by Tara Rose
But Mason had been right about Harper. Even before he’d learned that Mason suspected she was curious about BDSM, something had snapped this morning when he and Mason walked into the break room and glimpsed Harper trying to unplug the demon coffeemaker.
She’d looked so damn adorable and vulnerable. And then when she’d turned around and looked into his eyes, it was as if lightning had struck. He’d never experienced anything like it, and he couldn’t wait to see where it took him.
The only things that had held him back from confessing that to Mason this morning were the horrible memories of Andrea and Brady, but it was time to put those ghosts to rest. Andrea and Brady weren’t here. Harper was. She knew they were Doms, and she hadn’t run away. Mason must be thrilled right now. Lee was hardly able to eat.
He stared at the food on his plate, trying to collect his thoughts, but his brain was still in a fog. He’d stuck with safe and ordered involtini di melanzane for Harper, and pasta con le sarde for himself. She told him she’d had both dishes before, and as he forced himself to make yet more small talk about the reconstruction of the damaged buildings downtown and the upcoming celebration on the anniversary of the tornado, May third, she asked if she could taste his dish.
He placed some on her plate and she did the same with hers, and then she and Mason also exchanged some of their food. Mason had ordered frittedda, and Lee didn’t care for it, but watching Harper try it was like watching her have an orgasm. He and Mason exchanged another glance as she closed her eyes and made sexy, satisfied noises in the back of her throat. He didn’t have to ask if Mason was getting as much of a kick out of watching her enjoy her food as he was.
It was so unusual and refreshing to be with a woman who ate like she meant it, and who didn’t make constant comments about her weight or her looks when she was around food. Harper was so damn pretty and sexy, and Lee loved the fact that she didn’t try to hide it. But her confidence didn’t come across as conceit. She simply enjoyed life. Lee couldn’t wait to see what the rest of this evening brought.
About halfway through dinner, she started asking questions about the club. What was in it, what did people actually do, and how long they’d each been Doms. She wasn’t shy at all about this, and Lee could hardly eat now because his dick throbbed.
“We’ve both been in the lifestyle since our graduate school days,” said Mason. “As for what goes on inside the club, Maddox runs a tight ship in that he doesn’t allow anyone in that he doesn’t know, or isn’t with someone he knows well. But once they’re inside, he has loose rules. All he asks is that he and his DMs are kept apprised of any planned edgy scenes in advance, and that people use common sense.”
“This is a small town,” said Lee. “Everyone who frequents the club knows each other fairly well. It’s rare that…incidents get out of control.” He popped food into his mouth. This wasn’t the time or place to tell her about Andrea and Brady, but she noticed the change in his demeanor. Her brows lifted slightly and her eyes filled with concern. He thought she was going to ask, until Mason picked up a large spoon and distracted her.
“You know…this would make a good paddle. Think about it. It would only hit one small spot at a time, so it would really have an impact.” Mason turned his gaze on Harper, and Lee nearly came in his pants at the look on her face. It was pure lust. He knew that Mason had changed the subject in an attempt to distract her. He had a distinct knack for sensing when it was time to help someone avoid an awkward situation. He must remember to thank his friend later.
And his comments had an unexpected, pleasant effect in that they’d just unearthed a fantasy of hers. Impact play.
“I never thought of a spoon as something sexy,” she said, her voice breathy.
“The best toys are often everyday things. Kitchen utensils and twine are very popular. They’re cheaper than sex toys and most people have them in their homes already.”
She glanced around the table then picked up her linen napkin. “Blindfold? What do you think?”
“Maybe,” said Mason, taking it from her and folding it into a strip from end to end. “But it’s not long enough. For a blindfold you want something that fits around her head and can be tied in a slipknot, for quick release if needed.”
Lee watched her face. If she wasn’t as turned on as both of them, he’d eat all three of their napkins. This evening had just turned more interesting than he’d ever imagined it would be.
* * * *
Harper ordered dessert even though both men declined, and waited to see if either man would make a comment about that or give each other a look. They didn’t. She let them each taste some of hers, and noticed that neither one made a fuss over using the same fork as she did.
As they were leaving, they passed the table where Sean, Maddox, and Julie were finishing up their dessert and coffee. Lee introduced Harper to them, and she caught the pointed looks Sean and Maddox shot him and Mason when Lee explained that Harper was a new hire at Notus. They’d said the BDSM community in this town was tight, and it showed now, but she didn’t mind. She was proud to be seen with them, and clearly they didn’t mind being seen with her.
When they left the restaurant, it was still chilly outside, but no wind blew tonight which helped a lot.
“Do you want to walk up and down the street a bit?” asked Lee.
“I’d love to.”
She curled her hand around his arm on one side and Mason’s on the other, completely ignoring the curious glances they received as they strolled west on Market toward the downtown area. He pointed toward a two-story building that was nearly finished. “There’s where Luke’s Bar used to be. And across the street used to be an apartment building, but they’re making it into a shop instead.”
“They all look close to being done.”
Mason nodded. “Only Busler’s is scheduled to take more time, but the town is still planning on having the celebration next month, on the anniversary of the tornado.”
“What a wonderful affirmation. I’ve never been in a tornado. Was it scary?”
“It was for the people on this street. It came at night, but not so late that people weren’t in Luke’s Bar and some of the other businesses.”
“Luke’s Bar is on Riverfront now, right?”
“That’s right,” said Mason. “Have you been there yet?”
“No. I passed it my first day here, driving to my apartment. Is he also a good friend of yours?”
“Yes. He’s a Dom to Alexa Monahan, along with Chase Taylor, our building commissioner. Alexa co-owns Tye Me Up, the fetish shop on Lawnview Drive, along with Kari Tye.”
“Clever. Does she spell the name of the business the same as her last name?”
“Yes. T-Y-E.”
“Oh, I love that. Did she come up with that on her own?”
“I believe she did, yes.”
“I’d love to meet her.”
“We’ll take you to her shop. It’s pretty amazing for a small-town one.”
Harper couldn’t stop smiling. So far, this evening had been the perfect combination of talk, food, and sexy company. This was too easy. There had to be a catch. Then again, she’d always wandered easily into relationships with men. It was the aftermath that proved to be a disaster. But she was happy now, and as they made their way across the street and back toward the parking lot of Gino’s, chatting away about the businesses downtown and the town’s hope for future ones, Harper decided that for tonight, she’d stop second-guessing everything and just run with it.
Whatever happened, she’d embrace it and not analyze it first. It’s not like she’d picked up these two in a bar somewhere. They had engineering degrees and had worked at Notus for at least ten years, if she was an accurate judge of their ages. They were Doms in the local BDSM club, and Maddox, Sean, and Julie looked every bit the part of upstanding citizens in Racy. She hadn’t picked up an odd vibe from the triad, so they must know Lee and Mason, and respect them. She was in safe hands with these two.
bsp; And they were gorgeous. As well as charming, sexy, and easy to talk to. It was rare enough to find all that in one man let alone two. It was time to stop picking everything apart and just have some fun.
Chapter Three
Mason would take her anywhere in this town she wanted to go. He was thrilled beyond belief that he’d been right about Harper, and was so glad he’d trusted his gut and told her. He knew without asking that Lee was just as happy about it. As they walked down Market Street with her, he couldn’t help but love the looks the three got. The men were clearly envious, not that he could blame them. Harper was stunning.
It was difficult to concentrate on mundane talk about the reconstruction projects, but at the same time he was impressed that she cared so much about the town. She’d lived here less than a week. He hadn’t had this much fun in so long that he found it difficult to remember the last time he’d simply enjoyed walking along the street with a girl, talking about anything and everything.
She pointed toward a new shop with a newly-painted sign that said Decorus. “Is that a salon? I see hair dryers. She walked up to the partly soaped over windows and peered inside, the way a child might do. Mason glanced at Lee, and they both grinned.
“It is,” he said. “The owners are new to Racy but I haven’t heard who they are yet.”
She turned around. “Wasn’t it here before the tornado?”
He shook his head. “Nope. Right now you have to drive to Lafayette to get your hair done. There was a nail salon here, but it’s not going to reopen.”
She took their arms again as they began to walk. “How exciting. A new salon. What does the name mean? My Latin is rusty.”
“It means beautiful, graceful, or charming,” said Lee, winking at her.
Mason couldn’t be jealous this time. His Latin sucked, and he’d monopolized most of the conversation for the past fifteen minutes anyway.
“I’m impressed,” she said. “When did you find time to learn that?”
“I wanted to be a biomechanical engineer at one time, and since medical terms are derived from Latin, I took a few classes as an undergrad.”
“I didn’t,” said Mason.
She laughed softly. “You two continue to surprise me.”
“Good surprised, though, right?”
She smiled into his face and his heart nearly skipped a beat. “Very good surprises. Wonderful, in fact. I can’t wait to see what other surprises you have in store for me tonight.”
Oh Christ. This girl was going to be his undoing.
* * * *
As soon as they were in Mason’s car again, Harper’s cell phone buzzed. She wasn’t going to check it, but when it buzzed a second time, she did. Her hands shook as she read the e-mail. She hadn’t blocked him from her e-mail account or on Facebook, but now she wished she had. And she couldn’t do it from her phone. She’d have to wait until she was home and could access her laptop.
How the hell had he found out where she was working? It wasn’t public knowledge. She’d told a few close friends in Michigan and Ohio, but they would never relay that information to Dennis. And she couldn’t very well call or text them right now. Mason gave her a couple of curious sideways glances, so she closed the phone and forced a neutral expression to her face. This would have to wait. It had been two months since she’d left Tray Industries and Dennis Avery, and she wasn’t about to let his sudden reappearance in cyber space ruin this evening.
“Everything okay?”
She smiled at him, hoping it fooled him. “Yes. Absolutely.”
They had pulled out onto Market Street, heading west toward Riverfront Drive. “So, is there anything else in Racy you’d like to see tonight?”
His voice held a note of uncertainty, which she found endearing. She needed to address the e-mail, but she wasn’t ready to go home yet. She turned in her seat to face him, still smiling. “You said you both live on Birch Lane, is that right?”
He nodded. “Yes. It’s a big house. Part of my parents’ estate. Lee moved in after college and never left.”
She gave him a long look, and then glanced into the back seat to find Lee watching her closely. His expression sent shivers up and down Harper’s spine. “So you two really do share everything.”
“Well, not like that,” said Lee. “We’re straight.”
Harper laughed, more from pent-up energy spilling over than anything. “Oh, I’m glad you cleared that up.”
“I meant we share a living space but not each other.”
“She gets it, dude. Relax.”
“What about women? Ever share one?” The only way to get an answer was to ask the question. Her pulse raced. She’d never done anything like this in her life, but she’d fantasized about it enough. Had they done so as well? She was taking a huge risk here, but the evening had gone so well, and everything had clicked.
Everything except the e-mail.
No. She pushed that aside. Tonight was for Lee and Mason only. No one else. She’d been drawn in by both men from the moment she’d laid eyes on them, and she wanted them. She had to find out if they both wanted her, too.
“In play, yes,” said Mason, carefully, as though he was choosing his words. “In bed, no.”
Lee’s voice floated from the back seat, soft and sultry. “But there’s a first time for everything.”
She could hardly contain her excitement. Her risk had paid off big-time. She’d been right about them. It was too much to hope for, and yet it hung suspended in the air, ready for her to reach out and take.
She turned and looked him right in the eyes. “I’ve always wondered what that’s like. Making love to two men at once.”
The air inside Mason’s Lexus was suddenly warm and ripe with possibilities. Every nerve ending was on fire, and Harper found it difficult to take the next few breaths as images danced through her head. She’d either just made an ass of herself or planted a seed that she hoped would sprout and grow into one of her ultimate fantasies come true. Her palms grew damp as she waited for one of them to react to what she’d just said.
“Would you like to see our house?” asked Mason. The question wasn’t casual. She heard the intended meaning in his voice, as much as she felt it coming off him in waves. When Lee made a soft noise in the back of his throat, she caught the lust pouring off him from the backseat as well.
This was really going to happen. All she had to do was say “yes.” One little word. It was that simple.
“I’d love to.”
The house was set back in the woods with a curving drive, and it was easy to imagine how pretty the view was when the trees were full of leaves. Lee pointed out Maddox’s house, just down the street, as well as the home belonging to Bitsy and Everett Sinclair, Mason’s aunt and uncle. “Their son is Cameron, our fire chief and Mason’s cousin. He and Storm Jamison, the fire inspector, are Doms to Olivia Kelly. She had a baby girl last month. They named her Cassidy Jamison Sinclair Kelly. Her name is bigger than she is.”
Harper chuckled. “That’s a great name.”
“She’s the first child of any Racy ménage,” said Mason, as they pulled around to the back of the house.
Harper stared at the intricate brickwork, and rich trim colors. It suited him. It suited them both, actually. “How many ménages are there?”
“Ten, now. That we know of, at least.”
Lee exited the car and opened Harper’s door. “This must be a tolerant town.”
Both men snorted. “Ah, not even close,” said Mason. “We get a lot of flack from two of the larger churches and a certain councilman, although now that Zach Kincaid is mayor, that has died down a bit.”
“Oh, I see. So when you said he was a good friend, you meant he was also a Dom.”
Mason unlocked the back door and ushered her inside a hallway that looked more suited to a magazine spread than a place to put wet boots or hang up coats. “Yes. He’s a Dom to Gina Santori, Vito’s sister, along with Harrison Kelly, Olivia’s brother.”
“Keeping it in the family,” she said.
“You don’t know the half of it.” Mason led the way up a flight of stairs and Harper swiveled her head around, trying to take it all in. Everything looked and smelled expensive. The decorating was a bit dark and brooding for her taste, but again it suited him and Lee as much as the outside colors did. “The Rodriguez family has three siblings in the lifestyle. Luke, who owns the bar you mentioned, Rafe, the oldest son, and Ria, the second-youngest daughter.”
“Rodriguez? As in my new boss’s family?”
“Yep. One and the same. Oh, and it’s okay we told you. Maggie is very open about it and isn’t judgmental about her siblings, even though she has zero interest in the lifestyle. And just so you know, it’s okay we told you about the others as well. They don’t mind everyone knowing.”
“That’s good to know. Thanks.” She had new respect for Maggie, not only for keeping all this from becoming local gossip inside her department, but for not judging her siblings’ choices.
When they reached the second floor, he led them to a sitting room, decorated in muted greens and tans. This was better. The entire atmosphere was woodsy and soothing. She walked over to the wall of windows and gasped. “I didn’t realize there was a lake back here.”
Mason was right behind her. She could feel his body heat and smell his cologne. Harper inhaled the scent, allowing it to fill her mind with possibilities. “It’s not very large. My grandparents had it dug out and stocked because my grandfather loved to fish, but no one does much fishing these days on it. Still, it’s pretty to look at, especially when the moonlight hits the water.”
“It’s breathtaking.”
A hand touched her hair, light and feathery. The gesture sent shivers up and down her spine and forced a soft moan from her throat. “Yes, it is.” His voice came out in a whisper, but the lust came through loud and clear. She turned, and barely had time to catch the desire in his eyes before he kissed her.