Destiny's Temprtress

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Destiny's Temprtress Page 36

by Janelle Taylor

  Shannon smiled. “That’s the problem, Eli; we are adults. I am not in love with you, but you are dangerously attractive. I’ll take the sofa because I’m shorter and smaller. I’ll fetch the extra covers.”

  Shannon went to the closet and withdrew another blanket. She retrieved one of the pillows. “Good night, Captain Carter,” she said, then walked into the other room. She placed the pillow on the sofa and lay down, covering her trembling body with the blanket.

  “Good night, Shannon,” he murmured tenderly from the doorway. “I should warn you that I’m not giving up my pursuit of you. We’ll talk in the morning. Sleep well, angel.”

  “Eli?” she called out softly. “Thank you.”

  He smiled and warmed. No, he wouldn’t give up on her yet.

  Shannon lay awake for another hour, trying to make sense of this dilemma. What was happening? Who was doing this to her? What if Blane returned tonight? How would she explain Eli to him, or him to Eli? With luck, Blane wouldn’t appear until tomorrow as promised, and Elisha would be out of her room and bed. At last, she slept.

  Early the next morning, Molly found Mattilu preparing to take a tray to Shannon’s room. The woman was becoming suspicious of the redhead who was enjoying free room and board. She decided it was time to find out why that Rebel agent was spending so much time in her room alone. Perhaps if Shannon was still asleep, she might discover notes or messages left around. If not, she was eager to have a chat with the ravishing spy. She wanted to know if Shannon had heard from Steven and if she knew when he would be returning. For certain, something odd was going on where that vixen was concerned.

  Molly informed the serving woman, “You see to your chores, Matti. I’ll deliver our guest’s breakfast. She certaily likes to take advantage of our good nature, lying about and being waited upon.”

  Mattilu calmly and genially protested, “You don’t needs ta trouble yoreself, ma’am. Matti kin takes care of it and be right back.”

  Molly stared at the woman and scoffed, “Stop your slavelike talk with me, Matti. I told you, it’s for the customers. Do as you’re told, or else I’ll fire you. Then you’d be in a predicament. No one else would hire a smart-mouthed Negro woman who doesn’t know her place. You’ve been spending too much time waiting on that bitch hand and foot. It’s time she started taking care of herself and earning her keep.”

  Mattilu dared not interfere when Molly was in one of her crazy moods. She nodded but didn’t apologize for her words or behavior. She hated this woman, and looked forward to leaving this place.

  Molly took the tray and walked to Shannon’s room. Using her passkey, she let herself into the suite, for Shannon had forgotten to use the inside bolt after Mattilu’s departure the night before. Shannon had awakened and was in the bathing closet freshening up and dressing, with the door closed. Molly left the tray on the hall floor and slipped into the room, failing to notice the pillow and blanket on the sofa. She tiptoed to the bedroom door and peeked inside.

  The woman’s eyes widened in shock as they swept over the man sleeping peacefully in Shannon’s bed. She noticed his garments, which had been tossed over a chair. Her appreciative gaze roved his naked torso and handsome face. It looked as if he had been in a fight while he was away. Upon returning, he had rushed into this bitch’s arms and bed for comfort! This settled it; Shannon wouldn’t be sleeping with Elisha if there was anything between her and Steven. Molly eyed the virile man once more, then hurriedly and silently left the suite. She didn’t want Shannon learning of her startling discovery when she left the bathing closet. But she would make certain Steven did, just in case he had his eye on this cheap little tart.

  Molly locked the door and stood near it, grinning. So, Shannon Greenleaf wasn’t such a perfect lady after all. In less than ten days, she had begun carrying on wickedly with a man whom she had just met. Molly envisioned Elisha’s naked body beneath that blanket. No doubt he was handsome all over and was a skilled lover. Her body flamed with desire, for it had been a long time since she had sneaked a passionate night with a man. If it weren’t for her fear of getting pregnant out of wedlock, she would take at least two or three men into her bed a week! How she missed a man’s arms and lips and body. If Steven didn’t come to her soon, she would be forced to look elsewhere for masculine attention. Perhaps to Elisha after Shannon left, if this was nothing more than a wanton affair between them.

  Molly waited a few more minutes, then tapped lightly on Shannon’s door. When the redhead answered it, Molly could tell she was dismayed to find her standing there. “Matti’s busy, Shannon, so I brought up your tray. I hate to rush, but we’re expecting several new guests this morning. Just let me know if you need anything else.”

  Shannon was stunned by Molly’s friendly behavior. She couldn’t believe the woman didn’t want to come inside and harass her. She took the tray, thanked Molly, and watched the woman leave. Something had to have happened, for Molly was happy as a lark and it was still early! She placed the tray on the table, deciding to let Elisha eat this meal. She would find some way to eat something later.

  Shannon went to the door and looked at the man slumbering in her bed. He was indeed attractive. She was fortunate that he had believed her and hadn’t taken advantage of his information. “Eli?” she called softly to awaken him. When he opened his eyes and met her gaze, he smiled and stretched. Shannon’s eyes slipped over the brawny shoulders and arms, bulging with muscles earned from honest and daring work. “Molly brought a breakfast tray. Why don’t you come and eat it? I can get something later. We need to sneak you out of here before the hotel gets busy. How do you feel this morning? You must locate a doctor to tend some of those injuries. You need a few stitches and proper medicine. You can’t risk infection,” she chatted nervously.

  Elisha hadn’t moved or spoken. He was content to observe her. When she flushed, he grinned. “Do you realize how beautiful you are in the morning? Your husband won’t be able to get out of bed and start his chores until noon. No doubt he’ll keep you chained to him when he does. Shannon, Shannon,” he murmured huskily. “What I would give to have you as mine.”

  Shannon looked worried. “Eli, please don’t—”

  Elisha laughingly interrupted her. “Don’t worry, angel. I won’t press you this early in the day. But I won’t give up the chase.”

  “You are impossible,” she teased him.

  “Oh, no, my lady, impossible I’m not—not where you’re concerned,” he refuted playfully. “But if I don’t get dressed and get out of here, I might change my mind about storming your fortress wall.”

  “Hurry, before your breakfast gets cold.” Shannon went into the other room and prepared his meal on the small table. She poured the coffee into the cup on the tray and in one left behind from her last meal, which she had rinsed in the bathing closet.

  Elisha came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist. He kissed her on the neck and hugged her longingly. “I surely would like to begin every morning like this, angel. I’m not a bad catch. At least give me consideration.”

  “That’s all I’ll give you, Captain Carter, if you don’t sit down and eat,” she replied mirthfully.

  He merrily cautioned, “Watch out for hasty bargains, ma’am. The last one in Washington got you into lots of trouble and danger.”

  Shannon admitted instantly, “No one knows that better than I do.”

  Shannon nibbled on a biscuit with jam and sipped coffee while Elisha leisurely devoured her meal. After freshening up, he told her he would call on her for dinner. Shannon peeked into the hall to make certain no one was about when Elisha departed. After seizing her and kissing her thoroughly, he gingerly crept down the back stairs to head for his leased dwelling a mile from the hotel, a dwelling he hadn’t bothered to mention to Shannon.

  Shannon fretted all morning, wondering how to solve her predicament. When Mattilu came to bring her lunch, Shannon told her apprehensively, “Matti, Eli was betrayed to the Yankees and he thought I was to
blame.” She hurriedly outlined last night’s confrontation with the captain. Assuming no one had seen Elisha come and go, she kept their innocent sleeping arrangements a secret. “I have to see him for dinner, or risk offending him and renewing his suspicions about me. What am I going to do, Matti? Blane is expected to return for me today. If he arrives tonight while I’m with Eli, you’ll have to explain matters to him. We can’t afford a complication at this late date.”

  “Miss Shannon, you shouldn’t have told Captain Carter all those things. What if he changes his mind? What if he starts spying on you?”

  “I didn’t have any choice, Matti. He caught me off guard and tried to kill me. I was so terrified I couldn’t think clearly. I had no way of knowing how much he knew about me. I couldn’t risk being caught in a lie. Don’t you see, it could have been a ruse to entrap me! We’ll have to be very careful until Blane and I leave town. Damn that Molly Ryan,” she suddenly declared. “Part of this is her fault. She told him I was a Rebel agent. She may have told others, the witch.”

  “We had better watch her closely, Miss Shannon. She’s been acting a mite queer of late. You be real careful around Captain Carter, ’cause he’s got his mind and heart set on having you.”

  “I know, Matti, and that has me as worried as his thinking I had betrayed him. Who’s posing as the Flame and getting me into trouble? Why are they doing this to me?”

  “Miss Shannon,” Mattilu began speaking hesitantly, “why didn’t you tell Mister Jeremy about Captain Carter’s trip?” Although Shannon had been confiding in her, Mattilu wondered if she would answer.

  Shannon looked at her as she replied frankly, “Because of what actually happened. I didn’t want to be responsible for the lives of those men, especially Eli’s. I like him very much, Matti. If it weren’t for Blane…” Shannon went silent and blushed. “Does it sound awful to be attracted to two men simultaneously? It’s strange, Matti. They’re so different, yet so much alike. I honestly didn’t think Eli could succeed, so what did it matter if I withheld that information? Blane knows I’m not an agent anymore. I explained my feelings and guilt to him. He agreed it was best for me to stop spying.”

  “’Cause he’s afraid for you. Did you tell him about you and the Captain?” When Shannon shook her head, Matti warned mischievously, “He’s gonna be mighty upset and jealous if he comes around tonight.”

  Shannon grinned. “Maybe that will be good for him, Matti. He’s always making me jealous with other women, so why not let him stew and worry for a spell? I’m teasing,” she laughingly confessed. “If Blane doesn’t know by now how I feel about him, he’s blind and stupid. As we both know, he isn’t either one. I only wish Eli weren’t so taken with me. I really haven’t encouraged him, Matti. In fact, I said everything possible to discourage his pursuit. Considering what he knows about me, I have no idea how he might react if I spurned him, even nicely. Oh, Matti, whatever shall I do?”

  “You can’t blame him, Miss Shannon. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. No wonder Major Stevens is trying to hurry back.”

  At seven-thirty, Shannon was dining with Elisha in the cozy private parlor. “How did you manage this service and privilege?”

  “Molly and I are conspiring,” he openly and devilishly announced. “I want you, and she wants your partner, Steven James.” He surmised enviously, “He is that Confederate agent you mentioned last night? I hate to imagine you two traveling alone, especially playing husband and wife. Think I could steal his position?”

  “You know I can’t answer your first question. For all I know, Captain Elisha Carter, you could be a Union spy probing me or a Rebel agent testing me. As for taking my partner’s place, it isn’t necessary. I told you last night, I’m out of the spy business. It’s too dangerous and demanding. All I want is to get home, since I can’t seem to help my brother. If he escapes, that’s where he would head. Besides, I don’t trust that malicious Sherman. You know what he did to Atlanta.”

  “Don’t you realize how perilous a trip to Savannah could be—not to mention staying there alone with those marauders terrorizing and plundering the countryside? I can’t let you endanger yourself like that.”

  “That’s my home, Eli. I know plenty of people there. I’ll be safe. We have an overseer handling things until we return.”

  “What if he’s taken off since you’ve been gone? Tarnation, angel, he could have robbed your place blind by now. Worse, you might have Yankees in residence when you arrive. I’ve seen what pirates do when they attack a ship with women aboard, and Sherman’s men are worse than any pirates born. You’ll be lucky if they only arrest you.”

  “I’ll have to take that chance, Eli. I can’t continue to accept charity, and I can’t keep running and hiding. I want to go home. I need to go home,” she stressed. “Now eat and stop staring at me.”

  Elisha chuckled. “You should be used to being stared at. What man could keep his eyes off you? You’ve already confessed to being attracted to me, so I have to take advantage of any weakness you have.”

  “You are a devil, Elisha Carter,” she accused with a smile. “You should not behave so wickedly on Sunday.”

  “Guilty as charged, ma’am. Who is more in need of an influential angel than a devil such as I?” His green eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “Elisha Carter, you are im—” Shannon didn’t finish her jest, for Eli interrupted.

  “That’s right, angel. But I’m not impossible where you’re concerned.”

  Shannon tried to change the subject. “What about your ship? How can you run the blockade without one? What will you do now?”

  “Tuesday, I’m sailing—”

  Shannon instantly injected, “Don’t say another word! I don’t want you accusing me of betraying you if something happens on this trip. Don’t tell me anything,” she firmly commanded.

  “I’m not going on some dark mission, so relax. I’m sailing to Charleston on Tuesday with Captain Sellers of the Majestic Maiden. I have another ship there—my brother’s. Denton’s laid up with a broken arm and leg, so he won’t mind my taking over the Angel Wings. I should return in a week. Can you stand being without me that long?”

  “I can probably use the rest from all of your harassment, sir,” she saucily informed him. “Eli, you will be careful,” she urged.

  “More so than ever. Perhaps my absence and your worry will endear me to your heart. I’ll keep hoping and praying.”

  They completed their meal while Elisha related sea adventures he had experienced before the war. Shannon relished the tales of other places and people. Catching her intense interest and pleasure, Elisha offered, “Come with me on my next voyage, and I’ll show you sights you never dreamed existed. If you marry me, you can sail with me on every trip.” He looked entreatingly at her, then grinned raffishly.

  Shannon laughed. “That’s a tempting offer, kind sir—you and the whole world. I shall give it my deepest consideration.”

  “I see I have a greedy, spoiled woman on my hands. Marry me, angel, and you can have whatever your heart desires. I’m a very wealthy man, so this isn’t an empty promise. I can get you away from all this death and destruction and peril. Anything, Shannon.”

  “If I married you, Eli, it would be for love, not money. If I married you, you would be the only thing I desired. Wealth and station and travel mean nothing without love and passion. Those are not emotions a person can force on himself or on others. Nor can he halt them even when they are directed at the wrong person.”

  When the hour grew late and the wine bottle empty, Shannon told him, “I have to rest, Eli. For some reason, I didn’t get much sleep last night. The dinner was lovely, and the company splendid.”

  “I’m sorry about what I did last night, Shannon. I lost my head. After I swam ashore, all I could think about all the way here was punishing you.” He noticed the high neckline on her dress. “Are you all right? Is there any damage?”

  She touched her neck and shuddered at the grim
memory. “A few bruises. That’s expected; I have fair skin. I’m glad you couldn’t kill me, Eli. I can imagine what torment you would have suffered when you discovered I wasn’t guilty, which you will. I know you’re trying hard to trust me and believe me, but I know that isn’t easy. Until my innocence is proven, you’ll always have little doubts and qualms. Whatever happens, I’m glad I met you. After seeing and meeting so many vile men since this war began, it’s good to find one like you. Be safe and be happy, Elisha Carter; you deserve both.”

  “You sound as if you’re saying good-bye.”

  “No, just things that need to be and should be said between friends.”

  “Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night before I leave?”

  “I would be delighted,” she accepted cheerfully. Blane would just have to understand that this last dinner was necessary. “Could we make it at six? Then we could take a carriage ride or stroll after dinner.”

  Elisha beamed happily. “Six it is, my radiant angel. If you have to leave me, I’ll walk you to your room.”

  “I don’t think that’s a wise idea, Eli. People will notice how much we’re seeing each other, so they’ll be watching us with curiosity. I’ll meet you in our usual spot at six.” Shannon stood and walked to the door, then waited for Elisha to accompany her.

  “Would it be insulting or alarming if I kissed you good night here in private?” he inquired, pulling her into his arms as he spoke.

  “Eli, I don’t want to mislead you by—”

  Elisha’s mouth closed over hers, sealing their lips in a tender and heady kiss. He embraced her urgently but did not allow his eager hands to roam beyond her back. To his surprise and pleasure, the kiss continued.

  Shannon allowed Elisha this coveted moment. She didn’t want to spurn him or push him away. She would wait for the kiss and embrace to end, then politely and quickly exit. After all, both were most stimulating and enjoyable. Like Blane, Elisha was talented in this area. Both men were so unlike those who had courted her previously, with their clumsy ways and repulsive gropings. Elisha could never know he might have won her heart and hand if Blane had not entered her life first.


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