The Boss Duet Box Set

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The Boss Duet Box Set Page 28

by Logan Chance

  Here’s more of the same sequence of scenes:

  Again not edited:

  I’d never thought of myself as a morning person. When Dex called me last week and mentioned lunch at his brother’s house I thought sure fine. Yet, when I woke up on the day to head to his house, I was called into work.

  My manager wanted to see me, and I stepped into her office in a fit of nerves. I knew something was off. Janis Stone and I made our way together down the tiny hallway of the country club I worked at. She didn't say a word to me and I had to clear my throat to get the lump lodged in it to move.

  When she ushered me into her office, I took a seat in the highback chair trying to will away the intimidation creeping up my spine. Janis sat across from me with her stern face. Her hair was so tightly wadded on the top of her head it made her appear much more frigid than she was. Although, she was frigid enough she could have been wearing an afro and still looked like she could turn water into ice.

  “Penny, thanks for coming in. As you know, season is now over and as we head into the summer months we will be looking to let people go.”

  My smile faltered, I had an inkling of knowledge that this might happen. Although, I tried to remain hopeful that it wouldn’t. South Florida was home to snowbirds through the winter. This was a major economical factor for many places which in the summer, when they all headed back to their homes in New Jersey, New York, or wherever business would take a hit.

  “I was hoping to work here through the summer as well,” I said as I shifted in my seat.

  The country club I worked for was home to many wealthy celebrities as well as the high society of Miami Beach, and I hoped they would still be busy enough that I would be useful.

  I enjoyed my job as a bartender in the golf course bar and grille, and the money was fantastic., I focused and tried to listen to what Janis was saying. The ball point pen she held clicked each time she pushed it into the hard wood of the desk.

  The ticking of the clock on the wall the only sound between the pen clicking grated on my nerves as Janis’s glasses slid down her nose.

  She pushed them up with the pad of her index finger while I crossed and uncrossed my legs. Fired. I couldn’t be getting fired.

  I didn’t know how I would tell Dex. He was so well put together, and worked as a finance manager in a top consulting firm. He never cared for my chosen profession but always remained supportive. I didn't want to see the look of disappointment or hear the lecture he would give me if I lost my job.

  We’d only just met and we’re still a new couple. He’d told me about his wanting to get married and have a family first off. No, it wasn’t the night we met, but it was soon after we began dating.

  His quest for marriage, didn't scare me off like I thought it would. I was twenty-six after all. It was time to start thinking about my future. Wasn't it?

  He was tall, dark, and brooding and I instantly wanted to know more. His blue eyes held mine captive when he asked my name at a friend’s party.

  Maybe my job loss would be a positive thing. Wouldn't Dex love for me to have more opportunity to spend more time with him and focus on our relationship?.

  But I needed to work. As much as I was trying to be on board with Dex's marital plans I knew it was too soon to ask a man to support me, and furthermore I wanted to be an independent woman. Even though at this moment I felt anything but.

  Jasmine, my roommate and I shared a small apartment near the beach. If I got fired I didn't know how I was to make up my half of the rent. My breath hitched as that thought hit me square in the gut.

  I left Janis’s office with my held head high and my heart sinking in my chest. Waitress, and bartending jobs were a dime a dozen and I was sure I could find something. This is what I kept telling myself with every step I took. I would survive this. I knew the jobs wouldn't be that great with the season coming to an end, but I was smart I would think of something.

  I left the country club after saying good bye to a few of my close co-workers. Laid off just in time for off season, fantastic.

  As I drove over to Dex’s, my car decided to break down to add to my already fabulous morning. But then the strangest thing happened, Theo had pulled over to help me. I hadn’t known he was Dex’s brother, to be honest I don’t think I paid much attention to Dex telling me about his brother.

  The black and blue shiner under his eye was the first thing I noticed. It made him appear almost frightening. Although his eyes were soft, caring even. His broad shoulders, and dark hair was enticingly sweet to stare at.

  When I first noticed him behind me, his face was shadowed by the sun and I could only make out the beard. The sexy beard which called to me on a forbidden level. I wanted to run my fingers through it on first glance, but by the second glance I had contained myself and remembered who I was.

  When he asked if I needed help his voice was thick with determination. A sexy, low throaty pitch which made my insides melt. My eyes must have widened a bit as his eyes roamed my body sending chills throughout.

  I’d never had this type of reaction to a man before, I knew I had never reacted this way to Dex. Guilt surged through my system at the reminder of Dex.

  Theo was a little rough around the edges, and at first I wasn’t so sure about him. At the moment I was all out of options, but trusting him seemed like a bad move until he mentioned a daughter. This man with a daughter. It warmed my heart, and I knew he could be trusted.

  He was courteous as he helped me with my car, even refusing to accept the thank you's I had thrown his way. Red rode high on his cheeks when he asked to see my jugs making me laugh at his embarrassment.

  Even now as I sat on his brown leather couch in the center of his living room I wondered where Lucy’s mother was. Surely someone smart enough to land someone like Theo wouldn't let him get away.

  Was she away on a trip? Was she just not home from work? I knew nothing of Theo or his daughter, Lucy. I wish I would have paid more attention to Dex when he was telling me about him.

  “Dex,” I asked as I leaned into his ear. He sat next to me on the couch as he played dolls with Lucy. It was sweet, I should have been loving this tender moment he shared with his niece, but instead I wanted to know more about Theo. Worst girlfriend ever.


  “Where’s her mother?”

  As soon as I asked the question I knew it was the wrong one. Dex tensed and I glanced around to be sure Theo hadn’t overheard.

  Theo was working in the kitchen and Dex leaned closer to my ear.

  “She left him. No one has seen or heard from her in a few years.”

  I let the answer sink into my bones as I contemplated how anyone could ever leave a child behind. I watched Lucy as her and Dex played the dolls. She was beautiful with her long dark hair like her father’s.

  Her captivating green eyes were large and were probably her best feature, although her smile was just as pretty.

  I glanced around Theo’s apartment and spotted the toys pushed aside in the corner of the living room. You could see a happy home by the child drawings held onto the fridge with magnets.

  The home had a wear and tear appeal and I felt a sense of peace sitting here.

  “Dex, I need to finish telling you about my morning,” I said as Lucy ran off into the kitchen to get a drink.

  I watched momentarily as Theo retrieved a sippy cup from the cupboard and then focused my attention back to Dex.

  “Sure, is everything ok?”

  I twisted my fingers together as I blew out a breath. “Not really. I was laid off this morning from the country club.”

  He wrapped his hand around my nervous hands and squeezed. “Why? What did they say?”

  “Business isn’t good, and the summer is right around the corner. Season will come to an end.”

  “I’m so sorry, Penny. I’m sure we can find something for you,” he said with his eyes on mine. "In fact I have an idea."

  He turned his head toward his brother in th
e kitchen which wasn’t too far away and stood from the couch.

  “Hey, Theo. Are you hiring at Sullivan’s?”

  My ears perked when I heard the name he mentioned. I’d heard of the bar Sullivan’s which was close to downtown and never put two and two together that Dex’s family could own it. Did I ever listen to him? Geeze Penny way to be a good girlfriend.

  Theo glanced up from finishing with Lucy and smiled. It was radiant and encased everything a smile should.

  “No, it’s ok. I’m sure I can find something.” I wasn’t looking for a handout and didn’t want to come off as needy.

  “No. I’m actually looking. What is it you do? Ever bartend?”

  I smiled as Theo’s dark eyes met mine. His eyebrow lifted as he waited for my response.

  Moving into the kitchen where I stood next to Dex, I said, “Yeah, I may know a few things.”

  “Ah, is that so. What’s in a screwdriver?” Theo asked with a sexy grin.

  “Really? An easy one. Ok, vodka and orange juice. Why don’t you really try to test me.”

  Dex chuckled as Theo crossed his arms against his chest. Even Lucy giggled as Theo stared me down.

  “Alright. Let me think. A hard one. How about a slow screw?”

  “Sloe gin and orange juice. It’s almost as if you aren’t even trying,” I fired back.

  Theo laughed and then rubbed his beard with his right hand. “Ok, let’s keep going. What about a sex on a beach?”

  “No. Harder. Everyone knows that. Vodka, Peach Schnapps, cranberry and orange juice.”

  “Alright, true that is an easy one. If you get this one right, I’ll make you my bar manager.”

  “Ooh, manager? Really? Shoot.”

  We were standing almost toe to toe as my heart pounded. The intensity in his eyes never faltered as we held onto each other’s stare. “Ready?” he asked.

  “Go ahead.” By this time both Dex and Lucy were silent as they watched us.

  “A pousse café.”

  Ouch. I’d heard of the drink and knew the recipe slightly. It was a seven layered shot which had some very unknown liquors in it. I also knew it was one of those drinks where the recipe depended more on the bar serving it than actually getting all of the alcohol correct. So I went for it.

  “Grenadine first, then green chartreuse, Kahlua, cognac, mint liqueur, brandy, and top it off with Wild Turkey?”

  “Ah, very impressive. We don’t use Kahlua in our recipe but still very good. The job’s yours,” Theo said as he stuck out his hand for me to shake.

  I took his hand in mine and was floored I’d found a job so easily. A moment later, I noticed he was still holding onto my hand and we were both unable to drop the other’s hand.

  I coughed and let go as he ran the hand through his thick hair. Dex clapped and congratulated me as my cheeks flushed.

  Yes, I had landed a job. Yet, why was my heart stammering in my chest?


  She impressed me with her liquor knowledge although I wasn’t too sure whether she could handle managing a bar. Yet, if Dex believed in her than that was all the assurance I needed. I trusted my brother, although what I didn’t trust was the moment my hand came into contact with Penelope’s I couldn’t let it go.

  I played it off and continued getting everything ready for the burgers I planned on grilling outside.

  Once I had everything plated up I opened the screen door to the patio which had a table with chairs. I headed over to the grill and turned it on. Penelope, Dex, and Lucy followed me outside as I got to work on dinner.

  Watching Penelope sip her soda, I let my mind wander to her lips. She had these sexy plump lips I couldn’t help think about.

  As I flipped each burger my chest constricted at the thought she would be working for me. It wouldn’t matter, she was beautiful but I’m sure I wouldn’t be tempted. She was dating Dex, and I leaned over the rail as I called to him.

  “Hey, Dex. A minute?”

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  His blue eyes held the same smug look he’d mastered over the years. He wore khaki shorts and a navy blue polo. A complete contrast to my cargo shorts and black t-shirt. He folded his arms as he waited for me to continue.

  “Penelope, how’s it going? Has Mom met her yet?”

  “Not yet, I figured you first then her.”

  Our mother was the epitome of Betty Crocker. She loved doting on Lucy and couldn’t wait until she had both her sons married off with a handful of children each. Dex couldn’t wait to fit the mold. It had been engrained into us at a young age. Marriage was what adults do.

  I’d had my shot and failed. My one attempt at finding the next Mrs. Sullivan. However, Dex knew he would find someone and took an unusual way of finding her.

  “I think she’s great.”

  Dex glanced over to where Penelope stood in the small yard of the edge of my corner condo, and pushed Lily on the swing set. Dex’s eyes lit up as he watched.

  “Yeah, she is. I hate that she wants to work, but I understand. ”

  “Mom’s going to love her.” I said my eyes wandering over to Penelope.

  “Yeah. Hey, thanks for hiring her. She needs something to do until we get married and then she won’t have to ever work again.”

  “Oh, does she know that?” I asked. My muscles bunched under my black t-shirt at the thought of her marrying Dex and giving up her job. Yeah, it may only be a bartender job the gleam in her eyes when we went toe to toe on drinks showed she loved it.

  I wondered how many times he’d scared girls away with his 1950’s views. Women stay home, make babies and cook.

  I glanced over, seeing Penelope laughing with Lucy and my chest tightened. Lucy loved the attention Penelope was handing out, maybe I did need to find someone more permanent.

  "We need to talk about that shiner you have, later," Dex said giving me a stern look before, wandering over to the two of them. A picturesque moment, a small family full of love and joy and I could see then how bad my brother wanted that life.

  I brought my beer bottle to my lips and took a long pull, as I studied them. Penelope seemed rigid, unrelaxed in this moment and I begged silently to the world to understand why. She seemed fine a minute ago, but something had changed.

  Did she not like children? Was Lucy making her nervous? Did she not like the image Dex was forcing on her?

  I watched for a minute too long when I glanced down and noticed some of the burgers were starting to char.

  Whatever the reason for her discomfort, it all vanished when her eyes met mine from across the small expanse of fake lawn and toys. She offered a small smile and I nodded, returning my eyes to the task at hand.

  After the burgers were cooked and the patio table set up, we all sat down together to enjoy the afternoon heat. It was the cusp of summer, which meant everyday was just as hot as the last. Springtime and summertime in Florida held no difference.

  “Theo, I can’t keep quiet any longer. How’d you get the shiner?” Dex asked after I finished making Lucy’s plate.

  “Had a little run-in. You should see the other guy.” I laughed trying to make light of the situation when I noticed Dex’s tight lipped reaction.

  “Don’t you ever take anything seriously?” Dex crossed his muscled arms against his chest.

  Take things seriously? Who did he think he was talking to?

  I watched as Penelope’s eyes bounced back and forth between mine and Dex’s. The look of confusion was etched into her perfect features as she studied us both. For some reason I didn’t want her thinking I was anything like the picture Dex was painting of me. I felt. the back of my neck grow hot with anger.

  He was baiting me, his favorite pastime, and I wasn’t going to allow myself to fall victim to his trap. He might be the big brother, but I was going to be the bigger man. Besides I shouldn't care how he paints my attitude toward Penny. She was his to either marry or have her heart broken. I wouldn't allow myself to give a shit about what she thought.
  The sun set low in the sky as I fisted my hand together to control the temper which as much as I refused to acknowledge it didn't seem to want to be ignored. It took more effort than I wanted to admit to get myself under control.

  “I take all things seriously.” Even though I didn't care what she thought I refused to let him talk bad about me in front of Lucy. I eyed my brother with conviction and I could hear the click of his tongue along the roof of his closed mouth.

  “Well, obviously not. Who was she this time? Is the black eye from a boyfriend of hers? Husband maybe?”

  I shook my head my only answer to be offered at this time. Penelope’s gaze met mine, briefly as I felt a sense of zen fall over me. With just one stare from her, my mood shifted. I felt better and I laughed as I rose from the table helping Lucy out of her chair ignoring my brother completely

  Lucy followed me into the house as I put away the remains of the food still left on the counters.

  Dex and Penelope remained outside for a moment and I pretended it didn’t bother me. As I tended to my daughter. Lucy’s face was a mess with the remains of her dinner sliding down her cheek I grabbed a towel to clean her up.

  As I cleaned my beauty up I reminded myself that Even though Dex was an asshole at times, I knew he had my best interest at heart. He just had lousy way of showing it. I guess that was just the way he was. Ever since we were little he would get a thought in his head and pursue it until he got what he wanted. It wasn't any different than his pursuit of his future bride.

  When Dex and Penelope finally re-entered the condo, I smiled to them. Feeling like a total tool as I did it. I needed to get away from this chick so I could get her out of my fucking head.“I need to get Lucy in the bath.”

  “Uncle Dex, come see my bath toys,” Lucy squealed her pudgy legs carrying her as fast as the could toward her uncle.

  “Why don’t I give her a bath and you and Penny can go over the details of her working for you,” Dex said as he grabbed Lucy’s hand to walk her down the hall to the bathroom.


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