The Boss Duet Box Set

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The Boss Duet Box Set Page 3

by Logan Chance

  Who made a door which locked from the inside, anyways? Dumbest thing I ever heard.

  Her eyes were wide as she stared at me. She looked like she saw a ghost. What the fuck was she thinking? And why did I care?

  This wasn’t supposed to happen. Finding my employees irresistible wasn’t what I should be focusing on.

  Getting the fuck out of here as quickly as possible before my cock got rock solid is what I should I be focused on.

  This girl was trouble. I already knew it.

  Turning to face me, she rested her back against the cooler door. “I did tell you.” Crossing her arms, she slanted her head at me, waiting. “Besides, who doesn’t know to leave the door open?”

  Unbelievable. I stood with my arms crossed over my chest, looking down at her. “Are you blaming me?” I asked, drawing my brows together. “This isn’t my fault. There should be a sign or something.”

  She laughed. “A sign? What bar uses a sign? It’s common knowledge.”

  “Common knowledge? Says who? You?” Was this girl for real? What if we got locked in here during a busy Saturday night? She was a bit sassy, and it was really getting on my nerves.

  “No, not me,” she said, pushing off of the door, “Anyone who ever worked a day in a bar knows.”

  My jaw ticked as I narrowed my eyes, was I that obvious? Sure, I’d never worked in a bar before, but come on, how hard could it be? “I’m sure other bars have a sign, or some other way to know the door locks. What kind of company makes a cooler that locks from the inside? It’s stupid,” I said.

  “All companies. I guess they want to trap people inside for the hell of it.”

  “Yeah well, I’m making a call.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

  I held the phone in the air watching the bars disappear. Fuck, no signal.

  “What’s wrong, hotshot?”

  I closed my eyes briefly, lifting my chin toward the ceiling before finally glancing back at her. “I have no service.”

  “I could have told you that,” she said as she brushed past me.

  “Well, if you’re so smart, how do we get out of here?” I asked, turning to face her, watching as she plunked her curvy ass down on a keg, her tits bouncing as she sat. The tank she wore had a huge caricature of a bearded goat drinking a beer and I cracked a smile as I glared at it. The way the shirt was designed made her nipple look like it was in his open mouth, it was bizarre.

  “We wait for someone to open the door.” She ran her hands briskly up and down her arms.

  “What if no one comes?” I taunted.

  Her eyes widened in mock horror. “Well, I guess we freeze to death.” She smiled and all I could think was, oh fuck she’s pretty.

  “Funny,” I said, sliding my phone back in my pocket. “What’s your name?” The white cotton of my shirt pulled tightly across my arms.

  “Penny. Let me guess, you must be the new owner. The hot-shot real estate guy?”

  “Hot shot?” I grazed my teeth along my lower lip before releasing it. “That’s the second time you’ve called me hot-shot. You also called me genius. So, I guess you can call me hot-shot genius if you like, or Theo Sullivan.” I closed the distance between us and leaned in. I needed to remind myself more than her nothing would ever happen between us. “Your boss.”



  The Lord of My O’s was my new boss?

  My body froze, and my jaw dropped as his stern stare held me captive. His hair, once neat and close cut, was now an ink-black, tousled mess on top of his head. And those lips, framed by a close-cut beard, which grazed along my shoulder as he used them to trace over me, were currently frowning at me. Memories of our chance encounter flooded my mind as I remembered his strong, muscled arms holding me close. Silently, I seethed. Was I unmemorable? Maybe I should tell him. My make-up must have been really caked on, and the wig must have done the trick, because this guy had no clue who I was. And now I worked for him. My hands stilled on my arms. Realization set in; my boss. What were the chances he would keep me around after he knew who I was? I couldn’t imagine he would feel comfortable working with me everyday after the intimacy we shared. This was bad, I didn’t want him to recognize me now. I couldn’t lose this job. He gazed over my hardened nipples from the chill of the cooler. I crossed my arms over my chest, paranoid he would know my tits were from the night we shared. His eyes shot back up to mine, and I waited for recognition to light his thick-lashed, dark eyes. It didn’t. A tinge of hurt crept in. I understood he didn’t recognize who I was, but knowing his charming act I fell for was one he’d probably rehearsed and played out many times before stung. What a player.

  I stood abruptly and he retreated from my space.

  “Since we’re stuck in here, would you mind helping me lift the keg so I can change the tap spigot?”

  “Ok, sure. Since we have a little free time. I didn’t think I’d be working hard on my first day, though,” he said.

  “What’s wrong, afraid of a little hard work?”

  He walked closer, towering over me. The way he gazed down on me made my body erupt with goosebumps, more so than the air of the cooler. My traitorous body pulsed and thrummed deep inside and my legs shook slightly. I noticed a tiny faint scar slashing through the edge of his left dark brow. Oh shit, he’s so good looking. How could I get through this every day?

  “I’ve never been afraid of anything in my life. Where’s the keg?” he asked with a slight bit of teasing in his voice.

  “There,” I pointed, motioning toward the Heineken keg I attempted to move earlier.

  He grabbed the keg, moving it over with little effort and brought it closer to the coupler.

  His warm hand brushed against mine as we tried to get the spigot hooked up, and I didn’t want to be touching him. Touching would lead to remembering. Deflated, I made a decision to never tell him about our one night on the beach, which obviously meant more to me than him. I quickly backed away, sliding my hand into the pocket of my shorts. A few moments later the door swung open.

  Theo stalked out, not even taking a second glance my way.

  What the hell? New owner. Fuck my life.

  “Penny,” Theo called from behind me. “Come join us on the patio.”

  A few of the employees gathered at a table on the deck as Theo instructed. I made my way over and took a seat next to Fiona.

  “What’s this?” I whispered next to her ear.

  “Not sure.” She shrugged her tanned shoulders. “He wanted to talk to all of us.”

  “I’m glad I could get a few of you together.” Our attention turned to Theo as he spoke. “I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Theo Sullivan, the new owner.” His hands grasped an empty wicker chair in front of him, and I fidgeted in my seat remembering the way they trailed over my body. “I know it’s a big shock to everyone about Richard quitting this morning. It’s definitely something I wasn’t expecting, but let’s move forward. Until he’s replaced, I’ll be filling in for him.”

  My brow furrowed and we all glanced around at each other. Maybe it was shock, maybe we were curious, either way, we were riveted.

  “Any questions?” he asked.

  No one spoke.

  He smiled and my stomach did a little flip at the boyish grin. “Ok, good. Now let’s get back to work. If anyone knows of anyone looking for a management job,” he laughed, slightly, “send them my way.” He raked his fingers through his dark hair as we all slowly rose from our seats.

  This was my moment, my opening to take the leap. I wanted the management job and I was determined to get it. I stepped away from the chair, eyes trained on Theo and took a deep breath.

  Nerves churned in my stomach, of course, but I hid them with the biggest smile I could muster in the moment. “Hello, again, Mr. Sullivan.”

  “Hi, Penny, what can I do for you?” he asked.

  “I was wondering about the management job. I’d like to apply.”

  He raked his eyes over my
clothes, and I felt underdressed. With his grey dress slacks, and white button down, I felt I should be wearing a pencil skirt and silk blouse to apply. Maybe this was a bad idea.

  “I’m kind of looking for someone different.” He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, tugging his tie loose. “Man, it’s hot.”

  My disbelieving eyes grew at the audacity he would discount me so easily. He didn’t even give me an opportunity to list my qualifications.

  I squared my shoulders and raised my chin. “Well, Richie said he thought I’d be a good fit for management.”

  “Penny, can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure.” I saw a seagull land off the back deck as my eyes returned to Theo and I kind of hoped it would shit on his head.

  “You were late today, are you always late to work?”

  Damn. I gazed at him with what I hoped was a doe-eyed expression as I tried to figure out what to say.

  This wasn’t going at all as planned, but I tried to make the best of the situation. Always the optimist, or so I pretended. “No sir, I’m never late. Most days I’m early. I work hard, and I’m always the first person called when they need a shift covered. But today I was pulled over.”

  “So you want to be the boss, huh?” His eyes bore into mine as I shifted on my feet. “I would start by being on time for work in the future. Maybe leave your house earlier, so you aren’t speeding.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, giving him a nod before turning away.

  An older woman with a bright orange and green moo moo dress called me over, and I was happy to escape him.

  I conversed with her as Theo walked around glancing at different things. He never let go of the clipboard in his hands, taking notes every so often with a pen he perched behind his ear.

  Sexiness oozed from him. It was hard to believe this cocky as hell man was the same one from the beach.

  By the next day, it was obvious he didn’t know the first thing about running a bar. On Wednesday, he wanted me to alphabetize the liquor bottles, which, of course, made me laugh in his face. I thought he was joking. He wasn’t. I told him no functioning bar could run that way. Bottles were displayed according to well, call, and brand names. He listened stone faced as I explained how the phrase ‘top shelf’ actually meant the bottles on the top shelf were better quality, as well as more expensive. It applied in all bars, not because they’re organized alphabetically.

  When he wasn’t walking around with his clipboard, endlessly taking notes, he spent most of his time on the phone, or joking with other employees. They appeared to love him. I felt like I was the only one concerned our new owner knew little to nothing about the industry. I wanted the management position, and one way or another I would show him I was the best person for the job. My resolve strengthened to never tell him who I was. He didn’t make it easy though. Watching how he would nibble on the end of a pen, or run it across his lips, when he thought about a new ridiculous idea for the bar, made me want to strangle his neck while I kissed him.

  By Thursday, I was sure he lost his mind when he wanted all of us to stop what we were doing to acknowledge each time a guest entered or left the establishment with a ‘hello’ or a ‘goodbye.’ Sure, it was a fun idea in theory, but it was impractical.

  Friday came and Theo still had no clue, but I gave him one thing—he wasn’t giving up. He had a big heart, which was evidenced by how he let some of the older locals tell him story after story about the ‘good ol’ days.’ He would lean on the bar, his dark eyes lighting with laughter, as he listened. He worked hard, I could begrudgingly admit, even though the work he did was all wrong.

  “What do you think?” Fiona asked as she leaned against the bar.


  “Mr. Sullivan. Too bad he’s our boss and not a customer. I’d flirt my ass off with him. So damn handsome.” She closed her eyes for a moment and made an “Mm” sound.

  “I don’t think he’ll last. So maybe you’ll get lucky.” Vomit. I wanted to vomit as I played with the top of a Vodka bottle in the well by my side.

  “Apparently he has a ton of great ideas.” Her dark hair flew around her face as a breeze swept in. “Not that we’ve seen any yet.” She smiled.

  “Yeah, I don’t think this guy would know a good idea if it slapped him in his bearded face. He’s just another pompous asshole, playing bar owner, and I’m sure he’ll run this place into the ground.” My cheeks heated, my heart pumping, maybe I was being unfair, but so was he. Two more times I approached him about the management position and both times he shot me down.

  “If he runs it into the ground then I guess it’s time to start looking for another job.” She winked as she walked away. The problem was I didn’t want a new job; I liked the Goat.

  My eyes traveled to the spacious patio with its more than half empty wooden seats. People would rather spend their days at the Clevelander or The Mango Tropical Cafe than to come here. A gentle ocean breeze stirred the loose strands of hair escaping my ponytail as I stood behind the bar watching the waves crash in the distance.

  “And she wants to be manager.” I jumped at the sound of Theo’s weighty voice behind me. He motioned to an empty lounger with his head. “Would you like to take a nap, Boss?” he quipped.

  My eyes widened and I bit back a retort. “As you can see, we have no customers to take care of.”

  “Time to lean,” he pulled a bar towel from his shoulder, “Time to clean. Boss.” He motioned to the bar he knew damn well I kept impeccably clean as I gazed at his reflection in the mirror.

  “I’ve already cleaned the bar. You know I always keep it in order. You want me to do it again?” I challenged.

  “Yes. Yes, I would.”

  “Why don’t you say please.” I seethed, wanting to remind him of our night together, but he still didn’t catch my implied meaning.

  The Lord Of My O’s could fuck off.



  Say please, my ass.

  Listening to them talk about me—the way they thought I would run this bar into the ground—pissed me the fuck off. Pompous asshole? Who me? They didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about.

  I wasn’t born yesterday and I worked hard for everything I had. There was no silver spoon in my mouth when I was born, and I never failed at anything I ever set out to do before in my whole goddamn life—and that was a fact.

  I tugged at my tie as the heat coursing through my agitated veins compounded.

  The previous owner told me business was good, and even showed me his books. Glancing around at the empty bar area, I questioned if he fudged the numbers, somehow. If we continued to do business like this, The Bearded Goat would be out of business before I could run it.

  All in all, the staff was efficient, nothing I couldn’t work with. There were even a few who I would consider for management. They worked hard and I appreciated it.

  But, this Penny Marks, now standing around twiddling her thumbs, doing nothing, tested my patience. I stood behind her as she polished a liquor bottle, and my anger heightened.

  “Would you please clean?” I asked, stooping to her childish level.

  She held up the bottle she was wiping, glancing at me through the large mirror behind the bar. “I am cleaning, Mr. Sullivan,” she said in an overly exaggerated sarcastic voice. Irritation rose inside of me. She couldn’t even take a second to turn around to face me.

  “Cut the crap, Penny.” I cracked my knuckles in annoyance as my eyes tightened. “You’re polishing a bottle.”

  She spun around with wide eyes to face me. Her breathing picked up and her cheeks reddened with either embarrassment or anger—at this point I didn’t care which.

  “Excuse me, sir. The bottles get dirty when we pour drinks. If we don’t polish the bottles then we’ll get fruit flies. Do you want flies?”

  “Of course I don’t want flies.” I leaned back against the bar. “Did you have a nice chat with Fiona?”

  Her mouth hung open and the s
assy expression was replaced with guilt. “Um, I can explain,” she said.

  “Save it, Penny. Let me explain something to you. Do your job, show up on time, and work hard and maybe in a year we can discuss the management thing again.”

  “A year? You’re kidding right?”

  I cracked a smile. “Sure, of course I am. I would never say a year. Maybe two.”

  “Oh ha ha very funny, Mr. Sullivan.”

  “You can call me Theo, as for the management position, try not to talk bad about me anymore.”

  “Theo, I didn’t mean to be…”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me. I never fail at anything I set my mind to. You best be remembering that.”

  “Oh I remember things quite vividly.” Her eyes flashed to mine, and a hazy spark of recognition flickered and extinguished. I shook my head. I never saw her before; I was sure of it.

  She was pretty the way her bangs fell right above her eyebrows. And this type of thought would have me out of business in a heartbeat. So, I would not be tempted.

  I would keep her at arm’s length and not let myself be attracted to her. She was an employee and not a very good one.

  “Ok, get back to work,” I said.

  She shot me a look, and I grinned, leaning in close to her ear. “Please.” Big mistake, my cock pulsed. She brushed a hand across her cheek as she swiped away a strand of hair, and I wanted nothing more than to feel the softness of her skin. Her body trembled slightly and I stepped away.

  “Yes sir,” she breathed.

  “Also, next time you decide to open your mouth,” That pretty little mouth, “and trash talk me,” You’d blush at how filthy I talk, “or call me an asshole...” You’ll get an ass spanking. I faltered, unable to focus my thoughts as she stared at me curiously. What the fuck was happening? My dick throbbed. “Just remember, I’m your boss, and I’m not going anywhere. Decide if you can handle it.”


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