graduation ceremony of officially becoming a CIA secret agent. We arrived on time and I left Dennis as he headed to the take his seat. I went backstage and met Isabella. We both talked about how our first night back was, I wanted to tell her that I was going undercover on Wednesday but I didn’t want to blow my own cover. She told me that she was staying at her mother’s house for the time being, which wasn’t far from my old apartment. I told her that after graduation we should go out and have dinner, which she agreed on. The ceremony was about an hour long, since it was a one week intensive training only a few agents were selected and only a few of us made it to graduation.

  I stood next to Isabella as we waited to be called to accept our graduation certificates. There were only eight of us out of thirty that made it through the training. Once Officer Jameson called my name, I got all excited and accepted my certificate. I looked into the crowd and spotted Dennis, as he clapped and blew me a kiss. I can’t get over the fact that I’m a secret agent now; if my mom only knew that her younger daughter became a CIA agent she probably would have a heart attack.

  Isabella, Dennis and I went out to dinner to celebrate then we all went back to Isabella’s mothers house for some light drinking, just a bottle of champagne since I had to work tomorrow morning. After saying goodbye to Isabella, we drove back home discussing how we’ll go about on getting Hector. Even though the whole stripping part of the mission kinda bothered me, at least I got to work with Dennis, how many rookie agents can brag about that? We drove up the estates driveway only to see a blue convertible Benz parked outside the garage. I didn’t recognize the car as we pulled up.

  “Whose car is that?” I asked as we parked next to it and he smiled.

  “Yours,” he said simply as I stared at him wide eyed.

  “What? You bought me a car?” I asked and he nodded.

  “It’s a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. It’s fast,” he said looking at it. “It’s in your favorite color too,” he added and I threw my arms up.

  “If this is my graduation present, I’m not taking it. You might as well just add it to your collection of cars,” I said and he frowned. I’m not into expensive gifts from him and he knows that, but a fucking car, are you kidding me? I would have been happy with jewelry or even better something simple like roses.

  “I can’t. The car was practically custom made for you,” he said.

  “What? What do you mean?” I asked and he grabbed my hand leading me towards the car. He opened the door gesturing for me to get in. I groaned but I got in. I gasped as I looked around. It had a breathtaking ivory white interior, but what blew me away was that my name was printed on the leather seats in handwriting I recognized all too well. It was printed in the same blue as the exterior of the car. I looked at him even more shocked now. “But how?” I asked.

  “I signed it myself and sent it out to the customizers,” he said as I just continued to stare at the car in awe.

  He continued to sell me the car, telling me about the cool things he had installed in it. I knew he was trying to sell me on it and damn it, it was working too. I didn’t want to think about the car anymore, all I wanted was to sleep in my own bed snuggled up next to Dennis.

  It was Monday morning and I had an appointment with the choreographer of the club. According to Colin my alias was Jazmine Roberts, I had to wear a blonde wig and blue contacts. I went down to the club, parking the Benz far enough away so I could walk there. I doubted strippers owned expensive cars, like this one at least. According to the manager, I was the new girl and that I would get a solo performance on Wednesday night. I’m pretty sure Dennis had something to do with that. The choreographer introduced herself as Ashley; she was nice. She taught me the group routine and a solo dance that I would be doing on the stage and pole. I’m just glad I didn’t blush at the sexy moves. While in between breaks, I checked out the building and where we could hold Hector without drawing too much attention.

  It’s now Tuesday morning, and we were putting the finishing touches to my routine. Just when I thought the routine was sexy enough; the costumes were way worse. I decided to fish around for information about their clientele, fortunately Ashley mentioned Hector was one of the club’s most loyal customers. I fished around some more for info and she told me that he had a reserved
seat and what he normally did here. I had to stifle a cringe every time she said what he liked to do. The thought of doing some sexy taunting to this man while Dennis watched in the distance made my stomach turn. But I had to do it; there was no turning back from this.

  Today is the day, it’s officially Wednesday and I have butterflies in my stomach. Dennis and I went into his secret room as he grabbed a couple of gadgets and guns. He dressed in dark grey slacks and a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He looked strikingly gorgeous. I just wanted to rip his clothes off at how hot he looked.

  “Are you ready?” he asked as we got in his Cadillac XTS.

  “Hell yeah! Let’s get this bastard,” I said and he laughed as we sped down the estates driveway. Carmella felt better that I was doing this mission with Dennis, although I didn’t tell her about the stripping part. I don’t think she would have approved but that’s here nor there. Dennis parked the car at the back of the club so I could get out.

  “I won’t be far. Signal me when you have him,” he said kissing my forehead. I nodded already feeling the adrenaline course through my body. The Cadillac drove away as I walked in through the back door. I was immediately met by a tall and muscular blonde woman that was heavily tattooed.

  “Who are you?” She asked in a husky voice.

  “I’m Jazmine, the new girl,” I said then she nodded and let me pass.

  “Go get dressed. The group dance goes live in twenty minutes,” she said and walked away. I strolled into the dressing room to see the other girls getting ready. I quickly grabbed a costume and got dressed.

  “Apparently she’s the new girl and she’s getting a solo tonight too,” I heard some of the woman whisper amongst themselves.

  “What? A new girl never gets a solo act on the first night something’s not right about this,” another woman said.

  Oh fuck, I tried to ignore them and act like I didn’t hear them talk shit. The stalwart blonde came back and told us to take our places; I took my position in the middle of the stage. My heart was beating out of my chest, I am so nervous, I knew I was a fairly good dancer but I’d never done anything like this before in my life. The curtain came up and the spotlight flashed on us as the music started. Being trained to perfect everything had its perks, I remembered what moves to make and when. I looked at the crowd and like Ashley said I seen Hector in his special seat in front of the stage, perfect. Right where I want him to be, I thought to myself. I glanced further into the crowd and saw a recognizable figure in a dark corner next to the bar in the back. It was Dennis and he had a black Fedora hat pulled low over his eyes so I couldn’t see them, and he was smoking a cigar? What the fuck? Dennis doesn’t smoke. Then it hit me, he’s just blending in with the crowd.

  Nice cover I thought, I wouldn’t have recognized him if I wasn’t so in love with him. If I didn’t know the exact build of his body or the set of his strong square jaw line I would have never guessed it was him. He looked devastatingly sexy at that moment. The song ended and the crowd cheered as the curtains came down, I immediately ran to the dressing room and changed into my solo costume. It was a skimpy policewoman costume; I couldn’t help but smile knowing that there was a weird connection to it, since I was working for the CIA. I walked back onto the stage taking my position and taking a couple of deep breaths. Soon enough the spotlight was on again but this time it was on me only; I knew I had to do this perfect in order to get Hector’s attention.

  For a moment I pretended like there was no one else here in the room and that I was dancing for Dennis eyes only. Keeping up with the charade I picked up the dollar bills that some of the guys threw on the stage. I just hoped these men didn’t make an attempt to touch me, because my cranky boyfriend was in the room watching my every move and the fact that they may not wake up with their arms in the morning if they touched me the wrong way. I lingered in front of Hector, trying to give him the most seductive stare I could give. Thankfully the music ended and the crowd cheered, part one was complete now for the start of part two. I mentally calculated the second part of my plan as I headed back into the dressing room. I didn’t miss the three huge bodyguards behind Hector, but hopefully he’d agree to go alone with me in a private room. Still wearing my costume I walked through the clubs floor towards Hector. He already had two women sitting on his lap. He quickly shooed them away when he saw me approaching. I bent down and whispered in his ear that I wanted to give him a private lap dance. The excitement in his eyes was evidence that he wanted me.

  “Follow Me,” I purred and he got up. I saw his bodyguards quickly shift too. “You might want to leave them behind. What we will be doing is not for a crowd,” I purred.

  “Don’t worry baby, I’ll send them away and be with you in a moment, okay?” He said as I smiled and nodded.

  I took a few steps back to give them some privacy; they seemed to be arguing about the situation. I glanced in Dennis’s direction and he tilted his hat up slightly motioning me with his fingers for me to come over. Hector seemed preoccupied with his men so I walked over to Dennis. He laid his cigar in the ashtray and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me closer to him. I swear, if we were alone I’d so take advantage of this moment. All I could see is his blue gaze holding mine relentlessly. He lifted my leg up a little and I felt his hand slide up my skirt. I gasped as I felt the coldness of a small pistol that he placed in my garter belt. He let me go and pulled his hat back down over his eyes, and then I felt someone roughly tug at my arm.

  “Hey, have you forgotten who you booked slut?” Hector spat at me a little irritated. I stifled a gasp; I have never in my life been referred to as a slut before. I looked down and saw Dennis’s fists clench into a ball. I tore my eyes away from Dennis and walked away with Hector following close behind me, well at least there will be no bodyguards. I led him to a room Dennis indicated to me earlier in the day that was upstairs from the club. I closed the door behind me and gestured to him to sit in the wooden armchair. “What are you going to do to me baby?” He asked and I smiled pulling out two pairs of handcuffs.

  “You’re under arrest.” He smiled as I placed the handcuffs on both of his wrists, cuffing him to the chair. What an fucking idiot, I thought to myself as I pushed the hidden button on the microphone that was on the police badge I was wearing, signaling Dennis that I had Hector all alone.

  “What are you waiting for sugar?” He asked and I smiled.

  “Someone you won’t like to see,” I said as he gave me a confused look as Dennis walked in. I enjoyed watching Hector’s eyes widen in shock and fear all in one motion.

  “What the fuck?” He said glancing between Dennis and me. He fidgeted with the cuffs, but I made sure they were locked tight. Dennis gave me a long jacket he was carrying; I slid it on glad to be covered up.

  “Hector, long time no see my dude, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Surely you knew this was eventually coming. You have something that’s ours and we came to collect it back,” Dennis said menacingly while pulling out his handgun and pointing it to him. Hector just laughed it off.

  “Dennis, somehow I knew you were that guy at the bar. You always did wear your intimidating demeanor like a neon flashing sign,” Hector spat.

  “But being the perverted fool that you are, you ignored that,” Dennis replied back.

  “I heard through the grape vine that you killed my good friend Benny, bravo mister ace detective,” Hector said sarcastically. Dennis shook his head while smiling.

  “Oh no, I didn’t do it, she did,” he said pointing at me. Hector’s eyes widened as he looked at me. “I don’t think you’ve met my girlfriend, Angelina.” I pulled off the blonde wig and ran my hands through my own hair.

  “Even Dennis Evers can’t resist the charms of a beautiful woman, good thing to know;” Hector smiled deviously. “I’m going to love pulling her pretty hair out when I get the chance.” Dennis laughed at his remark.

  “I’d love to see you try,” Dennis said while grabbing Hector’s neck. “Gi
ve me the chip Hector,” he barked as Hector laughed.

  “You think I carry that shit around with me? Ha, I hid it where you would never find it, and I certainly won’t be telling you where it is,” Hector stated.

  “I was hoping you’d say something like that,” Dennis said pulling out a metallic wristband and locking it around Hector’s wrist. It flashed with a red light then I realized what it was and I smiled. No wonder Dennis is respected as an agent. He was always one step ahead of his opponents. “Listen up Hector, you’re going to get that chip for me and hand it to me personally, down 3rd Avenue and 21st Street. I’m giving you two hours, fail to do so and that thing on your wrist will electrocute you to death,” he added and Hector’s eyes widened again. Dennis pulled out a little remote to the wristband and showed him. “Don’t try anything stupid because I can set it off before you even get the chip, so I think in your best interest that you play along so no one has to get hurt,” Dennis said while smiling.

  “You son of a fucking bitch!” Hector yelled and Dennis punched him so hard in the stomach that I even flinched from the impact.

  “And that’s for calling my girl a slut,” he said glancing in my direction. “Take the cuffs off of him,” he added and I nodded. I pulled out the key and unlocked the handcuffs around his wrists. Dennis just watched as Hector quickly got up trying to grab my neck. My training kicked in and I caught his arm, twisting it with all my might. He let out a loud cry of pain and kneeled down on one knee, I kicked him in the head and he fell down to the ground with a groan. “Oh, I forgot to mention that she’s also an agent.” Dennis held out his hand for me to take and I took it without even thinking about. “Tick tock, Hector,” he called out to him as we left out of the room.

  Chapter Ten

  I led Angelina to another exit that I saw on the floor plans; we couldn’t risk drawing attention to us by going out through the front or back door. Once outside, we walked casually to where I parked the Cadillac while she held my arm. I thought to myself as to how she handled herself. I didn’t help her on purpose, I wanted to see what she could do and as always I was blown away as to how see could handle herself in that type of situation. We got in the car and I sped away. I wanted to take her home; I didn’t want her anywhere near where I had to meet Hector. I knew he wouldn’t make it easy for me.


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