The Claiming of a Virgin King

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The Claiming of a Virgin King Page 8

by April Andrews

  You wouldn’t. It was as simple as that.

  And so, Dragan’s mind was made up. The king could resist all he wanted. He could pretend like what had happened between them was nothing special, that he was simply fulfilling a bargain, but Dragan knew better. He had felt William tremble around him as he came. Had felt the hot splash of his seed on his cock fingers. Had experienced a deep rush of joy knowing he had brought this male to that point.

  Whether William liked it or not there was something between them, and Dragan was going to exploit that fact ruthlessly, because there were many days yet until his plan came to fruition, and by the end of their time together Dragan wanted William smiling at him, teasing him, enjoying him. More than that, he wanted the king to leave these islands stronger and more confident than when he had arrived.

  That was what he intended. But for now…

  Dragan shifted in his seat and glanced across at the king. He was looking out of the windows of the land craft, taking in the scene around him. They were moving out of the main town, taking the same route both had entered by yesterday, along the main road. Here the houses were bigger because the people in them were responsible for the surrounding lands, and so needed the extra space for storage of equipment. Several of them were out and about, both William’s and Dragan’s people. With winter fast approaching they had many jobs to get done, not to mention the preparations that the plan required. Dragan waved at them as they passed, and they waved back, both at him and William.

  They left the borders of the main town a few minutes later. Dragan set the craft to move away from the coastal town and towards the westerly docks. His hands made the movements automatically, because, had William not arrived yesterday, he would have visited the docks anyway.

  Next to him the king remained silent. Dragan shot him another glance and wondered what he was thinking. It was impossible to tell. If there was one thing the king was skilled at, it was keeping a blank face. It was only his eyes that gave him away. To someone as passionate as Dragan that jarred. He wanted the king to talk to him, to tell him what was going through his mind. But, of course, he didn’t, so in the end Dragan broke the silence.

  “Did you break your fast this morning?”

  The king nodded before replying. “One of your people brought me food first thing. A female with long hair.”

  “Myrn,” Dragan said. “She runs my entire household. I would be quite lost without her.” He gestured behind them. “She has packed us a meal for this afternoon also. I told her there was no need. We will be welcome to eat at any of the halls we visit today.”

  “Halls?” William asked. “Where exactly are we going?”

  “As I told you,” Dragan said. “We’re going to tour the islands.”

  “And the reason for that is?”

  “Because I promised you a tour,” Dragan replied. “And now is the best time to do it.”

  The king frowned. “I would have thought there are more important things for us to do. Like begin our preparations.”

  “They are already in hand,” Dragan said. “As you will soon see. Now, the dock where you arrived is not the only one. We have one directly opposite on the other side of the island. It is where all our ships that move between the islands are docked.”

  “We’re heading there?”

  Dragan nodded. “Well take passage on one of those ships and that will lead us to Fulkrayv.”


  “It is the second largest island. It is where all of my strategists and advisors are based.”

  “Then we’re really doing this?” the king whispered. “Really going to stop Maylor?” He paused. “It is almost unbelievable to think that we might be coming to the end of the war. That you have agreed to help.”

  Those words prodded Dragan.


  After accepting his smitten state in the early hours of the night Dragan had begun to think about the lie that he had told the king. Oh, it wasn’t a lie insofar that it was an outright untruth, but certainly he had twisted the truth some, and all because of his aching desire for the male sat next to him.

  It had seemed so simple at the time, with his cock thick and hard, and his heart racing, it had all made perfect sense. To agree to help in order to aid in his seduction of the king, without mentioning that he was already planning to do just that.

  But now? Now that it was done, Dragan had to admit that it had been ever so slightly underhand. And yet, he couldn’t find it in himself to regret it.

  He had been right.

  William did want him.

  Their abrupt, overwhelming attraction was mutual.

  And Dragan knew, he just knew, that the king would never had admitted to it any other way.

  And so the slight untruth, and so the lie, and now Dragan couldn’t see there was any way to undo it. He did not want William to turn away from him. To turn away from their mutual desire.

  And so, after giving it some thought, Dragan saw no other option that to being ‘preparations’ for what the king assumed was a journey back to the mainland, though Dragan had been careful not to outright agree to that. His plan didn’t involve doing anything of the sort.

  Instead, he had spoken with his advisors first thing, and they told them what was happening, leaving out details of their ‘bargain’ of course. They had then agreed between them which parts of the plan they could share with the king and which would be best kept to themselves.

  The tour of the islands today was to show the king those parts, and Dragan hoped it would be enough to keep him happy until the real plan began to unfold. Because if it was not, Dragan wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do.

  Chapter Eleven

  Unlike Rejvac, Fulkrayv was not a mix of mountains and valleys. It was not characterized by dips and rises, ice structures and natural rocks. Instead, it was shaped like a great bowl. The place where they stepped off the ship that they’d hitched a ride on was on the lip of that bowl, and so when William looked around he simply saw more of the same beauty that characterized the main island.

  It was only when they jumped into another land craft and started moving across the main road, and that road started to dip down, that William started to get a feel for the geography. And then, when the dip turned into a steep incline he understood completely. Because within the island, almost settled in it, was not a town, or even a bunch of towns. Instead, the island was dominated by one structure entirely, and William recognized it immediately.

  The first time he had seen it as practically burned into his mind. He had been in the castle, working on some papers. Even back then William had started to pick up some of his father’s work. It suited them both because it freed his father to deal with all the events he was required to attend, and allowed William to get a feel of what being king entailed.

  The noise had been the first indication that something was wrong. It was like a great clap of thunder. William knew now that it was something called a sonic boom, and it was created when a ship of great mass entered the atmosphere.

  That ship had been Dragan’s, and looking at it now was like moving back in time. Of course, all those years ago, William had only seen it from a distance, but the shape was so distinct there was no denying that it was exactly the same one.

  Here. In the island.

  It looked like it had been here all along.

  “I always wondered what you had done with it,” William said. “But I don’t think I ever imagined that you simply parked it somewhere.”

  “This island was perfectly suited,” Dragan said. “Though it would also have been ideal for settlers. It is shielded from the harshest of the winter winds, although keeping on top of the constant snow might be a problem.”

  “It’s been here ever since you arrived?”

  Dragan nodded. “We took a great deal of stuff from it,” he said. “Things we needed to build our society. But the bare bones are still inside. It will still fly and it still has the ability to support life.”
r />   “And the stasis units?” William asked.

  “Are also in there,” Dragan said. “We’ve been adding more things over the past weeks. Maylor and his army will need supplies when they awake from their sleep.”

  “What if they find another world?” William asked because this was something he had thought about since Dragan had told him of the plan. “And terrorize it just like they have ours?”

  “I think that is unlikely,” Dragan said. “It took us almost a generation before we could find yours. Worlds like this, ones where it is possible to live, are very rare. It is likely that Maylor and his people will spend the rest of their lives on this ship.”

  “It almost feels like that is too good for them,” William replied.

  “It is the only option,” Dragan said. “The only humane thing to do.”

  They came to a stop at the bottom of the bowl. William jumped out and was surprised to find that the air down here was fairly warm. That had not been the case on the ship they had used to travel between the islands. In fact, he had shivered his way across the water and more than once had looked at Dragan’s brawny form, and thought about what it would be like to be held tight in his arms.




  William exhaled unsteadily, shocked by how quickly his thoughts had moved in that direction. But then, was that any wonder considering what had happened between them last night?

  He felt a flush travel up his neck and turned away quickly so that Dragan would not see it. His cock twitching in his pants as he did so. Because William would be a liar if he didn’t admit that he was thinking about doing it all over again, and he wasn’t quite sure how to deal with that.

  He had imagined that he would wake up sore. That his ass would ache and his cock too. But in actual fact, William had woken up with a feeling up deep satisfaction thrumming through him. A moment later and he’d thought about Dragan. The satisfaction had soon turned into something else entirely.


  There was no denying it. It was right there. And now that it had been awoken, William was not sure how to make it go away, or even if he wanted to.

  “Do you want to look inside?”

  Dragan’s voice was right behind him. William jumped and turned. Dragan reached out to steady him, and then, the next thing William knew he was being dragged into the alien’s arms.

  “We’ve fucked,” he whispered. “But we haven’t even kissed.”

  “Kissed?” William said.

  “It is traditional between your people,” Dragan said. “And I have come to like it.”

  “Dragan…” William shook his head. “We’re out in the open.”

  “There is no one to see us,” Dragan said. “They are all inside.”

  And then he pulled William against him, so that their bodies were pressed tightly together, and before the king could do a single thing, he kissed him.

  The first touch of their lips made William shiver. He was a weird combination of nerves, excitement and worry. But Dragan didn’t seem to notice, or maybe he didn’t care, because he demanded a response, and William was helpless not to give it. He wrapped his arms around the alien’s neck, let out a sigh, and moved his lips in tandem with his. By the time they pulled apart both males were flushed, and both were achingly hard.

  “I could kiss you all day,” Dragan sighed. “You taste exactly like you should.”

  “And how should that be?” William whispered back, his heart pounding, his skin shivering.

  Dragan smiled, a soft sort of smile, and his next words were completely unexpected. “Like you’re mine.”

  William’s eyes widened at that. He opened his mouth to reply, but Dragan gave him no chance. He simply tugged on his hand and pulled him towards the star ship. “Come. Let me show you inside.”

  The king followed silently behind Dragan, his head spinning , his heart racing. It occurred to him then that this whole journey had been like that, from the moment he had stepped foot off the ship. First, the meeting with Lei. Then the meeting with Dragan. Not to mention convincing his people to return to the capital. And then the sex…the bargain…the desire…

  When, William wondered, would things begin to settle back to normal? Never, he realized with a shocked flash. Because if Dragan did what he was promising, then there would be a whole new world to create. A whole new society to build. And William knew, he just knew, that as much as he might want to walk away from it, as much as he would simply like to shut himself away on an icy island, he would never get the chance to do so.

  For better or worse, this was his life.


  He looked up to find Dragan’s eyes on him. “Yes?”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Of course,” he said. “I was just thinking.”

  “Good things I hope,” Dragan said. “Considering what we’re going to do.”

  He gestured to the door in front of them. William walked towards it and then inside. Dragan was immediately behind him.

  “It is so odd to come back here,” Dragan said once they were inside. “I lived my whole life on this ship before settling on your world. Part of me still thinks of it as home.”

  “It is like I imagined,” William replied.

  “And how is that?”

  “Like the inside of a land craft.”

  Dragan grinned and set off down one of the corridors. “All of our tech is built from the same materials. We were once a people united after all.”

  Something occurred to William then and he halted. “You’re sending them back to the stars on your ship?”

  Dragan looked over his shoulder. “It is the only way. As I said, their stasis units were destroyed.”

  “But if you lose your ship…”

  “We have no way off this world.” Dragan said. “William, we have considered that.”

  “Your home…”

  “William,” he said. “This is our home now. For better or for worse. We do not want to leave it. We have no further need of the ship.”

  “Still,” William said. “The sacrifice…”

  “Will be worth it to being peace. Now, come, we’re going to the control room. Some of my people are waiting for us there.”

  And they were. There were eleven in all and most female. They all had an air to them which reminded William of Niahm.




  He unsurprised to find that he missed her already.

  He nodded to each of them as they moved inside and Dragan asked after their progress. Two of the females, clearly those in command, replied to him. The others fixed their stares on William…and kept them there.

  He shifted uncomfortably. Looked around the room. Took in the surroundings. Listened to what Dragan was saying. When he looked back at the females they were still staring at him. A moment later and three moved across the room and towards him.

  “King William?”

  He nodded. These are your people. “Yes.”

  “We’re pleased to meet you,” one said. “I’m Kellie.”

  Her skin was a very dark blue. Darker even than Dragan’s. Where before William would have found it to be very alien that was no longer the case. After all, he had experienced Dragan’s blue skin against him…pleasuring him…

  “Are you enjoying our islands?” Kellie asked. It occurred to William that she was actually very pretty.

  “They are very beautiful,” he said.

  She beamed, and then to William’s surprise reached out and placed a hand on his arm. He looked down and noticed that she wore a thick silver bracelet on her wrist. A memory stirred and he realized that Dragan wore one also. He had seen it last night when Dragan had wrapped his fingers around William’s cock. Quickly, William looked at the wrists of the other aliens, and noticed that they all wore them. What were they for? Was it some sort of cultural expression? He had never noticed them on the northern aliens.

sp; “We think all the islands are beautiful,” Kellie said pulling his attention away from the bracelets. “Have you seen them all? We live on Parleih. It’s the fifth biggest island. Perhaps you would like to come to our house tonight? We can prepare a meal. And then, in the morning, we could give you a tour?”


  She nodded and gestured to the other females next to her. William noted that they were also very pretty, and yes, they also wore the bracelets. “We live together,” she said. “And we would be very pleased to host our king. Very pleased indeed.”

  William wasn’t quite sure what to say to that. It certainly wasn’t the first time he had received such an invitation, but never in quite such a blatant manner, and all at once Niahm’s words returned to him.

  You are ridiculously good looking, William. Do you have any idea what many of the males and females in the capital would give to be invited to your bed? You are lusted over constantly. And the fact that you bed none of them only increases your appeal. Our sexy, handsome, aloof king. It is enough to fuel countless fantasies...

  He coughed slightly, trying to work out what to say to the females. When nothing came to mind he turned and locked eyes with Dragan. The alien lord was watching him with a look stamped on his features that made William both nervous and excited. It was quite plain what that look said.


  And in that moment, with the memories of last night so fresh and so vivid, with the knowledge of Dragan’s willing sacrifice, and with the three very pretty females making him feel nothing but uncomfortable, William realized the truth.

  His desire was for Dragan and Dragan alone, and right there and then, he could not find it in his heart to disagree.


  For now it seemed that was the case.

  Chapter Twelve

  A week later Dragan, William and a number of Dragan’s strategists, stood around the large table in the strategy building, looking at the maps laid out on there. Dragan had requested the maps first thing mainly because William was beginning to get restless. Dragan picked up on it easily enough and he was not surprised. The king wanted a firm date for when they would sail to the mainland, and because Dragan could not give him one, he had decided to do this instead.


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