Shifting Shadows

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Shifting Shadows Page 15

by Barb Shuler

  I’m shoved back by a blast of magic. My body jerks with pain. I get to my feet, shake my massive body and charge him again. Horacio jumps into the fray. The fucking magic is rolling off of him now, so much so that his whole body appears to be glowing. I snarl and watch as my mate is tossed across the room. I strike. My paw catches him on his exposed side.

  The gash starts to bleed a thick, dark - almost black - liquid. His angry pain-filled bellow makes me move closer and strike again. Horacio moves back to us and we claw, bite and pull until all that is left of him is a pile of body parts and blood. The carnage is so devastating you can’t even tell that it was once a body.

  “Kelanie!” I call out as soon as I am shifted back to my human body. I survey the damage to myself and wince as Horacio places his hand over my side. I’m bleeding, but I’ll live. “I’m fine. We have to find Jasmine.” I growl. I catch a faint trail of her scent. When Kelanie doesn’t pop into view I growl louder. Alec comes into the room and skids to a stop with three of those ugly mofo’s of Xypher’s behind him.

  “Holy..” his words trail off when a scream I know all too well rolls through the hallway to our left. I take off running towards the sound. I’m not waiting for anyone else. Horacio’s at my side in two strides. We slide to a stop at the end of the hallway. A man the size of a small tree is standing there, arms crossed.

  Another scream rolls through the hall and I move closer. A growl rumbles from both Horacio and I when the man moves to block us. “That is our mate. Move, or die! Either way, we are going in there.” I can feel my body shiver as I fight to control my bear. Something in the look I give him must make him realize that I’m not playing, because he finally steps back, his head bowed slightly.

  “Jasmine!” I say as I shoulder the door open. The sight before me halts my steps. Jasmine’s in labor. Fucking hell! I rush to her side at the same time as Horacio.


  I’m dying. There’s no way around it. This pain is going to kill me. Either that or the fact that my body is being ripped in two is gonna be the end of me. It’s the dealer’s choice at the moment. I’m taken to a small room with a huge bed in it by my new... protector, Kordmeyn. I cry out and curl into a ball. My stomach is cramping so badly that it causes me to lose my breath. HOLY SHIT BALLS!

  “I am sorry. I do not know what to do for you.” His face falls as he continues to watch my struggle.

  “It’s-it’s okay…” I say, biting back a curse as I pull myself to a sitting position. God, please help me. The only thing I can think to do is call for my grandmother. She once told me she would always hear my call. “KELANIE!”

  “You call a Fae!” he asks, startled. He visibly shakes as he takes a step closer to me.

  “She-she is my-my grandmother…” I cry out as another pain rips through me. The atmosphere changes and suddenly she is there. A curse leaves her lips and she whispers something I can not hear. My mother and Amandrell soon join us in the room. Grandmother turns to face Kordmeyn.

  “You, guard the door,” her words come out in a rush as she turns back to me. “Hold on, sweet girl. Hadley, get her bottoms off. Amandrell, be ready to catch the baby.”

  “It hurts!” I growl and arch my back, trying to relieve some of the pressure. “Baby is coming!” I can feel it. The pressure in my hooha is… indescribable. I need to push, now.

  “Jasmine, my girl, look at me,” my mom says softly. My eyes meet hers. “I need you to push as hard as you can. Let’s get my precious grandchild born. Shall we?”


  “Breathe! You can do this. I want you to take in two deep breaths and let them out slowly. On the third breath, I want you to hold it, grab your legs and push hard. That’s it. Mother, I need you to get behind her and give her some leverage. Jasmine, honey, I need you push as hard as you can. Now!”

  I bare down, pushing with all of my might and fighting through the pain that is burning through me. Burning in the very literal sense. My heart feels like it is going to explode. My head falls back against my grandmother’s shoulder and I scream out, trying to push through the pain.

  “That’s it, my girl. This baby is a big one, but you can do it. Hold onto your legs and give me one more big push. Harder, come on, Jasmine. You can do this. Push, baby girl. Push.”

  I’m momentarily distracted by the door bursting open. The tears I had been holding back fall as I watch my boys come in. They move to either side of me, and with a whisper of their names, I scream as the mother of all pains burns through me again. This kid is tearing me in half!

  “Tiberius, Horacio, take her hands. I need you to push all the calm and strength you can into her. The baby is a little bigger than we expected and, well, this is going to hurt us all.”


  I’ve never felt so happy to see anyone as I was the moment I set sight on Jasmine. We had just been in a to-the-death fight, but even that doesn’t matter right now. Our mate does. She needs us. Ty and I both take up positions beside her and do as Hadley told us. Hadley said this is going to hurt her. We may not be able to prevent her from feeling the pain but we can at least help.

  I watch as Hadley reaches under the blanket she has over Jasmine’s raised legs. Amandrell comes over and places her hands on either side of Jasmine’s face and mutters something I can’t hear. I can feel the coolness of the Fae magic running through us all. Jasmine’s breathing eases a bit and with another push Jasmine collapses against Kelanie.

  “It’s a... my sweet daughter, meet your beautiful baby girl.” Hadley moves to wrap the baby in a blanket and Kelanie passes her place behind Jasmine to Ty. Our daughter cries out as she’s laid against her mama’s chest. Jasmine is in tears as she holds her close. Ty gaze meets mine, his eyes containing the same shine as mine. We lean in to place a kiss on each of their cheeks before sharing a kiss of our own.

  There’s a crashing from outside the door and growls fill the room quickly. Micah. Damn!

  “Someone might want to tell the wolf not to tear the walls down, his daughter and granddaughter aren’t able to move just yet.” Ty gives me a wink as he speaks. He was loud enough that his voice carried and the noises from the hall go silent.

  “Let us get you cleaned up and we will move you back to the cabin. We will be able to get you all there in one trip with the three of us here.” Kelanie says and I nod. Thank fuck! I’m not sure I can stomach this place much longer.



  A week has passed since I was kidnapped, forced to fight a crazy ass Fae and his goons, and gave birth to our precious angel, Haven Mykala. The cabin has seen a lot of foot traffic with visits from friends, old and new, coming to see our newest addition. Kordmeyn had it a little rough when he first explained why he had been there. It took all of Grandmother’s power to keep Dad and the boys from attacking him. I understood. He had no idea what he was up against. The Fae Prince had told them all lies. I was astonished at the way people think, but I shouldn’t be. I mean, we knew from the beginning that the man was crazier than a basket of cats on a merry-go-round.

  I missed a lot of the big fight due to trying to deliver our child. I know every second of the pain was worth it, but holy crap, I’m not sure I could ever do that again. At least not anytime soon. I’m completely healed now, though it took a few days. My shifter DNA helped speed up the process. At first, it had hurt to sit, stand or even to lay down… but I love my daughter, and she is worth every ache. I can already tell that she is going to be a fierce, headstrong girl when she gets older.

  Lately, my dreams have been filled with moments I’ve shared with my boys, and now our daughter. I wake up every morning feeling a kind of love running through me that is so profound I can’t put it into words. There are no words adequate enough to describe it. Suddenly I hear a loud crash, followed by Haven’s wail of protest. I jerk awake. I push from the bed and hurry to her bassinet. She isn’t there. I run through the house, nothing. I follow her crying and move out the bac
k door. There’s a big man holding my daughter. I growl and stalk down the stairs.

  I can’t tell you what made it happen, but the next thing I know I’m on all fours, a snarl ripping through me as a wash of power rolls against me. I shake myself and slowly stalk towards the man holding my baby. Scenting the air, the scent smells familiar, but I do not know this man. I growl, a sound that’s meant to be a warning. He has my child in his arms, so I can’t actually attack him without putting her in harm’s way as well.

  “Jasmine!” I hear my father’s commanding voice coming from the side of the house. I turn to him. “Relax, daughter mine, he is a friend. Haven is in no danger. I swear this on my life.” He moves closer as he speaks. His hand moves to rest on the scruff of my neck and I sit on my haunches. That was all fine and dandy, but who was this man with my child? I growl in frustration at this situation. I’m furry, some stranger has my child and my father is not giving me anything to work with.

  “Do not fear me, child. I would never hurt my grandchild,” the man says. It’s then that his eyes begin to glow gold. I take in his scent again and it hits me. He smells like Ty. I huff and lean in to nose my daughter, taking in her scent just to make sure she is okay. The man pats my head, which makes me scowl at him. He did not just pet me. Jesus! I’m not a fucking dog. I bare my teeth at him and add a slight growl to my warning. If he tries that again he’s losing a few fingers.

  “Jasmine, mind yourself. This is Thaddeus, Ty’s father. He is also a Guardian, in case the eyes didn’t give him away.” I shake my head at my Dad’s attempt at a joke when I hear footsteps.

  “Holy crap, she’s huge!” I pull back and turn to look at Alec who is walking over with Mama. He has a basket in his hands and the smell of cooked meat wafting from it makes my stomach growl.

  “Watch it, Alec, she might eat you,” Daddy said, chuckling. I roll my eyes. I’d never eat Alec, that would just be weird. I look around Daddy to see Alec’s wide eyes. I shake my head at him. He seems to relax a little after that and he comes a bit closer.

  I try to figure out how to get myself out of this form and back to two legs so I can talk for myself… but it isn’t working. My frustration is growing more by the minute. This is crazy. The first time I go all crazy wolf-girl, and now I can’t figure out how to go back to being me, or at least the human me. What! The! Fuck! I huff, my head shaking from side to side.

  “Jassy? Baby, are you okay? Is Haven okay?” Ty’s booming voice rolls across the backyard and I jerk my head towards him. I nod my head once but I’m really not. I can’t figure out how to not be on all fours. But how in the hell did I tell them that. Ugh! I sigh and lean into his big body as he stops before me. “Why are you.. A wolf?”

  “I startled her. It’s fine, my boy. She is fine, and so is my precious grandbaby,” Thaddeus says. I grunt, but he’s right, I am okay, for the most part. Ty’s fingers run across my neck, and yeah.. I like the feel of that. I nuzzle my head against his chest.

  “Why don’t you go for a run?” I look up at my father.

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Horacio’s voice washes over me as he too comes up beside me. I lean my head against him and nuzzle him, marking him with my scent as well.

  “You realize she has now scent marked us?” Ty asks Horacio, playfulness in his voice.

  “Sure do. I think I like it,” he retorts. I snort and move to stand on all four legs. I can’t help grinning when Alec steps back a step. Mama puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, a grin on her face.

  “My girl, you are beautiful.” Her words fill me with pride. I nose my daughter again, give Thaddeus a hard look, and then move towards where Mama stands with Alec. I wink as I stalk pass them. They’d said a run… I had to figure out how four limbs work together first. I can run on two.. It couldn’t be that hard, right?

  A few more paces on my new set of legs and I feel like I can do this. I take off running through the trees, my head going back as a howl of delight escapes me. It was soon followed by the call of my wild cat and bear. I push my legs hard and fast. The wind in my face is amazing. I jump a fallen tree, duck under low branches and push my body to the max as I burst from the trees into the clearing. Our spot. I spin around, my head bowed, my ass in the air. I grin when they both burst through the tree line.

  “Come and get me, boys,” I say in my head. Call me surprised when they both chuckle and reply. I can hear them in my head. Holy fucking hell!

  “It’s about damn time.”

  “Took it long enough to kick in. Guess I owe Kelanie an apology.”

  I stand there, stunned. They stalk closer and I pounce. I jump over Ty and swat Horacio on his back flank before running around in a circle. That victory doesn’t last long. I’m tackled by a bear... My bear. Laughter escapes me, which sounds weird in my wolf form.

  Ty nuzzles my neck before he stands up off of me and I jump back up. Okay, one to him… now it was my turn. I run and leap from a rock, catching Horacio in the side. We roll and again I laugh. My body shakes from it. I need a breath, though. I’m out of shape, even in wolf form. I stand and shake myself. The feel of the wind ruffling through my fur sends a thrill through me.

  As I muse, I feel something inside of me relax and I shift. I stretch to the side and let my body snap and crack. It feels wonderful. I hear a chuffing from behind me and turn to see Horacio and Ty both stalking towards me in their animal forms. I grin, then take off running.

  I push past the trees and into the woods. They have the advantage. Let’s face it, four legs move faster than two, but I was fast nonetheless. I push myself harder. A laugh escapes me as I ducked under a fallen tree that I almost missed. That would have ended our game pretty fast. I snort to myself as I run towards the water.

  There was a bridge out above the stream that ran through this area. If I can make it there, I’ll have a chance. I can see the grassy area that surrounds the bend in the stream. I’m almost there when I hear Ty growl out my name. I let out a very unlady like shriek when I’m tackled from behind. Ty’s body wraps itself around mine as we roll into the grass. I’m still laughing when his big body moves to pin me to the grass under us.



  “Too bad you don’t smell like rabbit,” I say, kissing up her neck. She shivers at the touch of my lips against her skin.

  “You eat rabbit, love, might not be a good time to remind her of that,” Horacio says as he falls to the ground beside us. I chuckle.

  “That I do,” I say, nipping at her neck. My gaze moves to his and he winks. “She is good enough to eat though, no matter her scent.” Her breath hitches as my hand moves down her body and I grip her hip.

  “That she is.” Horacio agrees. “Then again, so are you.” I groan at the images now filling my head. I need my mates. I’m rock hard from the chase, and the playfulness they both showed.

  “Ty,” Jasmine pants as I rub my jean clad cock over her center, rubbing her clit. I can feel the heat rolling off of her, which only makes me want to bury myself inside her more.

  “I want to taste you,” I say, my voice husky with need. I hear Horacio growl as his hand slips between us. His fingers stroke us both. Jasmine and I both moan. A needy, lust filled groan. “Fuck!” Horacio pulls his hand back and I roll over in the grass. I sit Jasmine on my chest and run my hands up her thighs. “Pants, off, now.” I order.

  She manages to get them unbuttoned, pulled down and off in no time. I pull her closer, my fingers digging into her ass. I growl when I feel Horacio move to straddle my legs. His hands move up my thighs to where my cock strains to get free. I let out a breathy moan as my zipper is pulled down and my cock pops free of it’s restraints.

  I bring Jasmine’s slick center to my mouth as Horacio lowers his warm, wet mouth down around my cock. I’m in heaven. My mates are always just what my bear and I need. I flick my tongue out, slowly teasing her as she leans over, her hips moving with each of my strokes.

  “Ty.. yes,” she moans. He
r body heats with each circle of her clit I make. I can feel Horacio’s mouth and hand working my cock. My hips jerk as his teeth scrape along the underside of my cock. I growl, causing Jasmine to gasp in pleasure as the rumble sends vibrations through her pussy. I let myself get lost in the feel of my mates and our combined ecstacy. Their love, and lust rolling off of them fueling the fire of desire that is already flaming inside me. Jasmine cries out as she comes, hard. Her body shakes with each pulse the orgasm sends through her. I keep my grip on her ass and use my tongue to work against her clit harder, prolonging the sensation of her orgasm.

  I lift her off of me when Horacio lets go of my cock with a pop. I growl when I see the swirling of his eyes. I sit up, keeping Jasmine tucked into my side, and grab the front of his shirt, pulling him to me. My mouth crashes against his.

  “Damn, that’s hot..” Jasmine groans. I release his mouth and smirk.

  “Know what’s hotter?” I lean in and nip her neck before I speak. “Your pretty little mouth wrapped around his cock as I fuck you from behind.” Both of my mates groan at that. I smirk again and rise to my knees. I watch as Jasmine and Horacio kiss, their love showing bright as they touch and caress each other. Jassy was right. Watching your two mates embrace is hot.

  Horacio stands as I had and removes his pants. His thick cock falls forward and I reach over and pull him to me. My mouth wraps around him. My tongue presses against the vein on the underside of his shaft as I pull back to his tip and then swallow his cock back down my throat. His growl sends a jolt through me. My cock, already hard as a brick, twitches. I pull back reluctantly when Jasmine moans. I release him and when he lays back in the grass Jasmine takes over where I left off. I watch as her head bobs. She takes him in and slowly works her way back up to his tip.


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