To Love a Shooting Star

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To Love a Shooting Star Page 19

by K'Anne Meinel

  Erin jumped out of her chair before Kate could even rise. A squeeze and a hug so strong made Kate wince before Erin gave her quite a kiss even for this evening. Many people reached out to Erin, it seemed to take her forever to climb the steps to the mike. “Who else can I thank but the Academy and the wonderful people who worked so hard on our incredible movie. We’d be here all night if I named them all, much less remembered everyone’s name at this moment” the crowd laughed “It amazes me when I realize the incredible opportunity this film offered me, to show a side of me that few knows exists” she laughed with the audience at that innuendo “I will simply and humbly say though, THANK YOU!” and Erin backed away from the mike to be escorted off once again. The clock counter was stunned, that was way too short. He signaled to Billy Crystal to stretch out his closing monologue.

  Kate headed backstage after the broadcast with Omar, Faith, and George in tow as well as Norm who appeared out of nowhere. They all saw people they knew and were congratulated over and over again. Kate was looking for Erin and wasn’t surprised to see her surrounded by the press against the backdrop answering questions. Kate watched her awhile before Erin could see beyond the lights and pick her out silently watching and waiting. Her face lit up immediately and the cameramen and press noticed. Seeing Kate’s silent regard they called for her to take pictures with Erin. Someone pressed a statuette into her hand and she was pushed onto the platform with Erin who had been beckoning her. Someone handed Erin two more statuettes and they held all of them in their arms. Two beautiful women who had won four Oscars between them as well as two more for the movie. Heart Strings had won a total of six that night. The press was loving it. Kate put her free arm around Erin’s waist and hugged her sideways. Erin smiled at her with all the love she could. Her eyes shone with it, the camera’s captured it.

  Kate asked her quietly “Can I give you a kiss before God and all?”

  Without waiting for an answer Erin leaned in, Kate met her halfway and the cameramen and women went wild. With that Erin left the podium with Kate in tow despite the reporter’s calls for even more questions and answers.

  By the time they went to claim their own Oscar statuettes which were already engraved with the date, the film, and their names they were ready to head to the parties. Erin texted their driver of where they would meet him so he could drive them to the parties she wanted to attend. It was funny to Kate that she had to help Erin carry one of her statuettes. Bobbling three was not fun and Kate didn’t mind helping, she was so proud of Erin, she deserved all this adoration.

  The parties were fabulous. They were constantly surrounded by people admiring Erin and Kate got her own share of it. They ran into Omar, Faith, and George repeatedly and they all were celebrating most heartily. Kate had never been to a Hollywood party such as this. Everywhere they looked were big names and faces. Some of them actually wanted to talk to her and not just Erin. Kate had leaned in to Erin as they entered the first party and warned her “don’t leave me alone here!” and Erin had laughed with her but kept her close. It was inevitable though with the crowds being what they were that they would get separated from time to time. They finally met up so they could eat and they were starving at that point. Champagne had floated freely and they were both feeling no pain. They were enjoying each moment of their night together. They even danced together for the first time in public and found they were perfectly matched. It didn’t matter who was leading or when, they just fit against each other and enjoyed themselves. Many people congratulated them not only on their win but on their bravery in coming out so publicly. People glanced at them but didn’t stare. They were accepted as a couple. People were impressed with their achievements. Erin was so proud. Kate was proud for her.

  It wasn’t until almost five in the morning that they got home to sleep. They both just dropped their clothes where they lay and fell into bed. They had to be up in a couple of hours for the ‘AFTER OSCARS’ interview with Oprah Winfrey back at the Kodak Theatre. It was scheduled to begin taping at noon so they had a few hours of sleep before they were back awake and showering. Both were pleasantly tired but very happy to be sharing this incredible experience. They helped each other get ready and the car and their bodyguards met them in their driveway. Sitting back in the limo they held hands and discussed the previous evening. It was so special and would never be repeated they both knew. A once in a lifetime opportunity. There would be other films, there would be other awards’ shows, but nothing like this, this was rare and they both knew it.

  They arrived with a little time to spare at the theatre. They were both rushed into make-up. This always annoyed Kate because even though she had put her own make up on it didn’t matter to these professionals. They insisted on glopping more of that stuff on her face, combing her hair out again, and whatever other tortures they had in mind. Erin knew Kate’s feelings on the subject and sat there in silent amusement watching as they poked and prodded her. Kate was relieved she was allowed to choose her own clothes at least. Both she and Erin had chosen neat tailor cut business suits. They didn’t match and for that Kate was grateful. She hated that when high profile couples matched, it was so gay! Erin swore she could read Kate’s mind as she sat there. She was vastly amused. She had a lot to smile about these days.

  Oprah had many of the winners on her show. She saved Erin, Kate, Omar, Faith, and George for last though and Kate for one was grateful. It gave her a chance to calm her nerves which were to the breaking point at this stage. It wasn’t just the Oscars overwhelming her; it was the endless round of interviews, shows, and constant commotion. She wouldn’t complain though. This was Erin’s moment and she didn’t want to ruin any of it. She was ready for a long vacation though, she felt she deserved it. She knew it would be awhile before she got it. Erin would be expected to attend premieres for her Oscar winning movie all over the globe, especially now that it had won. Erin expected now that they were out that Kate go along with her. Erin was looking forward to London, Paris, Munich, Berlin, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Melbourne, and Sydney. She especially was looking forward to Paris because it would give her an opportunity to see her sister. Kate was looking forward to meeting this person in Erin’s life who she had only heard about for the last three years.

  Finally it was the five of them on stage with Oprah. Oprah sat Erin by her, then Kate, then Omar, and then Faith and George. Kate would have rather of been seated over by George. She was tired of all the attention. She wouldn’t let it show though; she just couldn’t, for Erin’s sake.

  Oprah was a wonderful and gracious host. She asked all the right questions of her guests and didn’t exclude any of them. Kate felt part of the team for a while but it was obvious that Erin and she were the news item. Oprah however did not ignore the white elephant in the room as she asked them how the news was affecting them. They both assured her they were holding up well under the pressure. Kate even had Oprah laughing at her observations. Omar pointed out Kate’s humor which had helped their script. Kate and Omar both admired Faith and George and their professionalism. They all provided insights to the film and the audience ate it up. Everyone could see it had been a team effort.

  That afternoon Kate and Erin changed again to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Some of the same ground was covered and surprisingly some new ground as well when Erin mentioned Kate’s car and motorcycle. Jay, a car and motorcycle enthusiast himself wanted to play with Kate’s toys. It created a hilarious innuendo that had even Jay blushing, he hadn’t quite meant that. The audience laughed for a long time and Kate kept it going, tongue in cheek. Erin loved her for it. She was relaxing and it showed when she let her humor out.

  All weekend long and into the following week Kate had received phone calls, texts, and emails from friends and family. Some supportive, some angry. She attempted to respond where she could but didn’t they realize she was busy? She had texted, emailed, and posted on her Facebook page to friends and family to watch the Ellen DeGeneres Show as well as Oprah Winfrey. From what
she read and heard everyone had heard. She was getting criticism from people who didn’t really have the right anymore, she got support at least in a few people that helped her get through the nasty things she heard and read as well. Erin heard it all from Kate, good and bad. She too had been fielding calls from concerned family and friends. Most were hurt that she hadn’t given them a heads up before hand, something Erin found she had to explain over and over again that there had been no time, the decision having been made and the interviews set up there were time constraints and they hadn’t wanted it leaked out beforehand.

  On Tuesday Norm came by with all the offers they had been fielding in his office. Kate let Erin and he decide which interviews to do. She told them to just choose for her and tell her where and when. She didn’t care. She knew they would take care of her and they did. Erin and Kate appeared all over the country on shows to promote the movie and answer questions about their relationship, both together and alone. Kate hated it when she was alone though, she felt targeted by the media then. She was grateful when a couple of weeks went by and they had to fly to London for the premiere there.

  In Paris Kate finally got to meet Erin’s sister Arlene. She and her husband Peter, who Erin’s son was named after, were terrific. They had four adorable children who quickly accepted Kate and boisterously played with her much to Arlene and Peter’s amusement. Kate charmed and amused them as well. Although she got annoyed when they spoke in rapid French everyone spoke enough English that she was included. She was delighted that the children were bi-lingual and had a lot of fun entertaining them.

  In Germany it was Kate though who got some well-deserved attention. The press, finding out that Kate spoke fairly good German mobbed her. She became the interpreter for Erin who while amused figured this was payback for her own fluency in French. They were tired but they were enjoying themselves so much together!

  Both of them were tired after Asia and then down to Australia. Kate was visibly dragging her butt. She tried not to complain but the round of parties and premieres and her having to wear dresses that would never be seen again and the heels; it was hell on her and Erin. The interviews were a trial in themselves. Their coming out, the movie, everything was world news. Kate was amazed that anyone down under much less in Europe knew who she was. The crowds were something. It had fascinated Kate that Erin had done her own dubbing in French. To see some of the films dubbed into the various languages was amazing. Some things did not translate correctly though and that was hilarious as Erin explained.

  They finally boarded their private plane for the last time and headed northeast after Australia. The premieres were done. The interviews were done, for now. They could look forward to a relaxing vacation somewhere and had discussed where. Right now Santa Barbara for a month sounded good. They both missed their boys and each other’s son’s as well, they missed their mixed family. They had been gone too long it seemed. Kate was just relieved it was over. They had until June when they would have to attend her youngest son’s wedding before they had any commitments or so she thought. She was so very very tired. The chest pains she had hidden from Erin had gotten progressively worse with each city they had visited. She now noticed a shortness of breath and hoped their well-deserved rest would cure it all. She was convinced it was just stress but not for the world would she have worried Erin with any complaints. Erin had worked so hard and all Kate could do was support her in any way she could.

  After they were in the air for a while they both felt a little tired and Kate went to sleep in the bedroom at the back of the plane. Erin dozed off in her reclining chair. The stewardess awoke her for dinner and when she went to wake Kate she found her sprawled on the floor instead of the bed. When Erin rolled her over in alarm she heard Kate sigh and stop breathing! Immediately she began CPR and called for help. The stewardess came running and Erin told her what she had found. She continued CPR as the stewardess informed the captain who turned the controls over to his co-captain and came running. As he arrived, Erin got Kate to begin breathing on her own but it was shallow. The stewardess handed her an oxygen mask and bottle and they put it over Kate’s head and turned it on. Erin sat back and watched Kate intently as she breathed in and out.

  “What happened?” The captain asked Erin.

  Erin looked up briefly and explained what she had found.

  “We are halfway between Hawaii and Los Angeles; do you want me to turn back?” He asked concerned.

  “No, let’s get her on the bed. Continue on to LA and radio ahead for an ambulance.”

  Nodding he helped Erin and the stewardess lift a surprisingly light Kate up onto the bed. Erin sat with her the rest of the flight watching intently and worrying. What in the world was wrong with her? The remainder of the flight was extremely long as she watched anxiously each breath that Kate took.

  An ambulance, customs, and police met them on the tarmac as soon as they landed. Two paramedics ran up with a body basket to remove her from the private plane and Erin watched anxiously as they assessed her, she explained what she had done and observed the police and customs listening raptly. Strapping her in the basket they carried her effortlessly down the stairs of the jet and into the ambulance, the police and customs allowed them both to go, nothing they felt was suspicious about what had happened, she had just collapsed, she hadn’t taken any drugs that anyone knew of, the police would get a full report later at the hospital. Erin got in the ambulance and when one of the paramedics went to object he was shushed by his co-worker. Erin looked ready to take his head off at the strain she was under.

  At the hospital they wouldn’t let her in as they examined the patient. After a very long period of time the doctor came out to let Erin know that Kate was going to be okay. She was anemic and apparently had been under a lot of stress for a long time. Her passing out on the plane had been her body’s way of coping. They weren’t sure why she had stopped breathing but were watching her closely to be safe. She was sleeping peacefully now, drug induced. Erin was quick to mention Kate’s narcotic allergy and they assured her it was not narcotic based. The police took a report and left.

  Erin was allowed to sit with Kate as she lay there sleeping. Thinking over the past months she realized how much she had taken for granted. Kate had been under incredible strain. Trying to keep up with the demands of both of their careers, the premieres, the awards ceremonies, the parties, it was all too much for anyone to cope and then to add the strain of coming out. Kate had even been working on her new books, her lap top never far from her. Erin realized Kate had supported her completely and Erin had just accepted it. Erin was used to the fanfare and hoopla, Kate wasn’t. She had been there fully though and never complained. Erin realized how selfish she had been now in retrospect. She had seen how tired Kate was, how strained, her jokes weren’t as readily forthcoming. She had gotten quieter as time went on. The doctor had mentioned that she had awoken briefly and told him that she had been having chest pains for months. Erin knew Kate never wanted her to worry and probably hadn’t told her deliberately. As Erin watched Kate sleep her heart was in her throat and silent tears went down her cheeks. She had nearly lost her. This woman she loved and respected, had nearly died. If Kate had turned herself over she might not have been found until it was too late as she stopped breathing. Erin was shaking she was so upset at these thoughts.

  As Kate came to the next day she looked around in alarm to find herself in a hospital room. Erin was sleeping in a chair and Kate could tell by the dried tears on her face that something bad had happened, she looked awful. She remembered going to the cabin in the plane to sleep on the bed but nothing else, she wondered how long she had been out. Had they crashed? She wanted to wake Erin to ask questions but at the same time she wanted her to sleep. She lay there a long time wondering before Erin either heard her move or sensed that she was awake before she too woke up.

  “Hi there” she said quietly and breathlessly “how are you feeling?” You could hear the concern in Erin’s voice as well as th
e early morning roughness as she woke up more fully.

  “I’m okay. What am I doing here?”

  Erin explained what had happened on the plane and the doctor’s findings. She tried unsuccessfully not to let her voice convey her worry or upset over what had happened. The anemia though Kate could have prevented from eating right but Erin didn’t say that. The doctor did later when he explained his view of what must have happened to her. He ordered a couple of stress tests for Kate to make sure no lingering damage affected her body. By the time Kate heard all this she lay in bed annoyed. She didn’t want Erin upset by all this but what could she do? She was stuck in this bed for another day according to the doctor. Erin had not even gone home yet or showered, she had come directly from the plane. Kate lay there berating herself again for putting Erin through the worry and resolved that she would never again put her through it. As a result of her self-recriminations she came across as cold and distant, way too quiet. Erin wondered if Kate were angry at her for all the stress in their life.

  The next day a car met them and took them to their house in the Hollywood Hills. Erin’s boys met them there with Sandy. The boys were almost as happy to see Kate as they were to see their own mother. Sandy left soon after their reunion. Kate was still very tired, very quiet, and distant. The boys asked Erin if Kate was okay, they knew she had been in the hospital overnight but Erin just told them she needed rest. The car took them up to Santa Barbara the next day. They had to have bodyguards with them almost all the time now and this got on all of their nerves. Kate and Erin were news though and someone had found out that Kate had been rushed to Cedars Sinai. They didn’t know why but speculation was rampant. Kate was so relieved to be home though and she quickly took off her clothes, changing into a two piece swimsuit before settling herself out by the pool with the panels back so she could enjoy the sun.


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