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by Colleen Charles

“No way,” Chase said as he threw his hands up in the air in a defensive sweeping gesture. “I mean, in the future, definitely. But I know you’re not ready for such a big step. I’d be an ass if I pushed you into something like that. And in light of what’s just happened…”

  Relief flooded my body. It felt so good to be with someone who understood what I wanted, a feeling I’d never experienced before in my life.

  “We leave a week after next, after your last exam,” Chase said. “I took the liberty of ordering an expedited passport for you. Sound good? Sometimes money can buy happiness. Or at least grease the wheels.”

  I nodded. Without caring about who watched, I threw myself across the table and into Chase’s arms.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The days felt like they were flying by. I had final exams at Hunter, and I barely saw Chase during the week – studying consumed me so much that I barely left the apartment. Of course, he kept up his charade of being nothing short of a perfect gentleman. Except now, maybe it wasn’t really a charade, and I’d been wrong about him this entire time. It appeared the man had a heart of gold in his chest to go along with the gold lining his pockets. I still had to struggle with my default self-talk that said I didn’t deserve it.

  Or him.

  During the week of my exams, he sent four pizzas, five bottles of champagne, and a whole crate of kopi luwak coffee – the most expensive in the world. It didn’t really taste any better than my favorite latte from Starbucks, but of course I wasn’t going to tell Chase that. I just appreciated his gestures and showed him my gratitude every way I knew how.

  “This is nice,” Trina griped. She looked like she wanted to take every gift from Chase and send it flying into the dirty street below. Too bad our windows contained iron bars that stopped her dead in her tracks. She walked into the living room where I sat and lifted the lid of a pizza box. “Is this from Tavola? Did Chase send it?”

  I nodded. “He sent me the lobster pizza from Uncle Paul’s earlier in the week.” I wrinkled my nose. “That was kind of weird and gross, though. I mean, lobster doesn’t really belong on pizza. Even though it tasted good, I had a hard time getting past the knowledge that dead shellfish cohabitated with my cheese.”

  Trina nodded. Things between us remained awkward because she hadn’t completely forgiven me for getting so close to Angela. And while Trina knew the basics of what happened that night at Angela’s apartment, she hadn’t exactly reached out. Part of me wanted to scream and rail at her. After what Angela and Nathan had pulled, Trina should have been a supportive friend instead of treating me like a rival. I was at an impasse.

  On the one hand, Trina was my closest friend in the world. But part of me wanted to tell her to go fuck herself instead of apologize. Sometimes I just wanted it to be all about me since I’d never had friends or family to be there when I was growing up. I wasn’t sure that I’d done anything wrong, and after all, with the semester coming to a close, I wasn’t sure that I’d stay in Crown Heights. The pay from Banks Realty rolled in every two weeks, and I could definitely afford a nicer apartment.


  “I’m sorry,” Trina said. Her words were like a sudden burst. She flopped down on the couch next to me. “I know I haven’t been much of a friend.” She frowned, her naturally pouty lips plumping to unnatural heights.

  “It’s okay,” I said, capitulating to her just like I always did. “You want some pizza?”

  Trina shook her head. “No, thanks.” She scooted closer. “Chastity, I really am sorry.” I watched as she bit her lip and swept her long hair over one shoulder. “I think I was jealous. Still am… jealous. You can’t even imagine the overwhelming emotions. It’s like you just got handed everything I’ve always fantasized about, and you don’t even want it.”

  “Jealous?” I frowned. “Of me?”

  Trina snorted. “No, of Trouble. Yes, of you!”

  “And about not wanting it. That’s not it, Trin. I want it now, but you’re right that I never knew that I did before Chase. He’s made me want things I never thought were possible for someone like me.”

  Trina blew her bangs up into the air. “I know. It’s like a Park Avenue fairytale. You find some amazing guy and an amazing job, and you’re not even out of college yet.”

  “Well, I was always jealous of you before,” I admitted, happy things were beginning to feel back to normal. I couldn’t afford to lose Trina. “You’re beautiful and charismatic and funny… you’re everything that I’m not. You’re everything I thought Chase would want. Not me. Never me.”

  Trina looked at me as if I’d just sprouted horns and a cloven hoof. “So I guess we just have to get over that and stay friends. Because I love you and think you’re the bomb, and I hope you feel the same about me. Unless you… don’t?”

  I pulled her into a tight hug, relief flowing through every cell of my body. I didn’t realize how much I loved and needed Trina until I hadn’t had her. Even though I could still feel a bit of anxiety between Trina and myself, I had a feeling that everything would be okay in the end. It had to be.

  “Of course I want to stay friends,” I said and sighed. “This has really been a crazy year.”

  Trina nodded in agreement. “I think I will take pizza,” she said, reaching into the box and pulling out a big slice. She stood up, nibbling the end of the piece. When she was almost to the doorway of her bedroom, she turned around with a smirk on her face.


  “Just let me know when Chase asks you to move in with him,” she said. “I’m gonna need a lot of time to find someone as cool as you.”

  I blushed hotly under the weight of her compliment. She meant it. “He’s not going to do that,” I said in a rush. “But if it happens, I’ll let you know.”

  Trina winked and closed the bedroom door behind her. With a sigh, I leaned over my psychology book and tried to concentrate once again.


  That evening, Chase and I were headed to a party at Nolan and Charlie’s condo. As the guests of honor. Charlie had gotten it into her head to throw us a bon voyage, even though we were flying instead of sailing across the Atlantic on the Queen Elizabeth 2. Some nervous energy consumed me. I’d never flown before. I’d also never had anyone throw me a party before.

  I didn’t get to spend nearly as much time getting ready as I would have liked. Between studying for my last exam and trying to forget all about Angela and Nathan, I barely had time to wriggle into my favorite black cocktail dress before Chase knocked on the door.

  “You look lovely,” Chase said. “You ready, gorgeous girl?”

  I nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I wrinkled my nose. “Does this get easier? I feel like I’m going to blow chunks.”


  “Fitting in with rich people,” I said dryly. “Your friends. I know how important it is. I always feel awkward before going to these things.”

  Chase laughed. “Everybody feels awkward, babe. That’s why God invented champagne. And scotch.”

  I rolled my eyes as Chase steered me out the door and into the backseat of his car. As Diego pulled away from the curb and drove us toward the luxurious world of Manhattan, I could only marvel at just how much things had changed since I first met Chase. I’d landed a great job, I was almost finished with school, and I had the world’s sexiest man on my arm. I hoped that Scotty didn’t magically appear to beam me back to my shitty life.

  This feels like the end of a movie, I thought as the limo pulled up to Nolan’s elegant building. Pretty Woman. Except I was a former phone sex worker, not a former hooker.

  Chase and I entered Nolan’s condo to cheers and cries. Charlie hovered right by the door, holding a rose-colored sparkler in one hand.

  “This probably isn’t safe,” she said with a giggle. “But the guys haven’t gotten into the punch yet, and I thought it was a good idea if we got all the pyrotechnics out of the way first.”

  I laughed as she p
ulled me into a one-armed hug. As always, the sight of the condo took my breath away. Charlie had exquisite taste. Even though she worked with a decorator, the rooms screamed a perfect blend of Nolan and Charlie together. I always admired the couch upholstered with Italian watered silk and the rich light grey shag carpeting. Add to it that Charlie was just a cool, laid-back chick and she seemed to have it all.

  “I love this condo so much,” I said dreamily, craning my neck and looking around. “It’s so beautiful. I can’t believe you guys actually live here. It’s like a spread in Architectural Digest.”

  Charlie raised her eyebrows and handed me a glass flute with pinkish-orange punch inside. “Neither can I,” she admitted, and we laughed together as she kept her arm draped around my shoulders. “But sometimes Nolan lets me look over the bills and then I can believe it.”

  “Well, it’s incredible,” I said. I felt lame – I never knew what to say. Sometimes it still felt awkward being around Charlie, who had come from the same kind of poverty as I had. Even though she grew up poor, it was impossible to tell that now based on her poise, charm, and elegant clothing. She was a real idol of mine, and I was always afraid of gushing too loudly in her presence. I really wanted to be her friend. Her life-long friend.

  Charlie shrugged. She wore an elegant ivory shift dress that showed off her curvy frame. And with her dark coloring and red lips, she stunned.

  “Who knows,” Charlie said with a mischievous smirk. “You may find out what it’s like to live in a place like this before you know it.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked. Did she know something I didn’t?”

  Charlie pretended not to hear me. “Nolan, over here!”

  Seconds later, Nolan and Chase joined us. As always, the two of them looked like brothers from another mother – even their outfits were coordinated.

  “Chastity, great to see you,” Nolan said. He grinned, then leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. “Chase says you’re just about done with your semester.”

  I nodded. Talking about college with Nolan made me feel like a little kid, but I was determined not to show it. I should be glad that Chase’s billionaire friend went out of his way to be nice to me and make me feel welcome and included.

  “I invited my father,” Nolan said to Charlie, wrapping an arm around her slender waist and pulling her close. “He’s bringing a date – can you believe that?”

  Charlie rolled her eyes. “God,” she said. “How tasteless is that? Last I checked, Anne’s last name was still Banks.”

  Just as I was about to grab Chase and pull him into the kitchen, a loud knock sounded at the door. Nolan and Charlie exchanged knowing glances before pulling it open.

  Grantham Banks stood just outside the threshold, his arm wrapped around a blonde girl so skinny she made Elle Fanning look fat. I frowned – not exactly thrilled to see Grantham The Creeper, but the addition of his date just made me feel even worse. She looked vaguely familiar, but I glanced away when she caught me staring at her. What was it about the man that skeeved me out? I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. He probably wasn’t any more offensive than your typical metropolitan rich man.

  Grantham’s eyes slid down my body, lingering at the swell of my breasts. The punch I’d just drank rose in my throat, and for a horrible moment, I thought I was going to be sick. All over his expensive Italian shoes.

  “Chastity,” Grantham purred. He raised his eyebrows and grabbed my hand before I could pull away. “So nice to see you.” He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. When I felt his tongue licking the palm of my hand, I yanked it away and wiped it on my thigh.

  “Hi,” I managed to clip out through my clenched teeth. I could almost imagine the hinges of my jaw popping out like white hail balls on my face.

  “Nolan, Chastity, everyone,” Grantham said. “I’d like you all to meet Tiffani.” He gestured toward the blonde, who clung to his arm like a boa constrictor. She wore a pink dress that resembled a polished vinyl upholstered chair, so low cut that I thought I could see her areolas.

  “Nice to meet you,” Tiffani simpered. She didn’t pull away from Grantham. Instead, she slid a hand down his chest and kept it possessively over his lower abdomen. Why on earth would Nolan’s father flaunt his latest mistress at an event that didn’t just include his friends and family? Didn’t he worry about the wrath of Anne?

  “Nice to meet you,” Charlie replied, not really looking at the cheap looking woman. I saw that her tight smile stayed frozen in place. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Only if it’s hard liquor,” Tiffani squealed.

  “Oh, baby, you’re naughty,” Grantham whispered so everyone in a three-foot radius could overhear. He turned toward his date and nipped the side of her neck, making Tiffani coo with delight.

  “Jesus Christ,” Nolan muttered under his breath. “Dad, that’s enough. Come on. You know damn well once mother gets wind of this she won’t be calling you. I’ll have to take her frantic phone call in the middle of the night.”

  “Oh, it’s a party, Nolan.” Grantham smirked as he patted Tiffani’s tight bottom. “Lighten up. My son is such a tight-ass,” he added. “Really Nolan. Some of the things I’ve seen you do, you have no room to criticize. Remember that time–”

  “Enough, Dad,” Nolan barked. “Charlie’s created a great spread, so why don’t we all go into the kitchen and sample the appetizers?”

  Instead of following everyone to the kitchen, I ducked into the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet lid. My nausea hadn’t faded, and it bubbled really close to the surface. So close I put my head between my bare legs. But worse than the churning stomach was the feeling of complete and utter overwhelm. The event with Nathan and Angela had left me reeling, but I knew it was time for me to stand up for myself.

  Finally, I joined everyone at the table. I groaned when I saw that the only empty seat loomed between Grantham and Chase. After this latest episode, I’d rather sit at the kids’ table than perch myself next to that geriatric pervert.

  “Babe, saved you a seat,” Chase said, motioning to the padded dining chair next to him. The presence of Grantham didn’t even allow for a brief fantasy about Chase’s elegant fingers fondling my butt instead of the velvet seat cover. “Come on over here, Chas. I’ve missed you.”

  I attempted a weak smile as I lowered myself down into the chair. Chase and Nolan were talking about some shake-up at Banks Realty, and I listened with the attention span of a hawk. But then Nolan said something about football and the conversation took a heated turn that I could no longer follow.

  “So,” Grantham’s voice said near my ear. A frisson of disgust traveled from his tepid breath down to my gut, strangling me. “You’re ignoring me, Chastity. That’s not very nice. I always thought you were so… friendly.”

  I sighed and turned toward him. What the fuck? He didn’t know me well enough to be making statements about my normal personality. “Well, I’m not sure what we’d have to talk about,” I said, trying to keep my voice sweet and at a low volume. “After all, we don’t know each other.”

  Grantham raised an eyebrow, and I felt my stomach tighten into a knot. “Oh, Chastity,” Grantham purred. “Talking is how you get to know someone better.” He smirked at me, and I waited for the other shoe to drop. He had something on me, and I feared I knew exactly what it was.

  “I see,” I said. “Well, I’m not really feeling too much like talking right now. Even to the owner of my company.”

  “I imagine not,” Grantham drawled. “After all, you’re not getting paid for it anymore, are you? The talking?”

  A crimson blush blossomed across my cheeks, and I sat up as if someone had shoved a ramrod up my ass. To my left, Nolan and Chase were eagerly chatting about the Giants Super Bowl chances. I knew that all I had to do was grab Chase’s hand and whimper a few choice words about Grantham making me uncomfortable. But I didn’t want to take the easy way out – this was my problem, and I knew I had to deal wit
h it on my own.

  Grantham put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “I think you and Tiffani would have a lot in common,” he said, scanning my body up and down. “After all, you two are birds of a feather.”

  Grabbing the edge of the table, I shoved my chair backwards so forcefully that it fell over. I leapt to my feet and yelped like Grantham’s touch had scalded my bare skin.

  “You leave me alone,” I hissed, pointing a shaking finger at Grantham’s chest. “You’ve been creepy since the first day I met you, and I’m fucking sick of it! And I… I…” Oh, God, please fucking forgive me for what I’m about to do. I know I’m ruining my love with these next two words but I refuse to sacrifice my self-respect for it. That price is just too high. “I quit!”

  Grantham looked shocked. Then his face relaxed, and he laughed. He laughed.

  Slapping him across the face seemed as involuntary as breathing. I wasn’t even aware of what I’d done until I realized that my palm stung and half of Grantham’s face flamed bright red.

  “Chastity!” Chase boomed, looking at me in disbelief. My heart fell to the vicinity of my stiletto-clad feet. I clamped my eyes shut and waited for him to demand that I leave. “What the hell is going on?”

  Inhaling a deep, cleansing breath, I crossed my arms over my chest and turned to face my boyfriend. Time to go down in a blaze of glory and misplaced bravado.

  “This…this…Neanderthal,” I spat through gritted teeth. “He’s harassed me every time I’ve seen him since the first time we met. And it stops now. Tonight. I won’t be insulted and manhandled at my own party.”

  Grantham chuckled. He made a grand, dramatic procession of rising from his chair, holding his hands in the air as if he were about to conduct a musical number at the Met.

  “Calm down, you foolish girl,” he said. “Jesus, you politically correct Millennials can’t take a fucking joke, can you?” His eyes narrowed as he stared at me and his deep voice dripped sarcasm. And rancor. “You should be flattered, honey. You’re just a cheap, phone-sex girl! You’re easy, right? Spread your legs for any Tom, Dick, or Harry that can pay the two dollars a minute? Don’t remember talking to me, do you? Don’t forget, I own the whole damn Banks building.”


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