His Billion-Dollar Dilemma

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His Billion-Dollar Dilemma Page 5

by Alexia Adams

  The tension in the room was palpable, to everyone, it seemed, except David. Helen’s brother grinned like a man who just got laid after a very, very long time. Which he probably had.

  Lorelei and Liam tried to engage Alina in conversation, but the foreign woman’s English was rather limited and after a few minutes they gave up.

  “So, David, as you’ve arranged this weekend, what did you have in mind?” Liam’s question broke through the awkward silence.

  Helen still hadn’t returned and Simon was about to go and find her when a dark-clad figure at the door caught his attention. Helen had changed into a black top and trousers. He stood as she reentered the room, and had to lock his knees to stop himself from going over and sweeping her into his arms. They’d only met a few days ago; why did he feel so attached to her, wanting to comfort and support her?

  If that wasn’t enough, she was soon to become an employee, although just until he disbanded the company. He didn’t get personally involved with employees, no matter how devastatingly beautiful and vulnerable they were. It would be so much easier if she’d revert to the Valkyrie who had verbally assaulted him in his hotel room at their first meeting. He was better prepared to deal with her anger than her tears. Although remembering the aroused state she’d left him in then, maybe not.

  “Are you okay, Helen?” Lorelei half stood, as though not sure what to do.

  “Yes, I’m fine, thank you.” Helen gave them all a watery smile, but she didn’t pull her hand away when he took it in his. Touching her seemed so natural. “Sorry about that. The bubbles went down the wrong way.” She took a deep breath and put a bit more curve in her smile. Although sitting next to her, he could feel how tightly she held herself. “So, David, what did you have in mind for the weekend?”

  “Right. Well, I thought the guys could tear up the trails on the dirt bikes. While the girls do whatever girls do—paint their nails or something.”

  Mandy entered the room and looked like she was about to slap David. “I’m going to let you get away with that one, David. ’Cause obviously your brain is in your pants right now,” she said.

  “How am I supposed to know what women do when they get together? I’ve never been around one for long before. Except my sister. And she doesn’t count as a woman. Although, are you wearing lipstick, Helen?” David stared at his sister as though seeing her for the first time.

  Before Helen could respond, Jason appeared in the doorway. “Dinner’s ready. I’ve set the table in the dining room. There are so many of us, it’ll be too cramped in the kitchen,” the chef announced.

  Everyone stood and Simon put his arm out to Helen, glad when she linked hers with his. He put his other hand on hers, which rested on his forearm. She was still as stiff as a mast, but the smile she gave him for his gallantry was warmer than he’d seen from her since her brother arrived.

  “Is this marriage legit?” Helen asked as David approached.

  “Yes. We had a civil ceremony in Minsk yesterday. We thought we’d have a party here after Alina settles in. Maybe you girls could help her plan it?”

  Helen’s smile was tight. “Sure, that would be great.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather spend tomorrow with your bride?” Lorelei said as they all sat at the table, taking the seats Jason indicated, as though he were head of the house. Simon was amazed at the informality of the group.

  David took his wife’s hand after they sat. “I thought it would be nice for Alina to spend some time with the girls, get to know them, become friends. She’s had to listen to my nonsense nonstop for the past three days. I’m sure she could use a break.”

  “We would love to get to know Alina better. And a girls’ day out sounds fabulous. There’s an antiques fair in the next town tomorrow. Why don’t we go there and then have some lunch?” Lorelei said.

  “Great, that’s all set then.” David turned toward Simon. “How long are you staying, Simon?”

  Helen looked like she was about to intervene. Simon put his hand on her thigh under the table.

  “I’ve never been dirt biking, sounds fun. Have you got a spare bike?” Simon asked Liam.

  “Yup, I’ve got at least six—”

  “More like twice that,” Lorelei said, interrupting her husband.

  “Brilliant. Then if Liam and Lorelei don’t mind, I think I’ll stick around till Sunday,” Simon heard himself say.

  Where the hell had that come from? He should be leaving as fast as possible, not hanging around to get further involved in this situation. Except when Helen squeezed his hand in gratitude, he knew he’d made the right choice.


  Helen sipped her wine and leaned back in her chair. Over the rim of the glass, her gaze scanned the other occupants at the table. Liam had his arm along the back of Lorelei’s chair and was playing with a strand of her hair. Mandy had her hand on top of Jason’s on the table, her thumb making lazy circles on his wrist. And David and Alina were staring at each other like the other person might disappear if they were to look away. If her brother got any more stars in his eyes there’d be astronomers lining up to have a look.

  Simon sat beside her. Occasionally his arm would brush hers as he leaned over to get something. Accidental touches that were like little shocks of electricity to her system, overloading common sense and rational behavior and making her want to do something outrageous. Prove to herself that she was a woman, like the rest at the table. But she knew she wouldn’t. Her fears held her too captive. Although the third glass of wine was helping bend the bars a little.

  “Another excellent meal, Jason. Thank you. The housekeeper will come early tomorrow and sort everything out, so don’t worry about cleaning up. Why don’t we move back to the sitting room and have a cocktail?” Liam said.

  Helen quickly drained the rest of her wine and wobbled only slightly as she stood. Simon’s arm came around her shoulders, and she leaned into him. Was it the wine? Or jealousy that she was the only woman going to bed tonight alone?

  I guess now I can start my cat collection.

  “Are you okay?” Simon’s warm breath on her ear as he whispered the question melted several more of her brain cells. If she weren’t careful, he’d never think her capable of leading a dedicated group of engineers into the future as a division of Lamont Holdings. Still, his warmth and his arms around her were rather nice. Maybe for tonight she could stop being a geek and pretend to be a woman.

  “I’m fine. Just tired. I had a crazy early meeting this morning…”

  His arm around her shoulder pulled her tighter against him. She sucked in a deep breath trying to clear her mind, but all that did was fill her head with his cologne. Weren’t pirates supposed to smell of rum and gunpowder? Not citrus and spices.

  They followed the rest of the couples back into the sitting room. Rather than take a seat, Simon stood behind the sofa. He released her and she bit back a groan of disappointment. “Thank you for a wonderful meal, but I promised Helen I would read her report tonight. So, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “Do you want to take a glass of scotch up with you? We brought back a couple of bottles from our honeymoon in Scotland,” Lorelei said.

  “Yes, please. That’s very kind.” Simon moved over to the bar area where Liam was taking an ornate bottle out of a box.

  While Liam poured a generous measure into a tumbler, Lorelei was gesturing madly behind Simon’s back. When Helen didn’t take the hint to offer to go with Simon, Lorelei said, “Helen, why don’t you go up with Simon? That way, if he has any questions you can answer them right away.”


  “Actually, that’d be very helpful. Then I won’t have to write them down and remember to ask in the morning,” Simon said.

  Helen’s gaze met Simon’s. His green eyes danced with laughter. It was so obvious that her friends were trying to pair them up, but at least he was being a good sport about it. Although as his eyes lingered on her parted lips, she wondered for a second whether there was more to his
easy adoption of Lorelei’s suggestion.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” David’s voice interrupted their locked gazes. Her brother was obviously confused as to her relationship status. Well, he’d just sprung a wife on her; two could play at that game.

  “David, if I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it,” Helen replied without even turning to him. “I’ll be up in a minute, Simon.”

  He nodded and with a good-night to the rest of the room, left. Helen sucked in a deep breath, then took the glass of scotch that Liam handed to her.

  “Good luck,” Mandy said, a wicked smile on her lips.

  “With what?” Helen took a quick swallow of the scotch.

  “Convincing Simon not to slice and dice your company, of course.” Mandy’s laugh followed her out of the room.

  Helen climbed the stairs carefully. This was crazy. And so far out of her comfort zone that she needed binoculars to see it from where she was. Her heart pounded and her palms itched. Here goes nothing. She raised her hand to knock on Simon’s door but it pushed open when she touched it. Peeking inside, she saw him lounging on the sofa, his face illuminated by the flickering light of the flames in the gas fireplace.

  “Come in, Helen,” he called out as he spotted her standing in the doorway.

  Trying to act like being in a man’s bedroom was nothing new to her, she walked over to the sofa and sat with one leg tucked under her. Carefully placing her glass of whisky on the small table next to Simon’s, she watched his face as he continued to read her proposal. How had she not noticed how strong his jaw was, or the fullness of his lips? His gaze flipped to hers and she could feel the heat engulf her face as he caught her staring.

  He lowered the plastic-bound report and reached for his glass the same time she did. Suddenly, her fingers went numb and the tumbler slid from her grasp, falling back onto the table with a thunk. A splash of scotch landed on her hand.

  “I’m always fumbling drinks,” she mumbled. At least this splash wasn’t as bad as when she’d toppled the coffee.

  Simon took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. As his tongue darted out and licked the liquid from her skin, his eyes met hers. They blazed with desire. Helen forgot how to breathe.

  “I’ve wanted to taste you all evening,” he said, his voice so low she had to strain to hear over the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears.


  He leaned over and took her lips with his. When he pressed her back against the sofa, alarm bells began to scream throughout her body. Her mouth clamped shut and her knees pushed him back before coming up to her chest. He sat back, confusion in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I must’ve misread your signals. It won’t happen again.”

  He stood and turned toward the French doors out to the balcony. In the reflection of the glass she saw him rake a hand through his hair. This was going to be embarrassing, but she couldn’t let him think this was his fault.

  If she wasn’t going to be a victim any longer, she needed to deal with her past. And as it was unlikely she’d see Simon again after this weekend, he was the perfect person to allow a glimpse at the damaged parts of her psyche.


  Simon hauled in two deep breaths and raked his hand through his hair again. He wasn’t sure what had been more disconcerting—Helen’s reaction to the kiss, or his own? All they’d done was touch lips and he felt like he’d been hit with a cricket bat across his skull. Control was one thing he prided himself on, and he’d nearly lost it. Just bloody well touching her lips. He scrubbed his hand across his mouth to erase the feel of her softness against his. When he finally felt he could look at her again, he turned, sure she must have fled the room by now.

  No. She sat regally in the corner of the sofa. Although her hand shook as she raised her glass and took a long swallow.

  “Simon, why did you decide to stay and not return to New York right away as you’d planned?”

  Not the question he’d been expecting. He’d prepared for, “What the hell did you think you were doing? Do you normally kiss people during a business meeting?” Followed by the threat of a sexual harassment lawsuit. He needed to tread carefully.

  “You looked as though you could use some support—the support of a man, not one of your girlfriends. Was I wrong?”

  She sighed, finally meeting his eyes. Her blue irises were clouded, worried. “No, you weren’t wrong. But I’m more of a basket case than you know.”

  He returned to the sofa, but sat at the far end from her, giving her as much space as possible. “Want to tell me about it?” He reached for his drink.

  She hesitated, and he could read the war going on in her. “You’re about to become my boss.” Her soft voice was so sexy he took a big swig of whisky before he answered.

  “Why don’t we pretend, for this weekend, that the buyout isn’t going to happen? I’m just a man, a friend, here to help.”

  She searched his face, her eyes betraying a longing that shook his core. After another swig of her drink, she blurted out, “I have intimacy issues.” She stared at the flames dancing in the fireplace, avoiding his gaze.

  “Did something happen to make you this way?”

  “When I was fifteen, a guy tried to rape me. He said my sexy clothes drove him to it, it was my fault, I’d asked for it. Fortunately, David came to my rescue before he could…finish.” The words were delivered in a monotone as though she was trying to distance herself from the memory, pretend it had happened to someone else. However, she pulled her knees to her chest again and wrapped her arms around them, protecting herself.

  Rage burned like acid in his stomach. He wanted to find the bastard this second and kill him. Literally, throttle him until he died. That wasn’t going to help Helen now. He put aside his murderous thoughts and concentrated on the woman next to him. She needed him. And for some reason he didn’t even want to begin to analyze, he needed to be the one to help her. What was up with that?

  “No woman, no matter what she’s wearing, asks to be raped. You were not at fault, Helen. It was entirely him. I hope he was put in prison and given a taste of his own medicine,” Simon said.

  “I never reported it. I was too ashamed.” She stared at the floor, embarrassed even after all this time.

  Simon was about to launch into a discussion on how she should have reported it, but that was the past. A lecture wouldn’t help her now. She needed a way forward.

  “So, since then, you’ve never…”


  “And when a man comes near?”

  “I panic.”

  “Have you sought help?”

  “Lots. I understand the logic. I know in my head that not every man is going to hurt me. But when they come near, especially if I’m cornered, all the logic goes out the window and all I can feel is him on top of me, ripping my clothes…” Her hand shook as she had another sip of her drink.

  Simon took a mouthful of whisky as well, weighing up his next words. Hell, he’d come this far, no point turning back now. “What if you’re on top?”

  Helen’s gaze shot to his. He could practically see the gears turning as she processed his suggestion. Her slow, liquid smile heated his blood. “The opportunity has never come up. I don’t randomly go around jumping on men.”

  “Maybe you should start. If nothing else has worked…” He sat back, allowing the challenge to rest between them.

  “Maybe I should. I’ve tried everything else,” she whispered.

  She stood up and he swallowed. If he was to help her, he had to control himself. Not grab her and pull her toward him. Not crush her against him as he longed to do. Not carry her to the huge bed not ten feet from them and make love to her as a woman should be made love to.

  He dug his fingers into the arm of the sofa so he didn’t grab her. She stood in front of him, her feet on either side of his. Her hands were behind her back as though afraid to touch him. He stared at her face, not allowing his eyes to look at the swell of her breasts in the fitted top. Thi
s was for her. Yeah, right. Nice try, mate.

  A hint of scotch complemented the slight fragrance of peaches he’d forever associate with her now.

  Very, very slowly, her head descended. Her lips were warm and soft. He gritted his teeth and willed his body to remain calm. She was tentative at first, merely placing her lips on top; after a second she moved them across his. When her tongue ran along his closed lips, he suppressed a groan. If she knew what she was doing to him she’d run a mile.

  He opened his lips a fraction and her sweet tongue slipped inside. His hands curled into fists. The urge to put his hand in her hair and pull her closer was almost overwhelming.

  Helen moved her lips across his, nibbling from one corner to the other. For a complete novice kisser she was fantastic.

  “What the hell are you doing with my sister?”

  Helen jumped back at David’s outraged comment. Simon would have stood but his legs wouldn’t cooperate. Besides, with Helen only a foot in front, if he rose from the sofa they’d be touching all over.

  Helen was breathing deeply, trying to catch her breath. Her chest heaved and Simon forced his eyes to look into hers. They blazed with fire and a sense of triumph. Before he could tell her brother to get lost, Helen turned toward the door.

  “This is none of your business, David.” Her vehement tone surprised her brother, probably as much as seeing his sister kiss a man he didn’t know.

  When David left, Helen turned to Simon. A tremulous smile curved her lips and her eyes were dreamy. He wanted to carry on the kiss, teach her how wonderful loving could be, but she had both arms wrapped around herself. It was going to be a long road before they achieved that dream. Way beyond the weekend moratorium on getting involved with an employee.

  “Thank you, that was great. Can we try again later?” Her voice was breathy as though they’d made love and not just shared a tender kiss.


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