Men of Valor, Books 1

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Men of Valor, Books 1 Page 21

by Kiru Taye

  Before they arrived at the palace pool, Ezinne heard the soothing splash of the waterfall. She loved coming here. She loved the gentle sound of the water. Most of her trips there had been with Nonye when she helped the princess swim. She remembered the night Emeka had kissed her for the first time, a warm passionate kiss that had stolen her breath.

  On that night she'd known there was something amazing happening between the two of them. Despite her fears about men, she had yearned for a lot more from him. His touch had only stirred longing buried immersed within her. Craving she'd never known she possessed until that kiss.

  Now she knew that kiss would never be repeated. She would not see the prince again. Here at the pool she was probably here to help bathe Nonye again. When they walked into the clearing, the guard stood back. Ezinne was about to ask him why they were there as she couldn't see Princess Nonye.

  She turned back to speak to the guard, but he was gone. She walked farther into the clearing and realized someone had left their clothes on the rocks by the pool. At that distance she could not make out whose they were. Fascinated, she walked closer and realized from the design that they belonged to Prince Emeka.

  She inhaled a shaky breath, gaze sweeping the shoreline. Heat rose to her cheeks.

  Where was he?

  She turned around just as there was a splash in the water. Emeka rose from the pool. Rivulets of water running down his perfectly formed body. The moonbeam illuminating his golden skin tone.

  "You came," he said as he watched her.

  She had no answer but simply nodded. She was a servant. She always did what she was told. Though she hadn't realized it was him who'd summoned her. His dark gaze fixing onto hers. Her feet felt heavy, unable to move. The exact opposite of her heart that raced like an antelope being chased by a lion. She should move. Run. She had no business being here. Not if the prince was naked under the line of water as she suspected he was.

  She didn't know how she would react if she saw all of him. Being close to him and not being able to touch him. To taste him. It was torture.

  "He didn't tell me who'd summoned me. I simply obey orders."

  "I didn't want tongues to wag in the servants' quarters." He walked through the water toward her. Her breathing became shallower as she struggled to take in more air. Managing to move her heavy legs, she turned around. If Nonye found out she was here with the prince alone, she'd never be forgiven. She shouldn't be here.

  Yet in her heart she wanted to be here. She wanted to feel his strong arms around her once again. She wanted his lips crushing hers. His embrace making her feel needed and safe.

  "Am I so unpleasant to look at that you cannot bear the sight of me?" He sounded so close. His voice, resonant and gravelly, sent her insides into a flutter of emotions. She closed her eyes briefly and inhaled deeply before turning to face him.

  He stood in front of her, magnificent even in the moonlight. Surely a god among men. A short cloth was wrapped around his waist, but the rest of him bare to her view. He was a powerfully physical man, a prince known for his hands-on approaching to leadership. His body bore all the signs of a man who had worked hard.

  For a moment she didn't breathe, just stared at him open-mouthed. His eyes sparkled, but there was no amusement there. It was a sheer, dark, intense gaze. Full of destiny, determination, and desire.

  "You are the most wonderful and good-looking man I know."

  "And yet you are so quick to depart from me." He raised his eyebrow as if he didn’t believe her words. "I hear you agreed to return to Umulari."

  A sinking feeling invaded her mind. "I did."

  "Then why feed me that entire story about the cruelty of King Agbado and the rape by Ichie Uwaluru when you are so quick to return to them. Were you simply seeking my attention? I would have given it to you without the need for lies."

  "I… I did not lie to you." She gasped at his hurtful words and lifted her gaze to look at his face. His lips were set in a firm, thin line. His hands clenched by his side. His eyes blazing with anger and pain.

  "Then tell me why you would choose to go back there when I have offered you a place in my home as my wife. When I offer you a kingdom."

  He stood there still not making any move toward her though she felt the heat radiating from his body. She so wanted him to hold her right now.

  Why can't he understand?

  "Because it's the best thing to do," she managed to gasp out of her clogged throat.

  "For whom?" he snapped.

  "For everyone," she retorted. "Can you not see that? I cannot stay here and watch you and Nonye play happy family while my heart breaks a piece at a time." She turned away.

  In a flash, he held her, his warm body encasing hers, her back pressed next to his chest. The air was fragrant with his spice. He leaned his chin against her head. She heard him inhale a long breath before he spoke.

  "But you can be a part of that family." He leaned back and turned her around to face him. She kept her head down, but he lifted her chin. His eyes glittered with fiery craving. "Why will you not be with me?"

  "Because I'll not be your wife against Nonye's wishes. I can't hurt her that w—"

  He cut off her words as he kissed her with a single-mindedness she'd never seen in him before. Her soft lips were crushed beneath his punishing ones. She didn't want to fight him. She wanted him. But if she didn't, the kiss would have overpowered her anyway. She had no option but to submit to it.

  She opened up, surrendering to his demanding tongue. It swept into her mouth, razing everything in its path, all knowing. All conquering. Any resistance vanished. Any thoughts of doing the right thing by Nonye dissolved.

  She wanted this. Emeka. Here and now. She heard thunderous drum beats and realized it was the sound of her heartbeat loud in her ears. She moved her hands up his chest and clung on to his shoulder, holding on for dear life as her knees buckled. It was a good thing he held onto her waist. She would have slipped on to the ground in a mushy pool like runny pap.

  A wave of heat swept her body, threatening to burn her up. When Emeka tilted her head to get more of her, she moved with it, wanting more of him. He lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked forward. She didn't realize where he was going until she felt the coolness of a rock against her back.

  Emeka raised his head; his chest lifted and fell as he sucked in air. His expression was dark and tormented.

  "Ezinne, I want to make love to you. My mind has ceased to make coherent decisions. All I want right now is you. You are the only one able to end this. Tell me to stop and I will."

  She couldn't believe that this man, this prince was leaving the decision to her. Not that she could say no to him. He could take her, and she would offer no resistance. Yet he was giving her the choice. In that moment, she knew he loved her and would do anything for her.

  No one had ever offered her anything like he'd offered her. He had given her so much. Tonight she could give the gift she'd wanted to give him for so long. Herself. Even if it was for the last time. Tomorrow she would pay the price and return to Umulari.


  Emeka stood still, waiting for Ezinne to say something. It was true he'd delegated the decision to her. Finding out she was serious about returning to Umulari had broke down his reserves. His principles had dissolved into the air. He could no longer stop himself from wanting her. Only her words would stop him.

  The fire in his blood was lit and raging out of control. It was because of his love for her that he stood still when he wanted to sink buried within her. He needed to connect with her on every level. He would go mad otherwise. There was too much anger and pain in his body.

  He wasn't even sure that he could be gentle with her if she agreed.

  "Make love to me," she whispered in a hoarse voice before leaning in to place tentative, soft kisses on his chest.

  The feel of her warm lips on his cool skin broke down his restraint. Letting out a loud groan, he pulled her head up and kissed
her. It was fierce. Passionate. He parted her legs and stood between them as he let his cloth fall from his hips. His painfully swollen manhood nudged her wet core.

  "I'm sorry," he groaned against her lips as he pushed into her tight warmth. "I'll be slower next time."

  Her inner wall wrapped around him, slick and hot. He paused to let her adjust to his girth before setting a rhythm that was slow at first but soon picked up speed as he lost himself to the feeling of being inside her. He knew that this time would not be long.

  The fever of his release built nearing it crescendo. He'd wanted Ezinne since her arrival. And now to finally have her softness against his rigidity, her moist depth stoking the fires within his body.

  She writhed beneath him, his hands holding her to absorb some of the impact from his thrusts. Her soft moans grew louder; her brown eyes now the color of the red earth. The love and admiration in her eyes pushed him on. Nothing else—no one else—was more beautiful. No one else made him feel this heat, this frenzy. He moved to get her to her peak, knowing that only then could he allow his own release.

  Gripping her with one hand across her back, he found her hooded gem and rubbed it. She erupted around him, clenching him tight, her lava overflowing. Her scream rent the quiet night air. He couldn't hold on any longer. He joined her in his release, clinging onto her body for anchor in a floating world.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next time he made love to Ezinne, he took his time as he promised. He spread his shoulder wrappers on the sandy shore, laid her down, and worshiped her body like she was a goddess.

  In those moments, there were no thoughts of his duty to the kingdom or his wife. It was simply him and Ezinne under the moonlight sky. Exhausted they lay together, clinging to each other. The air was warm, their hot sweat-slicked bodies cooling in a light breeze.

  After a while of lying still without saying anything and just listening to Ezinne's slow breathing, she stirred.

  "What is the matter?" He lifted his head to stare into her brown eyes. She bit her lower lip.

  "I'm worried someone will come and find us here." She grimaced.

  "Do not worry. No one will come. I've instructed my most trusted guard to stand watch. No one else is permitted at the pool tonight."

  When she didn't look convinced, he kissed her, enjoying the taste of her for a brief moment.

  "Tonight is for the two of us. Tomorrow's worries shall come soon enough." He didn't want to think about the next day or all the troubles that were sure to abound. He just wanted his time with Ezinne. Just the two of them and no interruptions.

  He stood, extending his hand to her. "Come," he said to her when she just laid there staring at him in awe. He was used to people looking at him with admiration. Yet somehow when Ezinne looked at him, it felt different. As if he was the most important person in her world.

  This was why he couldn't understand why she didn't want to marry him. Why she would put Nonye's needs before hers or his.

  She took his hand without question, and he pulled her up. He walked to the pool still holding her hand. He loved the feel of her. Loved having her beside him. In his heart he knew it was the right place for her.

  How could he reconcile it with the fact that he'd sworn to live a monogamous life. His father had taken only one wife against advice from his council of elders who had multiple wives.

  It was seen as abnormal that the king did not have more than one wife. It was a sign of status and power. However, his father hadn’t caved in. When he had become of age, Emeka had sworn he would follow in his father's footprints, yet here he was going back on that promise.

  What was he to do?

  He turned to gaze at Ezinne. She stared up at him her face lit in a wary smile. "Now, who looks worried?" she queried, her brow arched in a mocking fashion.

  He forced a smile on his face. He should take heed of his own advice.

  "You dare to question your prince?" he joked before lifting her and throwing her into the water.

  She yelped. When she stood in the pool, she splashed water at him in retaliation. Laughing, he dived in and joined in the play-fight as they both laughed and she squealed. After a while, she disappeared under the water. In the moonlit night, he couldn't see her beneath the surface. When she didn't rise after a few moments, he got worried and called out her name turning around on the spot.

  Then he felt a hand drag his leg. He lost his balance and fell into the water. She stood up laughing at him. "I got you there."

  Trying to look serious, he stalked toward her as she backed away. "You're going to pay for that."

  "I'm not afraid of you," she teased and ran out of the water.

  The sight of her wet, dark body in the moonlight stirred his libido. With heart pumping overtime, he chased after her, quickly catching up to her, and lifting her against his body.

  In no time they were back on the makeshift mat, this time her body covering his. Watching her silhouette aligned with the moon with the rippling pool behind her, she looked like a goddess rising out of the water, her braided hair cascading down her back, her eyes blazing with her desire, her body rocking with her motion.

  Afterward, they both dozed off on the mat; he covered their bodies with his spare wrap. He didn't want to leave her. He didn't want to go back to the palace and face the consequences of his actions. Not yet.

  One thing was sure; he would not let Ezinne go back to Umulari. There had to be a way. He would find it. When sleep claimed him the last thought on his mind was of Ezinne as his wife.


  "Ezinne, wake up."

  She stirred, her brain still unable to process the words. Her mind still in her dream. She dreamed that she was sleeping under the stars with Emeka. That they'd made love most of the night. She liked the dream and wanted to stay there. But someone was shaking her.

  "Mmmh." She stretched with languid movements before opening her eyes.

  Prince Emeka stood over her, the sky above him gray with dawn's early light. She jerked upwards and she looked around her. They were at the palace pool. They'd slept there all night. It wasn't a dream.

  Then it dawned on her. If Emeka didn't sleep at the palace last night, which meant Nonye would be looking for him. And Ezinne!

  What have I done?

  Panicked, she rushed up, grabbing her clothing. "I have to get back to the palace. Why did you let me sleep here?" She shook her head as she put her clothes on avoiding Emeka's watchful gaze. "This is wrong. This is so wrong."

  "Don't you dare say that!" He grabbed her shoulders. "What we shared was the most beautiful thing a man and a woman can share. I'll not have you reduce it to something to be ashamed of."

  "Can't you see Nonye will be looking for you? And when she realizes I've been gone all night too, she'll figure it out. I can't let that happen. I have to get back now before she wakes."

  He shook his head in frustration. "There is nothing hidden, Ezinne. Can't you see that? This thing between us didn't just happen last night. It's been happening since you stepped foot on Umunri soil. It was destined to happen. You belong to me as much as I belong to you."

  "Well now it has to end. Because I cannot let it go on. As much as I want to be here with you, I know it will never happen. Nonye will not allow it. The gods will not allow it. Let me go."

  "I won't let you go, Ezinne. You may be set in your view, but so am I. I'll tell Nonye myself."

  Her eyes widened in disbelief. "You'll tell her and put Umunri in danger. Do you realize what will happen when she goes to her father and complains? He could break all ties and declare war on Umunri."

  "Ezinne, I really don't care about that anymore. Don't you see? I'm willing to risk it all for you. Moreover, there are other things at stake now." He reached low and rubbed her belly, his palm warm against her body. Her skin tingled with sensation. "You are probably carrying my child."

  She gasped, her face heating up. She hadn't paid much mind to that fact during their lovemaking. But in the cold light
of day, it was a strong possibility. He had spilled his seed inside her several times during the night without precaution.

  Fear spiked through her mind, icing her blood. She couldn't fall pregnant. That would make things even worse. Oh gods! What had she done? What had they done?

  She clenched her fists and looked up at Emeka. He had the shielded, stern look on his face again. She couldn't read his thoughts. He might be calling her bluff anyway. After all Nonye wasn't pregnant, and she'd been married to Emeka for two months already. There was a strong possibility that Ezinne wasn't either.

  "I don't think I am. Well, it doesn't matter anyway."

  "It does matter. You cannot take my child out of Umunri. I'll never allow it. Regardless, it is against our laws to abduct a citizen of Umunri."

  "What? Abduct? There is no baby yet to abduct," she shouted at him.

  "Well, you have to stay the required period so we can be certain."

  "You cannot do this. You cannot make me stay," she said, anger making her shout as she moved away from him.

  "Ezinne, if you push me, I'll forcibly detain you here," he said with vigor. There was no mistaking the seriousness in his voice. Ezinne couldn't believe the man she loved was saying this to her. The man who had spent all night making love to her was suddenly turning into the kind of man she despised. He was going to compel her to do something she didn't want to.

  It didn't matter that in her heart she wanted to stay. It was the notion that he would constrain her that annoyed and saddened her at the same time.

  She shook her head, walking backward. "You do not mean that." She looked at him as if he was a stranger.

  "Do not put me to the test." He stepped toward her. "Tell me why you would put Nonye's needs above mine when every time you body and heart declares undying devotion to me?"

  He grabbed her shoulders and held her firm. She shook her head. "I cannot tell you," she sobbed, tears clouding her eyes.

  "Tell me now. Or by the gods, I'll find out the truth for myself even if it means going to Umulari and talking to the king myself. Tell me," he shouted as he shook her body.


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