The Claiming of a Virgin King

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The Claiming of a Virgin King Page 12

by April Andrews

  “It is,” Dragan said. “I miss them already. But for you, my king, I am willing to deal with that. I would miss you far more.”

  He reached out then to take William’s hand, pausing only at the last minute. William did not let him though. He took it in his own, and then as the cheering crowd surrounded them, he held it aloft, showing his people exactly what they needed to know.

  The crowd loved it.

  They pressed around the craft, chanting William’s name, and some even chanting Dragan’s. The look on their faces was everything that William could ever have hoped for.




  It was the whole reason he had travelled to the islands in the first place. For this, for his people, for the new world.

  Eventually, though it took some time, they made it through the crowd and all the way to the castle. Once there, William stepped out and Dragan with him. Niahm was waiting for them, and she immediately pulled William into her arms.

  “How I have missed you,” she said.

  “And you also,” William said giving her a squeeze.

  “And Lord Dragan,” she said, with a grin. “How welcome you are.”

  “It is a pleasure to see you again, Niahm,” Dragan said and her grin widened, because she knew what Dragan’s presence here meant, and she was nothing but pleased for her king.

  The court was waiting for them too, and they were all congratulations and relief also. Even Bertram, who had travelled behind them, could think of nothing bad to say. The relief was too great, the excitement too palpable.

  Of course, there was much work to be done, everyone knew that. The last of William’s generals, alongside Chauce, the alien heroine whose efforts had sealed the win for them, were busy detaining the last of Maylor’s armies. And his people, those that had been bullied and cowed into doing as he demanded, were now being relocated to the islands which were currently in the charge of Lei. There was no help to be had for that, because William knew it would take time for the north to recover from what had happened to them. In time those aliens could return if they so wished. In time they would continue the process of blending their people. But in the meantime…

  William waved at the crowd, waved at the people around him, and then Dragan by his side, he entered his castle. Niahm followed him, as did the court, and they were full of suggestions, requests, things that needed to be done. But it had been a long journey across the sea and William wanted nothing more that to feel Dragan’s arms around him.

  He held up a hand to halt their words.

  “I know we have much to discuss,” he said. “And we will do so. But for now there are some urgent actions that must be taken.”

  “Your people have planned a party tonight,” Niahm said. “The whole country is involved. Up and down there will be feasting and partying.”

  “And I will join them,” William said. “But for now…” He pulled Niahm aside. “As I said, there are some urgent things that need to be seen to. I want you are to travel to Chauce’s camp. I want a full listing of everything that is happening there. A full undertaking of everything that we have left to do.”

  “The heroine of the north?” Niahm asked.

  “That’s what they are calling her?”

  Niahm nodded. “She is much admired.”

  “Then you are the perfect choice,” William said. “I trust you to take care of this, and I have no doubt that you will be a match for her.”

  “I will leave immediately,” Niahm said. “And will hurry back.”

  “Thank you, Niahm,” William said. He turned to Bertram. “I need you to put together a group who will help with the relocation of the northern people to the islands. This must be done sensitively, for it is likely that some have wed to our own people. Where that is the case the choice to go or stay must be in their hands. Decide also who will be based on the islands to see this through.”

  Bertram nodded, and the respect in his eyes, so different to the last time William had seen him, was obvious. “It would be a great honor to take care of that myself, your grace.”

  “You must leave immediately.”

  Bertram nodded again. “Immediately.”

  William then picked out envoys to the south, to the emerald isles and to all the other strategically important parts of his kingdom. The people he chose were happy to be picked, happy to see that there was still a part for them to play in this new world.

  “But before you leave,” William said, and he took a deep, steadying breath, the moment on him at last. “You must be aware that Dragan will be here in the castle with me for the foreseeable future.”

  “Of course,” Bertram said. “He is your general.”

  “He is not just my general,” William replied, and he wrapped his fingers around Dragan’s.

  There was no need for him to say more than that. No need at all. Some of the court gasped slightly, some let out a sigh, others simply nodded. Because, unbeknownst to William, Dragan had already started to a campaign to ensure he was accepted among the people in this new world. The stories that were now racing their way up and down the country spoke of a daring king, full of purpose, seducing the alien lord to do his bidding.

  They spoke of how, once that had happened, the king knew that Dragan was a fitting companion for him. For who else, would be a match for their brave king but the lord who had helped rid him of the alien rebels?

  Love songs were already being composed in honor of the new couple. Females, and males alike, were already sighing over their handsome king and his equally as handsome consort.

  There would be no resistance to their relationship. Dragan had made sure of that.

  The court dispersed a moment later, off to undertake their jobs, off to forge their place in the new world. Once alone, William turned to Dragan and shot him a smile.

  “My chamber is at the very top of the castle.”

  “Of course it is,” Dragan said with a laugh. “So you can look down on all you rule.”

  “You rule it with me now,” William said. “And between us we are growing to build a great society.”

  “We will do more than that,” Dragan said. “We will build a happy one.”

  William’s smile deepened and he wrapped his arms around Dragan’s neck. “What was it you said? That my people would take their lead from their king?”

  “I did.”

  “And if their king is ridiculously happy?”

  “Then they will be too,” Dragan said. “And are you?”

  “More so than I could ever have imagined,” William replied. “I love you, my alien lord.”

  “And I you,” Dragan said. “My alien king”

  And they did, and they would, and the society was not just great, it was happy, and would be for a very long time to come.



  The Hunt


  The Warriors of the World Series

  By April Andrews

  The Gladiator’s Prize

  The Gladiator’s Bargain

  The Gladiator’s Sacrifice

  The Gladiator’s Surrender

  A Warriors of the World Story…

  The Queen’s Pet

  The Mating Season Series

  By April Andrews

  Taken by Two

  Captured by Three

  Chased by Four

  Owned by One

  Enslaved by Five

  Seduction of Six

  Bargain With the Beast

  Submit to the Beast

  The Claiming of a Virgin King

  Stay Up To Date With New Releases!

  April Andrews Homepage at TEP



  April Andrews loves a good romance, and she likes that romance super hot. To April that means men, lots and lots of men...

  In her spare time April likes
to take long, soothing walks, play with her kitten, and try to outwit herself at chess. That's a losing battle, because April always knows what the next move is going to be...that's not the case with her books. April's characters take her on the most wonderful journeys, and she loves the fact that she can take you along too.

  Twisted E Publishing, Inc.




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