To Love a Shooting Star

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To Love a Shooting Star Page 10

by K'Anne Meinel

  “MOM?!?” he could barely wake up; he had been partying with his friends and frat brothers a little too hard. He knew she was in town but hadn’t seen her until now.

  Handing him the envelope she just turned and walked away. Erin and the boys stood on the sidewalk next to their rental car, watching. Kate joined them and looked up in time as he had opened the envelope containing keys, license, and registration as well as insurance papers. He looked up at his mom and then noticed the car on the lawn with the big red ribbon. His mouth dropped open and he said “AW Mom, this is GREAT!”

  She smiled and laughed at the surprise. Waving she and Erin and the boys got back in their rental as she knew he would want to share it with his frat brothers.

  Kate was so proud when they called his name and she saw him for the first time in his cap and gown. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t first or even second in his class. He had graduated, with honors. He had a degree and a couple of minors. What he did with it and his life now was his own. She cried unashamedly as she snapped pictures. He spotted her standing there and gave a little wave. She was grateful for the extended lens on her camera she was so far back with all the other parents.

  Erin watched the pride on Kate’s face and was thrilled for her. She wondered how she would feel someday watching her own boy’s graduate first high school and then college. She was sure she would be just as proud.

  That night he met them at a restaurant where they could celebrate together. Brad was there as well with his girlfriend Jill. Lana was nowhere in sight but according to Sean they had broken up shortly after Christmas. He thanked his mom for the gift of a car and Sean asked if he got one when he graduated. Given Brad’s reputation she felt confident in answering “absolutely, IF you graduate college, you can have a car too.” Brad blushed but even he had to admit his mom was right. The seven of them had a wonderful dinner and chatted for a long time. Erin and Kate had to leave the next day so they spoke and stayed as long as they could. Kate made sure to tip the manager for tying up one of their tables so long.

  In July of the following year the film was done. Now it was up to the studio’s to set a release date and to do their jobs, from promoting the film, to making the copies to give to the various movie houses. They set a release date of October 1st. This would let them be in time for the awards shows in early spring and to take advantage of people who traditionally saw movies in the fall. Erin and other members of the movie could do a round of the talk shows promoting the film as well as the premiere.

  Since Erin now had some time off she thought they should all take a vacation. Since Sean was living in Santa Barbara they needn’t worry about anyone taking care of the animals. She and Kate talked over exotic locations and had some great ideas. As Kate and Erin discussed things Peter came up with a great idea or so Kate thought.

  “We should go camping.”

  Erin thought he had lost his marbles. She couldn’t imagine camping. They didn’t even have any gear.

  Elijah thought it was a terrific idea “yeah! We should go camping, we’ve never been and everyone I know has gone.”

  Kate smirked at the look on Erin’s face. She could tell it wasn’t Erin’s idea of a vacation much less a good time. She could see that Erin envisioned tents and bugs and dirt. Erin caught the smirk on Kate’s face and glared at her for not supporting her idea of say Tahiti.

  “Tahiti is going to be a little hot in July. Why don’t we go to Yellowstone for a week?” Kate asked helpfully, still smirking. Her eyes twinkled at Erin. Erin gave her a ‘you’re going to pay for that’ kind of look.

  The boys enthusiastically seconded Kate’s motion. Erin knew she wasn’t going to get out of this without looking like a chump. “Ok but YOU GUYS have to find out all the information about the trip and YOU GUYS are going to have to buy all the gear that we are going to need.”

  “Do you even have a sleeping bag?” Kate asked blandly trying to hide her smile.

  Again the glare and then “No, I don’t own a sleeping bag. Be sure to buy my gear as well.”

  The boys began searching on the internet immediately for information. Before the weeks end they would drive both Erin and Kate nuts with everything they had accumulated, their superior knowledge, and their endless questions about what they would see, do, and experience.

  That night after the boys had finally gone to bed Kate asked Erin “do you really mind taking a camping trip?” She wasn’t going to make Erin do something she really would hate.

  Erin had settled down, the boys were so enthused that she didn’t have the heart to let them down. She could do this. She probably had been on sets that were like this camping trip was going to be. “As I said, it’s YOUR job to buy all the gear and make the arrangements, it was YOUR idea after all!” and then she laughed. She couldn’t believe that Kate had maneuvered her into this but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

  They enjoyed making up even though they hadn’t really had a fight. Kate pointed out that they couldn’t make love when the four of them were in a tent together so they would have to stock up for now. Erin didn’t seem to mind.

  A week later they had a tent, sleeping bags, coolers, lanterns, fishing poles, backpacks, and other assorted gear. It all was crisp and clean and in the living room. Kate had stocked up on staples and had them stacked there as well. She did have a surprise for Erin though, she had rented a 40’ RV complete with a refrigerator and TV. The boys were thrilled at all the gadgets and helped her pack all their gear inside. Erin liked that there was a queen sized bed in the back and two bunk beds for the boys as well as the tables and couch turning into beds. Another bed over the cab gave them a lot of extra room. The fact that it had running water and electricity sold her on the idea and she was actually becoming enthused at the idea of going camping. The boys were a little disappointed that they could not sleep in the tent but Kate told them they would be able to and they would pitch it right next to the RV.

  They left Erin’s place in the RV, Kate drove as Erin had no desire to do so and felt it was too big for her to manage. A scooter for two was strapped to the back as well as bicycles for the boys. They headed north on the 5 freeway. It took them two days to get to Yellowstone but that first day took them forever. The boys played video games and made a lot of noise but Kate popped in music in the CD player and drowned them out. Erin and Kate sang along to some of their favorite singers. Both of them loved Celine Dion as well as Barbara Streisand. This drove the boy’s nuts but Kate also played Lady Gaga and Pink and knew all the words so at least they could say she was cool. They were having fun as a family and that was the whole point.

  Arriving at the South Gate Kate showed them her reservation. It had taken a lot to get a reservation this late in July, the park was packed. She carefully maneuvered the RV into their spot but nearly swiped another RV when she tried to avoid a tree. The guy’s anger quickly turned to apologies when he recognized Erin or thought he did. Kate wouldn’t let the boys go and explore until everything was set. From chocking the tires to setting up the chairs and tent she was relentless. She insisted on them each taking a radio, she had bought four and checking in every half an hour. Erin insisted that they stay together. The boys promised and Erin reluctantly let them go. Locking up the RV Kate and Erin went on a few of the trails near the campsite and enjoyed their afternoon quietly together sightseeing.

  That night after frying hamburgers on the grill over a campfire Kate expertly put together a dinner for the four of them. The boys had already made friends and had scoped out the campgrounds in their area. Erin insisted though that they all do some things together such as seeing Old Faithful and other specific sights that the boys had found on the internet. Reluctantly the boys agreed, there was still a lot of time for them to hang out with their new friends. It was funny that the kids accepted that the boy’s mom was Erin Ingram so much easier than their parents. Kate and Erin socialized with many people around them, it was fortunate that no one got to be obsessive.

  After a w
eek though of swimming, hiking, and sightseeing they were all a little gamy. Although they had all showered and kept clean clothes the vacation was definitely coming to an end. Kate was thrilled with how relaxed Erin looked. Kate had insisted on doing all the cooking but Erin had made the boys do the dishes and had done her fair share of camp chores. As they packed up and stowed their gear they said goodbye to their new found friends. No one had found it odd that Erin had introduced Kate as her friend. A couple of people had recognized Kate’s name as well. Peter had told a few of his friends about Kate’s alter ego Macc Katell so she had had to sign a couple of books as well. It was a nice relaxing vacation for them all with no pressures. Kate felt good driving back with the sun weary, bug bitten, and incredibly relaxed family she now had.

  All too soon the pressures of real life were coming on. Erin had work at the studio’s concerning the film. As the producer, director, and star of the film there were a lot of balls that she had juggled, some still needed to be kept up in the air. She didn’t mind, this was part of her job. Kate knew that eventually that pressure would let up, she had her own work to continue. She had two books coming out this fall for the Christmas crowd. One under Kate McCall and another adventure novel under Macc Katell. She also had a lot of information she could use from their vacation for another one or two adventures under Macc Katell. She would have to make appearances as both for book signings and to promote the new releases. Her agent had gotten wind of what she wanted to write and wanted art for posters of future new releases ready for these appearances. Kate wasn’t ready yet she felt for all this work. She wanted more time off and this last year had been very full, between the movie and her regular work and her new family, she was feeling a little overwhelmed.

  One night as she shaved her legs and underarms she noted her arms seemed a little fleshy. Between her diet and normal exercise she kept in shape but looking in the mirror she really felt that 45 was coming on too quick for her. She hated shaving her underarms and why should she. That extra flesh or turkey shwabble could be taken care of with a quick trip to the doctor. She was looking bemusedly at her other underarm in the process of shaving it when Erin walked into the bathroom.

  Raising her eyebrow she asked “do you have a problem?”

  Laughing Kate answered “no, I just hate shaving my underarms, it’s just so stupid. I just find it annoying. I think I’m going to have something done about it though.”

  Surprised Erin asked “What?”

  “I think I’m going to get the hair permanently removed and look at this” she showed Erin the extra flesh on the underside of her arm “this shouldn’t be natural” she gave a very indefinite flick as though it should roll but actually it wasn’t that fleshy.

  “So what are you going to do about it?” Erin asked amused.

  “I’m going to make an appointment with the doctor I saw when I moved out here and have it removed.”

  “Isn’t that dangerous?” Erin asked concerned. She could see how serious Kate was and she didn’t find it amusing in the least.

  “No, it should be almost an outpatient procedure. I’ll call him tomorrow” she decided.

  Erin was not amused and tried to talk her out of it but Kate could be pretty stubborn. She figured Erin could do what she wanted with her own body, she wouldn’t stand in the way, but she didn’t like certain things on her own body so she would get rid of them.

  She made good on her statement too. She got an appointment later that week for Dr. Gulbara’s office and told him her concerns. There was a new laser treatment that would burn the hair off under her arms below the surface so that the hair follicles themselves would be gone. It might require a second treatment but that was rare. It would zap them into oblivion. The fat he said they could suction out and suggested she take a little off the hips and thighs as well as her buttocks. Kate set the appointment for all that for the following week; she also made an appointment with her GP to give her a general health check and got her blood tests done that day as well to make sure she was okay for surgery.

  Erin was a little upset “why do you have to have this done? What is the big deal about hair under your arms? You shave it or you pluck it and it’s gone!”

  “Erin, it is no big deal. I’m not having a total make over, I’m fine with my overall looks but I hate shaving and waxing HURTS. This is a one-time deal and I’m done, it’s over.” Kate was trying to make her understand. She wanted it done, not just for improving her looks and not having to deal with it all again but because she WANTED it. She wasn’t succeeding very well in convincing Erin.

  “This is stupid. You don’t NEED to have it done. Why subject your body to anesthesia if you don’t have to?” Erin was incensed. It was all so unnecessary.

  “Erin, you’ve been blessed with good wholesome all American looks. Not everyone is so lucky. I’ve got good genes and I intend to keep what I was given in good shape. If this makes me feel better what is the big deal?”

  “This is silly and so unnecessary. You don’t need to do this.”

  “You didn’t know me years ago when I had this done the first time. I felt and looked fat. I can’t do anything about my large bone structure but I can keep myself feeling good about what I do have. I eat healthy, I exercise. If I feel the need to get rid of something I don’t need or want it shouldn’t be a federal case!”

  For the first time in their relationship they were having a real disagreement. Never before had it escalated to this extent before. They had had spats from time to time but nothing that two reasonable adults couldn’t work out. This though was different.

  Kate realized that Erin spoke out of concern but she really wanted to do this, why couldn’t Erin understand? They left it unresolved and both were being a little stubborn about trying to make amends. Kate had been living with Erin and the boy’s weekdays and on weekends they always stayed in Santa Barbara. For the first time Erin considered going alone especially after she got the all clear from her GP. They all went up to Santa Barbara and Erin and Kate tried their best to not let the issue affect them but the boys sensed it.

  Sean noticed it right away and asked Peter “what’s going on?” Peter shrugged. Most of the week had been tense between the two women and neither had said anything in front of them.

  The weekend didn’t go well. Erin spent most of the time on the couch reading and Kate escaped to her gardens.

  On Tuesday morning Kate walked into the bathroom where Erin was taking a bath. “I’m going in tomorrow, do you want to drive me or should I drive myself?”

  Erin was annoyed. Despite repeated requests she couldn’t make Kate see her point of view. Kate didn’t need a ‘touch up’ as Erin put it and she just had a bad feeling about this whole business. She didn’t want to stay angry anymore, the weekend had been a disaster and she didn’t want that again. She enjoyed Kate too much and they had such a terrific relationship that she didn’t want to jeopardize it. She would have to be the one to back off. “I’ll drive you; do you want me to come in?”

  Kate shook her head “no, if anyone see’s you they will splash that all over the papers that ERIN INGRAM HAD COSMETIC SURGERY” she held up her hand as though making the banner herself “ and I don’t want that.”

  Erin had to agree that Kate had a point. In this business, image was everything, and with that in mind she could understand wanting to maintain her own image. She had assured Erin that it was no big deal and she would be home tomorrow night.

  That night they made up in an old and familiar way. Their lovemaking in the last two and a half years had only improved. They had learned each other’s bodies so well that each knew how and what and where. They varied it so neither became bored. Kate read more on the internet and would occasionally come up with something new that she tried out. If Erin didn’t know better sometimes she would swear that Kate must be cheating on her with her ‘new’ ideas. She did know better though and she knew Kate would never do something like that to her or them. She was grateful about that, Ka
te was a true partner and would never deceive her.

  That morning she drove Kate to a clinic in Beverly Hills. The doctor had originally been in Santa Monica but in the years since Kate had originally seen him he had moved up in the world. Kate was dressed in sweats and with her purse in hand looked pretty bedraggled. She gave Erin a kiss goodbye, discretely of course, but with the blacked out windows of the wagon they weren’t seen anyway and then she went into the clinic.

  It took forever for Kate to finish her paperwork. They would be doing laser work on her underarms, liposuction on her hips, thighs, buttocks, and underside of her arms. It shouldn’t take more than a few hours and then a few more hours in recovery. They could call her a cab or the number she left on her forms when she was ready to be picked up. As they put her in a sterile gown she had to laugh, with her hair in a type of baggy, her feet in footies, she certainly didn’t look the fashion plate.

  Kate remembered waking up once to hear the Doctor telling her everything had gone fine and she should rest while the rest of the anesthesia wore off. It was easy to drift off again.

  When Kate woke up she was very groggy. She didn’t want to open her eyelids, the light hurt them. Even through her eyelids she could see the light and that hurt too. She groaned. She could hear someone moving around in the room. The next thing she heard was a very quiet and controlled Erin saying “Kate?” then a pause “are you awake?”


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