The Inquisition

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by Michael Baigent

Of Love and Other Demons (Márquez), 96–7

  Olivi, Pierre Jean, 57

  Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 182, 277

  Original Sin, Doctrine of, 133

  Osma, Bishop of, 14, 17

  Ottaviani, Cardinal Alfredo, 235, 237, 270

  Our Lady of the Flowers (Genet), 136

  OVRA, 219

  Pacelli, Cardinal Eugenio, 215

  Pacific islands, 128

  Paine, Thomas, 88

  Palencia, University of, 14

  Pamiers, Bishop of, 42–3

  Pamplona, 126

  Pan, 99–100, 122

  pantheism, 149

  Papal States, conquest of, 181–95

  Paracelsus, 138

  Paris, 149

  Paris, University of, 60

  Paterini, 43–4

  Paul III, Pope, 128–30, 133

  Paul IV, Pope, 129–32, 134

  Paul VI, Pope, 216, 223, 235, 238, 270, 271

  Pelhisson, Guillaume, 22–6, 29

  penances, 30–32

  Peninsular War, 81

  Peru, 90–93

  Philip IV, King, 91

  Philip V, King, 80

  Philippe IV, King, 47, 49–52, 191

  pilgrimage, forms of, 31–2

  Pius V, Pope, 132, 135

  Pius VI, Pope, 175

  Pius VII, Pope, 178, 187

  Pius VIII, Pope, 178, 196

  Pius IX, Pope, 178, 189, 196–7, 235, 275, 277

  Pius X, Pope, 212–14, 216, 217

  Pius XII, Pope, 215, 221, 270

  Pohier, Jacques, 242

  Poland, 128, 136, 168, 218

  Pomerania, 99

  Pontifical Biblical Commission, 212, 224, 225, 236

  ‘poor Clares’, 55

  Pope, Alexander 164

  Portugal, 62, 169, 170

  potro (rack), 73

  Practice of Inquisition, The (Gui), 39

  Prague, 163

  priests, in Americas, 88

  printers/printing, 124, 135

  Priscillian, Bishop of 'vila, 26–7

  prisons, 70

  Protestants/Protestantism, 95–6, 121–41, 159, 160 in Americas, 85, 86

  in Peru, 90–2

  witches and, 119–20

  Prouille, hospice at, 17

  Prussia, 99, 161

  pulley, 73

  Quéribus, 13

  Qumran, 226–32

  rack, 73

  Radclyffe, Charles (later Earl of Derwentwater), 162–3

  railways, 196

  rationality, faith as, 122

  Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph, 245, 247–57, 264–5, 271, 275, 280

  Reagan, Ronald, 119

  Red and the Black, The (Stendhal), 136

  Reformation, 123–4

  reincarnation, 5

  religious experience, definition of, 146

  Renaissance, 123

  Renaissance Magi, persecution of, 136–41

  Renan, Ernest, 185–6, 211

  Revue biblique, 225

  Richelieu, Cardinal, 160, 192

  ‘Rights of Man’, in Americas, 88

  Robert the Bruce, 53

  Robin Goodfellow/Robin of the Greenwood/Robin Hood, 100

  Robinson, Professor James, 231

  Roman Empire, 99–100

  Roman law, 40

  Rooke, Admiral Sir George, 80

  Roselli, Nicholas, 59

  Rosicrucians/Rosicrucianism, 95, 138–9, 158

  Rottenburg, Bishop of, 206

  Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 88

  Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, 140

  Rue du Bac, apparition of, 274–5

  Russia, 210, 217–18

  Russian Orthodox Church, 234

  Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, origin of, 215

  Saint, The (Fogazzaro), 214

  Saint John, Knights of, 192

  saints, see individual saints

  Salem witch trials, 118, 120

  Salzburg, Inquisitor of, 106–7

  Santiago de Chile, 90

  Santiago de Compostela, 27

  Saragossa, Inquisitor of, 67

  Saramago, José, 170

  Sardinia, 83

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 223

  Satan, 102, 122–3

  Savoy, 120

  Sbarretti, Cardinal Donato, 215–16

  Scandinavia, 41, 159

  Schillebeeckx, Father Edward, 243

  Schiller, Friedrich, 164

  Schliemann, Heinrich, 183–5

  scholarship, advocation of, 16

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, 186

  Schweitzer, Albert, 223

  Scotland, 53, 161

  Second Empire, 192–3, 207

  Second Vatican Council, 233–7, 244

  Selby, Hubert, 136

  Seper, Cardinal Franjo, 237

  Seven Years War, 165

  Seville, 64

  sexual transgressions, in Americas, 88

  sexuality, 111–13, 122 Saint Teresa and, 153

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 182

  Sicily, 83, 189

  Sidney, Sir Philip, 140

  Siricus I, Pope, 27, 285

  Sixtus IV, Pope, 64–5

  Sodalitium pianum (Pius Society), 216–17

  Solferino, battle of, 189

  Soubirous, Bernadette, 278

  Spain/Spanish, 40–41, 62–82, 161, 170 in Americas, 83–97

  mystics in, 151–7

  Spanish Inquisition end of, 80–82

  procedures of, 67–74 see also Spain

  Spanish Succession, War of, 80

  Spencer, Herbert, 182

  Spiritual Exercises, The (Loyola), 127

  spirituality, definition of, 146, 147

  Sprenger, Johann, 106–7

  Stalin, Joseph, 131

  Stanislaus II of Poland, 163

  Stendhal, 181, 223

  Stoyanov, Yuri, 43

  strappado, 73

  stratigraphy, 184

  Stuart, Charles Edward (Bonnie Prince Charlie), 161

  succubi, 103, 122

  Sufferings of John Coustos for Freemasonery, The, 174

  suicide, 117

  Summers, Montague, 107, 108

  Sweden, 163, 168

  Sweeney, Father Terence, 243

  Swift, Jonathan, 164

  Switzerland, 163

  Syllabus of Errors, 200–201, 235, 236

  Tablet, The, 259

  Teacher of Righteousness, 226

  Teresa, Saint, of 'vila, 152–6 ‘conversos’ and, 76

  Teutonic Knights, 49

  theology, definition of, 146–7

  Third French Republic, 192, 209

  Thirty Years War, 120, 159–60, 166

  Thomas, Keith, 102

  Thuringia, Elizabeth of, 37

  ‘ time of grace’, 30

  Tizzani, Archbishop Vincenzo, 206

  toca (water torture), 72–3

  Toledo, 69, 81 burning of heretics in, 66

  Torquemada, Tomás de, 64–77, 78, 156 ‘conversos’ and, 76

  Torrubia, Father Joseph, 169

  Tors, Conrad, 38

  torture, 34–5, 71–4, 115–16, 171–3 Knights Templars and, 52–3

  Toulouse, 12, 18, 21, 24

  Toulouse, Bishop of, 24

  Toulouse, Count of, 10

  Tours, Archbishop of, 9

  Trent, Council of, 128–30, 133–7

  Trèves, 26

  Tréves, Archbishop-Elector of, 120

  Treviño, Tomás, 87

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 102, 127–8

  Troy, Siege of, 183

  Tübingen, University of, 242

  Turkey, 184

  Turoldus, 27–8

  Ulysses (Joyce), 136, 223

  UN Conference on Population and Development, 257–9

  Universal Catechism of the Catholic Church, 244–5, 259–60

  Urban II, Pope, 1–2

  Valdes, Pierre, 44–5

  Valencia, 79, 82

  Valladolid, bu
rning of heretics in, 66

  Vatican Cellars, The (Gide), 179–80

  Vatican City, 207–8, 219

  Vatican Council, First, 201–5

  Vatican Council, Second, 233–7, 244

  Venezuela, 93

  Vernon, Admiral, 96

  Veronese, Paolo, 132

  Victor Emmanuel II, 189, 207

  Vie de Jésus, La (Life of Jesus), (Renan), 185–6, 277

  Vienna, 163, 169, 205–6

  Virgin of La Salette, 275–77

  Voltaire, 88, 162, 164, 223

  von der Vogelweide, Walther, 8

  von Habsburg, Maria Theresa, 163

  von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, 134, 138

  voodoo, in New Granada, 95

  Wagner, Richard, 187

  Waldensians, 44–5, 132

  Walpurgisnacht, 100, 122

  War of Jenkins's Ear, 96

  War of the Austrian Succession, 165

  War of the Spanish Succession, 80

  Washington, George, 164

  water torture, 72–3

  We Are Church (movement), 264

  Wellington, Duke of, 82, 175

  West Indies, 85

  whippings, 31

  William of Orange, 160–61

  Wilson, Sir Charles, 185

  Wise, Professor Michael, 231–2

  witch trials, 114–18

  witchcraft, 123 crusade against, 98–120

  sin and, 104

  Witches' Sabbath, see Walpurgisnacht

  women, attitudes to, 256–7

  World Council of Churches, 234

  Würzburg, Prince-Bishop of, 120

  Wycliffe, John, 193

  Zoroastrianism, 6

  Zwingli, H., 126, 137

  * An English seaman was captured by a Spanish warship, accused of theft and punished by having an ear lopped off. Britain promptly declared war, but apart from the shelling of Cartagena the conflict did not extend beyond sporadic exchanges of naval gunfire.




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