Capone_Rebel Guardians MC

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Capone_Rebel Guardians MC Page 1

by Liberty Parker


  Rebel Guardians MC

  Liberty Parker

  Darlene Tallaman


  Cover Page

  Character List


  Authors’ Notes



  1. Capone

  2. Bridget

  3. Bridget

  4. Bridget

  5. Capone

  6. Capone

  7. Bridget

  8. Capone

  9. Bridget

  10. Bridget

  11. Capone

  12. Capone

  13. Capone



  Rebel Guardians Next Generation

  About Liberty

  About Darlene

  Other works by Liberty

  Other works by Darlene

  Liberty and Darlene’s Co-written Series

  Character List

  Rebel Guardians MC

  Braxton *Axe* - President

  Twisted - VP

  Davidson *Bandit* - IT

  Elijah *Law* - Club Attorney

  Turk *Chief* - SAA

  Jayden *Hatch* - Enforcer

  Kade *Capone* - Road Captain

  Harley *Smokey* - Secretary

  Duke - Patch

  Chef - Patch







  Caraleigh *Cara*


  Donna Jo *DJ*

















  Emma *Parrot*

  MC Businesses

  Rebel Guardians Transportation

  Rebel Townhomes

  Rebel Guardians Truck Stop



  Rebel Guardians MC Novel

  Copyright © Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman 2018

  Published by Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman

  Cover by: Dark Water Covers

  Edited by: Joanne Dearman, Kat Beecham, Melanie Gray,

  Jenni Belanger, Shannon McFadden, Beth DiLoreto

  Formatting by: Liberty Parker

  Model: Sebastiano Trialongo

  Photographer: Josée Houle

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text please contact

  All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the authors’ imaginations. No part of this story is based on any true events or anyone’s life. If any MC names are used by any real or true person, it is coincidental and in no way based on them or any real-life human being living or not.


  Bridget Nelson is a broken, defeated woman. Used by her brother as his gang’s playtoy, she feels beyond less than, but when she found out what Charlie had planned for her and Hannah, she fled and landed in Corinth, Texas. With her trust issues, she wants no part of a relationship with any man, choosing instead to focus on intensive therapy and cosmetology school so she can work in Cassarah’s salon.

  She never counted on a man like him, though. He swept in like a Texas Tornado and never let go.

  Kade “Capone” Edwards is a patched member of the Rebel Guardians. Relatively laidback, he loves the sense of freedom that being part of this brotherhood gives him. He’s never been one who thought he would find an old lady, but once he sets eyes on Bridget the very first time, he knows that she’s the one. He’s not put off by her past, and is there to help her in any way possible, knowing that he’s going to have to wear her down and show her that he’s different.

  Can Capone break through Bridget’s walls and show her that she is worthy of a loving relationship? Or will she continue to push him away and deprive him of what his heart desires.

  Authors’ Notes

  A lot of stuff happens in Capone, and we understand that while we try not to be too descriptive, it may set off triggers for folks. For that, we’re sorry. We encourage anyone who has ever been in any kind of abusive relationship to seek help. There are resources available and you can feel free to reach out to either of us and we’ll help you find them.

  Also, you ‘met’ the Nelson brothers (no known relation to Bridget and Hannah, btw) in Law’s book. Well, you’ll see more of them in this one as well. We want readers to know that the speech patterns/dialogue for them are deliberate as that’s how they speak. It is not an editing error!


  We want to say thank you to every one of you who has embraced a vision that I got while driving home after my first signing event last year. YOU are the driving force behind Liberty and I writing these books and we’ve fallen in love with the characters much as y’all have done. So, to each and every one of you who have supported, and loved the members of RGMC, this book is dedicated to you...all of you.

  ~ Dar and Liberty


  It takes a village to write a book, honestly it does! Without our PA, Nicole Lloyd, who tirelessly promotes our books, no one would know who we are! And, each of our Rebel Guardians books looks fabulous thanks to the best cover designer ever, Tracie Douglas.

  To the members of The Clubhouse and Liberty’s Luscious Ladies, we appreciate all of your support, shares, suggestions, and yes, even those private messages saying, “we want more, when?” that we’ve gotten!

  To our review team/betas/proofers - Joanne, Kat, Melanie, Jenni, Shannon, Nicole and Beth - y’all make us look good and we appreciate you to the moon and back.

  Lastly, to #OurTribe - the ladies who support us through messages, emails, calls, memes. We’ve been blown away time and again over the love shown for ‘our guys’ and know y’all have played a huge part in this as well!

  ~ Dar & Liberty



  “Why do I have to do this? Why?” I cry out as my brother strikes me again.

  “Because I said so, bitch,” he replies as his booted foot strikes my hip.

  “I...I don’t understand how you could do this to your own sister?”

  “Bitches are bitches, whether they’re by blood or not, and you’ll make us some damn good money,” he sneers.

  I cower on the floor, blood dripping from my busted nose and lip and cry. I can’t believe he is wanting me to be his gang’s whore. I am only seventeen years old, and have dreams...dreams that are now, apparently, nothing but ashes. He ruins everything he touches. Every single thing.

  “Either you do this, Bridget, or I’ll get Hannah involved.”

  “No!” There is no way I will let them touch my baby sister. Maybe I can figure out a way to get us out of this mess.

  “Then you know what you have to do, right, bitch?” he asks.

tears flowing down my face, I nod. I have no other choice. She is too young to deal.

  Huddled under my blankets, I cry. For the girl I no longer am, and for the pain my body endured earlier in the night. I’d had my first ‘date’ and he had not been gentle. I shudder thinking of the things he forced me to do. Remembering my brother’s satisfied smirk when he came and picked me up, taking the envelope that the man gave him, and putting it inside his jacket, had my tears flowing harder.

  “Bridget?” Hannah asks, creeping closer to my bed. “Are you okay?” she gently asks me.

  “I’m fine, leave me alone!” I shout. I know it’s wrong because I’m doing this so she doesn’t have to, but right now, I can’t be around her. She’s too pure, too innocence. And me? I’m nothing, nothing but filth.

  I wake from the memory that follows me in my sleep, sweat dripping from my body, and my hair matted. It’s then, and there, that I remember why it is exactly that I don’t, and won’t, trust any man, ever again. I get up to hop in the shower, I’ll never be able to fall back asleep at this point anyways. Once I’m clean, twice scrubbed raw, I get out and grab a new set of sheets. There’s no way I’d ever be able to lay down in soaked, sweaty sheets after cleaning my body. I wish my mind was as easy to clean as everything else is. If there was a way to scrub my mind and soul like I can my body, I’d probably be able to move forward in life instead of looking over my shoulder every minute of every day. It’s exhausting living like this, but there’s nothing I can do about it other than put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward to the best of my ability. Once I’ve got the sheets in the washing machine, I lay back down, but my mind won’t shut down and I’m still living my nightmare...even with my eyes wide open. When will it ever end? Will I ever be normal again? Somehow, I doubt I will be. I’m thankful for one thing though, and that’s the fact that I was able to reconnect with my sister. I’m happy she was willing to listen to my story and give me another chance to be a part of her life. She’s so lucky, to have men like Smokey and Bandit who love her, faults and all. I’m envious, but I’m also relieved she has them in her life. How contradicting I am, I’m happy and jealous of and for her all in the same breath. Does this make me a good sister or a bad one? I guess only time will tell, I know I love her more than life itself, so I’m going with I’m a good sister, and hope I’m not lying to myself.

  “Bridget?” the instructor asks.

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  “I’m going to need you on the floor today to help with shampoos. One of the girls had to go home sick so this will help you with your lab sheet.”

  I nod my head but inside, I’m thrilled to pieces. This will give me more hands-on skills that will help me when I’m working at Cassarah’s salon. Closing my book and notepad, I put them in my backpack and head out to find an empty station on the salon floor. Our cosmetology school has a working salon and the students who have finished their classes are now doing the practical aspects of the job so they’re ready for their state board exams. Since I’m out here, I plan to observe every little thing I can.

  “Bridget, can you shampoo Ms. Reeves?” Kelly asks.

  “Absolutely. This way, Ms. Reeves,” I say to the client standing there. “I’ll get you ready for Kelly.”

  My day continues like that until Ms. Allen asks if I’ve ever done a roll set before. Thankful once again for Cassarah and her showing me what to do, I reply, “I have, yes. I’ve been practicing at home and have a job at a friend’s shop. She’s been showing me things that I can do without my license to help her out and roll sets are one of them.”

  “I like to see that go-getter attitude,” Ms. Allen states. “Please take care of Carly, okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Carly, will you follow me over to the shampoo bowl please? I’ll get you shampooed then rolled up and under the dryer before you know it.”

  I’m exhausted but exhilarated as I pull behind the shop and make my way to my apartment over the salon. And even better than that, my lab sheet got a lot checked off today, because I got to help with some hair color, a relaxer, and even a men’s haircut! I am so fucking grateful for what Hannah’s association with the Rebel Guardians has meant for me. I’ve got my own place, a job, and the support of my sister to hopefully help me heal. In time, that is. When I make it to my door, I notice a small vase with a tulip in it and a note. Picking the vase up, I go inside after carefully locking all the locks and put it on my tiny kitchen table. I then grab another shower so I can change into something a little more comfortable before I tackle the homework that my therapist gave me.

  Once I’m done with my shower, I grab a snack and a drink and head to my table, my curiosity nearly overwhelming at this point. Sitting down, I take the note from the vase and read it, my eyes widening.

  Saw this and it made me think of you. Capone

  Fuck! He just won’t give up! I mean, I appreciate him hauling me to my therapist’s office when I first got here, but he’s gotta buy a clue because I will never get involved with a man again. I can shop online and get what I need to take care of any ‘personal’ urges that might eventually arise. Of course, right now, I have no urge at all so there’s that to take into consideration. Hell, I even had him come into some sessions in an attempt to show him how awful I truly was, so he’d forget this insane thought he has that I’ll be his one day. I’m not worthy of a man like Capone. Not with my fucking past. If he weren’t already dead, I think I’d hire someone to kill my bastard of a brother. Our parents are still alive and kicking as far as I know, but they’re also scared to cross people like the brothers, so I have no fear of them ever retaliating or trying to take me and Hannah against our wills. But I wish they’d try, because I’d like to see what the guys would do to them. Hopefully, make them relive some of the things that I was put through. brother is no longer breathing, so I can’t take him out for my personal vengeance. I just wish the memories would go away. I sniff the flower and a wistful smile crosses my face because in another place and time, Capone is exactly the kind of man I would have fallen for. He’s taller than me, well-built, and has the most intense gray eyes I’ve ever seen. When he’s happy, they look like silver. When he’s focused on something, they darken like a storm cloud. I can only imagine how they’d look if he were in the throes of passion. Fuck, there I go again with my contradictory thoughts!


  I’m a fucking stalker! I sit outside of her place every night and watch as shadows of her walk around her place. I stay long after her lights are turned off, needing to be close to her if she is ever in need. I know she still suffers from nightmares, I’ve heard her scream out at night, and wish I could slay those dragons for her, but I know this is something she needs to do and accomplish for herself. Who am I to take that away from her? I know she thinks she’s broken, but she is so fucking strong. It took a lot of guts to run from her brother and come here, not knowing what the reception would be. And hell, now she’s in school and has a job. She just needs to get it through her head that her past is just that...her past. I could give two shits if she fucked one person or ten thousand, once she’s mine, I’ll be the last one, so who gives a flying fuck? I mean, I’m not a manwhore or anything, but I’ve had my fair share of women, so I have no place to judge.

  My attention is once again on her window when the lights flicker back on, a new record for her. Two hours...dammit, I was hoping for once she’d get a full night's rest. I hate to see the bags under her eyes and the wariness that she has around people, especially me. I need her to learn to trust in me, in all of us to always be there and have her back in any situation that arises. She deserves the world, and I’m going to make it my life’s mission to show her that fact. The darkness that is inside of her head needs to be replaced by light. And if I can’t accomplish that feat all on my own, I know I have a band of brothers and old ladies that will be willing to step up and help me out. I sit and wait another hour before the lights once again turn off. Feeling helpless is not s
omething I’m used to and it’s driving me insane. I hope she liked the flower, at least. She’s so fucking pretty she takes my breath away and while I’ve been with plenty of pretty women, she’s the first one who ever made me want to settle down. She’s imprinted herself on my soul and there’s no going back from something that intense. She’s mine whether she’s ready to admit that or not. She won’t be getting away from me anytime soon. Or ever. I need her like the earth needs rain to flourish and grow. Once I see the sunrise peeking over the horizon, I take off secure that even though she got up one time, it’s daylight now and her demons will likely go back into hibernation.

  “You look like shit, brother,” Smokey says, sitting next to me at the bar. No, I’m not drinking at fucking six thirty in the morning, I’m nursing a pot of coffee.

  “Gee, thanks,” I mutter, the sarcasm dripping from my words.


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