Unexpected Bride (Warlord Series Book 6)

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Unexpected Bride (Warlord Series Book 6) Page 20

by Michelle Howard

  Beneath his palm, something tiny yet firm pressed out. He stilled not wanting to disturb Assa and waited, breath held. The pressure returned. Fleeting. There and then gone. His throat swelled as he realized what he felt. A small but persistent warrior foot or hand.

  Assa made a noise in her sleep and snuggled closer. Balal kissed the top of her head unashamed of the single tear that rolled down his cheek. His mate and youngling. A life he could only have dreamed of.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning, Balal woke alone. If Assa worked on a certain day she whispered words of love in his ear then left. Today there had been no such greeting. Disgruntled, he rose from the bed and prepared for the day. He needed to meet with Kavan and Amrod about protecting Erana and Arane when the guests came. Then he would brace for the training session. According to Vaan, they expected the visitors to arrive before the mid-day meal.

  Downstairs servants cleared away the dishes left behind by those who awoke early. Assa in a black dress usually worn while she worked passed him with a quick frown as she balanced a tray laden with mugs of cider.

  “Good morning tide, Balal.” She tossed the greeting over her shoulder.

  He started to reach for the tray but her sharp glare stopped him. Before he could have his way, Assa scurried off serving the drinks to those gathered at the table. Irritation flickered and a brief spurt of an unidentifiable emotion. Whatever it was left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  While thinking of his training as well as Vaan’s expectations, Balal stared at the gentle curve of her backside. After their time together, he knew Assa well and her stiffened shoulders did not go with his mate’s sweet nature. It was a difficult choice, knowing the penalty for showing late but he decided he could spare the time for this one thing.

  Fortune smiled on him and Balal crossed the room to wait behind his mate without her notice. When she turned from the table their chests bumped. Surprise widened her gaze and her mouth formed a small O. Desire slowly darkened the green of her eyes and the diamond points contracted in arousal. The nipples she’d formed while carrying, stabbed at him. Forgetting his earlier frustration, Balal wrapped his arms around her and tugged her close. She gasped, the sound cut short by his kiss.

  At first she stiffened but Balal used the tricks he’d diligently mastered in the art of kissing. It was not a Kaban skill but he applied himself most earnestly to Assa’s lessons. Soon her mouth softened beneath his. Her lips grew pliant as he slid his tongue through the small gap. Her arms entwined his neck and he barely held back his grin of triumph. Slowly he eased away, pleasure filling him from the sight of her dewy lips and glazed look.

  “Morning tide, mate,” he murmured by her ear, tucking the strands of her hair around the lobe.

  Assa shivered within his embrace, her fingers kneading his shoulders as she recovered her senses. Another surge of masculine pride raced up his back. He liked that he could cause this reaction in her by the mere touching of lips.

  “I’m busy working, Balal,” she mumbled though she made no effort to part from him.

  “I will leave you to your day.” Now that all was right with his morning, he squeezed her butt, rewarded with her sharp squeak as he released her. Another grin stretched his lips. Yes, he much enjoyed many of the Raasa ways.

  Outside bright sunlight left him squinting until his eyes adjusted. Warlords already gathered at the practice ring and Raasa patrolled the wall of the gate, bows slung over their backs.

  Kavan stood outside the stone-lined circle, Erana and Arane kneeling in the dirt covered ground at play by his feet. Guarding them rotated depending on their training schedule with two days on and two days off. Today was Balal’s last day training then Kavan would spend time in practice while Balal assumed guard duty. It worked well and the youngling were never left unattended. More so after the incident in which Arane almost sustained a killing blow.

  “Bal!” The youngling turned at his approach and their eyes lit with glee.

  As always the look caused a shifting of sensations in his mid-section. He nodded and continued with a leap over the large stones which kept them away from the deadly blades and the men who wielded them. If he stopped and spoke it would end in play and the Overlord would not take lightly to his distraction.

  “Bal!” They yelled again.

  It required all of his skills to not respond as he wanted to the demand in their voices but he did risk a glance over his shoulder. Both youngling pressed against the stones but only the tops of their heads could be seen and their eyes. Mikayla had gathered their hair in a high single tail. He withheld a grin at the amusing sight.

  “Balal, you find it amusing to be late for training?” Vaan’s voice blasted to him easily.

  “Hettel,” Balal muttered the curse under his breath and faced his Overlord.

  Vaan glared. “I thought to witness your match against Marek and Ramar.”

  In other words, his Overlord wanted to see him spend the morning eating dirt. Straightening his shoulders, Balal said, “As you wish, Overlord.”

  Balal’s gaze shifted to the other Warlords waiting then narrowed. Several wore a smirk on their faces pleased to not be on the receiving end of Vaan’s wrath.

  “Marek! Ramar! Balal is in need of help.”

  Ramar tipped his head up breaking his conversation with Kiel. “How would you like me to help him, Sire?”

  Despite the bland tone, Balal caught the curl to Ramar’s mouth. He knew. Likely the Overlord had spoken with him the night before.

  Vaan cocked his hip and planted his hands at his waist. “Show him how a Warlord puts someone to sleep.”

  Balal groaned. It was going to be a very long morning. Unless he tried to protect himself. “Overlord...Vaan.” Balal cleared his throat, dropping the formality Vaan no longer required from those who made their home with him. “If I am too badly hurt, Assa will be upset.”

  “This does not concern me,” Vaan answered coldly, meeting his stare.

  Swallowing, Balal used the only thing he had left. Something all of the Warlords pretended to not be aware of. “If Assa is upset, she will tell Vesa.”

  Ramar stiffened at the mention of his mate’s name but Balal continued. “If Vesa and Assa are upset, they will tell Mikayla. Ever does she worry where her friends are concerned.”

  He waited. And waited. Then Vaan reached up and gathered his waist length hair to pull the loosened mass to the top of his head. Balal’s stomach clenched in warning. With a twist, he created a warriors knot, leaving no strands to fall about his face.

  “You are concerned for Mikayla?” Vaan eased his stance as he asked the question.

  Balal relaxed and nodded. It was too soon. He should have thought on how easy his Overlord acquiesced. As a result, he missed the fist flying toward his face sending him crashing to the ground hard, a cloud of dirt rising about his frame. Pain exploded but Balal rolled to his side.

  Not fast enough.

  Vaan shoved Balal to his back with a booted foot then planted it on his chest. As he leaned down, Vaan sneered. “You are right. My mate worries often for my Warlords. Best I show her they are worthy and in no need of her concern.”

  The next hour was one Balal would not forget. After he finished training with his Overlord, he spat blood from the tongue he’d bitten and prayed to the Blessed One to keep him on his feet. Around him his brethren moaned as well. It soothed his own pain to know they hurt as well. Vaan had gone through each of them in a fury.

  “We are Warlords of Kaban,” Vaan stated, standing in front of them. Anger radiated from his pores. “We train. We fight. We win.”

  His gaze past over all of them and his tone grew harsh. “Is this understood or need I go over it again?”

  “No, Overlord,” they all yelled.

  His lips parted to say more when the youngling must have decided they’d waited long enough.


  Vaan’s shoulders drew up and his eyes closed as he exhaled.

Falo, come play.”

  Thank the Blessed One for those little voices.

  Turning on his heels, Vaan pointed to Ramar who seemed to have come through with the least amount of damage. “Swords next until they understand what it means to be Kabanian.”

  Without a twitch to betray how sore he felt, Ramar bowed. “Yes, Overlord.”

  Then Vaan went to his youngling, the smile on his face nothing like the fierce frown he’d worn with his Warlords all morning.


  Miki held up a tiny square cloth of blue and pink thread. She added it to the growing pile of blankets and youngling booties. “You’ll need all of this.”

  Assa eyed the mounds of clothing. Three in total. “Don’t you want to keep a few things? If you carry again, you will have nothing left and need all new stuff.”

  Her friend flinched and reached for a tiny yellow hat. Not even the tip of Assa’s hand would fit inside the small garment. “It’s not a worry.”

  Miki folded the hat in half and set it with the other items. Her fingers trembled as they brushed over the youngling clothing.

  “Miki?” Assa placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “What is amiss?”

  A sniff followed by a huff of laughter was the only response.

  “Mikayla?” With a tug, Assa turned her Su-Su until they faced one another. The sheen of tears sent panic crashing into her. “What happened? Should I fetch the Overlord?”

  Heart racing, Assa turned to do that but Miki stopped her with a rough grip to her wrist. “No! Wait, Assa! Please.”

  Miki wiped frantically at a few tears which escaped. Easing closer, Assa curved an arm about her waist as thoughts flew through her mind. What could make her friend distraught?

  “Let me get the Overlord. He’ll fix whatever bothers you.”

  “And if it’s the Overlord?”

  Assa couldn’t hide her surprised expression. “Overlord Vaan is the reason you’re discontent?”

  Miki sighed and gently pushed until Assa released her. With a slump, she dropped to the edge of her bed and sat. “Among other things. But I don’t wish to talk about it. Instead tell me how Balal and you are doing? Is he eager for the birth?”

  “Yes.” Assa knew without a doubt Balal was excited about their coming youngling. Not distracted by the question, she focused on her dear friend. They’d been raised close together and considered one another to be more like sisters. Because of their relationship, Assa knew Miki wanted to avoid the topic concerning whatever bothered her in regards to her mate the Overlord.

  A true smile curled Miki’s mouth. “You’ll be a great mother, Assa.”

  Tension Assa wasn’t aware of slid free. She wanted to be the best for her youngling. “I hope so.”

  The light in Miki’s eyes brightened. “I have no doubt.”

  Assa framed the small bump of her belly between her palms. “In a few months time we’ll see. At least there’s only one in there. I hope.”

  Her ploy worked and Miki laughed. “Balal wouldn’t handle it well if there were more.”

  “Unlike the Overlord.” Assa giggled imagining Balal’s face if she had identical youngling.

  Unfortunately her words wiped away Miki’s humor and her lips turned down at the corner. Assa squeezed beside her on the bed and placed a hand on her friend’s thigh. She might not want to discuss the issue of her joining but Assa would be ready when she was. “I’m here whenever you want to talk.”

  She only hoped Miki took her up on it.

  Chapter 5

  The visitors from the neighboring Raasa compound arrived in a small group. The Su-Su, his mate and their two grown youngling. The sister and brother put Balal on edge. While their smiles played to kindness their eyes glinted with avarice. A brief glance with Ramar assured his fellow Warlord witnessed the same. Ramar signaled the others to tighten their guard.

  Balal broke off from Arane and Erana, trusting Amrod as he went to speak with Kavan. Lately, his friend had become withdrawn and silent. Or more silent than usual. As soon as he cornered Kavan, he asked, “What is on your mind?”

  Kavan leaned against the wall on one shoulder, his arms casually propped across his chest as he eyed the excitement of the Raasa welcoming the people they considered allies and friends. “Naught for you to concern yourself.”

  Balal didn’t believe him. Something of grave import plagued Kavan. It went beyond his usual taciturn demeanor. Balal studied the blank expression. None aside from Mikayla and the youngling could get him to relax freely. Initially, when they moved here all of them treated the Raasa with guarded suspicion. Kavan more so than everyone else.

  At some point, he’d changed. Softened. Kavan’s narrowed gaze continued to regard everyone closely. Not softened, Balal decided, but accepting. While keeping a part of himself hidden, Kavan adapted and blended.

  But recently something changed. He wasn’t sure what. It was gradual but growing. A distancing almost. “If you have need of anything, Kavan, know that I am here for you.”

  Dark eyes shifted in his direction at last and Balal froze. Ruthless, cold determination stared back. “There is nothing you can help me with. I prefer to be alone. Not all of us are interested in imitating the emotions of the Raasa.”

  Balal maintained his composure in the face of the harsh words he hadn’t expected but Kavan continued. “See to your mate while Amrod and I keep watch.”

  Dismissed. Balal didn’t anger often much, preferring to find peaceful solutions when necessary but in this moment Kavan more than angered him. Balal reacted without planned thought and grabbed Kavan by the straps of his chest harness and slammed his friend hard into the wall behind him.

  He glared into the narrowed brown eyes. “We have seen too many battles together, Kavan. Your words do not fool me. If you wish to keep matters to yourself, I have no choice but to abide by your wishes but know this...I will be here for you whether you want it or not.”

  To Balal’s surprise, Kavan did not struggle in his grip. His friend’s body remained lax in his hold which warned Balal to the gravity of whatever weighed on his mind. Very slowly, Kavan reached up and one by one removed Balal’s hands from him.

  “It is my respect for you that holds me back from striking. Never touch me like this again. Our friendship will not stay my hand the next time.” With a care that unnerved Balal far more than the dangerous tone, Kavan eased from Balal and turned.

  Balal stared, unable to break his gaze away. Kavan paused by Amrod and they exchanged words before Kavan left. Vaan also watched Kavan’s departure to the upper levels, concern darkening his gaze.

  At least he wasn’t the only one worried.


  Assa tried not to be alarmed by Balal’s lack of attention. He spent most of the day cornered with the other Warlords much to her dismay.

  “Are you lusting for your mate?” Vesa teased as she came to stand beside Assa and gazed about those eating in the dining hall.

  “No more than you are,” Assa joked.

  Vesa grinned and both of them spent the next few minutes staring after Balal and Ramar. Ramar remained close to Mikayla and Vaan while Balal and Amrod stayed near Erana and Arane. Two very handsome warriors who deserved a second look.

  “They seem to be under control,” a male voice drawled behind them.

  Assa jerked and Vesa glared at the intruder. Solee, the son of the visiting Su-Su stood with a smirk on his face.

  Since Vesa held her silence, Assa asked the question. “What do you mean?”

  “The Kabanian. My sister and I weren’t sure what to expect. We’ve seen and heard about the warriors. The Overlord has earned his barbaric reputation.”

  Assa stiffened, sensing the insult implied in the casually stated words. “We have found the Kabanian to be nothing like expected. If not for them—”

  Solee waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Yes, yes. If not for these mighty fighters, your Su-Su would have become the bride of one. Wait, despite Su-Su Mikayla’s efforts, th
e results are the same, are they not?”

  Mockery laced his tone. Assa drew herself up and glared. “Our Su-Su and the Overlord belong together. Theirs is a love match blessed by the Ba-asi himself.”

  “Exactly.” Vesa folded her arms over chest and leaned forward. “You should watch your words.”

  Solee raised his arms, palms out and gave them a good natured smile. “No offense. My apologies. My sister and I were excited to visit. You have to admit the rumors are hard to believe. A Raasa and the Kabanian Overlord?”

  Assa didn’t relax but some of her tension eased up. Perhaps he meant no harm. “They are happy.”

  Another woman joined them, smiling at Solee before shifting her gaze to Assa and Vesa. “Who are your friends, brother?”

  Solee curved an unwanted arm about Assa. “I did not get their names but they are beautiful.”

  Vesa’s eyes narrowed and Assa slid away to stand beside her friend. “I’m Assa and this is Vesa. We are joined in a True Union with two of the Warlords here.”

  “I am Amiri and so pleased to meet both of you.”

  For some reason the warm greeting set Assa’s hackles to rise. Judging by the squint on Vesa’s face, she felt the same. Amiri stood next to her brother. The siblings favored strongly in the angle of their jaws, narrow noses and wide foreheads. While Amiri’s lush black hair fell to her elbows, her brother’s bald head marked him a mature male. Dark brown muddied the green of their eyes and their smiles carried a hint of malice.

  Amiri patted Vesa’s shoulder in a condescending manner and her gaze dropped to Assa’s middle. “I hope you don’t mind if Solee and I have questions. There is much talk about the barbarian males you live with.”

  “Calling them barbarians is an insult,” Vesa chided as she shifted away from Amiri’s touch.

  “Of course.” Amiri glanced at her brother and the two faced Vesa and Assa with patronizing smiles. “Are you expecting youngling?”

  Assa’s hand flew to her stomach in an unconscious gesture. Nerves twisted but she nodded. “The Blessed One grants me favor.”


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