The Inquisition

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by Michael Baigent

  8: Fear of the Mystics

  1. The Cloud of Unknowing, chapter 67, p.96.

  2. ibid., chapter 13, p.31.

  3. ibid., chapter 55, p.81.

  4. Teresa, The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself, p. 127.

  5. ibid., p.303. See also p.139.

  6. ibid., p. 127.

  7. ibid., p.75.

  8. ibid., p.243.

  9. ibid., p.298.

  10. ibid., p.294.

  11. ibid., p.300.

  12. ibid., p.298.

  13. ibid., pp.300–301.

  14. ibid., p.311.

  15. Lea, A History of the Inquisition of Spain, IV, p.3.

  9: Freemasonry and the Inquisition

  1. Lennhoff,The Freemasons, p.283.

  2. ibid., p.284.

  3. ibid., p.286.

  4. Thory, Acta Latomorum, I, p.43.

  5. Lennhoff, op. cit., pp.289–90.

  6. Benimeli, Masoneria, Iglesia e Ilustración, II, p.234.

  7. Gould, The History of Freemasonry, III, p.314.

  8. Coustos, The Sufferings of John Coustos for Freemasonry, p.52. For a translation of the Inquisition documents on his case, including his ‘confessions’, see Vatcher, ‘John Coustos and the Portuguese Inquisition’, Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, 81, 1968, pp.9 – 87.

  9. Vatcher, op. cit., p.66.

  10. Coustos, op. cit., pp.61–4.

  11. Vatcher, op. cit., p.68.

  12. Coustos, op. cit., pp.64–5

  13. Vatcher, op. cit., p.73.

  14. Coustos, op. cit., p.67.

  15. Gervaso, Cagliostro, p.229.

  16. Lennhoff, op. cit., p.293.

  17. ibid., p.297.

  18. ibid.

  19. ibid., p.299. A list of the major Papal attacks on Freemasonry is given in Read, ‘The Church of Rome and Freemasonry’, Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, 104, 1991, pp.51–73.

  10: The Conquest of the Papal States

  1. Stolper, ‘Garibaldi: Freemason’, Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, I02, 1989, pp.10–11.

  2. Rosa, Vicars of Christ, p. 125.

  3. Küng, Christianity, p.466.

  4. ibid., p.467.

  5. ibid., p.466.

  6. ibid., p.468.

  7. ibid., p.471

  11: Infallibility

  1. Hales, Pio Nono, p. 164.

  2. Hibbert, Garibaldi, p.24.

  3. Rosa, Vicars of Christ, p.244.

  4. ibid., p.343.

  5. ibid., p.344.

  6. ibid.

  7. ibid.

  8. Hales, op. cit., p.256.

  9. ibid., p.274.

  10. Hasler, How the Pope Became Infallible, p.81.

  11. ibid., pp.88–9.

  12. ibid., p.68.

  13. ibid., p.64.

  14. ibid., p.57.

  15. ibid., p.97.

  16. ibid., pp.97–8.

  17. ibid., p. 187.

  18. ibid., p.189.

  19. Kelly, The Oxford Dictionary of Popes, p.310.

  20. ibid.

  21. Hasler, op. cit., p. 191.

  22. ibid., p. 192.

  23. ibid.

  24. ibid., p.229.

  25. ibid., p.125.

  26. ibid., pp.241–3.

  27. Kelly, op. cit., p.310.

  12: The Holy Office

  1. Hasler, How the Pope Became Infallible, p.246.

  2. New Catholic Encyclopaedia, vol. II, p.551.

  3. ibid.

  4. Burman, The Inquisition, p.209.

  5. New Catholic Encyclopaedia, vol. II, p.551.

  6. Fogazzaro, The Saint, p.242.

  7. Poulat, Catholicisme, Démocratie et Socialisme, p.40. For a summary of Benigni see also Hasler, op. cit., pp.250 – 53.

  8. Encyclical Pascendi, 8 September 1907. New Catholic Encyclopaedia, vol. 7, p.552.

  9. Poulat, op. cit., p.442.

  10. ibid., p.461.

  11. ibid., p.460.

  12. ibid., pp.444–5.

  13. New Catholic Encyclopaedia, vol. 2, p.310; vol. 13, p.411; see also Hasler, op. cit:, p.253.

  13: The Dead Sea Scrolls

  1. Rosa, Vicars of Christ, p.244.

  2. Dr Geza Vermes in Times Literary Supplement, 3 May 1985, p.502.

  3. See Baigent and Leigh, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, p.44.

  4. In mid-December 1991 a heavy rainfall at Qumran washed away one of De Vaux's ‘walls’ to reveal a large pot sitting upon a ledge.

  5. For the machinations surrounding the dubious dating of Qumran by De Vaux and others see Baigent and Leigh, op. cit., pp. 151 – 64.

  6. ibid., pp. 199–210.

  7. Eisenman and Wise, The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, p.70; Garcia Martinez gives an identical translation of this text in his The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated, p.138.

  8. Biblical Archaeology Review, March/April 1990, p.24.

  9. Leon-Dufour, The Gospels and the Jesus of History, p.70.

  14: The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

  1. Rosa, Vicars of Christ, p.396.

  2. Collins, Papal Power, p.7.

  3. ibid.

  4. ibid.

  5. ibid.

  6. Ratzinger and Messori, The Ratzinger Report, p.10.

  7. ibid., p.69.

  8. Reese, Inside the Vatican, p. 161.

  9. The New Catholic Encyclopaedia, vol. 4, p.944.

  10. Collins, op. cit., p.16.

  11. Reese, op. cit., p.252.

  12. Sunday Times, 2 December 1984, p.13.

  13. Reese, op. cit., p.250.

  14. ibid., p.252.

  15. ibid., p.255.

  16. ibid., p.259.

  17. ibid.

  18. Observer, 27 May 1990, p. 1.

  19. Independent, 27 June 1990, p. 10.

  20. The Times, 27 June 1990, p.9.

  21. Independent, 27 June 1990, p.10.

  22. ibid.

  23. ibid.

  24. The Times, 27 June 1990, p.9.

  25. Reese, op. cit., p.255.

  26. Ratzinger and Messori, op. cit., p.46.

  27. Ratzinger, Church, Ecumenism and Politics, p.10.

  28. ibid., pp.9 – 10.

  29. ibid., p. 10.

  30. Ratzinger and Messori, op. cit., p.111.

  31. Ratzinger, op. cit., p.80.

  32. Ratzinger and Messori, op. cit., p.45.

  33. ibid., p.49.

  34. ibid., p.61.

  35. Ratzinger, op. cit., p.58.

  36. ibid.

  37. Ratzinger and Messori, op. cit., p.52.

  38. ibid., p.97.

  39. ibid., p.152.

  40. ibid., p.161.

  41. ibid., p.100.

  42. ibid., pp.138–9.

  43. The Code of Canon Law, Canon 751 (p.175).

  44. Ratzinger and Messori, op. cit., p.30.

  45. ibid., p.115.

  46. ibid., p.106.

  47. ibid., p. 107.

  48. ibid., p. 108.

  49. ibid., p.107.

  50. ibid., p.108.

  51. Balasuriya, Mary and Human Liberation, p.91.

  52. ibid.

  53. Hutchison, Their Kingdom Come, p.439.

  54. Ratzinger and Messori, op. cit., p.97.

  55. ibid., p.98.

  56. ibid., p. 100.

  57. Independent, 8 September 1994, p.11.

  58. The Times, 9 September 1994, p.15.

  59. The Tablet, 10 September 1994, p.7.

  60. The Times, 9 September 1994, p.15.

  61. ibid., 14 September 1994, p.9.

  62. Observer, 27 May 1990, p.4.

  63. Daily Telegraph, 3 July 1998, p.14.

  64. ibid.

  65. ibid.

  66. New York Times, 1 July 1998, p.A1.

  67. The Code of Canon Law, Canon 212:3 (p.45).

  15: Visions of Mary

  1. The Times, 3 January 1998, p.19.

  2. ibid., 27 January 1998, p.4.

  3. Jung, Answer to Job, p.399.

  4. Martindale, Wh
at Happened at Fatima, pp.12–13.

  5. ibid., p.37.

  6. ibid., p.7.

  7. ibid., p.11.

  8. Brother Michael, The Third Secret of Fatima, p.4.

  9. Ratzinger and Messori, The Ratzinger Report, pp. 110 – 11.

  10. ibid., p.110.

  11. ibid.

  12. ibid., pp.111–12.

  13. ibid., p.118.

  14. Brown, The Final Hour, p.211.

  15. ibid.

  16. Pope John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold Of Hope, p.221.

  17. Petrisko, The Last Crusade, p.15.

  18. Brother Michael, op. cit., p.28.

  19. Brown, op. cit., pp. 12 – 13.

  20. ibid., p.14.

  21. ibid., p.15.

  22. ibid., p.16.

  23. ibid.

  24. ibid.

  25. ibid., p.18.

  26. ibid., p.21.

  27. ibid., pp. 105–6.

  28. ibid., pp. 214–15.

  29. ibid., p.215.

  30. ibid., p.225.

  31. ibid., p.249.

  32. ibid., p.219.

  33. Bander, The Prophecies of St. Malachy & St. Columbkille, p.97.

  34. ibid., p.98.

  35. ibid., p.99.

  16: The Pope as the Problem

  1. The Times, 29 August 1998, p. 1.

  2. ibid.

  3. ibid.

  4. Sunday Times, 14 December 1997, p.2.


  Addison, Charles G., The History of the Knights Templars, London, 1842.

  Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, London, 1651.

  Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, The Vanity of Arts and Sciences, London, 1684.

  Baigent, Michael, ‘Freemasonry, Hermetic Thought and The Royal Society of London’, Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, 109, 1996, pp. 154–64.

  Baigent, Michael, and Leigh, Richard, The Temple and the Lodge, London, 1989.

  Baigent, Michael, and Leigh, Richard, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, London, 1991.

  Baigent, Michael, Leigh, Richard, and Lincoln, Henry, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, London, 1982.

  Balasuriya, Fr. Tissa, Mary and Human Liberation. The Story and the Text, London, 1997.

  Bander, Peter, The Prophecies of St. Malachy & St. Columbkille, Gerrards Cross, 1979.

  Barber, Malcolm, The Trial of the Templars, Cambridge, 1978.

  Bede, A History of the English Church and People, trans. Leo Shirley-Price, Harmondsworth, 1979.

  Benimeli, Jose Antonio Ferrer, Masoneria, Iglesia e Ilustración, 4 vols., Madrid, 1976–7.

  Brown, Michael H., The Final Hour, Milford (Ohio), 1992.

  Burman, Edward, The Inquisition. The Hammer of Heresy, Welling-borough, 1984.

  Chastel, André, Art of the Italian Renaissance, trans. Linda and Peter Murray, London, 1988.

  Chevallier, Pierre, Les ducs sous l'Acacia, Paris, 1964.

  Chevallier, Pierre, Histoire de la Franc-Maçonnerie française, 3 vols., Paris, 1974.

  The Cloud of Unknowing, ed. William Johnston, London, 1997.

  The Code of Canon Law, rev. trans. by The Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 1997.

  Cohn, Norman, The Pursuit of the Millennium, Frogmore, 1978.

  Collins, Paul, Papal Power, London, 1997.

  Costa, Joseph da, A Narrative of the Persecution of Hippolyto Joseph da Costa Pereira Furtado de Mendonça, London, 1811.

  Coustos, John, The Sufferings of John Coustos for Freemasonry, London, 1746.

  Cross, Frank Moore, The Ancient Library of Qumran, London, 1958.

  Denslow, William R., 10,000 Famous Freemasons, 4 vols., Richmond, 1957–61.

  Dickens, A. G., The Counter Reformation, London, 1977.

  Drane, Augusta Theodosia, The Life of Saint Dominic, Rockford, 1988.

  Eisenman, Robert, and Wise, Michael, The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, Shaftesbury, 1992.

  Fahy, Conor, ‘The Index Librorum Prohibitorum and the Venetian printing industry in the sixteenth century’, Italian Studies, 35,1980, pp. 52–61.

  Fogazzaro, A., The Saint, trans. M. Prichard-Agnetti, London, 1906.

  Garcia Martinez, Florentino, The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated, Leiden, 1994.

  Gervaso, Roberto, Cagliostro, trans. Cormac Ó Cuilleanáin, London, 1974.

  Gould, Robert Freke, The History of Freemasonry, 6 vols. London, n.d. Gui, Bernard, Manuel de l'Inquisiteur, trans. G. Mollat, Paris (Société d‘Édition ‘Les Belles Lettres’), 1964.

  Hales, E. E. Y., Pio Nono, London, 1954.

  Hasler, August Bernhard, How the Pope Became Infallible, trans. Peter Heinegg, New York, 1981.

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  abortion, 236, 258

  Acre (fortress), 3

  Action française, 219

  Adolphus Frederick of Sweden, 163

  Agagianian, Cardinal, 236

  AIDS, 258, 286

  Albi, 23

  Albigensian Crusade, 11–13, 17, 40, 48, 49, 125

  Albigensians, 4–13

  Alexander IV, Pope, 22, 28, 34

  aliens, 283

  Allegro, John, 229

  Alonso, Father Joaquim, 273

  Alumbrados (Illuminati), 151–2

  American Indians, 83–4

  Americas (New World), 83–97, 128, 163


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