Taming the Vampire: Over 25 All New Paranormal Alpha Male Tales of Contemporary, Military, Shifters, Billionaires, Werewolves, Magic, Fae, Witches, Dragons, Demons & More

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Taming the Vampire: Over 25 All New Paranormal Alpha Male Tales of Contemporary, Military, Shifters, Billionaires, Werewolves, Magic, Fae, Witches, Dragons, Demons & More Page 154

by Mandy M. Roth

  When we walked into the “Good Stuff” coffee shop I felt weak and it must have shown.

  “Are you all right?” Hugh asked.

  His gentle touch on my shoulder helped to steady me.

  “I haven’t been to a coffee shop since becoming a vampire. I’d forgotten how damn good everything smells. It’s torture.”

  My stomach churned loudly and I put a hand over my abdomen, as if that would help. I never expected to have this reaction to the smell of pastries and coffee.

  “You know how some people who become vampires say that they don’t miss being human and eating food? Being a vampire is so superior and blah, blah, blah.”

  He laughed softly. “I’ve heard some stuff like that, yeah.”

  “Well, it’s all bullshit.”

  “Don’t they make some kind of special coffee for vampires?”

  “Yes. Life Blood. It has crystalized blood mixed in with the coffee. Supposedly that makes the coffee where we can digest it. I’ve been afraid to try it.”

  I looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes to find a look of kindness and concern.

  “Afraid of being disappointed?”

  “Exactly. As a human I loved coffee. It’s been one of the hardest things to get used to, the absence of coffee.” I took a deep breath and sighed. “Fuck. This place smells fantastic.”

  Hugh smiled as he handed me his notebook. “Why don’t you find us a seat, and I’ll see what I can do about the coffee?”

  I glanced around and realized how much I stood out from the crowd. Is the leather look out of style and no one told me?

  “All right. I’ll see if anyone smells familiar.”

  “I can only sense others by smell when I change form,” Hugh said.

  I winked. “Then allow me to feel useful and scan the crowd.”

  “What was your favorite flavor of coffee?”

  “French vanilla.”

  Hugh turned toward the front counter and I tried to look casual while I searched for a seat. There were a few werewolves, eating large amounts of baked goods, but none of them smelled familiar. They looked my way, presumably because they could smell what I was as well. Other than an initial once over, they didn’t seem to care. Like I said, I’d never had a problem with werewolves. I suppose that fact alone was reason enough to try to figure out why I was attacked at the club. Not to mention it was the first real lead I’d had so far.

  I slid into a booth in the corner, near the door. I had just begun to scan his notes when Hugh sat a steaming mug of awesomeness in front of me. It was no longer required for my heart to beat, but on rare occasions it did. I felt it flutter with excitement as I inhaled the steam rising from the mug.

  “French vanilla Life Blood,” he said, looking very pleased with himself. “Give it a try.”

  I held the mug between my hands for a moment, enjoying the warmth. Then, I took a sip and actually moaned. The man in the booth next to us gave me a strange look and I busted out laughing. You couldn’t have wiped Hugh’s grin off with sandpaper.

  “That good, huh?”

  “Almost as good as the real thing.” I paused and took another sip. “Thank you. So, what happens if we sit here for a while and I don’t recognize any werewolves?”

  “Worst case scenario? We have a relaxing evening going over my notes and the only thing you’ll be slaying is that coffee.”

  “Have I been suckered into a date?” I teased.

  “I would never sucker you,” he said with a wink. “And when it’s a date, you’ll know.”

  “When, not if?”

  That grin of his was a real panty dropper, no doubt about it. “Oh, yes. When.”

  “Well, that’s quite a subject change,” I said, turning the page in his notes.

  “Not really. Regardless of how it all started, I am your guardian. Now that I’ve found you, I’m not going anywhere.” His statement was matter-of-fact without being pushy. And I couldn’t argue his logic. After all, he’d been looking for me for a while.

  “We never exactly talked about last night,” he said. His deep smooth voice made me shiver. Even without vampire senses, I could tell he was aroused, just by that slight drop in the timbre of his voice.

  “I thought you didn’t expect my undying love,” I said playfully.

  “I still don’t, but you can’t deny the sex was fantastic.”

  I also couldn’t stop smiling.

  “I’d like the chance to experience that again,” he said. “I don’t mean to pressure you in any way; I’m simply making an offer.”

  “And what offer is that?”

  “I’d like to get to know you better.”

  There went my heart fluttering again. I wanted this too, but I didn’t want to presume anything just because we shared some great sex. Not to mention I hadn’t had time for a relationship in years. I didn’t want to seem overeager or weird.

  “That is a tempting offer.”

  “Think it over.”

  “I will.”

  Chapter 13

  Two hours later a lot of customers had come and gone, and I still didn’t recognize anyone. His notes on gargoyles were fascinating though. He even had several detailed sketches.

  “I stood in front of the mirror and drew those,” he said.

  “Wow. I didn’t realize you were so talented. These are really amazing.”

  “I wanted to be sure I documented everything I could about myself while I researched others.”

  He had moved closer to me in the wraparound booth and I was trying hard to not reach out and put my hand on his thigh. He was big, warm, and only a breath away. I wanted so much to brush my face against his throat and breathe in his scent. I wanted to pull out the band that restrained his hair and lose myself in that dark silken cloud.

  “I’m afraid of getting close to anyone,” I blurted out. “I’m sorry for the abrupt subject change, and it’s probably an overshare anyway—“

  “No,” he said. “It’s all right. After last night, I don’t think you can overshare with me.”

  I smiled and as I turned slightly to face him, I stopped resisting and put my hand on his thigh. I took a moment to appreciate how firm and warm he felt beneath those tight jeans.

  “I was in a relationship years ago that ended suddenly and very badly. It left me kind of scarred. Then not long after my mother died. All I could think about was finding who was responsible for her murder, and controlling the monster I’d become. There wasn’t room for anything else in my life during that time.” I paused. “I hope I didn’t seem too causal about last night. Being intimate with someone does mean something to me it’s just that …”

  He reached down and took my hand in his. “You’re not quite ready for what it might mean.”

  “Yes. I hope that’s all right. I’m not saying no. I really like you and there’s no denying that I feel something here.”

  “We’ll take it slowly.”

  I laughed. “I bit late for that, isn’t it?”

  “I meant with the talk of feelings,” he said with a smile. “I understand what you’re trying to say. I’ve been in some bad relationships too. I think we all have. I’ll go easy on your heart, Tris.”

  For a moment all I could do was look into those amazingly pale blue eyes.

  “Wow. That’s probably one of the sexiest things anyone has ever said to me.” I glanced back down at the notes and remembered what I had actually meant to ask him before.

  “Can you really do this?” I asked, pointing to a passage in his notes.

  “Turn my skin to stone? Yes, I can.”

  “When you touched me, before you turned back, your skin was soft and smooth.”

  “It takes practice and concentration at first. But now, I can turn to stone in an instant. I can turn just my hand, for example, or I can turn my whole body. It slows down my movements a little, but once I rock out, I’m unstoppable.”

  I laughed. “You ever rock out naked?”

  His smirk let me know h
e got where I was going with this joke.

  “Yes, I rock out with my cock out sometimes.”

  We were still laughing when I caught a familiar scent.

  Chapter 14

  Even over the smells of coffee and fresh pastries I knew him.

  “It’s the werewolf I encountered first, at the bar,” I whispered.

  Hugh was about to look and I stopped him.

  “Don’t turn, he’s behind you.”

  He started gathering up his notes in preparation to leave. “Let’s slip out the back and try to follow him,” Hugh said. “We can come up through the alley and watch for him to leave.”

  That was a good plan, only the werewolf caught sight of me before I thought to use my mind manipulation powers to hide.

  “Shit. I’ve got this,” I said.

  The werewolf ran out the door and knocked over two older women. I wasn’t sure if this was done on purpose to slow me down, or if he was just clumsy. Either way, I paused to be sure they were all right before following his scent down an alley.

  He tripped over some trash cans. When I realized he was beginning to transform I ran faster to catch up. I’m much faster than a human, but not nearly as fast as some vampires I’ve seen.

  As soon as I reached him I grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed him into a wall. I heard what sounded like large stones sliding into place and looked behind me to see Hugh fully transformed. Somewhere along the way he’d shed his shirt and shoes. With his horns out, wings unfurled, and blue eyes glowing, he was an impressive sight. Not to mention once his feet turned to claws (not unlike the werewolf’s feet) it added to his already intimidating height, making him roughly seven feet tall.

  “You said you can manipulate minds?” Hugh asked me.


  “Stand behind me and make sure no one looks down this alley.”

  I was confident I could handle the wolfman by myself, but clearly Hugh had a plan. I decided to go with it and not ask questions.

  I could hear the werewolf continuing to transform. Bones cracked and clothes tore as I ran to the end of the alley and cast a quick spell. Now I could feel if anyone was watching and immediately block us from their mind. That was one great thing about being a vampire, I didn’t have to use as many ingredients for spells. So much of what I did now was nothing but the force of my will. That might also be due to my fae blood as well.

  “Why did you attack Tris?” Hugh asked.

  “Go fuck yourself,” the wolf growled.

  I turned in time to see Hugh take a step forward. “Wrong answer.”

  He took a sliding step toward the werewolf. I heard what sounded like sliding stones again and when his fist hit the werewolf’s face it was solid rock. The wolf fell back with a yelp. He as stunned, but still holding together well considering he’d just been hit with a brick.

  “What is your name?” Hugh asked.

  With a roar the wolf launched himself at Hugh. The gargoyle took a step back and clapped his wings. Just before his wings made contact with the wolf, they turned to stone. The werewolf crumpled to the ground. He was disoriented, bleeding, and clearly not going anywhere.

  “That was the most badass shit I’ve ever seen,” I said, walking up beside Hugh. I touched his wing. “That’s amazing.” The skin was already soft and leathery again. Then I remembered the reason we were in the alley and focused my attention on the werewolf.

  “I can’t see straight,” he howled.

  “You’ll heal,” Hugh said. “Now try again. What’s your name?”


  “That’s better. Jeff, why did you attack Tris at the club, Dark Web, the other night?”

  Jeff growled and spit out a tooth. “My alpha told me to.”

  Hugh crossed his arms and I enjoyed watching his muscles flex.

  “We’re going to need a better reason than that, or I’ll let him beat you into the ground,” I said.

  Jeff looked confused and not just from a hit to the head. He seemed to think that was all the explanation we needed.

  “I don’t question my alpha.”

  “Maybe we should question your alpha,” Hugh said.

  Jeff looked truly terrified at this suggestion. “My alpha doesn’t need to hear about this.”

  “Why not?” I asked.

  “Because I can tell you who hired us. They also hired a woman to lead you to the club, something about having to work around a spell.”

  I was confused and furious. “Someone hired you to attack me? Why?”

  “She said you didn’t have a problem with werewolves and wouldn’t see it coming.”

  “She?” I asked.

  “Some witch named Kathy.”

  “That ring any bells?” Hugh asked me.

  “No. What did Kathy want with me?”

  The werewolf paused for a moment and put a clawed hand to his bloody forehead. “She wanted you dead and she wanted your necklace.”

  Instinctively, I put a hand over the charm that I now knew connected me to Hugh.

  “Where can I find this witch?”

  “She sells real estate out of an office on Honeysuckle road. Let me go and I’ll give you her address. That bitch has been nothing but trouble. She wouldn’t even pay us for our efforts.”

  Considering they didn’t manage to kill me or get my necklace, I couldn’t really blame her.

  “You okay with that?” Hugh asked me.

  “Fine. Just give me the address.”

  “It’s in my pants.”

  I laughed. “You’ve got to be joking. You expect me to reach into your pants?”

  “He broke my right arm and I’m pretty sure my left wrist is sprained,” the wolf said.

  “I am not an idiot. There’s no way in hell I’m reaching in your pants.”

  “I’ve got her card.”

  “Don’t you remember the address?”

  “Honestly, no.”

  “Fuck it. I’ll reach in his pants. Which side?” Hugh asked.

  “Front pocket, right side.”

  With the sound of moving rocks, Hugh’s entire body turned to stone. He moved slowly toward the werewolf and knelt in front of him.

  “Just so you know,” Hugh said, “you’ll break off your teeth if you try to bite me.”

  “I just want to get out of here alive,” the wolf said.

  “Smart man. I’ve got it,” he said, pulling out the card. As he rose his skin visibly softened, but remained a pale stony gray. “Here.” He handed me the card.

  “What kind of realtor has cards without their overly edited photo slapped on the front?” I asked.

  “One who doesn’t want to be recognized,” Hugh said. He turned back to the werewolf, Jeff. “Stay here until we leave, then you’re free to go.”

  “No problem. I don’t want to get slapped with fucking boulders again. That was bullshit.”

  Hugh followed me to the end of the alley where he’d stashed his boots, shirt, and notebook. He shifted form so fluidly I just stared, fascinated. His transformation had a strange beauty to it. I held his notebook while he pulled on his clothes and with a wave of my hand dismissed the cloaking spell.

  “You should hurry and get out of sight,” I called back to Jeff.

  Chapter 15

  We were halfway back to my apartment and I was still staring down at the address card.

  “Part of me wants to just run in there and smash this bitch with a hammer. But, like I told Jeff, I’m not an idiot. I also know I’m not the baddest thing that goes bump in the night.”

  “Not according to any vampire I’ve ever heard mention you.”

  I smiled. “Flattery will get you everywhere,” I joked. “But in all seriousness, let’s find out who this woman is.”

  When we got back to my place I went straight to the kitchen and sat down at the table with my laptop. There was a website listed on the card too and I intended to search it.

  “I don’t believe this,” I said after a few minutes.

  “What is it?” Hugh was standing beside the fridge browsing old takeout menus. He said he was desperate for Chinese food. I know what you’re thinking here. After seven years of a liquid diet, why did I still have takeout menus? On the off chance that I ever had a guest, and because it made me feel more normal.

  “There’s not one single picture of her anywhere. Here’s a photo of the office building, but that’s it.”

  Hugh leaned over me, propping one hand on the table. I leaned back slightly, enough to touch him, and breathed in his scent. Werewolves and vampires have a certain smell. I had heard this, but never understood exactly what it meant until I became a vampire. The first time I smelled a male werewolf on the full moon I almost came. I wondered if gargoyles have a particular scent, or if Hugh just has some great cologne.

  “Have you looked at all the properties she has listed for sale? Maybe she’s in some of those pictures,” he suggested.

  “I guess it’s worth a shot.”

  Whoever this Kathy was, she did a lot of business. There were close to a hundred properties listed.

  “Will it bother you if I eat while you start on the photos? I can take over later if you want?” Hugh asked. “Or do you not want me to stay at all?”

  I stopped what I was doing and smiled up at him. “I don’t mind, and I do want you to stay.”

  “How about instead of ordering in I go pick this up and get you some Life Blood?”

  “I would appreciate that very much. It actually satisfied my hunger too. I suppose that’s because of the crystalized blood. For some reason it never occurred to me that I could be satisfied by anything other than actual fresh blood.”

  “I’ll see what other flavors they have.”

  “Anything but hazelnut,” I said. “And thanks again. It will be nice to have something normal on my shelves again.”

  “To go beside the potions?” he teased. “I can see how normal would go with that.”

  Hugh was back within an hour and all I’d found in the pictures, other than the actual properties, was a cute Pomeranian.

  “You might want to rethink that whole, giving me your undying love thing,” Hugh said as he sat a coffee bag in front of me.


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