by Tara Rose
On Monday, Harper had lunch in Lafayette with Ginger and Katie, and when the subject of her dates came up, she told them she was dating both men. They weren’t surprised, but it was clear neither woman thought such a thing could work for long. As she had previously discussed with Lee and Mason, she didn’t bring up the subject of Racy’s BDSM community because Katie and Ginger weren’t in the lifestyle.
Harper was so busy with the projects she’d been given to work on that she didn’t have much time during the workday to dwell on Dennis. But in the afternoon and evenings when they were done with their work day, she had no choice but to think about it because each time she was out with Lee and Mason in town, she spotted Dennis’s car.
She pointed it out to them on Tuesday, and Mason called Sean. They talked for a few moments, and then Mason disconnected the call. “He said they’re watching him, but that until he actually does something, all they can do is keep giving him bullshit tickets.”
“What do you mean?”
Mason grinned. “Well, they’ve issued him tickets now for parking too close to a hydrant, too close to a stop sign, and for parking outside the lines in a parking lot.”
She shook her head. “He’ll probably just tear them up.”
“That’s fine, but they don’t go away. Sooner or later he’ll have to address them.”
“It’s not enough.”
Lee reached around from the backseat and massaged her shoulder. “Ignore him, hon. He wants you to react. Sooner or later he’ll get bored and go back to Michigan.”
Harper wished she believed that.
On Wednesday morning, Lee and Mason came down to her department, which they’d never done before, and pulled over chairs to sit in her cubicle. Mason showed her a text from Sean on his phone. “Sorry to bombard you like this, but it couldn’t wait.”
Her heart pounded because she was afraid to read it, but they were both here. It would be all right, whatever it said.
Avery lost the job he got after being fired from Tray. The one you found on LinkedIn. He’s not employed right now and is drawing unemployment from MI.
She stared at both of them. “Well, I guess that explains why he has all this time on his hands.”
“We thought you’d want to know,” said Lee.
She narrowed her eyes. Something else was going on. She could see it in their eyes. She stood and peered over the top of her cubicle into Katie’s. “I’m taking a quick break. Be right back.” Harper took her personal laptop with her and followed the guys to the sixth floor, where she logged into the company’s free Wi-Fi that wasn’t monitored by their IT department.
She’d started bringing the laptop with her every day, even though Lee and Mason had said they wished she wouldn’t. They didn’t want her focusing on what Dennis or his girlfriends might have sent her all day long. Now she was glad she’d done it regardless. But as a concession to bringing it with her, she’d given them both her e-mail and Facebook passwords over the weekend so they could monitor the accounts as well.
“I found these while you were showering this morning,” said Lee, “but I didn’t know how to tell you. Then after Sean sent this text, we decided this couldn’t wait until after work, so we came down to show you what I found.”
She logged into Facebook first, and read the posts from Bev Grace and Shannon Brook, the two women who had also sent her e-mails and posted on her Facebook page just after Dennis had the first time. They were using different accounts this time, but the dumbasses hadn’t done enough to disguise who they actually were.
“I don’t see anything new on there from Dennis,” said Mason.
“No. It looks like he got his groupies to do his dirty work for him. Maybe he lost his new job for using the Internet at work?” She blocked the two additional names, and then she opened her e-mail, shaking her head. “Same account names as on Facebook. Not too bright, are they?”
Lee massaged her arm. “Not even close.”
She forwarded the e-mails to Sean and then blocked the accounts. “And calling me a heifer…how original. That’s the best they can come up with? Really?”
Lee pulled her close and held her as she blinked away tears. Would this ever be over? All her resolve this past weekend to not let him intimidate her was gone. How was she supposed to let it roll off her back when they could do this indefinitely?
Mason rubbed her back. “You okay? What can we do?”
“Nothing. And yes, I’m okay. In the grand scheme of things, this is nothing. Look what some of the women in this town have been through. Ex-Doms and serial killers. They’d laugh at this.”
Lee released the embrace and closed her laptop, then he cupped her face. “No, they wouldn’t. Not at all. Stalking is stalking, and harassment is harassment, no matter who is doing it or how. No one would laugh at this. Believe me.”
“I don’t think I could deal with this unless you two were with me.” The words were right there, but once again she held back. Even when they each looked at her with what could only be called love in their eyes, she didn’t say the words.
She would find a way to beat this. She would figure out how to stop it. And then and only then would she be free to tell her Doms how much she loved them.
Chapter Seventeen
They continued to see Dennis in town on Wednesday and Thursday, but all he did was follow them around. There were no new e-mails or Facebook posts, but by Thursday evening, Harper was tired of it. She wanted him out of Racy and out of her life. She hated the powerless feeling of not being able to do anything about this. It was so intrusive.
On Thursday the new bakery opened, and the three stopped in after grabbing dinner at Nan’s Place despite all three agreeing that they’d probably have heartburn all night. Lee declared the donuts almost as good as the ones Dan Rutherford had made, so they sat at one of the small wrought iron tables and enjoyed a couple of donuts apiece as they made small talk.
Chad, Dustin, and Annalise came in, bought donuts as well, and then joined the three. They talked about how nice the weather had turned, the spring storms they were supposed to get the next day, and the celebration that was still planned for May third.
Harper had just started laughing at a joke Lee told when the bell above the door dinged again. She didn’t look up to see who had entered because people had been walking in and out during the hour they’d been there, but when Lee and Mason both glanced toward the counter with incredulous looks on their faces, she followed their gaze.
“Fucking A,” she whispered. Her pulse raced and her mouth went bone dry. That son of a bitch had not just dared to walk into a shop as if he lived here. He had not just done that…
She was off her chair before either man could grab her arm. “Who the hell do you think you are to do this?”
All conversation in the bakery stopped, but Harper was only dimly aware of that. Lee and Mason were at her sides, hands on her arms, tugging gently, but she shook them off.
“I asked you a question, Dennis.”
He finished paying for his purchase and then turned around. Harper had always wondered how she’d react if she were ever face to face with him again. She’d imagined all sorts of scenarios from melting into an emotional wreck to anger. What she didn’t expect was complete indifference.
The man standing in front of her with a smart-ass smirk on his face might as well have been a stranger. She felt nothing but irritation. Nothing. As if the months with him had been a movie she’d once watched but already forgotten.
“Come on, hon,” said Lee, tugging once again on her arm. “He’s not worth it.”
Harper caught movement out of the corner of eye, and she glanced over to watch Chad rise from his chair and stand to the left of Dennis, slightly behind him.
“Let’s go, sweetheart,” said Mason. “This guy doesn’t deserve your time.”
Dennis eyed Lee and Mason, the stupid smile still plastered on his face. “No, let her talk.” His gaze raked over her, and the gesture that used to s
end her heart fluttering now made her skin crawl. “I’m surprised to see you in here eating donuts. You’ve gained some weight since leaving Tray, haven’t you?”
“Oh, that’s it…” Lee’s right arm drew back, and then his fist made a beeline for Dennis’s face, but Chad was faster. He caught Lee’s arm before it connected with Dennis’s jaw.
“Not worth it.” Chad and Lee locked gazes, the silent struggle showing on each man’s face, and then Lee finally put his arm down.
Chad stood in front of Dennis. “Get the fuck out of this town. You’re not welcome here. Can’t you figure that out, or are you really that damn stupid?”
He snorted, but some of the cockiness had left his eyes. He glanced over Chad’s shoulder toward Lee and Mason again. “You two had better keep your girlfriend on a short leash because if she talks to me again, I’ll do far worse to her than call her fat.”
Chad had a more difficult time holding Lee back this time, and Dustin got to Mason just before Mason’s punch connected with Dennis’s face, but only barely. Annalise put her arm around Harper and whispered in her ear to just keep breathing.
Several other Racy residents stepped in and surrounded them, shouting insults at Dennis. Chad had his cell out and spoke into it while he tried to keep Lee from attacking Dennis, and within what felt like seconds, Sean and Harrison were in the bakery.
“They were right down the street,” said Annalise. “We saw them earlier inside the drug store.”
Harper didn’t give a shit who had been where or when. She was too busy trying very hard not to cry as the emotional impact of Dennis’s insults hit her full force.
Harrison and Sean escorted Dennis outside, and Chad and Dustin took Lee and Mason aside. Harper watched the four men engage in what looked like a heated discussion, but there was too much noise inside the bakery for her to hear what they said. Based on the gestures from Lee and Mason, and the looks on their faces, they were more pissed off than she’d ever seen them.
She took her seat again because she was certain her legs would give out if she didn’t. Why had she talked to him? Why couldn’t she simply have let it go?
Lee and Mason finally headed back toward the table, followed by Chad and Dustin. Harper was afraid to make eye contact with her Doms, but Mason surprised her by gathering her into a tight embrace and asking if she was all right.
“What?” She pulled away and searched his face. “I thought you’d be upset with me. I shouldn’t have said anything to him.”
“Bullshit. I’m happy you did. We’re both so proud of you. You took control of the situation instead of just sitting here, letting him intimidate you.”
She stared at each of them with her mouth open, hardly daring to believe what Mason had just said was real. They weren’t upset. They were proud of her.
Lee turned on Chad. “Why the hell didn’t you let us deck him?”
“Because it’s called assault.”
“Fuck that.”
Harrison and Sean came back inside and pulled chairs over to join the group at the table. “Okay,” said Harrison. “We persuaded him to get in his car and drive away for now.” He eyed Lee and Mason. “I get that you want to protect Harper, but the best thing to do is ignore him. He wants an audience. If you do nothing, he’ll get bored and leave.”
A shiver ran up and down her spine at Harrison’s words, which eerily echoed Lee’s to her earlier this week. So much for not reacting to Dennis.
“I know that,” said Lee. “But he insulted her. Twice. Look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn’t deck anyone who had said that to Gina.”
Harrison averted his gaze.
“We agree with you,” said Sean, leaning in close and lowering his voice. “But we can’t do anything to this guy right now. Don’t give us a reason to arrest you two, okay? That’s what he wants.”
“He threatened her,” said Mason. “He said he’d do worse.”
“It’s all talk,” said Sean. “He proved that tonight. Ignore him and he’ll leave town.”
“We’ll do our best.” Mason’s tone didn’t match his words. Harper couldn’t pretend she wasn’t thrilled that her men had stuck up for her like that. No one had ever come to her rescue before. But she also couldn’t help but believe that she’d just made things worse. If she hadn’t approached him, none of this would have happened. She’d never had a temper before, but seeing him waltz into this shop like he lived here had caused something inside her to snap.
And then when he said she’d gained weight…every insult she’d ever endured her entire life came crashing down. She felt like someone had punched her in the gut. She couldn’t say that now, in front of everyone. She’d have to discuss it with Lee and Mason later.
* * * *
Once they were back at the house, the guys curled up with her in front of the TV, but Harper couldn’t concentrate on anything. “It just snapped inside my head.”
Mason turned off the TV. “Go on.”
“I saw red. I mean, he doesn’t live here. He’s been following us around for two weeks, and he just strolled into a shop like he belongs here. Who has that kind of nerve?”
“Is that really what you’re upset about?”
She swallowed hard at the tone in his voice. How did he always know when there was more to the story? Harper blinked back tears. “He called me fat, Sir.”
Mason pulled her close and stroked her hair. “I’m sorry. I know how much that upset you. But it’s all he has. Can’t you see that? The only thing he can do to hurt you is touch a nerve.”
She pulled out of his arms and looked into his eyes. “I’d never considered that before. But if I hadn’t said anything to him…if I’d just let it go, none of that would have happened.”
“Chad should have let me deck him,” said Lee.
“And then you’d be in jail.”
Lee grinned and shook his head. “It would be worth it to defend you.”
She moved into his embrace and shook her head. “No. That’s not an answer. And he’s out of work, remember? He’d sue you just for spite.”
“Oh, Harper.” Lee stroked her back. “I have to agree with Mason on this one. He can’t really hurt you. All he can do is insult you. He has no power over you.”
“But why won’t he leave? I don’t want him here. I want to be able to walk around Racy without running into him.”
“He will. Just give it time. As much as I’d rather beat the shit out of him, Sean, Harrison, and Chad are right. If we ignore this asshole, he’ll get bored and leave.”
* * * *
Friday morning, Harper was exhausted. The three had stayed up late talking, and by the time she finally fell asleep, wrapped in their arms, the words Dennis had hurled at her no longer stung, but she had vivid, frightening dreams all nights. The guys suggested she take a sick day and get some rest.
“I can’t. I haven’t worked there long enough yet. I’ll take a nap once I get home from work.”
“We’re teaching classes at Maddox’s club this afternoon,” said Mason. “That’s perfect.”
“Oh no. I forgot about that. I want to be there.”
Mason pulled her close. “Nonsense. You need your rest. Besides…” He nuzzled her neck. “We have another role play in mind, and you’ll need to be well rested for it.”
Her pussy grew wet at the mention of role play. That was exactly what she needed. As memories of their last role play filled her mind, she smiled at each of them in turn. “Tell me what it is. Please, Sir?”
Lee chuckled. “No way. We’re going to make you sweat this one out, beautiful.” He kissed her. “You take a nap after work, we’ll teach the class, and then we’ll come back here and keep you awake all night. What do you say?”
“That sounds perfect. Thank you so much.”
She was so busy at work that it kept her mind from wandering to the incident in the bakery the evening before, and when they drove her home, she crawled into bed still fully dressed. They each kissed her as thunde
r rumbled outside. “No…the storms are here already? They predicted them for later tonight.”
“Don’t worry,” said Lee. “A thunderstorm isn’t going to stop us from making you so wet tonight that we’ll need a mop to clean up your pussy juices.”
Harper giggled at that image as Mason kissed her again. “Ignore the storms. You get some sleep. We’ll be back in a few hours.”
* * * *
Mason was still fuming over their encounter with Dennis from the night before. As they drove to Maddox’s house, lightning lit up the sky and thunder rumbled ominously, which distracted him for a few minutes. He glanced up at the sky. “This looks nasty.”
Lee opened his phone and scrolled for a second, frowning. “Severe thunderstorm warning was just issued. Should we go back? I don’t like her being alone in the house with bad storms coming.”
“Are we under a tornado watch, too?”
“If they issue one, we’ll go back. We’re less than a mile away. She really needs sleep. Last night took a lot out of her. I wanted to kill that motherfucker.”
“So did I.” Lee’s voice was hard. “Pissed me off when Chad stopped me.”
“Yeah. But you know they would have thrown our asses in jail.”
“I know. Still pissed me off though. She didn’t need that.”
“She’s a fighter when she needs to be. I love that about her.”
Lee gave him a long, searching look. “You love her, period. Just admit it.”
“So do you.”
“No shit.”
Mason swallowed hard as he pulled into Maddox’s driveway. Lee didn’t speak again until they had parked the car. “I want to tell her. Tonight. Together. It’s time we do that.”