A Bitter Sweet Murder (A Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery Book 3)

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A Bitter Sweet Murder (A Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery Book 3) Page 13

by Cindy Bell

  “What if it doesn’t work? What happens if he figures out that I’m out?” Ally asked.

  “He won’t, but we need to get inside before he does,” Luke said. “We should go now though, he could be coming back any minute.”

  “I just need to get my phone, it’s still in there,” Ally said as she turned towards the crawl space. As she looked into it she got scared.

  “I’ll get your phone,” Luke said.

  “I’ll meet you in the cottage,” Charlotte said as she walked inside.

  As Luke stepped in Ally felt a hard shove from behind. She was pushed into the small space behind Luke. She fell on top of him.

  Luke went to loosen his holster.

  “Don’t, or I’ll shoot her,” Ben said as Ally turned around to face him.

  Luke grasped her hand to reassure her as they were huddled together.

  Ben gazed down at them. “Well, look at this, isn’t that lucky.” He laughed. “A two for one. Perfect. I was a little worried about what she might have told you.” He moved the gun and pointed it straight at Luke. “Don’t you move a muscle, Ally! It’s Luke’s turn first.” Ben held the gun on Luke.

  Ally froze at the sight of the gun pointed at Luke. She was sure the other officers had to be in place, but no one was coming to help.

  “Don’t hurt him, Ben. You don’t have to do this.”

  “Actually, yes I do. Just like Dustin had to go. He got into my past and saw that I wasn’t who I claimed to be. I have embezzled from several other small hotels. He was going to interfere in my life, and I couldn’t let that happen. I can’t let you get away with it either. I mean this should never have come back to me. I even put the wine glasses in the room so it would look like a lover’s argument.”

  “Why did you put the body in my car?” Ally asked. She was curious, but she also wanted to keep him talking. If he was talking he wasn’t shooting.

  “That was just unfortunate for you. I wanted to drive the body out in my car, no body no evidence, but the valet came downstairs and I was scared he was going to catch me. Your car was the closest so I grabbed the keys and put it in. I was going to move the body to mine before you left. But you left so early I didn’t have a chance.”

  He started to pull back on the trigger. Ally threw herself on top of Luke as a thud filled the air. She was sure that she or Luke had been shot.

  “Ally?” Charlotte’s voice drifted down to her. Luke moved under her body.

  “Ally, I’m okay.” He eased her off him. “Are you okay?”

  “I think so.”

  She looked up at Ben’s body, which was sprawled out in the grass at Charlotte’s feet. In one hand she held a large frying pan, in the other she had her cell phone.

  “The coast is clear, but you’re going to need an ambulance for this scum.”

  “Mee-Maw?” Ally managed to get to her feet. “What did you do?”

  “The police were too far, they’re lined up on the street. I was closer. When I saw him push you in there with his gun on you I knew I couldn’t wait. So I grabbed Bertha, and took care of the problem.”

  “Bertha?” Luke narrowed his eyes as he climbed out of the crawl space. He offered Ally a hand to help her out of the space.

  “The frying pan.” Ally smiled. “Its name is Bertha.”

  “Of course it is.” He laughed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The backyard was flooded with police officers. Ally remained close to Luke as Ben was treated and escorted to an ambulance.

  “Well, Mee-Maw, I guess Bertha can still do some serious damage.”

  “Yes, and make the best pancakes. Anyone hungry?”

  Ally laughed. “I’m sure that Luke has things he has to do.”

  “No, actually.” He looked over at her. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be. I’m starving.” Ally hooked her arm through his.

  “Then please join us. Mee-Maw doesn’t know how to make just a few pancakes.”

  “It isn’t right.” Charlotte shook her head. “Besides, I’m sure a few of these officers are hungry, too.”

  “Maybe.” Ally grinned. She led Luke into the house. While Charlotte prepared the batter, Luke leaned across the table and spoke in a whisper.

  “So, about that date.”

  “Breakfast?” She smiled. “We’re having pancakes right now.”

  He sighed and slouched back in his chair. She smiled as sweetly as she could. He shook his head and smiled back at her.

  “It’ll do. For now.”

  “For now.” Ally reached across the table and took his hand. “Thanks for everything, Luke.”

  He smiled in return and started to lean towards her, but before he could get too close his cell phone began to ring. Ally pulled her hand back as he reached for his phone. She recalled the dates he’d been on recently and knew the moment that he turned his head to answer the phone that it must be her.

  “Excuse me, just a minute.” He stood up from the table and walked away with the phone pressed hard against his ear. Ally tried to ignore the tears that bit at her eyes. Was she crazy for feeling so hurt that he took her call right in front of her straight after he had rescued her? She was the one that pushed him away. She tried to remind herself of this, but her emotions took over. He glanced back at her once, and then walked towards the door. He looked out through it at the officers that were still investigating the crawl space and other areas of the property. To her surprise the muscles along his shoulders rippled. Something had him tense.

  “This isn’t the best time. Will you just listen to me?” He paused and his muscles tightened more. “I’d rather you didn’t. Does that matter?” He shook his head. “Fine. Just give me a minute.” He hung up the phone, then turned back to face her. Ally braced herself for whatever might come next. He met her eyes with a grim expression. “I didn’t want this to happen this way exactly, but I don’t have much of a choice now, Ally. There’s someone here that I would like you to meet.”

  Ally’s eyes widened. Was he really going to introduce his girlfriend to her? Her stomach twisted. Could she be civil, or was she going to end up embarrassing herself in front of him?

  “Oh sure, it’s fine, I mean, I understand, Luke.” She cleared her throat. “I want to meet anyone who is important to you.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “It’s complicated.”

  Her heart sunk. Only romance was ever complicated. She nodded without saying another word. There was a light knock on the door. Luke turned to it, just as Charlotte stepped back into the room. She must have sensed Ally’s discomfort as she came and stood close to her. Luke sighed and opened the door. Ally expected a beautiful woman to step through the door into the kitchen, someone exotic and perfect, someone much more deserving of Luke’s attention. To her surprise that was not who walked through the door. In fact it wasn’t a woman at all, but a man. He reached up and pulled off a dirty baseball cap. The moment his hazel eyes met hers there was no question in Ally’s mind that this man was related to Luke.

  “You must be, Ally.” His lips spread into a wide, slightly amused smile. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Trey.” Luke’s voice filled with warning as he stepped up right beside the man. Ally guessed that he was a few years younger than Luke.

  “I didn’t say anything.” He shot an innocent smile in Luke’s direction. Ally looked between the two as confusion built within her. Charlotte gave her shoulder a squeeze.

  “I’m Charlotte.” She looked at Luke. “And this is?”

  Luke grimaced. “Charlotte, Ally, this is my brother, Trey.”

  “Brother?” Ally raised an eyebrow. She didn’t think Luke had ever mentioned a brother, but then again he never really mentioned much about his past or his family.

  “He doesn’t talk about me much, does he?” Trey winked at her. “He’s not the bragging type, right?” He clapped Luke on the back.

  “Stop.” Luke shot him a look.

  “Relax Luke. I heard all of the sirens. I just
wanted to make sure that you were okay. Plus, I wanted to finally meet the famous Ally.” He smiled at her again. Ally looked from Trey to Luke. His cheeks were hot with embarrassment. She stood up from the table and offered Trey her hand.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Trey.”

  “Thanks.” He took her hand, but instead of shaking it, he drew her hand to his lips. He kissed the back of it. Ally cleared her throat. Luke rolled his eyes. “See, I didn’t bite, did I, Ally? I’ve been trying to get Luke to introduce me to you all week, but he’s been hiding me away.”

  Ally frowned as she glanced over at Luke. She had to wonder why he didn’t want her to meet his brother.

  “I’m glad to have the chance. Your brother is a lifesaver. Literally.”

  “He’s hard to live up to.” Trey grinned and looked back at Luke. “Golden boy that he is.”

  “That’s enough, Trey. Ally’s had a traumatic day, she needs to rest.” Luke put a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

  “You’re right.” Trey nodded and met Ally’s eyes. “You’re pretty brave. That’s good. You’re going to need to be with this guy.” He gave Luke a playful punch to the midsection.

  “It’s okay, Luke,” Ally said. “I bet Trey would like some pancakes. What do you say, Trey? There are plenty to go around.”

  “I say, it’s a date.” He grinned and winked at Luke. “Told you I could get one with her first.”

  “Keep quiet, Trey!” Luke demanded.

  Ally put a hand over her mouth to hide her laughter. Charlotte returned to the stove as Trey pulled out a chair and sat down across from Ally.

  “How long are you in town for, Trey?” Charlotte asked.

  “Not long.” Luke sat down beside him.

  “He’s right. I’ve been traveling so I just came for a quick visit before I go back home.” He glanced over at his brother. “Although, it’s been nice spending some time with my brother again.”

  Luke took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. For the first time since Trey walked through the door Ally saw him smile.

  “Yes, it has been. I hope that it won’t be so long between visits,” Luke said.

  “It won’t be.” Trey held his gaze.

  “And you make sure you keep in touch this time,” Luke added.

  “I said I would and I will.” Trey looked at him earnestly.

  Luke nodded and accepted a plate of pancakes from Charlotte. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for our hero.” Charlotte smiled at him.

  “Please don’t.” Luke looked away and his cheeks reddened again.

  Trey glanced at Charlotte as she put his pancakes down in front of him. “Thank you.”

  As Ally watched the two brothers dig into their pancakes, she was more intrigued than ever. Luke had an entire life that she knew very little about. Maybe it was time she stopped avoiding her feelings so much, and got to know him better. He met her eyes across the table. She smiled at him. No matter the chaos that happened around her, when he smiled back, everything was right with the world. Soon Denise would be released, the murderer would be in jail, and hopefully the chocolate shop would still have an account with the hotel.

  “Mee-Maw, I think we’re going to have to make some more chocolate cupcakes. Rose and Denise are going to need to celebrate.”

  “You’re absolutely right.” Charlotte smiled as she set a plate of pancakes in front of Ally. “We’ll be sure to double the batch.”

  The End

  From the Author

  Thank you very much for reading ‘A Bitter Sweet Murder’, the third book in the Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery Series. If you enjoyed the book and would like to be updated when I release a new book you can sign up for email updates at http://www.cindybellbooks.com/. I will never share your email and you will only receive emails from me when I have released a new book, am offering a discount or when I have giveaways.

  About the Author

  Cindy Bell is the author of the cozy mystery series Chocolate Centered, Sage Gardens, Bekki the Beautician, Dune House, Heavenly Highland Inn and Wendy the Wedding Planner.

  Cindy has always loved reading, but it is only recently that she has discovered her passion for writing romantic cozy mysteries. She loves walking along the beach thinking of the next adventure her characters can embark on.

  You can sign up for her newsletter so you are notified of her latest releases at http://www.cindybellbooks.com.

  More Books by Cindy Bell

  Chocolate Centered Cozy Mysteries

  The Sweet Smell of Murder

  A Deadly Delicious Delivery

  Sage Gardens Cozy Mysteries

  Birthdays Can Be Deadly

  Money Can Be Deadly

  Trust Can Be Deadly

  Ties Can Be Deadly

  Rocks Can Be Deadly

  Jewelry Can Be Deadly

  Wendy the Wedding Planner Cozy Mysteries

  Matrimony, Money and Murder

  Chefs, Ceremonies and Crimes

  Knives and Nuptials

  Mice, Marriage and Murder

  Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mysteries

  Hairspray and Homicide

  A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body

  Mascara and Murder

  Pageant and Poison

  Conditioner and a Corpse

  Mistletoe, Makeup and Murder

  Hairpin, Hair Dryer and Homicide

  Blush, a Bride and a Body

  Shampoo and a Stiff

  Cosmetics, a Cruise and a Killer

  Lipstick, a Long Iron and Lifeless

  Camping, Concealer and Criminals

  Treated and Dyed

  Dune House Cozy Mysteries

  Seaside Secrets

  Boats and Bad Guys

  Treasured History

  Hidden Hideaways

  Dodgy Dealings

  Suspects and Surprises

  Ruffled Feathers

  Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mysteries

  Murdering the Roses

  Dead in the Daisies

  Killing the Carnations

  Drowning the Daffodils

  Suffocating the Sunflowers

  Books, Bullets and Blooms

  A Deadly Serious Gardening Contest

  A Bridal Bouquet and a Body

  Chocolate Cupcake Recipe


  2 ounces semisweet chocolate

  1 cup all-purpose flour

  1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

  1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

  5 ounces butter at room temperature

  1 cup fine sugar

  2 large eggs at room temperature

  1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  1/2 cup milk

  Whipped Ganache Frosting:

  12 ounces semisweet chocolate

  1 cup heavy cream


  Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

  Line a muffin tin with paper cupcake liners. This recipe makes 24 cupcakes.

  Gently melt chocolate over a low heat preferably in a double boiler. Once it is melted set it aside to cool.

  Sift the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder into a bowl and stir to combine.

  Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

  Beat the eggs into the butter mixture one at a time until well incorporated. Beat in the vanilla extract.

  Fold in some of the dry ingredients alternating with some of the milk. Keep folding in until all combined. Do not overmix.

  Fold in the melted chocolate.

  Spoon into paper liners. Only fill each liner until about 2/3 full.

  Bake for 14 - 18 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.

  Leave to cool in the pan for 20 minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

  To prepare the whipped chocolate ganache frosting chop up chocolate and place in a heatproof bowl.

  Heat cream on the stove until it is just beginning to simmer.

  Pour th
e cream over the chocolate and then leave for about 2 minutes so the chocolate can begin to melt. Stir the mixture slowly until the chocolate has completely melted and is mixed with the cream.

  Let the ganache cool in the fridge for an hour or until it can hold its shape. Whisk the frosting for 3-4 minutes.

  Spread a spoonful or pipe onto the top of the cupcakes.





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