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Destiny's Temprtress

Page 11

by Janelle Taylor

  She searched for a root cellar and was delighted when she located one in the kitchen pantry. She labored until she had Clifford’s body near it. Without guilt, her foot shoved him into the black hole. She pondered her emotions and the smile that teased her lips when she heard a loud thud below her. Closing the cellar door, she pushed heavy items over it, then propped a chair under the door handle to the pantry. That should keep Major Clifford busy long enough for me to be long gone! she told herself.

  Shannon washed his blood and grime from her nude body, then pulled on her clothes. Noticing blood on the floor and bed, she hurriedly covered the bed with a quilt and mopped away the bloody smears, then glanced around to make sure no clues to her attack were visible.

  Without delay, Shannon returned to the hospital and stole into her room. After gathering her belongings, she left unseen. No one was around the corral to prevent her from saddling her horse and walking him away from the enclosure. At a safe distance, she mounted and rode into the shadows.

  Shannon had ridden only a mile from camp when a soldier stopped her flight. “Halt! Give your name and business or I’ll open fire,” the masculine voice shouted from the impenetrable darkness.

  Shannon reined her horse and called out, “It’s Shannon Greenleaf. I’m heading for Georgia. I have permission to pass through, sir.”

  “Permission from who?” the man called back, stepping into the moonlight. “Where you riding off to so fast, Shannon?”

  “James Thornton, you beast! How dare you tell Major Clifford such lies about me and my family. Just wait until I see your father and mother. Your daddy’ll take you to the barn and thrash you soundly for shaming him like this,” she warned, trying to sound brave and furious.

  “Don’t sling foul lies on me, Shannon Greenleaf. We both know your whole family’re bloody traitors. It didn’t surprise me you took up with some Yankee devil. You always did take to rogues, didn’t you, you hot-blooded slut? I should have taken care of you and your Yankee stud myself, instead of exposing you to the major. You ain’t going nowhere. Clifford’s promised me a piece of your ransom from Travers. And I might even git a piece of your tail if there’s anything left when the major finishes. He’s got an ornery reputation with women. It shore won’t be like it was with that Yank—or your precious Hawke.”

  “You knew Clifford was planning to rape me and blackmail me? Whatever has happened to you, James Thornton? This crime is beneath even you. Why did you betray me?” she inquired, wondering how to overcome this new obstacle. If he took her back to camp…

  “You’ve had it coming for years, you shameless bitch. I wasn’t good enough for you, but old Hawke was. Where is that black-eyed savage? Why ain’t he sniffing your tail like always? Don’t tell me you dropped him for a Yankee stud. Hawke was never the sharing kind.”

  “You’re disgusting, James Thornton! You’ll be sorry for this.”

  “I’m just sorry I told the major about you before I took my revenge. I heard your papa and Temple got themselves killed. I also heard my good friend Corry’s a Rebel prisoner. Now, Clifford’s gonna get you bad, and it serves you Greenleafs right for turning on us. That only leaves Hawke. Where is he, Shannon? Me and him got a score to settle. I wonder if he’ll come running back when they put you on trial and hang you, if you survive tonight. Let’s get you back to the major.”

  Shannon was thinking swiftly in desperation. “Listen to me, James. It’s not what you think; it never was. Hawke left right after the war began. I don’t know where he is. I’m only trying to locate Corry and get him home. If you’ll let me pass, I’ll marry you when the war ends. I give you my word of honor,” she lied shamelessly.

  James laughed wildly, then sneered contemptuously, “A Thornton marry Hawke’s leavings? And what about this Yankee stud you been traveling with? Ain’t no telling how many beds you’ve warmed. I wouldn’t even piss on you, woman.”

  “James Thornton, you’re the vilest, lowest form of man or beast. I have never slept with any man. Do you hear? Any man! But when I do, it won’t be one like you or Clifford. I would die first.”

  “I hope Major Clifford beats you black and blue before he sells you to that Yank from Boston. You’re going back to camp, one way or another.”

  “I don’t think so,” a deep voice argued from behind James. “Drop your weapon, if you want to live another day, Reb.”

  James whirled to shoot the intruder, but as he did, a gun butt slammed into his jaw, breaking it and rendering him unconscious. James was thrown backward by the forceful blow and landed roughly. He didn’t move.

  Shannon wondered if she were dreaming. “Blane? Is that you?” she whispered, afraid to trust her eyes and ears.

  Blane responded crisply, “Yep, it’s me, Shannon.” He bent over James’s body to make sure he was out cold.

  Shannon slipped off her horse and raced to the handsome blond. When he stood, she flung herself into his arms and shrieked, “Blane, I’m so glad to see you. Clifford said he sent you into a trap. He said you were dead. How did you find me?”she babbled excitedly.

  Blane grasped her wrists and set her away from him. “Thanks to Major Clifford, three more men are dead. How did he know about me?” he asked, wanting to know why Clifford had acted so strangely at their arrival, even before this Rebel betrayed them. As he awaited her reply, he removed James’s shirt and belt, bound the man’s hands and feet and, pulling a large handkerchief from the Rebel’s pocket, he gagged the man and rolled him into the bushes.

  Shannon stared at Blane. Was there a hint of accusation in his voice? She didn’t like his mood or his question. She wondered how much of her quarrel with James he had overheard. “If Clifford’s still alive, ask him. I left him knocked out, tied up, and locked in the root cellar. I’m riding before another sentry arrives.” She stalked angrily to her horse, then mounted.

  Blane was beside the animal instantly. He grabbed Shannon and yanked her into his arms.

  Struggling, Shannon yelled, “I’ve been through hell during these last two weeks, and I survived on my own! So don’t show up and start ordering me about like your slave. Put me down, you brute,” she commanded.

  “Answer me first,” he stated in refusal. “And be quiet!”

  Shannon stiffened in rage but complied. “Satisfied?” she asked. “I didn’t expose any of your secrets. I suppose you think I am to blame for revealing your identity to Clifford. Is that what you wanted me to admit?” she asked sarcastically. “Put me down. I’m getting out of here.”

  “What did you mean ‘if he’s still alive’?” Blane probed, having witnessed the entire confrontation between her and James.

  Shannon glared into his face as he held her in his arms like a child being carried to bed. “He tried to rape me. I beat him senseless with a candlestick. For all I know and care, he might be dead. If not, he won’t see the light of day or crave another woman for a long time.” Shannon revealed her meaning as she related the incident in detail.

  Blane stared at her this time. Suddenly he laughed.

  “It isn’t funny, Major Stevens. I thought you were my partner, my bodyguard. You’re never around when I need help or advice. I seem to do better on my own.” After her irritation and fears were vented on him, she described her visit to the prison. “You see, I don’t need you at all.”

  Blane grinned as he lowered her feet to the ground and released her. Playfully he teased, “It didn’t look or sound that way earlier.”

  “If you mean that yellow-bellied snake,” she sneered, nodding at James, “I could have handled him. He’s the villain who betrayed me—rather us—to Major Clifford.” With one agile movement, Shannon hiked her skirt with her left hand and, with her right, withdrew the knife from the sheath strapped to her thigh and placed the point at Blane’s heart. “This, Mister Stevens, was my path to freedom. That, Mister Stevens, is James Thaddaus Thornton of the Savannah Thorntons, a spurned suitor. His family was close to mine. I didn’t want to kill him. I was merely waiting fo
r him to get close enough to attack.”

  “You’re mighty generous with your enemies, Shannon.”

  “Tell that to Major Clifford when you see him again—which we will if we don’t get moving, sir. I would hate to imagine what he’ll do to us if we’re captured, especially to me.”

  “Let’s get moving, partner. Raleigh is a long ride.”

  “Raleigh? North Carolina? Why go there?”

  “Actually, we’re heading for Wilmington on the coast, by way of Raleigh and Fayetteville. I’ll explain later, partner. Let’s get some miles between us and your numerous thwarted suitors. I thought you told me Rebels were gentlemen who didn’t harm ladies,” he reminded her.

  Shannon clenched her teeth. “They were before this war changed them into beasts. Do you want me to admit that you’re right again?”

  “No need, just so you know it,” he teased, cuffing her chin.

  “What about Corry, Blane? Surely you’ve heard what Andersonville is like? Remember, he is a Federal soldier.”

  He replied, “Remember, Major Clifford and Simon Travers will be looking for you in that direction. Corry will have to wait.”

  “He has a spy in Danville Prison. We should warn them.”

  “There isn’t time, Shannon. Let’s mount up and ride.”

  Blane lifted her and sat her in her saddle. She followed him to where he had left his horse. As he mounted, Shannon asked again, “How did you find me? Your timing was perfect—too perfect.”

  “Tell you later,” he tossed over his shoulder, then rode away.

  Shannon watched his retreating back in the moonlight. She was tempted to head in the other direction. He could be so infuriating. She had never needed and wanted the comfort of his strong arms as she did at this moment. A picture of Clifford poised nude and ready to ram her body with his large male weapon flashed across her mind and she shuddered. She clicked her reins and kneed her horse into a pursuit of Blane’s. Racing behind him, she vowed to hear an explanation the moment they halted for rest. He owed her one!

  Chapter Five

  Blane pushed Shannon until she was too exhausted to question him when they halted. He was not ready or willing to discuss anything with her tonight, or rather this morning. In Blane’s mind it seemed that every day more and more entangling vines of doubt surrounded her and tried to pull her from her pedestal of rarity and perfection. Yet she always managed to find a clever way to retain her balance and position.

  Everything about this temptress of destiny was complicated. Just as he was on the verge of believing that his dark opinions were wrong, she or someone would do or say things to convince him he was right to mistrust her and resist her. She could readily create and pour on honeyed lies and beguiling charm when the situation demanded it. Having heard her argument with Thornton, he couldn’t determine which words or actions to accept as truth. How did he or James know if Clifford had truly tried to attack her? And even if he had, perhaps Clifford hadn’t known her secret role, or it hadn’t mattered during his bout of frenzied lust. If anybody knew how Shannon could incite a man to mindless passion, he did. As all these thoughts whirled through Blane’s mind, he refused to acknowledge that it was this mysterious Hawke and her silence about him that incited his fury and his doubts.

  After a short sleep and a quick meal, Blane had her up and moving again. Because each was waiting for the other to make truce, this swift and silent pattern stubbornly continued until they were five miles north of Raleigh. Blane ordered Shannon to conceal herself until he made certain the house they approached was still a safe house. He warned her to stay awake and alert.

  She watched him ride away, then sat on the ground. In ten minutes, she jumped up and paced, fearing she would fall into mindless slumber. She kept eyeing the large house she saw in the distance. If Blane hadn’t met with danger, what was taking so long? Should she ride in or stay put as he had ordered? What had she done wrong to annoy him? Forty-three minutes passed. Then she saw him standing on the porch, waving her forward. She mounted and obeyed.

  As she dismounted, Shannon stared openly at the pretty brunette who stood beside Blane. In comparison, she felt tiny and dirty. She noticed the way the woman’s gaze roamed over her, then over Blane. The brunette, who appeared to be about thirty, smiled and invited Shannon into her home. Shannon glanced at Blane and frowned, then followed the woman. Miffed for some inexplicable reason, Shannon remained quiet and alert.

  After serving them a hot meal of roasted venison and potatoes, the woman asked Shannon if she would like a bath. Shannon blushed but quickly replied, “Yes, if you don’t mind the trouble.”

  “Blane, would you fetch the water?” Catherine Delany asked sweetly, her gaze passing over his body with obvious appreciation.

  “Sure, Cathy. Where’s the tub?”

  “I’ll put it in the second bedroom. Then Shannon can turn in after her bath. I’m sure she’s exhausted, aren’t you, Miss Greenleaf?”

  Shannon realized this woman was not a stranger to Blane. She had caught the undercurrents between them. As she watched Blane prove that he knew his way around the house, she fumed inwardly at his present behavior and that of the last few days. He had been staring at her and treating her like…like that intolerable disease again! Let him, she mentally decided. She was tired of trying to understand him. She was ashamed of mooning over and chasing after a man who obviously didn’t want to be admired or loved. She dismissed thoughts of that passionate night in Farmville, as he had evidently done.

  “Yes, I am very tired. I’m sure you and Blane would like to visit privately. A bath and a good night’s sleep would be sheer heaven.”

  From her emotionless tone of voice and expression, Blane couldn’t interpret her remarks. As if she were a child, he teased, “Come along, Shannon. I’ll show you where to bathe and sleep.”

  Shannon sighed and stretched, intentionally trying to draw his gaze to her supple and shapely figure. “If you don’t mind, I’ll finish my coffee while you fill the tub. Do you need any help, sir?”

  Blane grinned roguishly and replied, “I’ve filled tubs for ladies before.” He stripped off his shirt and tossed it over a chair.

  “I’m sure you have—plenty of them,” she responded flippantly, as if she had forgotten that the last one he had filled had been for her.

  While Catherine observed the bare-chested man, Blane drew the water and deposited it in a large tin tub in a small bedroom at the back of the house. “Your bath is ready, Miss Greenleaf,” Catherine informed Shannon, as if eager to have her out of the way.

  “Do you live here alone, Catherine?” she asked innocently.

  “For now,” the woman answered. “My husband and brother are off fighting this futile war. That should teach them to join the strongest side next time. The fools should know the South is doomed. With luck, neither one of them will return to trouble me.”

  Shannon gaped at the cold-hearted woman. “Your family is fighting for the South, but you’re aiding the North?” she pressed.

  “Does that surprise you?” Catherine asked indifferently. “A woman does what she must to survive. Around here, the Yankees rule—at least most of the time. Anyway, the South will lose, and I’ll be handsomely rewarded for choosing the right side..At this moment, Grant is eating away at Petersburg and Richmond. Sherman is chewing his way toward Georgia, and Sheridan is burping West Virginia. The Rebels don’t stand a chance against such forces.”

  “How do you know such things?” Shannon inquired.

  The brown-haired woman grinned and whispered shamelessly, “I sleep with the right men. It’s amazing what a man will reveal when his head’s next to yours on a pillow.”

  Shannon’s first thought was, what a perfect mate for Major Clifford. “Aren’t you afraid the Rebels will unmask you and kill you?”

  “Surely you’re teasing? Most of my information comes from loose Rebel lips and lusty appetites. What about you, Shannon? How long have you been with Blane? How do you extract your in

  Shannon didn’t miss the use of her first name. Was the woman deceiving her or perhaps trying to embarrass her? Was she attempting to withdraw information? How could she, or any woman, whore for information? Shannon concluded that she didn’t and couldn’t trust Catherine Delany. “I don’t,” she replied.

  Catherine’s skeptical gaze swept over Shannon as she probed brazenly. “You don’t what? Don’t use your body and feminine talents to entice information from Rebels and Yanks? Or you don’t try to get any facts for Blane and the Union?”

  Shannon tried not to show her disgust. She prevented herself from scolding or teasing the woman, for she knew that Catherine might be telling the truth. “I don’t go seeking information, but I do pass along anything I overhear. Ask Blane to fill you in on my job. I need to bathe and rest, Mrs. Delany. It’s been a long and dirty ride from Richmond.” If the woman knew she had lied about coming from Richmond, it didn’t show.

  Shannon was pleased when Catherine finally left the room. Blane should have told her who this woman was and what to say to her! she mused angrily. After scrubbing her hair, she reached for the bucket to rinse it. As the tepid water suddenly splashed over her head, she thanked Catherine for helping her, though she was perturbed by the woman’s intrusion and brazen rush.

  “You’re welcome,” Blane murmured, then chuckled as she flung her long hair over her head to her back and glowered at him. Now that he had Shannon safely out of danger, he could relax and think clearly. He had been troubled over his recent behavior and conflicting emotions. What if there had been another man in her past? Was that so unexpected, so shocking, so unacceptable? He had been sending her. some awfully confusing signals. Was he jealous? Afraid of her and these wild feelings? Afraid of learning the truth about her? Afraid of how his secrets would affect her? Did he want her? Yes, yes, yes…


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