Playing for Keeps

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Playing for Keeps Page 3

by Whiskey Starr

  For the longest time he thought it was because he liked his privacy but after watching Sky and Joey, he realized he wanted something like that. He wanted a family or maybe he was kidding with himself. He couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like if he did. Could he be serious enough to pay attention to one woman, one woman who held his desire for all things? Many had tried but he was done with them within a week or two. Even as a teen he never had a long relationship with one woman.

  Jumping out of the shower he noticed the slight pink in the sky as the sun began to rise. Crawling into bed, Hunter pulled the covers over his head allowing sleep to take him. The last thing he thought about was his granny and the sweet sound of the piano as the notes filled him with a calmness he longed for.

  Chapter Four

  After finally making it home and showering, Shelly was able to head into work but at a slower rate than she would have liked. Nancy was starting to weigh heavily on her. Though she could stand the woman for short time spans, the overall presence of her was driving her nuts. She had a job to do, bills to pay, and because her social life was nonexistent, it made work much more important. She wasn’t a hermit, she worked with people all the time and dealing with idiots was normal in her job as an interior designer, but she didn’t date. Not that she didn’t want to, but because most men found her size unattractive. Being a size twelve, though a lot smaller than most women, was still too large for men who couldn't get past looks.

  Sitting down at her desk she noticed her voicemail was full. Pulling out a pad and paper she put on her headphones to listen to the messages. However, instead of a client or collector calling her, it was from TMZ and the National Enquirer asking which had hit Hunter Michael over the head, her or her roommate. Had she been paid off to keep it quiet? This was seriously pissing her off. Now Nancy’s social life was affecting her work. Ignoring those messages she focused on the work related ones, and was happy to see her last client had been happy with her work and would be referring her to other clients. Feeling good about the new feather in her cap she went to get more coffee.

  Several other women were standing around chatting in the middle of the small office space. She was still on the lower end of the company so no office for her, just a spot in ‘cubeville’. Shelly hoped one day to land the big fish to get her noticed. Julie, one of her co-workers, came over.

  “Have you watched the news at all?”

  “I find the news depressing. I read it on the news station’s website, this way I can pick and choose what I want. Why? Did something happen?”

  “No nothing too big, just a major brawl at a party in the hills. It was rumored several people were hurt. I figured with Nancy, you would know what happened.” Trying not to grit her teeth it seemed she was only good for her roommate’s connections to people with money.

  “No clue. She was asleep when I left for work.” Okay it wasn’t a lie, she was asleep, but she didn’t need to mention it was only after picking her drunken ass up from the police station and then getting breakfast.

  “Huh, oh okay, anyway. Have a good day, Shelly.” With a small wave Julie walked away and Shelly grabbed the cup of coffee she so desperately needed. Back at her desk she worked on some more outlines for a client to show her boss. After another meeting, lunch, and some calls, it was time to head home. Not in the mood to cook after dealing with annoying people she stopped at her favorite Mexican place and ordered chicken enchiladas, and chips and salsa to go. With her order in hand she made her way to her car and back to her apartment.

  Unlocking the door Nancy rushed at her.

  “OMG, I am sooo glad you’re home! I don’t know what to do, Shelly. So many people have called today and I told them I don’t know anything, but then they said they saw you talking to Hunter and well, I kinda gave them some information about you. Now they won’t stop calling.” Within the next beat the phone started ringing.

  “Why would you do that? Haven’t you heard of ‘No Comment’? Shit, Nancy! No wonder my voicemail at work has been crazy. Well it will die down, just don’t say anything to anyone.” Nancy nodded before heading to her room making Shelly follow.

  Over the next two days it didn’t die down. In fact, it picked up to the point her boss pulled her into her office.

  “Shelly, we seem to be getting a lot of phone calls about you, and none of them from potential clients. We think as a company it best you take a leave of absence, paid of course, until this dies down or goes away. We can’t have the company dragged through the papers, it’s just bad for business.”

  At that moment Shelly felt her world drop away. Never had she thought it would ever get this bad because her roommate couldn’t keep her mouth and legs shut to Hollywood’s rich and famous. Unable to say anything, she simply nodded and left without a word to anyone. As soon as she made it to her car she shuffled through her purse to find a small package of tissues. She didn’t want anyone to see her crying. As she searched through her purse, she spotted a bright white card sticking to one side. On it in gold lettering was Scarlett Quimby, Manager, with a phone number. Feeling like she had no other choice if she wanted this to go away, she pulled out her phone and dialed the number on the business card.

  “Quimby,” the woman snapped.

  “Um, Ms. Quimby, this is Shelly McKnight. I don’t think you remember me, but I was the woman outside the police department the night you picked someone up.”

  “Yes, I remember you. What can I do for you, Ms. McKnight?”

  “I need your help.”


  Hunter listened as Scarlett spoke on the phone and wondered if afterwards she’d yell at him, yet again. It seemed someone was circulating rumors about him starting a fight over a girl and supposedly there was a love child now. Hunter snorted at the very idea. He always wrapped his junk and he had no desire to populate the world, at least not right now. But it seemed someone was looking for money. Scarlett seemed very distracted right then and it made him wonder if this was the woman who was causing all the trouble. After a quick goodbye she turned and stared at him.

  “We will be having someone join us in about ten minutes. I have something to fix for her and I want you to apologize.” He went to say something but she held her hand out to silence him like a five year old. He knew better than to piss Scarlett off. She was a great friend and a kickass manager so when she was doing damage control, she knew what she was doing. He nodded and went back to drinking his coffee. With all the yelling and quick comments coming through her phone he really longed for a beer.

  Looking at the clock he watched as the hands ticked by. Less than ten minutes later a knock was heard on the door.

  “Ms. Quimby, I have Ms. McKnight here to see you,” her secretary said as she poked her head through the partially opened door.

  “Send her in, Ann.” Hunter smiled at the older woman, really liking her. She reminded him a little of his granny, well the younger version. Soon the door opened all the way and the woman from outside the police station walked in. This time her red hair was up in a cruel looking bun, and she was wearing black slacks with a white button up blouse. Even though he didn’t think it was the right look for her he enjoyed the view until he got to her eyes. She looked like she had been crying. Was she the one spreading the rumors?

  “Shelly, please sit down and tell me what happened,” Scarlett said in a soft tone. It shocked him because he had never heard the softer side of her.

  “Thank you, Ms. Quimby,” Shelly answered as she took the water bottle from her.

  “Please, call me Scarlett.”

  “Scarlett. Okay. Umm, as I said on the phone, I have been getting phone calls. At first it was just a few voicemails on my work phone, and then at home and now it is to the point they started calling people I work with. It got my boss’s attention, and although she didn’t fire me, she did put me on leave until this goes away. I don’t know how to fix it. I could tell the press nothing happened but then it would stir up more trouble. My roommate sug
gested I lie and make money off the story but that’s not me. I just want this to go away. It’s not my thing and well, I can’t live like this.” She said her last words as her voice cracked and it was obvious to him she was trying to hold back her tears. Hunter was shocked. He never thought people would be this transfixed on him that they would go to an innocent woman to get information about him.

  “How did they get your number?” Scarlett asked.

  “Well you see, my roommate, she well, God, she is a pain in my ass. She started getting calls at home and she told them about me. But I wasn’t there. I just picked her drunken ass up at the police department. I just want it all to go away.” Hunter wanted to reach over and take her hand to comfort her, which shocked him. He wasn’t the tender person. He was the good time boy.

  “We can take care of this, but you have got to trust me, okay?” Scarlett did take Shelly’s hand.


  “Hunter, I think you have something to say to Shelly?” Hunter suddenly looked up, shocked at Scarlett’s words. Umm, say what, he thought, but the look Scarlett gave him made it clear what he needed to do. Turning, he faced Shelly.

  “Shelly, look, I’m sorry. I honestly didn’t think something like this would happen. Scarlett is right when she says she can make this go away, but you have to trust her. And um, I’m sorry about what I said, you know, at the police station. I was drunk and had been hit on the head and well, I’m just sorry.” He was floundering. But her green eyes made him lose all thought. She looked so sad and it broke him to know he’d caused this. Who would have thought going to have a little fun and drinks would cause such an uproar in someone else’s life? God, this is why he had NDAs in place when he slept with someone on tour, the road or any large event. The party last night, well she already knew not to say shit, it was a given to be at the party.

  “Mr. Michael, it wasn’t really your fault. I mean sure, you were the reason why all this happened but you weren’t the one to do it directly.” He watched as she looked at him directly in the eyes, as if she could see through him. It was the first time he had to break eye contact with someone.

  “So um, Scarlett, what are your plans to fix this?” He figured he better get down to the nitty-gritty and deal with the aftermath later.

  “What we are going to do is put her up in a hotel, paid for by us of course, and she is going to hide out. I have several calls the make and you, my darling child, are going to do some PR stunts with me.” He hated when she called him a child. Shit, Scarlett was more like an older sister than anything. Grumbling, he nodded and then Shelly spoke.

  “Okay, so go to a hotel and hang out. I guess I could. But what about my job? And I have a roommate.”

  “You leave both of those to me. I will have a driver meet you down in the secure parking lot to take you to the hotel after this meeting.” Then Scarlett looked at him.

  “You are going home right now and staying there. You can leave to go to Joey and Sky’s house but that’s it. Nowhere else. If you need something, have one of the men get it for you or call my assistant and she can arrange for someone to get it for you.” Both he and Shelly went to say something but she was on the phone within second after talking to them, dismissing them both. He stood holding his hand out to Shelly offering her some sort of comfort. She looked at his hand and then him and his hand again before she stood and brushed her pants down.

  “Thank you, Ms. Quimby, I mean, Scarlett. Good day, Mr. Michael.” She turned on her small two inch heels and left him standing there looking like a fool. Yup, he was in big trouble with the guys when he got home.

  Chapter Five

  It was three days and Shelly was going stir crazy. No one knew about her location and it seemed the media had indeed died down some. However, her boss wasn’t at all happy and told her she wouldn’t be needed anymore. Something about too much drama and not wanting to deal with the fallout of rock stars and certain professional standards and then budget cuts. A line of bullshit is what it was. Now she sat down in her small hotel room staring at her bottle of water that cost more than a case at the grocery store.

  Looking at her phone she was happy to see Nancy had done well with the fallout and was paid nicely, so much so she was moving back home to Colorado to start over again. So now this was her pity party. Jobless and soon to be homeless. Maybe she should have just taken the money and left too. But she had no desire to move back to northern California where her younger sister still lived with her husband and two kids. Then again, her sister had been the pageant queen, cheerleader, and so on. She was the chunky sister who wanted nothing to do with anyone, her mom still worked as a real estate agent there too. But she had no one she cared enough about to make her want to return.

  Looking at her water again, she debated going downstairs for a drink, but remembered Scarlett had told her to stay out of sight. This was getting annoying. She had food delivered to her but she could only watch so many reruns of NCIS and Bones before she started to long for real company. Pulling out her cell phone, she decided she needed to do something.

  “Hi, Shelly.” Well it was a change for her normal clipped tone.

  “Um, how did you,” she was cut off by Scarlett laughing.

  “Honey, I have your number programed. What’s up?”

  “I’m bored. Can I leave now? I know Nancy is taken care of so I should be okay right.”

  “Oh, honey, it’s almost done. I am having Hunter do an event tomorrow night. Can you hold tight until after then?”

  “I guess but can I at least go home to get my laptop? I need to find a new job and a place to live.”

  “Fuck, are you kidding me?! Those fuckers fired you? Shit, honey, I’m sorry. Look, let me see what I can do. You’re an interior designer right? You don’t need a company to do free-lance stuff right?”

  “No, not really. I have my laptop I can work on at the apartment.” Nancy hadn’t thought to send it when she packed up her clothes for Scarlett to bring to her.

  “Okay, how about you sit tight and I’ll join you for dinner okay? Be ready at six for me.”

  Shelly wanted to do a little happy dance. She was finally going to be able to leave the room; as nice as it was; she was really getting cabin fever. Not sure what she had planned but knowing what Scarlett did for a living, she decided a simple dress would work. Jumping up she took a shower and did her make-up before getting dressed.

  At six sharp a knock on the door startled her. “Shelly, it’s me.” Smiling, she opened the door to find Scarlett in tight jeans, killer heels, and a low pale pink blouse. Looking down at herself maybe she should change into something else. And then looking at this woman she felt self-conscious.

  “Cute dress. You ready?” Scarlett grinned at her.

  “I can change if you want me to.”

  “Nope, you’re fine, this is the best place around to eat, plus they don’t care how you dress. Let’s go.” Scarlett waved her along.

  Grabbing her purse she followed down the elevator and into another car waiting for them. Scarlett pulled out into traffic and off they went.

  The drive was only a half hour from the hotel and on the rich side of town. However, it wasn’t the side with places to eat, but instead lots of homes. Shelly had a bad feeling as they started to slow in front of a home with a large gate. Scarlett hit a button and the iron gate swung wide allowing them to pull through. What she found was a giant house with various cars and trucks pulled in front.

  “Oh good, looks like we are in time.” Feeling her stomach drop, she realized she was at one of the band member’s houses. Wishing she had put on a sweater or something to cover up more, she started to play with her simple dress. Scarlett reached over and stopped her.

  “Shelly, you look fine. This is a family dinner we do once a week. Sky is an amazing woman and a pretty good cook as well. Come on, they won’t bite.” Scarlett offered a reassuring smile.

  Shelly opened the door and stepped out with her small black pumps. God, what was she
doing? Maybe she should have just stayed in the hotel and just ordered some wine instead. This wasn’t her; she was the quiet one, the responsible one. Here she was going to dinner with the members and manager of Chasing Tail. What was she thinking?

  Making their way to the steps she could hear loud voices from the other side. Scarlett hit the doorbell and within a minute a small brunette woman, who was simply gorgeous, opened the door and smiled at them.

  “Scarlett, you made it. The boys are out back, they wanted steak tonight. Hope it’s okay.” She smiled at Scarlett before turning to her. “Oh you brought someone. Hi, I’m Skylar Hart. You are?” The woman held out her hand.

  “Oh sorry, Sky, this is Shelly McKnight. Remember me telling you about the poor woman Hunter dragged down with him.”

  “Oh you’re her. God, I’m so sorry. Hunter, well he’s like a giant teenager but he is grounded right now.” Sky winked at her before opening the door wide to them. “Please come in, can I get either of you a drink?”

  “Water please,” Shelly managed to squeak out.

  “Really, water? I’m sure after today you’d want something stronger,” Scarlett said as they walked through a giant hall and into an even larger living room. Her mouth hung open as the back door was open and four large men were cooking and laughing. All of them stopped and turned at their arrival.

  Hunter looked up as the sound of various heels hitting the floor in the living room. He expected to see Sky and Scarlett but what shocked him was seeing the woman with them. What was her name again? Joey elbowed him. “Hey, man, who’s the chick?”


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