by J M D Reid
Sowerese Talesinger: Trained upon the skyland of Sotrixel, Sowerese Talesingers are the most skilled storytellers of the skies. A Soweral hen or drake will start training almost after hatching, spending decades learning how to sing and orate in multiple voices simultaneously. With their songs, they can almost paint pictures in the minds of their audience. Talesingers never ask for pay, relying solely on the largess of those they perform for. They go where the winds take them, drifting around the skies. Even the rudest village would be honored to host a Sowerese Talesinger and give the performer what meager goods they could in thanks. The first Talesinger was trained by Shian in the distant past.
The Stormriders: Foul monsters who ride the Cyclones and attack the skylands. They are believed to be the descendants of the Wrackthar. Clad entirely in metal armor, they wield metal swords and bows firing metal-tipped arrows. They fashion beasts to ride through the maelstrom.
The Synod of the Faithful: The council of fifteen Archbishopresses who advise the Bishriarch in administration of the Church and leading the Theocracy of Riasruo.
The Szezziith: A semi-mythical species of serpent-like sentient creatures that dwelled in the Age of Mist. Progenitors of the Gezitziz.
Theisseg: The Goddess of Storms, the Dark Goddess. When Priopii, the sky, sang Creation into being to cure her loneliness, she birthed the twin goddesses, Riasruo and Theisseg. Together, the sisters created the world and its inhabitants through song. For a time, the sisters lived in harmony. But Theisseg grew jealous of the attention the mortals gave Riasruo. Theisseg longed for the love they showered on the sun, while cursing her storms. She birthed four monstrous children and set them loose on the world, starting the Sisters’ War. At the end, Haashwil trapped her atop Mount Wraiucwii. She was freed by Kaltein and armed the Wrackthar with her terrible power. When the tide turned against Kaltein, he called upon her to cover the entire world with her Storm.
Theisseg’s Children: Theisseg, jealous of Riasruo’s sacred beasts, birthed her own children. But the mortals feared them. Her bitter hatred of Riasruo reached a breaking point, and Theisseg unleashed her children and began the Sisters’ War. Her four children are: Wuasril the Wind Wyrm, the Hydra, Neiddar the Great Shark, and Dread Mehnet the Five-Tusked Boar.
The Theocracy of Riasruo: In 148 AF (1173 SR), the last Dawn Empress, Pwayii III, died without an heir. The Empress trusted the remnants of the Dawn Empire to the Bishopress of the Canton of Ulanii. The Bishopress rechristened herself the Bishriarch, declaring herself the head of the Church of Riasruo. The Theocracy remained unconquered by the Empire of Vaarck thanks to the Theological Treaty. The Bishriarch is elected by the Synod of the Faithful and rules for life. The current Bishriarch is Swuiuprii IV.
The Tower of Morning: A red sandstone tower built on the Skyland of Jyuou where Lanii, Riasruo’s daughter, hatched. Until the Great Cyclone, the Dawn Empress climbed the Tower of Morning and sung the Rosy Prayer on the Summer Solstice.
The Treaty of Protection: At the end of the Zzuk Aggression War, the Tribes of Zzuk signed the Treaty of Protection to end the war they had started. Humbled, the Tribes agreed to be a protectorate of the Autonomy, retaining some independence. As part of the treaty, the Tribes send warriors, the Zzuk Auxiliaries, to serve in the Autonomy’s Navy.
The Tribes of Zzuk: A federation of Gezitziz made up of five fractious tribes (Shwelh, Szahl, Tezz, Zthug, and Wugrez) who war for control of the tribal federation. Entire broods of children are raised from birth to be warriors and fight for their tribe. Each tribe controls two or three skylands in the remote, southwestern skies. The Tribes were the first to rebel and win their independence from the Empire of Vaarck (267 VF). After the Zzuk Aggression War, the Tribes were forced to sign the Treaty of Protection, ceding their sovereignty to the Autonomy and becoming a semi-autonomous protectorate. The Tribes are ruled by a High Chieftain who is elected from the Chiefs.
Twiuasra: A minor deity and one of Riasruo’s lovers. He embodies the Blue Moon. He moves swifter than his brother, going through his phases every 28 days. Twiuasra is full on the first evening of every month.
The University of Rlarshon: Located on the Skyland of Rhogre, the University is the Autonomy’s premier school of philosophical teaching, second only to the University of Qopraa in the Empire. It houses a number of colleges that delve into a wide variety of subjects from medicine to history. Many new engines are researched and discovered at the College of Material Philosophy, including the pressure rifle.
Vaarckthian Humans: A race of Humans characterized by black skin, brown to red hair, and blue or gray eyes. The majority of Vaarckthians live in the Empire, but many transplants are found across the skies, remnants from the Empire’s height. Vaarckthian last names are matronymic. Men take their mother’s first name and add the suffix -igk while women add -ick.
Vionese Humans: A race of Humans characterized by brown skin, blond to light brown hair, and green or red eyes. The majority of Vionese live in the Autonomy of Les-Vion.
Weathertower: An engine that a Weathermaster can use to control local weather. Without Weathertowers, many of the southern skylands of the Autonomy would be deserts.
Weathermaster: A person who possesses Major Mist and employed to control a Weathertower. A Weathermaster works with local representatives to determine the region’s local weather for the coming week.
Whales: The large fish (though some naturalists dispute that classification) living in the Great Empty chasing the endless clouds of krill. They are hunted for their oil. The Autonomy went to war with the Agerzaks to secure shipping lanes to the lucrative whaling skies. Whalers often spend two years hunting the whales before returning to their port of call with enormous wealth filling their holding tanks.
Windwarden: A person who possesses Major Wind and is employed to imbue a ship’s engine and generate winds to propel the vessel. Most ships sail with at least two.
Wrackthar Humans: A race of Humans who dwell on the mythical ground. In the far past, the Tyrant-King Kaltein led them to war. Thanks to Theisseg’s powers, the Wrackthar almost conquered the world before the Desperate Alliance defeated them. The Stormriders are believed to be descendants of the Wrackthar Humans who managed to survive beneath the Storm, cut off from Riasruo’s life-giving sun.
The Zalg: A species of mole-like humanoids. They are skilled in working with stone and crystals. Unlike the other species, they do not have their own nation, but form enclaves around rich mines. Because of their skills in working with crystals, they are welcomed for their craft.
The Zzuk Aggression War: The Tribes attempted to conquer the Autonomy and create their own hegemony. After seven years of fighting (379-386 VF), the Autonomy’s Naval might crushed the tribes and forced them to sign the Treaty of Protection, transforming the Tribes of Zzuk into a protectorate of the Autonomy. During this time, the Autonomy granted citizen rights to any Agerzak living in the Fringe who converted to Riasruoism and enlisted in the Navy.
Zzuki Gezitziz: A race of Gezitziz characterized by blue scales with green or yellow underbellies and black or yellow eyes.
About the Author
J.M.D. Reid has been a long-time fan of Fantasy ever since he read The Hobbit way back in the fourth grade. His head has always been filled with fantastical tales, and he is eager to share the worlds dwelling in his dreams with you.
Reid is long-time resident of the Pacific Northwest in and around the City of Tacoma. The rainy, gloomy atmosphere of Western Washington, combined with the natural beauty of the evergreen forests and the looming Mount Rainier, provides the perfect climate to brew creative worlds and exciting stories!
When he's not writing, Reid enjoys playing video games, playing D&D and listening to amazing music.
You an follow him on twitter @JMDReid, like him on Facebook, visit his blog, and sign up for his newsletter.
M D Reid, Reavers of the Tempest