Destiny's Temprtress

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Destiny's Temprtress Page 28

by Janelle Taylor

  When Jeremy returned with their horses, Shannon and Blane were dressed and packed to leave. While the horses were being watered and saddled and Shannon waited patiently nearby, Blane, who was clothed in a gray wool shell jacket and blue trousers, and sandy-haired Jeremy Steele exchanged genial words and important information.

  Snuggled into a butternut wool shell jacket that had been part of a Rebel uniform, a pullover white flannel shirt, and blue jersey trousers, Shannon felt refreshed and warmed. What she didn’t care for, but found necessary in this cold weather, were the ill-fitting leather shoes called brogans. She felt as if she were wearing trimmed-down hat boxes! How she longed for her expensive slippers or her comfortable boots. She had brushed her thick hair, then twisted it and stuffed it into a slouch hat. She could not help but wonder how they would explain this Confederate garb when or if they met anyone on the road. She focused her attention on the men, wishing they would hurry.

  Jeremy was saying, “General Hood did his best to halt Sherman before he reached Atlanta. He’s still harassing the Federals in the area, trying to lure Sherman into chasing him. I was told George Thomas and John Schofield have been sent after Hood and Johnston. Looks like the Rebs are fleeing back into Tennessee. Seems Sherman plans to make sure there’s nothing left around Atlanta, then he might split his units and send half toward Macon and half toward Athens to get rid of those arms factories. Then, they’re supposed to rejoin to hit that powder works in Augusta. Ole Sherm’s making sure the Rebs don’t have any food, weapons, ammunition, or supplies. He plans to clean out Georgia, then do the same with South Carolina. Tarnation, sir, he makes me ashamed to be a Unionist.”

  Blane turned the conversation away from Georgia and Sherman’s march toward Shannon’s home. “What’s happening around here, Jeremy?”

  “There’s a lot of munitions and troop movements going on. Vance has ordered whole battalions to Georgia and toward Richmond. He’s pulled Hoke out of Fort Fisher and has him heading to aid Lee in defense of Richmond. That Lee’s a treacherous man; he’s refusing to let Grant take the Confederate capitol or Petersburg. Looks like those Rebs have locked in for a long and bloody fight. The coastline from here to Georgia is still in Rebel control, and I mean tight and strong control.”

  “Any good news for our side?” Blane inquired sullenly.

  “On the fourth, our Washusett defeated that Rebel runner, Florida. She won’t be sinking no more Union ships like the Jacob Bell. I don’t think I told you Rose Greenhow didn’t make it back from England.” His voice revealed excitement and a tinge of pity as he related the tragic, and perhaps foolishly heroic, story. “She was coming home the end of last month on the Condor, a fast steamer. Before they could reach Wilmington, Union gunboats saw ’em and attacked. The commander at Fort Fisher did all he could to keep the Union ships back until the Condor could slip into port. Rose and two other passengers were put in a small boat to row ashore. The gales were too strong, though. She was weighed down by her clothes, secret dispatches, and over two thousand dollars in gold. She wouldn’t release anything, so she drowned. They had a funeral cortege march right down Wilmington’s main streets on the first. She was given a military burial with a gun salute, flagged casket, and everything.”

  “Any news on Lincoln’s reelection?” Blane queried anxiously.

  “Farragut’s conquest of Mobile and Sherman’s storming of Atlanta look like the victories he needed to invigorate those war-weary Yanks. Ain’t no secret McClellan’s gonna give him a fast, hard run. Around these parts, Carolinians are getting a mite edgy. With that stunning defeat at Winchester and the Union’s determination to take Fort Fisher, Wilmington and Charleston, you can’t blame ’em. They’ve been supplying the Confederacy with men, supplies, and weapons, but there ain’t been no real bad fighting in this state. Now that the Union is setting her sights on occupying her, folks are gettin’ scared. You two be real careful; some folks are switching sides and others are pretending to change to entrap traitors. You’d best get riding if you’re gonna make town afore dawn. The new password is ‘turkey-stride.’”

  Blane glanced at Shannon. Her creamy face and very dark blue eyes were illuminated by the glow from the camphine lamp that Jeremy had brought with him. As the wind picked up strength, its invisible fingers yanked off her hat. Coppery curls whipped around her head and the lamplight caused their fiery color and wavy texture to resemble bright flames dancing erotically in the breeze. At times like this, she looked like a half-wild and sultry creature who lacked all restraint but radiated an enticingly soft, romantic aura. His heart lurched madly and his body stirred uncontrollably to life.

  His alluring gaze seemed to melt into a warm amber liquid that flowed over her and encased her in a protective and caressing golden shell. Shannon’s molten blue gaze met his and seemingly dissolved into it, allowing their spirits to meet and fuse. All else became irrelevant.

  Jeremy stopped talking, but neither Blane nor Shannon noticed. Intrigued, Jeremy glanced back and forth between the two mesmerized people. He had never seen Blane’s face with such a strange and powerful glow, such an intensely tender and possessive expression. Jeremy hastily studied Shannon’s matching response. It was Jeremy’s opinion they were deeply attracted to each other. From the way those blue and tawny eyes caressed each other, there was no denying or ignoring the intimacy and intensity between the two. Instead of being pleased, Jeremy was alarmed and vexed, for his friend and fellow agent had lost all concept of his surroundings and duties! Presently, and probably for the last few days, his friend had been thinking of nothing except being with this flaming-haired temptress! Anger and envy chewed at the twenty-three-year-old man, who had lost his wife to another man during the first year of the war. This wasn’t any time or place for Blane to be wooing this ravishing beauty. He hadn’t been too injured to escape. Jeremy fumed. Didn’t Blane realize how perilously distracting she was? Maybe it was his duty to his friend and the Union to get rid of this consuming Flame…

  Jeremy gingerly ended the dismaying silence. “Sarah Jane and Molly are expecting you two at the hotel. I told ’em what you said about Cockade and her needing to get out of the fires she’s been lighting and flaming in Virginia and Tennessee. I also told ’em she wouldn’t be able to share any secrets with them, so they wouldn’t get suspicious when Flame couldn’t answer some of their questions. I told ’em she just needs to rest and stay out of danger for a few weeks. They’re so excited about giving aid to the famous Rebel spy, Cockade, they can’t stop giggling and planning. Sarah Jane said they’re getting the best room at the Resting Place ready for her.”

  Shannon smiled at Jeremy, then Blane, just as Jeremy put his defensive scheme into motion. “Watch yourself and bolt your door every night, sir, ’cause Molly’s still got her heart set on snaring you. She has since her husband was killed two years past. Tarnation, I don’t think she ever cared for John C. like she does for you, Major. She’s a pretty woman with lots of money and a good social position. This war ain’t going on much longer, so you’d better romance her a mite harder this trip. Every time I see her, she brags about that cameo you gave her. She’s got it real bad for you, sir.” Jeremy’s chest rumbled with laughter.

  Despite Blane’s frown, Jeremy cleverly entreated, “Flame, you protect our friend over there or Molly’ll be leading him into the church for wedding vows afore he can leave Wilmington. Once he gets his mind on a new bride, he’ll forget all about us and the Union. You keep reminding him he can take advantage of that opportunity .after the war. You make sure he keeps a clear head and cool blood around her.”

  With deceptive innocence, Jeremy teased mirthfully and slyly. He knew Blane would be nettled by his revealing words but not suspicious of them. After all, he hadn’t been told about Blane’s feelings for Shannon. Too, he was speaking on this side of the truth and they had always joked about Molly’s hot pursuit. Jeremy wondered if Blane had ever appeased his manly needs inside that more-than-willing female who bordered on being the
prettiest woman in these parts. When Jeremy spoke his last directive to Shannon, he did it in order that they would both realize how dangerous it could be if they carelessly exposed their passions to and inspired jealousy in Molly Sinclair Ryan.

  While Jeremy waved farewell to the departing couple and remained to clear away the evidence of their stay at the old mansion, Blane and Shannon galloped down the shadowy road until they came to the one that eventually entered Wilmington. Then Blane reined in his mount and called out for Shannon to do the same. Grasping her mount’s bridle and tugging gently on it, he brought them closer. As they sat beside each other in near darkness, he said in a reluctant tone, “I think I should explain about me and Molly Ryan before we get into town.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “That would be an exceptionally smart idea, Major Stevens,” she replied in a peevish tone. Had he made love to her for three days while heading for a woman who was eagerly awaiting his arrival? Had he stopped to enjoy her before reaching Wilmington, knowing that she would terminate their affair upon learning about his relationship with Molly? “It isn’t wise or safe to let me keep walking blindly and ignorantly into these kinds of private situations, as you did with Catherine Delany. Exactly how many beguiled women do you have waiting and pining for your next visit along our route?” she inquired sarcastically. She was angered by her tormenting suspicions about Blane’s misconduct while carrying out his secret missions.

  Before he could reply, she scoffed, “I thought you told me you despised men who used their charms and lies to take advantage of naïve and gullible women. I thought you didn’t go around intentionally breaking hearts. If you sleep with some, or most, or all of your female sources, how do you know one of them doesn’t have a devoted brother searching for the father of his sister’s bastard child, just like you’re doing for Ellie? With your stamina and appetite and extensive travels, you could have several bastards waiting and hoping for their pa to do the honorable thing. The kettle seems as black as the pot he’s seeking.”

  Blane was hurt and angry. He was also surprised and disappointed. Because he was unaccustomed to exposing and defending his personal thoughts, actions, and feelings, Blane’s voice had a razor edge when he responded to her insulting and accusatory remarks. “I see you’ve lowered your opinion of your partner very rapidly, without even giving him the benefit of telling his side. Since you’ve already judged me so black and guilty, maybe I shouldn’t waste my time and energy exonerating myself. But I will, because this matter is important. Considering how close we’ve been, how could you compare me even slightly to that low-down snake I’m seeking! Lord, Shannon, if you think I’m that kind of man, you don’t know me at all; and you sure as hell shouldn’t be traveling and sleeping with me,” he scolded her rashly.

  He took a deep breath and continued. “Believe it or not, I’ve never slept with Cathy or Molly, or any of my female sources. Jeremy was only teasing me about her because she’s always after me. If he had known about us, he wouldn’t have done it. Maybe I am guilty of romancing vital information out of some women, but only when it’s absolutely necessary. Surely you’ve learned enough lately to know that romancing a woman and making love to one aren’t the same thing. I’ll admit I’ve had my share of female flesh before and during this war, but only from those who knew what was happening and knew how to protect themselves from unwanted complications. Every town has houses with experienced women who provide such treats for hungry men. I don’t go around charming and seducing naïve girls. The only innocent and trusting woman I’ve taken advantage of is Shannon Greenleaf, because I found her too damn irresistible. I don’t have any illegitimate children. But if I did—love the mother or not—I would marry her and give my child its rightful name.”

  When Shannon tried to speak, Blane harshly silenced her. “Just listen! I’ve always let Molly carry on with her flirtations and enticements because I needed a safe house and help in Wilmington. But I’ve never given her any promises. I haven’t shown her more than gratitude for her assistance and friendly affection and enjoyment of her company. The same goes for Cathy. Damnit, Blue Eyes, this is war, not a game!” he verbally exploded, then berated himself for his loss of temper.

  Again he silenced her attempt to speak, this time gently. “Please let me finish explaining this mess. Maybe I shouldn’t let them have even scant hopes or dreams about me, but I can’t bluntly or brutally spurn them. Maybe I am guilty of using them, but I’m doing it for the best of everyone, to get this country back together. Don’t you see, Flame? To women like Molly and Cathy, I’m somebody unique and appealing, somebody totally different from their husbands and brothers. With few unattached men available, they turn to me. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not bad to look at and somewhat charming. Me and my work make them feel alive. We give them hope for peace and survival. We supply a little happiness and exictement. We make them feel important and useful, even patriotic. To them I’m a dashing rogue and a hero, a brave and clever spy, a man of mystery and prowess, a good catch for a future husband or current lover.”

  Blane leaned toward Shannon and captured her hand. “Unless Molly’s found someone else to focus her attentions on, she’ll still be after me. Don’t you see, Flame; we’re too close to victory to endanger our lives and covers. We must let Molly carry on with her shameless pursuit, and we’ll have to keep her in the dark about us. Otherwise we could be letting ourselves in for bad trouble. Until we leave Wilmington, we have to put aside what’s between us.”

  “But, Blane, how—”

  He pressed his fingertips over her mouth. “Don’t argue about this matter, Flame. You promised to obey my orders, and this is an order. And don’t you go getting riled over how I have to behave with her and you, and show your jealousy. I had enough trouble settling down Cathy. Lord, Flame, Molly would see you arrested and hanged before she’d let you take me away from her right under her own roof.” His tone became husky and tender as he urged, “Please, Flame, don’t interfere in Molly’s games and dreams. Please believe me when I swear you’re the only woman I want in my bed and my arms. I’m mad and I’m hurt that you would believe such vile things about me. To tell the truth, I had forgotten about her with you around to claim my attention. She isn’t the reason we halted. I knew Pike would turn Wilmington upside down looking for us. I couldn’t risk us being seen entering town.”

  Shannon imprisoned his fingers in her hand. “Will you listen to me for a moment or two, Major Stevens!” she demanded sharply. “I do believe you, and I apologize. It was foolish and unfair of me to attack you out of jealousy. When we get to Molly’s, I’ll try to obey your order, but it won’t be easy. How will I look at you and be around you without the truth being written all over my face for Molly to see, especially when she’s pawing you or fawning over you? You ordered me not to go to the wharves for any reasons; well, the same applies to you where her bed is concerned. I’ll allow her romantic dreams, but nothing more, partner, understand?” she asked, using one of his favorite expressions.

  Blane chuckled and lightly pinched her cheek. “Possessive little thing, aren’t you? You needn’t be jealous, Flame; I belong to you. Lord, you’re right about one thing; it’s gonna be torture keeping my eyes and hands off you for weeks.”

  Shannon tried to master her edginess. Her head and back were aching, which she assumed were effects from her previously cramped quarters and lack of exercise. She smiled. “You’re a clever and resourceful man. I’m sure you can think of something if your hungers grow too large and painful. Let’s get moving. I can already envision myself relaxing for hours in a big tub of warm water and lots of bubbles, then relishing a delicious hot meal and sleeping in a soft bed.”

  He kissed her palm. “Woman, you are a tormenting tease. What more could I want than to join you for all three?”

  “To end the war and to find Ellie’s errant lover,” she unthinkably answered, then wished she had not said those things.

  “My priorities are the war, you, the
n…Ellie’s beguiler.”

  “Since nothing I say or do could possibly win or lose the war, I’ll discard that priority. The same is true of Ellie’s trouble; I could make the situation worse if I interfered. That leaves one. My priority would have to be to stay alive until I can make myself your first priority.”

  “Nothing could please me more, Shannon Greenleaf. Maybe that’s why I can’t bring myself to leave you anywhere for long; I’m afraid you’ll find somebody to replace me, to change your priority.”

  Shannon caressed his jawline as she murmured, “In fear of swelling this handsome head, I speak reluctantly when I say you are irreplaceable, Major Blane Stevens. Unless you want or find someone to take my place, you’re stuck with me. Until I find Corry, you’re the only thing of value in my life. I’ve lost so much since this war began that I’m almost afraid to want you and need you. I’m so afraid I’ll look up one morning and you’ll be leaving without telling me why you’re going or where, just like that man did to Ellie.”

  She hurriedly went on to avoid any misunderstanding. “Not that I don’t trust you, Blane, because I do. But all I have is your word that you want me too. Ellie loved and trusted…that man. Will you promise me one thing? If you want or need to leave me, don’t go without telling me. I wouldn’t try to hold you; I wouldn’t cry or plead or give you any problems. If you have to go, do it openly and honestly. Please don’t ever deceive me or betray me or desert me.”

  Blane thought he understood the meaning behind her words. “I promise, Shannon—open and honest, if I’m ever foolish enough to let you go. Will you do the same with me?”


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